Chapter Three





Daehyun woke up the next morning with a sudden chill sweep across his back. He got up and through the blur of his sight saw Youngjae emerge from the bathroom already wearing his school uniform.


"Oh, you're awake now. Get ready soon because we have to go to school with Himchan."


Daehyun coughed and jumped out of the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom where he was surrounded in nothing but white and gold tiles, it literally looked like his bathroom was heaven. He looked over to the left and saw a uniform which he assumed was for him and he thanked Youngjae for that as he removed his clothes and stepped into the shower. During his shower, Daehyun thought about what happened last night. About how quickly he seemed to have become so intrigued with the life story and whole existence of Youngjae and how quickly Youngjae had impacted him. But like this, Daehyun started to wonder if what he was doing was right, he started to wonder if looking at how peaceful and generous Youngjae was when he was asleep and how lovely his husky voice was when he mumbled his name during his sleep was.... You aren't like that Daehyun. Get a hold of yourself...  but unfortunately, Daehyun's thoughts went too far and he suddenly felt himself harden at the thought of Youngjae - even if Youngjae wasn't doing anything y. Damn it, if this happens every time Youngjae is nice... I can't be around him.






"WHAT?! Why are we climbing out of the window?!" 


"It's not a window, its my balcony, stupid. My parents are about to leave for work so they're downstairs, they still think I'm over at Himchan's so for me to suddenly appear down stairs with you following me, will most likely send me to experience another unwanted lecture about lying. So, just... do as I say?" 


Daehyun watched as Youngjae skill fully jumped down from his balcony and safely on the soft grass below. It wasn't that high, probably just three meters to four? But Daehyun was scared. 


"Quick! Jump. I'll catch you.... or well, try too. You're heavy I know it..." Youngjae screamed softly as he looked up at Daehyun was was nervously climbing onto the edge of the balcony. But all it took was long hard breath and he jumped and landed safely onto his own feet beside Youngjae. "Good job. Now, because you still have your clothes in there, I assume. The way you can get up is by climbing that tree okay. It's easy..." and like that Youngjae just walked off in the direction of Himchan's house.


"You look so different now." Daehyun mentioned as he walked alongside Youngjae on the sidewalk. "Like, I didn't know that glasses can change someone in their appearance...." Daehyun got no answer as he just focused his attention on Youngjae, who looked like he was not giving any care to Daehyun at all. "Yah. Why aren't you talking to me!" 


Youngjae, he's talking to you. Say something! Make sure it's not stupid though... maybe you should mention what happened last night, when he mumbled your name in his sleep. Wait, no Youngjae... don't do that! It will make things awkward, maybe just stay quiet until you reach Himchan's house... yeah that would work!  Youngjae's conscience was having a battle all the way until they finally reached Himchan who was leaning against his driver's car, waiting for Youngjae.


Himchan smiled at Youngjae as soon as he saw him but as soon as he saw the boy following him. Himchan pushed himself off the car and ran up to him.






"Don't 'NOTHING' me! Do you know what you've done? YOU GAVE ME AN UNWANTED HEART ATTACK! Youngjae! Are you okay? Did this thing hurt you?!" 


Youngjae shook his head and just entered the car in his own accord with Daehyun quickly following into the car with him. 


The trip to school wasn't long but since Himchan and Youngjae kept their rich family backgrounds a secret, they had to park a few blocks away from school much to Daehyun's displeasure since he wasn't a big fan of walking long distances.


"So, Daehyun. How do you know Yongguk?" Himchan interrogated.


"Um, he's my friend, we used to be neighbours..." Daehyun replied a little bit uncomfortable with what was going on. 


"I see. Well, Youngjae. How did you get home last night? And how did you meet Daehyun?" 


Youngjae pulled his headphones down from his head and turned off the music. "Well, I was playing that game, seven minutes in heaven? We didn't do anything... we just um, talked." Youngjae said, already feeling Himchan's eyes pierced to Daehyun. Himchan was never a fan of Daehyun's group at school, in fact, he never really liked anyone at their school. 


It went silent until a cheerful call was heard from behind them.




"Youngjaeeeeeee~~ Wait up!" 


Youngjae turned around at the culprit calling his name and instantly a smile was formed on his face and a body jumped into his arms for a hug. "Youngjae!" Jongup sang happily whilst hugging Youngjae tightly. 


"C-can't.. bre-breathe.." Youngjae gasped as Jongup kept hugging him tighter and tighter until Himchan had to convince Jongup that if he wanted to see Youngjae more, he should let go of him.


"Youngjae! I missed you last night! Where did you go? How come you didn't tell me you were leaving? I was waiting for you, and I swear I was going to hunt down that ugly masked guy that was with you too, he looked so suspicious and if he hurt you I swear I would chop his di-.."




"Oh. He's... here... with you...." Jongup said as he saw who interrupted him. Daehyun stood there with his arms crossed and his attitude clearly irritated. Daehyun didn't even know this guy, and this guy was already judging him? Pathetic. "Well, hi! I'm Jongup. I'm Youngjae's friend. Who are you?" Jongup asked cheerfully once again, sticking his hand out for Daehyun to shake.


However, Daehyun rejected Jongup's hand and just answered one wordedly. He didn't want to give this guy his time. "Daehyun. Jung Daehyun." 


Everything suddenly became awkward until Youngjae decided things were getting too quiet. "Well, um, Jongup.. you're going to be late to school and us too, I'll talk to you later okay?" Youngjae said hugging Jongup goodbye and Himchan just patted and ruffled Jongup's hair as the two boys started to depart. 


As the boys said their farewells, Jongup pulled Daehyun aside for a little while when he saw that Himchan and Youngjae was already far ahead. "Daehyun." Jongup said in a tone much more mature and serious than he spoke before, it didn't sound cute like he normally sounded and it definitely didn't sound friendly. "Can you do me a favour? I'm sorry for insulting you before... but I promise that won't happen again... if you just back away from Youngjae, okay?" 


Daehyun stood there flabbergasted at what just happened. Did this kid just threaten him?


"What? Why."


"Because, Youngjae and you, don't match. So you should stop playing this game, before Youngjae gets hurt. Okay?" 


And with that, Jongup happily skipped away as if nothing ever happened in the direction towards his school, leaving Daehyun frozen at the situation a few seconds ago.





Daehyun walked back to school wondering and thinking about Jongup's words. Does this Jongup kid, know...? He couldn't... he thought endlessly in his mind. 


"Yah, Daehyun. How'd it go last night? Did you get it off that nerd?" asked one of Daehyun's friends who appeared next to him once Daehyun entered through the gates. Daehyun shook his head, still having a debate with his own thoughts.


"No... Doyeon... I didn't..."


"Well, get it soon, or else there would be huge consequences... you know that... and we all know that none of us would want that to happen to anybody..."


Doyeon disappeared once the bell rang and left Daehyun to walk to class by himself. He entered the classroom and took his seat at the back and just concentrated at the thoughts running into his mind. 


What am I meant to do... it's not going the way it should be... 





SORRY FOR THE VERY TERRIBLE UPDATE HEHE. This is going to be longer than expected ;A; 

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I think... something else is going to appear soon... I mean.. "someone" keke~


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I wonder if you read this comment but I want to tell you this fic is good! ^^ i love it! i dont want to hope but it's nice if you're updating this fic again :D
Chapter 5: Yeii you updated. Im Happy hahaha :)
Chapter 5: I like this FF better
forJDH130111 #4
Chapter 5: I'm loving this one! :))
Chapter 5: Continue both of them... It would be sad if you start something and dont finish it :) Just take your time
Chapter 5: I like both stories, but i like this more. I would be happier if you continue with this one first :)
Chapter 5: I really like this story! It's well written, and the plot is interesting. I would be very happy if you continued it^^
AshXIII #8
Chapter 4: Take your time and do well for your examination. (grins) Education should take a higher priority. Good luck on that.

Enjoyed the read so far. Must admit I am really curious as to what Dae's mother is referring too. And the supply...

Dae's adorable with his sudden shyness with Jae.
forever_alone_lol #9
Chapter 4: Youngjae, it's totally not what it looks like.
Chapter 4: awwwwwww youngup is so cute > o <