Dad, I have a look-alike.

When Kai Meets His Twin: Twins United


The look-alikes stare at each other, with wide eyes and as still as a statue. 

Jay breaks the awkward silence. "Okay I don't know who you are" he states directed at Kai. "But why do you look like Jong"

Kai looks at Jay, "How am I supposed to know?" 

Jong just stares at Kai through narrowed eyes. 

Jay gasps as a thought comes to his mind, What if they're long lost twin?! 

"Wh-what if you guys are... long lost twins?" Jay manages to ask.

Kai and Jong's eyes widen even more at the thought of having a twin.

"Twin?" Kai says with a confused look.

Jong simply rolls his eyes and says, "Pft. So what?" 

"I'll call my dad..." Kai takes out his phone and dials in his dad's number.

It rings a couple of times before Kai's dad picks up, "Yeobosaeyo."

"Dad? Hey ... Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure what is it?"

"Well... I was walking down the street... and then I saw someone that looks exactly like me. His name is Jong..."

Kai's dad widen's his eyes, Oh no, this wasn't supposed to happen. 

"What's his last name?" 

"Hold on lemme ask him" Kai puts his phone on his shirt.

"What's your last name?" Kai asks Jong.

"Pshh, Why should I tell you" Jong rolls his eyes and turns around, his back now facing Kai.

"His last name is Kim" Jay whispers, making sure Jong doesn't hear.

With a nod of thanks, Kai brings his phone back up to his ear and says, "His last name is Kim" 

"HEY I NEVER SAID THAT!!!" Jong turns back around and yells, waving his arms in the air. 

Jay slaps the back of his head , "Shut up" 

Jong pouts and listens to the conversation.

"Oh no... Kai get ready, I'm about to tell you something really important" Kai's dad warns.

Kai puts the call on speaker, "Okay dad, explain."

"Kai, you know how I told you mom died?" 


"She didn't die. When you were born, there was another baby. His name was Kim Jong. But your mom didn't think that things were working out between me and her so..."


"So.... She left and took Jong to raise, I took you to raise"

Kai, Jong, and Jay's eyes widened. 

"Oh. Okay then... Thanks dad i'll call you later" Kai says, pressing the end button. He stuffs his phone back int his pocket and looks up.

He holds out a hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Kai. Your brother"

Jong stares at his hand, "I don't have a brother."

"Did you not just hear what dad said?"

"I did but who cares?" Jong scoffs and walks away.

"Sorry about that, he's the kind of person that loves his life, but gets mad when something unexpected happens" Jay explains and shakes Kai's hand, "Oh and by the way, I'm Jay."

"I'm Kai." Kai greets while shaking Jay's hand "It's nice to meet you." 

"Likewise" Jay smiles and let's go. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to calm down the raging Jong, It was nice meeting you!"

"You too" Kai smiles.

Jay starts to walk towards Jong. 

Kai walks towards the market, but he stops and turns around, "JAY, MEET ME AT THE BUBBLE TEA SHOP TOMORROW AT 7!!!" Kai yells.

Jay gives the 'okay' sign and continues to walk.

Kai pulls out his phone and dials Sehun's number.


"Sehun, you'll never believe what happened just now" 

"What? Did you get ? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'll explain when I get home"

"Okay" Sehun says and ends the phonecall.

Kai forgets all about the grocery shopping and goes straight home instead.




Sorry about the short chappie.. 




But I'll update later <3



I hope you like the story so far hehe



Sorry. I'm not a good writer >.< FML


asdfghjkl; but i'm not that bad right?






Well yeah I gtg nao ... 


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Where did chapter 5 go ;A;


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Mianhae. I'm busy with school
Girl, you need to update. x_x
Oh,Jong appears..can i imagine jong as taemin?
Sehun:what?did u get ?r u hurt?
come on sehun...not to that extend.....xD
u definitely had seen JONGTAE smexy righy?
i'm waiting 4 the twinnie to appear though
okay I read it lol
I agree ~ LMAO jkay
Nanananaaaaaaa I'm a