Hunmin? Gwenchana?

When Kai Meets His Twin: Twins United

<< A/N : Hello Chingus ^^ First Chapter nae c: >>


It was a nice day out. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining.

Kai and Sehun were out at the park walking down a random path hand in hand.

"Wheres Hunmin?" Kai asks since Sehun and Hunmin are usually always together.

"Oh he went to Luhan's house" Sehun answers with no emotion.

Kai rolls his eyes. "Oh. Okay." Luhan is such a troublemaker, why does Hunmin even hang out with him.

Luhan and Hunmin were playing the PS3.


"YESSSSSSSSS" Luhan jumps up from the couch and does his so called 'winning dance' "I win. I win. I win i win i win" Luhan chants as he shakes his .

"Yeah yeah yeah" Hunmin rolls his eyes. "You won because I let you" 

"Sure you did" Luhan says and crosses his arms 

Hunmin blows a raspberry and stands up "Can we go out?" he says as he stretches his aching body.

"Sure~ Where?" 

"Hmm..." Hunmin taps his chin as he thinks "Let's go to the park!!!" 

"I think Sehun and Kai are at the park..." 


"Maybe we can play a prank on them..." Luhan suggests while he fixes his hair in the mirror.

"What kind of prank?" Hunmin questions as he smoothes his messy clothes down.

"You should lay down on the floor and pretend your unconcious" 

"Oh... sure I can do that..."

"Then let's go" 

Hunmin and Luhan slip on their shoes and take Luhan's car to the park.

"I have a feeling something is going to go wrong..." Hunmin says with a worried look on his face.

"Stop worrying!! Everything will be all right, I promise" Luhan assures, keeping his eyes on the road.

Hunmin nods and wait til they arrive at the park.

A couple minutes later they arrive. 

"We're here"  Luhan says while he parks the car.

"We still need to find Sehun and Kai..." 

"This park isn't that big-- Oh wait look! They're right there!"


They get out of the car and casually walk towards the path Sehun and Kai are taking. 

"I'll hide in the bushes and you lay down over there kay" Luhan instructs Hunmin, while pointing to the path about a hundred yards in front of the Sekai couple.

"Gotcha" Hunmin nods and runs over to where Luhan pointed. 

Luhan jumps into the bushes and looks for a good place to watch the prank, ready to pop out at any moment and tell the couple it was a prank.

Hunmin rolls around like a buffalo first to make his clothes seem dirty before he sprawls out and closes his eyes, slowing down his breathing.

Sehun and Kai were walking down the path hand in hand, talking about what course they're going to take in college. 

"I wonder if there's a course for dancing..." Kai wonders staring up at the sky.

"Maybe... I want to become a dancer too" Sehun admits while he stares straight ahead

"We can go to the same college!!" 

"If there is a college for dancing..."

"True , true"

"I hope we go to the same college, wherever you go I go" Sehun says 

"That was cheesy" Kai states, looking straight ahead, he spots someone on the floor "Hey look there's someone on the floor" 

"Hm?" Sehun looks ahead for any sign of someone lying on the floor. 

Almost right away Sehun spots the unknown person. That person is wearing the same thing Hunmin had on this morning...

As they near the unknown person, Sehun realizes the person is Hunmin...

"Kai... that's Hunmin..." Sehun lets go of Kai's hand and runs to the 'unconcious' Hunmin.

Kai runs after Sehun realizing the unconcious person is Hunmin. No wonder why those clothes looked familiar...





Hello!! <3


Your reaction





Yeah yeah i know i failed


But things get better right?



Ehh maybe not. 


But I still love you nae ^^


Hehe omg and did you see this?



The Jongtae ship is sailing,,,




Lol but yeah~

I'll post the next chappie soon OTL 

Oh and feel free to make any posters? 



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Where did chapter 5 go ;A;


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Mianhae. I'm busy with school
Girl, you need to update. x_x
Oh,Jong appears..can i imagine jong as taemin?
Sehun:what?did u get ?r u hurt?
come on sehun...not to that extend.....xD
u definitely had seen JONGTAE smexy righy?
i'm waiting 4 the twinnie to appear though
okay I read it lol
I agree ~ LMAO jkay
Nanananaaaaaaa I'm a