Why Do I Look Like You?

When Kai Meets His Twin: Twins United


Kai was pacing around outside the room Sehun and Hunmin were being examined for any sign of injuries in.

Ohmygawd. I hope Sehun and Hunmin are alright. Please let them be alright. 

The doctor walks out and confronts Kai. 

"Are you Kai?" 

Kai nods slowly, stopping in front of the doctor. 

"Well, Hunmin is perfectly fine, he wasn't unconcious at all. Just sleeping. But Sehun lost a large amount of blood. We patched his head up and he's fine now. You may go home when you need to." 

Bowing, Kai thanks the doctor, "Thank you Doctor"

Kai walks into the room Sehun and Hunmin are in after the doctor goes.

He sees Sehun with a bandage wrapped around his head, and Hunmin in the same state he was in that morning, but with dirty clothes.

Sehun sits up as soon as he sees Kai. "Hi Kai" 

"Hi Hunnie~ Are you alright?" Kai asks as he takes a seat on the edge of Sehun's bed.

Sehun hugs Kai "I'm fine, my head just hurts a little" 

"I'm happy to know you're alive" Kai smiles and turns to Hunmin "Yah! Why aren't you hurt?"

Hunmin looks down and plays with his fingers,  "Uh... yeah... about that...." Hunmin begins to say but trails off.

Kai and Sehun look at him expectantly, "Go on" they both say in unison.

Whispering, Hunmin continues, "It was a prank..." 

"What? I can't hear you." Kai says and cups his ear.

"It was a prank..."  Hunmin repeats audible enough so the others can hear.

"A PRANK!?!??!?!" Kai and Sehun both scream. "Ow my head" Sehun lays back down, head throbbing.

"Explain yourself" Kai says through narrowed eyes and clenched teeth.

"Well... me and Luhan were bored so --" Hunmin begins but is cut off by Kai.

"Luhan? Oh imma get that guy. Hyung or not. He's going down" Kai says and punches his palm.

"Where is Luhan?" Sehun questions.

"Can I finish?" Hunmin asks. Kai and Sehun nod.

" We were playing the PS3, but then I lost. And I was bored so I asked Luhan if we can go somewhere. Then we both decided to go to the park. But then we realized that you two were here so he said we should pull a prank on you guys... it went too far..." Hunmin says fast, catching his breathe after.

"This isnt a funny prank" Kai states and crosses him arms.

"I know..." Hunmin hangs his head in shame.

"But guys where's Luhan? Call him and tell him to come here" Sehun says.

As if on cue, Luhan's mom calls Kai.

Kai presses the answer button and greets Luhan's mom, "Yeobosaeyo"

"KAI! LUHAN IS DEAD!!!" Luhan's mom screams into the phone.

Kai widens his eyes , "I'm sorry, but can you repeat that please? I don't think I heard you right"

"HE DIED! LUHAN DIED! A dead tree branch fell on him and he's gone" Luhan's mom sobs into the phone.

Tears form in Kai's eyes. No. He can't leave. I didn't get to beat him up for what he did.

All Kai could say was "Okay I'll tell the others" he hangs up.

Kai turns back to the others. 

"Luhan is dead" 

"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT" Sehun and Hunmin both scream.

"He's gone" Tears stream down Kai's face, and Sehun's and Hunmin's faces are drenched in tears soon after. 

"We should go home now" Kai suggests.

The others nod and get up.

As they walk towards the elevator, Kai remembers he needs to go grocery shopping.

"Oh I need to go shopping. Go ahead of me I'll be home soon okay?" Kai tells the twins.

Sehun nods and hugs Kai. "Be safe" 

"Thank you" 

They exit the elevator and exit the hospital. 

Kai goes one way while the twins go the other.

He's just walking down the street towards the market, thinking of things he needs to buy.

Toilet paper, Shampoo, Conditioner, Eggs, Bacon, Donuts, <> Ramen, and Bread.

As Kai is walking down the street he sees someone that looks similar to him with his friend.

When he gets closer to the stranger, he notices that the stranger looks exactly like him.

Kai stops and stares at the stranger with a confused look on him face.

He taps the strangers shoulder and when the stranger turns around both of their eyes widen. Including the friends.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Kai asks 






Yeyyy Twinnie appeared <:






Lol ~~ Well I still need posters TT^TT



But yeah .. I love you <333


you guys:


lmfao well isnt Kai adorable? 




So beautiful ;~;         The illustrator is this person >>> stiflersdad

She's amazing, so please follow her <3

Oh and follow me c: MrsKimJongin

<3 I love you guiseeeeeeee 

Okay bye i gtg it's like 4 am

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Where did chapter 5 go ;A;


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Mianhae. I'm busy with school
Girl, you need to update. x_x
Oh,Jong appears..can i imagine jong as taemin?
Sehun:what?did u get ?r u hurt?
come on sehun...not to that extend.....xD
u definitely had seen JONGTAE smexy righy?
i'm waiting 4 the twinnie to appear though
okay I read it lol
I agree ~ LMAO jkay
Nanananaaaaaaa I'm a