Chapter Five


Youngjae didn’t expect to see Daehyun at this particular hour. He especially didn’t expect to see Jung Daehyun panting for his dear life as he leaned against his doorframe to his house because if he did expect Daehyun to arrive, he would have at least bothered to put some clothes on before the other came by, because hey – its common courtesy right? So it was much to his surprise even more when Daehyun just barged right in after catching hold of his breath, storming around the bottom ground of Youngjae’s house as if he knew where everything was, because as Youngjae watched Daehyun ignore his questions since his arrival, Youngjae noted that Daehyun was looking for something, someone.


“Where is that punk?!” Daehyun huffed after going through doors and rooms in Youngjae’s house. Youngjae who was following behind, holding tightly to the bathrobe he had on, yanked Daehyun to a halt and gave him a questioning look, something along the lines of a screaming ‘hello-why-are-you-in-my-house” type of look. Daehyun muttered something under his breath and began to look through the house again but once again, Youngjae yanked his wrist and flipped him around to look at him.


“Excuse me. Firstly, why are you in my house? And secondly, who are you looking for?!” Youngjae asked, clearly irritated at the sudden intrusion of the high school heartthrob. Daehyun didn’t answer and Youngjae presumed because Daehyun was also trying to figure out why he was here as he noticed the other furrow his eyebrows and crinkle his nose in thought. However, as Youngjae stared on with concentration beaming through his eyes at Daehyun, he couldn’t help but see the side of his face a bit bruised and call it his ‘girly side’ showing, he had to quickly ask him about it, at which, Daehyun disregarded as well with a slight shake to his head. 


“Daehyun… are you okay? I saw you earlier today and I wanted to make sure bu-…”


“YOUNGJAE-AH! We’re home!” With a quick pull and shove, Youngjae shoved Daehyun in the nearest room, or more so, closet. Before Daehyun could say anything, Youngjae put a finger to his lips and hushed them both. Youngjae’s parents were home and Youngjae could feel them going towards his bedroom to check if he was there and he silently hoped that one of the maids cleaning his room would some how come up with a little lie.


“Hehe. Look’s like we’re back to where we started hey, in a closet…” Daehyun whispered with a smile as he giggled lightly at the close proximity that they once shared before. Youngjae elbowed him in return.


They stayed in the closet for a few more minutes and Youngjae’s heart felt relieved when he heard his parents informing one of the maids that they were going out for dinner with a colleague and would be back later on. After hearing the final door slam, Youngjae opened the closet and shoved Daehyun as far away from him.  “Daehyun! What the heck!”


“H-hey now! You don’t want to hit me, I have only one good side left and…. Hey ouch! Youngja- hey! Stop hitting me!”


“Who cares! You didn’t have to put your arm around my waist in the closet! That was totally unnecessary behavior! And you know it!” says Youngjae, hands on his hips and a glare that could slit Daehyun’s throat if it had the ability.


“Yeah but I had the chance so I took it. You only got one chance y’know?” Daehyun laughs as he walks past Youngjae heads his way up the stairs, ignoring Youngjae’s bewilderment and the whispers and murmurs of the maids eavesdropping. Daehyun presumes that he has entered Youngjae’s room, he’s pretty sure it is and it’s confirmed when he sees a bunch of clothes sprawled across the floor and nearly falling off the bed. “Where ya’ going?” he asks as soon as he hears Youngjae close the door behind them.


“It’s none of your concern, Mr. Jung Daehyun” Youngjae says as he picks up all the articles of clothing on the floor. Youngjae notes that Daehyun already thinks that they’re the best of friends as he watches the other casually makes himself feel like home by laying on the bed, facing Youngjae with a pillow tucked under his chin. “But I’ll have you know, you can’t stay here any longer. Someone is coming over soon and it’s best if you not be here.”


“Is it Himchan-hyung?” Daehyun queries and receives a scoff and a headshake in return. “Don’t tell me… is it-“


“Jongup. The boy you met earlier today.” Youngjae finishes as he pulls up a pair of black skinny jeans.


“Then I’m not leaving.” Daehyun states firmly, following Youngjae into the en suite, watching the other pull a white t-shirt over his head. He doesn’t want to admit it out loud but he always thought t-shirts always accentuated Youngjae’s shoulders.


(He however, would strangely admit out loud that he was fond of watching the other one get dressed into gym gear during physical education, but he guesses he will leave that opinion in the safe).


“Daehyun, you’ll be bored if you stay here. I’m just going to be tutoring him in chemistry…” Youngjae says, exiting the bathroom and putting on a pair of comfy socks. “If you don’t want to leave, you can either stay in this room or you could consider to join us. It’s pretty much up to you.“


“Can I just stay in this room with you? Do you really have to see that kid?”


“That kid, is just a year younger than us Daehyun. You really have some nerve to come here and tell me who I can and cannot be friends with. You’re unbelievable – considering we aren’t even friends.” Youngjae scoffs and leaves his room with Daehyun following in suit. Daehyun ignored the last part and tried to numb out the painful feeling swelling up inside of him. “Don’t you have to hang out with Yoonju or something? What about heading home? I’m pretty sure your parents must’ve gotten worried for not seeing you all day.” Youngjae asks, he doesn’t want to get rid of Daehyun but he doesn’t want to admit he quite likes his company too. But it’s the ‘better man’ in him to ask these sorts of things.


“Yoonju is working tonight. And my um mother… um… she’s on a trip. Yeah… and my dad… um, he left us ages ago…” Daehyun manages to lie through his teeth and he feels the weight of the world fall off his shoulders when Youngjae just buys into the excuses. He doesn’t feel terribly bad about it, but it is true. Yoonju is working tonight and his mother is somewhere other than home and his father did leave him…


“Oh… Daehyun I’m sorry… I didn’t mean-“


“It’s fine.” Daehyun juts in, patting Youngjae on the shoulder.


“Well I am sorry to hear that… but I guess you can stay; but you still have to decide if you want to stay in my room or with us.”


“Fine. I’ll stay in the room. Just because I don’t like that kid.” Daehyun admits and he is secretly smiling that he is finally telling the truth in something.






Youngjae curses under his breath for nature calling him whilst Jongup arrived. He curses because he should’ve informed one of the maids that they would be studying on the patio rather in his bedroom. The exact bedroom where Daehyun is locked in. So as he walks up the stairs he momentarily pauses and tries to prepare himself for whatever is behind those doors. He just hopes Daehyun isn’t being an to Jongup.



Surprisingly, Youngjae is correct. Daehyun is seated comfortably on Youngjae’s bed like he owns the place and Jongup is sitting still on the computer chair near his desk. It seems like a minefield and Youngjae is careful not to tread on anything that could disrupt this chilling silence.


“Jongup…” Youngjae manages and from the corner of his eye, he sees Daehyun cringe. “Sorry… I was downstairs… we were meant to study there so, I think we should head do-“


“Nope.” Jongup interrupts with a smile. This worries Youngjae. “I think we should study here. It’d be rude if we leave Daehyun-hyung by himself. Don’t you think?” Youngjae doesn’t agree but Jongup is smiling and Youngjae believes that maybe Jongup has no hard feelings to Daehyun like the older does to the younger.




The entire forty-five minutes is awkward. Youngjae has managed to introduce three chemistry principles and every time Jongup attempted to reply or ask a question, he would be cut short by an assertive look Daehyun has showing in his eyes. Jongup thinks it might be a bit of insecurity or possessiveness. Or jealousy. Yeah, he likes that one better, so concludes with that one instead.



Jongup decides to play along in this little charade Daehyun is involved with. He drops his pencil and Youngjae stops speaking midway. “So, Daehyun-hyung. What do you major in at Youngjae’s school?” Youngjae turns his head to Daehyun too. Even if he has been in the same school as the ‘oh so’ popular Jung Daehyun, he had no idea what he majored in.


“Contemporary Performance.”  Daehyun replied and Jongup scrunches his face in disgust for some odd reason. “What?” the older questions.


“Oh. I just didn’t expect you to be that type. I thought you’d do acting like Himchan hyung.”


“I thought Himchan hyung did traditional music?” Daehyun thought aloud. Youngjae shook his head and explained that Himchan is actually doing a duo major since he is a ‘talented’ student. Daehyun laughs at this and Youngjae just smiles.


“Oh, I thought you’d be doing acting. You seem to be quite good at it. Y’know, being someone your not, seems like it could be your forte?” Jongup comments, picking up his pencil and insists Youngjae to continue their lesson. Unfortunately, Jongup ushered the lesson to proceed to quickly for either Youngjae or Daehyun to question what he meant. But Daehyun, without a doubt, has never felt so paranoid. ‘Does this brat know?’



Somehow the lesson ends peacefully with Daehyun keeping his mouth shut and just when Jongup is about to leave, Youngjae’s parents appear at the doorframe of Youngjae’s bedroom. “Youngjae we brought you some- Oh. Hello there.” His mother said, slightly lighter and happier which Youngjae knew was because she probably took a few drinks or more.


Youngjae got up and took the bag from his mother’s hands. It was still warm and there was a set of chopsticks in the bag too. “Mother, um, this is… um…”


“I’m Moon Jongup. Nice to meet you.” Jongup said, taking the initiative to get to know Youngjae’s mother properly and make a great first impression in comparison to Daehyun who just sat there a bit frozen.


“Nice to meet you Jongup. I am Mrs. Yoo. Are you about to leave?” she asked as she noticed Jongup already having his backpack sling over his shoulders. “That’s a shame, Youngjae here has a lot of food. Are you sure you’re not hungry?”


“No ma’am. I am fine, I have to get back to my own family but it was lovely meeting you and hope you have a great night for the rest of the day.” He replied with a cheerful smile and Daehyun lightly scoffed when he saw how much of a little twerp the kid was being. Youngjae’s mother seemed to take a liking to Jongup and she instantly gave him a very warm hug.


“Ah, that’s a shame. Come back anytime okay? Tell your mother that I am proud of her successes this year.” Jongup rubbed the back of his head and smiled softly at her. Youngjae looked confused and embarrassed for his mothers comment but somehow it looked like Jongup knew what she meant.


After saying goodbye to Youngjae, Mrs. Yoo turned to look at Daehyun who still didn’t make an effort to get up from the seat in the room. Youngjae flinched at the sharpness of her mothers words. “And who may you be?”


“I’m Jung Daehyun. Nice to meet you.” He said getting up and bowing the exact ninety degrees in respect to her and Youngjae’s mother just lifted her chin up a bit. Youngjae wished his mother could stop now before she got worse. He hated how his mother would be instantly judgmental. He hated how his mother knew how to differentiate different classes so easily. If she didn’t, maybe Youngjae could have had more friends.


“Pleasure to meet you too. Are you perhaps, Youngjae’s friend?” Daehyun nodded his head and she just hummed in acknowledgement. She then looked towards Youngjae and glanced at him with a knowing look that didn’t sit right with Daehyun at all. “Well, I must go. I have quite the headache. Youngjae, your father must be already in the room. Goodbye to you, Daehyun.”


And like that, Daehyun has never felt so rejected and judged so hard in his life.





Youngjae has apologized for the sixty-ninth time that evening and he still thought it wasn’t enough. “I’m so, so sorry about my mother!”


Daehyun shrugged it off. Youngjae already explained to him that his parents were quite intimidating but he never actually thought his mother would be that straight forward about her judgments. He took a look at the time and knew he had to head back home to his empty house. He wouldn’t mind staying the night over at Youngjae’s house but he didn’t want to get caught, especially if Youngjae’s mother already knew of his existence. So he bid Youngjae goodbye and Daehyun smirked at the look of disappointment on the others face when he said he had ‘other things to do.’


“Ah… that’s okay. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? Take care of your face. I don’t want to see you even uglier than you normally are!” Youngjae joked as he led Daehyun out of his house. Daehyun punched him lightly on the shoulder and they laughed together lightly.


“Oh shush. You don’t think I’m ugly. No one think’s I’m ugly!” Daehyun said with cockiness oozing from his words. Youngjae shuddered and laughed harder at the sight of Daehyun’s small pout.


“So, I guess I’ll leave now.”


“Oh… okay, um, see you tomorrow at school maybe?”


“Yeah. I’d like that… friend.” Daehyun said the last part experimentally, watching the expression of the other shift.


“If you want to be my friend, you’d have to earn it Daehyun. Do you think you can earn it?”


“Does me going to your house classify as ‘earning it’?” And the last thing Daehyun saw as he stepped off the steps was Youngjae laughing again and shaking his head.


“Bye you idiot!” Youngjae shouted just as Daehyun turned the corner with a bright smile on his face.





Little did he know that his night was about to get worse



"Hello there, nice to see you again."


It's been a year since I updated this and I had a bit of time on my hands (more like a black out) and decided to update this! I have quite a number of subscribers here and I just didn't want to leave them dehydrated without any updates. In fact, I'm sort of trying to revive the stories I have here and hopefully I can update this more. 

To be honest this was quite hard since it has been quite a long time since I thought about how to continue this, but with my trusty bottle of arizona ice tea, I managed to get the ball rolling again! 

P.S, I haven't written in a while and I have a tendency to overuse and overabuse punctuation so I apologise :c 

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I think... something else is going to appear soon... I mean.. "someone" keke~


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I wonder if you read this comment but I want to tell you this fic is good! ^^ i love it! i dont want to hope but it's nice if you're updating this fic again :D
Chapter 5: Yeii you updated. Im Happy hahaha :)
Chapter 5: I like this FF better
forJDH130111 #4
Chapter 5: I'm loving this one! :))
Chapter 5: Continue both of them... It would be sad if you start something and dont finish it :) Just take your time
Chapter 5: I like both stories, but i like this more. I would be happier if you continue with this one first :)
Chapter 5: I really like this story! It's well written, and the plot is interesting. I would be very happy if you continued it^^
AshXIII #8
Chapter 4: Take your time and do well for your examination. (grins) Education should take a higher priority. Good luck on that.

Enjoyed the read so far. Must admit I am really curious as to what Dae's mother is referring too. And the supply...

Dae's adorable with his sudden shyness with Jae.
forever_alone_lol #9
Chapter 4: Youngjae, it's totally not what it looks like.
Chapter 4: awwwwwww youngup is so cute > o <