Chapter Four



please read: I will be gone for about a month because starting from next week I will be undergoing a series of exams that determine which university I can go to and which degrees I can study LOL (SO NERVOUS OMFG!) so I will be updating this story with TWO chapters, and I will be adding on a chapter for my other stories too~ thanksyoux ^^ 





First period.

Second period.



As Daehyun entered the cafeteria, the sweet and tantalising smell of freshly cooked food awaited him. Already lining up, he scanned the cafeteria in search for that one boy, but he was no where to be found. Daehyun happily accepted the food and made his way slowly towards his own group of friends. Plopping himself down on the seat, he was already bombarded with an interrogation.


"So did you get it?"  asked a girl named Yoonju, who was probably one of Daehyun's closest in the group. Daehyun shook his head and scooped a spoonful of rice and placed it into his mouth.


"Yah. Daehyun. How do you expect us to survive huh? You already know our supply is decreasing!" shouted their group's leader who slammed his fist violently on the table. Yoonju noticed Daehyun flinch beside her and insisted for their leader to calm down. 


"Just give me time. I will get what you need. Okay?" Daehyun said irritated, getting up from the table with his tray in his hand and leaving the scene immediately. Seriously, where is Youngjae?! he pondered walking out of the cafeteria in hope that maybe he was one of those people who sat outside for lunch. And for the good luck he had under his sleeve, he was. 


"Youngjae!" Daehyun cheered as soon as he saw Youngjae and Himchan sitting next to the table beside the tree, with at least twelve lunch boxes in front of them, hardly being touched by Youngjae. Daehyun walked up to them and noticed Youngjae was listening to music, but Himchan, just stared at Daehyun and moved over for him to sit, moving the various lunch boxes too. 


Himchan nudged Youngjae at the elbow and broke Youngjae's concentration from his iPad on his lap. He pulled off his headphones, turned off his iPad and leaned towards Daehyun with confusion written on his face. "What are you doing here?" 


"I just... wanted to hang out with you... more..." he explained, feeling a sudden hint that maybe Youngjae didn't want to be associated with him. 


"Ah. Okay." was all that Youngjae said, before pulling out his phone and sending a text message.


Himchan however, didn't like the way that Daehyun was acting. "Why aren't you hanging out with your own friends today, huh?" 


"They're not my friends anymore..." he stated, not sure if that was really the case.


"Really. Why so?" 


"Just... not my type of crowd..." 


"And we are? The wealthy undercover students?" Himchan scoffed, still not appreciating the presence of the boy who just joined them.


Daehyun had nothing to say and was thankful that the bell rang in time for himself to scramble himself to stand. He was about to leave while Youngjae and Himchan were still packing their things away until Himchan said something that caught his attention. "So, what's up with you and Jongup? You guys seemed to be getting on real fast considering you two have been texting each other throughout class and even recess today, huh!" Himchan joked playfully, poking at Youngjae's stomach who himself was wearing a small grin on his face. 


"Jongup is a good guy. I really like him, he wants me to tutor him, so I told him to come over tonight. My parents won't be back until late, so I think it would be good to break the rules to have someone OTHER THAN YOU..." Youngjae emphasised, ".. over my house. Plus, this is just a one time thing... if my parents catch me, I'll get punished of course so getting punished once in a month is okay... unlike you..." he joked. 


"Hey! I'm a few years older, so I can do what I want! But unlike you, you'll be screwed!" 


"It's okay to get screwed once in a while right? And if I get screwed with Jongup, then that is perfectly fine by me!" Youngjae laughed at Himchan's sudden expression of shock. 


"What did you say?!" Himchan said, shocked at how Youngjae could suddenly get random dirty jokes in his head. Daehyun however, slowly backed away from the conversation he was listening too and began to wonder what type of relationship Youngjae and Jongup had. 









Texting in class? Jongup coming over to his house? Screwing? Getting things together real fast? Daehyun repeated these in his head until he felt a scrunched up paper ball collide with the back of his head. He turned around angrily and saw Doyeon, straighten his hand and run it horizontally against his neck, reminding Daehyun of the consequences if he doesn't do what they say. Turning around, Daehyun was caught face to face with his Geography teacher.


"Mr. Jung Daehyun. I understand that you are from Busan, and probably have no interest in the geographical landscape of Seoul and the immense industrialisation that had conquered the previous lands, but for your sake, I will let you not listen to this class, and instead sit outside the classroom writing about your own hometown's landscape." and before Daehyun could retaliate, she already pulled him out of his seat, gave him a piece of paper and made it straight forward to him when he was standing outside the door, "... and please Daehyun, don't mention the food markets or the beaches." and like that, she closed the door on his face. 


Groaning at how unlucky he had been today, he leaned his back against the wall and slowly fall to the ground in exhaustion. "Yoo Youngjae. Why are you doing this to me?!" he cursed aloud, shoving his face into the palms of his hands, realising that if he doesn't befriend Youngjae quickly enough, that he might have his whole life resting on his groups' hands. 


Then, a smooth voice swam into his ears, wrapping his mind to make him look up at the owner "What am I doing?" 


"Oh... uh.. Y-Young-ja-jae.. why uh... aren't you in.. c-class?" Daehyun stuttered at the sudden proximity that was closed as Youngjae sat down on the ground beside him.


"I have a free period. That's why. But you didn't answer my question... what am I doing?" 


"Um, nothing." 


Youngjae chuckled, Daehyun watching his side profile attentively, looking at how cute Youngjae's eyes creased at the sides every time he laughed, how his cheekbones seemed to be more cheerful and prominent and how his amazing white teeth just complimented his charming smile even more. "Liar" Youngjae said softly after laughing a bit. "So, what are you writing about?"


"Busan... my hometown.." Daehyun fumbled his pen in his hands and pretended to start writing, but damning his shaky hands, Youngjae noticed something.


"Why are you nervous?" he asked, amused at how Daehyun was clearly trying to avoid eye contact. 


"I-I'm not ner-nervous..." 


"Sureeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Youngjae remarked lightly, pretending that he was convinced. 


"I'm s-s-s-erious, Y-Young.. Youngjae.." he muttered as Youngjae scooted a little bit closer to him, leaning his head too close to Daehyun's body.


Suddenly, Daehyun felt a pair of warm hands cup his cheek and was suddenly faced with the cheerful face of Youngjae, who was decreasing the space between them, making Daehyun nervous even more. "I can feel your cheeks burning up. Why are you nervous?" Youngjae stated, his eyes becoming more cuter by the second. 


"I'm nervous... because..." 




"You're here..." he blurted, and didn't regret that at all.


Well who would regret it? Youngjae closed the gap between them to only, kiss the forehead of the nervous boy in front of him, much to Daehyun's displeasure. Daehyun wasn't gay, and he was pretty sure of it. But there was something about Youngjae that made him interested. There was something about him, that made him want to keep him in his pocket forever, so no one could touch him, so no one could hold him, so no one can protect him like he can. 


"What..... was that... for?" Daehyun said immediately after Youngjae pulled away and just lean back against the wall, as if nothing ever happened, taking out his mobile phone as he felt the vibrate. 


"I just wanted to know if it was true. That I did make you nervous, and I was right. I did." Youngjae smirked, looking up at Daehyun's bewildered face for a few moments before going back to tapping on the screen's messaging buttons. 


Daehyun wasn't sure if this was real life, or if this was fantasy because, Youngjae - the nerd that no one expected to be rich, the nerd who dressed like a nerd but wasn't technically one, just made Daehyun - the schools heart-throb, the schools main man, the guy who owned many of the girls hearts... , - nervous. 


"So... um, who are you texting?" 


"Jongup. You met him earlier this morning, right?"


"Yeah... so how is he?" Daehyun remarked, kinda bitter about how Youngjae seemed more interested in Jongup through a phone, than himself who was sitting right beside him.


"He's good. He's just telling me what subjects he wants me to tutor him in." 


"I see... is he in our grade?" 


"Nope, a grade below. He goes to an Arts school as well, majoring in dance. He's a b-boy, isn't that cool?!" 


"Yeah... I guess so. So um, where are you tutoring him in?" Daehyun asked, curious to confirm if what he heard earlier was true.


"My place. My mother and father won't be home until late, so it's Minkyung noona staying with me. She won't mind him coming over, she actually likes seeing other faces rather than Himchan haha." 


"Would your parents mind if you had another friend, other than Himchan over?" 


"Yes. Like I said before, my parents don't want me to associate with anybody that may potentially influence me like my brother was influenced. I'm their last hope at remaining successful..." 


Daehyun could sense the familiar glint in Youngjae's eyes, that glint where it was empty. "... Youngjae.. do you want to do what they do?" 


"O-of c-course.. I.. do..!" Youngjae forced it out, refusing to look at Daehyun in the eye. And all Daehyun could do was acknowledge it. 








Lunch time.



"Daehyunnie!" Yoonju ran up to him and quickly pulled him into a back hug. 


Daehyun turned around and looked at her confusingly. "What was that for, Yoonju?" he questioned, placing a friendly arm around her shoulders, but she shook her head and shrugged it off. 


"Didn't your parents tell you?..." she started to stare into space, doing her typical habit of talking to herself. "... why did they tell me..."


"... what did my parents tell you?" he said continuing to walk, grabbing Yoonju again to walk beside him down the hall way. 


Yoonju shrugged him off again and pulled him to the side of the hall beside the windows. "Daehyun, look..." she pulled out her mobile phone and showed Daehyun a text message under the name, "Daehyunnie's Mom~~" 


Yoonju sweetie. Can you please do me a favour. 

Please tell Daehyun we are completely sorry and that what I have just done, is not a motherly thing to do. Tell him that he can find comfort in a home, where we are not present. Tell him, we forgive him, tell him that he should forgive us too. Tell him, that we love him and tell him.... please... 


Daehyun stared at the phone for a couple more minutes before Yoonju had to make sure if he was still breathing. "Daehyun, are you okay... ?" 


"Yoonju... what does this mean?! I thought they...." Daehyun drifted off and looked deep into Yoonju's concerned eyes. "... I told Doyeon and everyone else to wait before I get a chance to get them their stupid supply! Why can't they just have waited?! Why did they have to tell my mother the truth?! Why?!" Daehyun started to flame up in anger, and Yoonju was chasing him from behind as he began to viciously march off into the cafeteria where he saw Doyeon and the rest of his friends, laughing at what seems to be an imitation of Daehyun's mother's reactions.


"Daehyun!" Yoonju shouted as she saw him grab Doyeon by the collar. 


"You dickhead! Couldn't you have waited! Couldn't you just have given me more time?! Why are you relying on me?! Is it because you know you can't get any?! Is it because you know that you aren't capable with what I can do!?" Daehyun began to push Doyeon further and further away, causing a crowd to huddle around them.


"Don't yell at me, pretty boy! You're the one who suggested it! You're the one who said so! So it's your own fault!" Doyeon shouted getting up from the ground. Daehyun however, was furious as ever, leaped towards Doyeon and punched him right at the jaw line, only to be replied with a punch to the cheekbone. Yoonju shouted and got into the middle of everything, pushing the two boys further away from each other. 


"Stop it! Stop. It! Please. Just, Doyeon, just, stop it. Just leave Daehyun alone now..."


"Move away dumb , I'm not going to leave Daehyun alone until I get what I want." Doyeon then, pushed Yoonju out of the way, only to anger Daehyun more. Who pushes a girl?! A GIRL?! 


Yoonju once again, got back onto her feet and tied her hair back, rolled up her sleeves in an attempt to look tough. She marched up at Doyeon and pushed him further away from her best friend. "Yah! Don't call me a !" she shouted, then another push was committed "And leave Daehyun alone!" and just like that Yoonju kicked Doyeon at the shin, grabbed Daehyun's wrist and walked out of the cafeteria. 






"Thanks... Yoonju..." he muttered as they sat outside for lunch that day. She held an ice pack to his cheek bone, where there was a small bruise appearing. "Let's not hang out with them anymore..." 


"After what just happened, I'm glad we won't be..." she commented, noticing Daehyun smile a little bit. "You're the strongest best friend, I have ever had!" she patted his head and ruffled his hair and suddenly Daehyun had a thought appear in his head. 


"Yoonju. Is it normal, for me to get nervous?"


"... well, you are a human, so yes. it is normal.." 


"Over a boy?"


"You mean, over Youngjae?" she grinned, seeing how Daehyun smiled at the ground over his name. "Then, yes. It's normal." she assured him.


"I'm not gay though... right?" 


"Well, it's too early to say, but since you've already slept with a girl... and that you get nervous over a guy... I'd say you're bi?" she said, taking everything so calmly. She smiled however as she saw Youngjae and Himchan from afar, both looking towards them. 









"What happened to Daehyun?" Himchan asked, squinting his eyes at Yoonju and Daehyun from afar. 


Youngjae averted his eyes from his iPad and focused them on Daehyun and then on Yoonju who was patting the ice pack on his face but caught them at the wrong time, as Daehyun was holding onto her wrists, trying to avoid the cold ice, causing laughs on both of them. "I don't know..." Youngjae replied, feeling a bit off  at the sight of both of them, and at the thought of Daehyun getting hurt.


"Are they going out?" Himchan asked again.


Youngjae paused for a moment taking time to absorb himself on what was going on in front of him, even if they were far from each other. After trying to understand the situation, Youngjae felt another familiar vibration in his pocket and took out his phone to find a message by Jongup.


"Youngjae, I'm excited to see you tonight! Are you excited to see me? I miss you~ I hope you are feeling good today~" 


Youngjae showed a small smile at Jongup's thoughtful message, then looked back up at Daehyun who was telling Yoonju something in her ear, causing her to laugh playfully. "... I don't know..." 


"... I hope not.." Youngjae said again but to Himchan, it sounded like a soft whisper filled with heart ache. 

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I think... something else is going to appear soon... I mean.. "someone" keke~


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I wonder if you read this comment but I want to tell you this fic is good! ^^ i love it! i dont want to hope but it's nice if you're updating this fic again :D
Chapter 5: Yeii you updated. Im Happy hahaha :)
Chapter 5: I like this FF better
forJDH130111 #4
Chapter 5: I'm loving this one! :))
Chapter 5: Continue both of them... It would be sad if you start something and dont finish it :) Just take your time
Chapter 5: I like both stories, but i like this more. I would be happier if you continue with this one first :)
Chapter 5: I really like this story! It's well written, and the plot is interesting. I would be very happy if you continued it^^
AshXIII #8
Chapter 4: Take your time and do well for your examination. (grins) Education should take a higher priority. Good luck on that.

Enjoyed the read so far. Must admit I am really curious as to what Dae's mother is referring too. And the supply...

Dae's adorable with his sudden shyness with Jae.
forever_alone_lol #9
Chapter 4: Youngjae, it's totally not what it looks like.
Chapter 4: awwwwwww youngup is so cute > o <