Not Lonely Anymore, Right?

Demon In The Attic

AN: Thank you for the comments and subs, they make me happy~ I am a bit sleepy so this chapter might be a bit strange, or not.. But yeah, if you like this story read my other stories as well^^ x3333 


Key was still sitting on the couch, deep in thought. He just didn't know what to say to Jonghyun. It wasn't like he didn't want to, but he didn't want to bore the elder. When he was small, the kids at school would bully him about being an abandoned child. He would just stare at them silently until they left. And then, he would break down. Many times, he went home crying, but at the door, he would wipe off his tears. He never knew when his caretaker would show up, but he hoped that he could see them. And he didn't want to look weak in front of them, so he would always enter the house with a small smile on his face. But this was the first time he saw Jonghyun. He didn't want him to leave though. Right now he wasn't alone. He wasn't ​lonely.  And he wanted to stay like this. Still, whenever he thought of his parents, tears gathered in his eyes. And it happened now, too. He turned away from Jonghyun who was looking at him. He didn't want him to see how weak he really was.

Jonghyun sighed as he noticed the tears in Key's eyes. The only thing he wanted was to comfort the boy, but he didn't know why. He was ​scared  once again. He thought that Key would hate him if he did anything the boy didn't like. But still, he couldn't bear the sad sight of the crying boy, who wasn't even looking at him now. He gently leant closet to the boy, and pulled him close. He expected Key to push him away, but the boy didn't. He returned the hug, and sniffed pitifully as he couldn't fight the tears now.

'Why? Why did they leave me?' he asked brokenly. Jonghyun just his hair gently, trying to calm him down.

'I don't know.. They shouldn't have.. But I am here, and I won't leave you alone..' he whispered into the boy's ear softly. Key nodded slightly and looked at him with a small, teary smile.

'Thank you..' he mumbled,wiping his tears away. 'A..and sorry for being so weak, just.. ' he didn't finish the sentence because Jonghyun put his finger on his lip.

'Shh, you are not weak at all. And even if you cry, it doesn't mean that you are weak. Sometimes you just have to let it out..' He said, and Key seemed to nod but he didn't believe Jonghyun. He felt weak for crying. And somehow, he thought that his parents left him because of that. Jonghyun sighed, seeing the doubt in Key's eyes. Sometimes he just wanted to find the boy's parents and slap them. Even if Key looked strong on the outside, he was truly broken inside. But Jonghyun hoped, that he could help him. He wanted to make the boy smile, like every time he found a gift he had given him. Because at that time, unknown to Jonghyun, Key felt loved. Yes, he had his friends who he loved, but Jonghyun's gifts were the ones that made him feel like he was important to someone. And he was. But Jonghyun didn't know this. He always thought that Key was only happy because he got what he wanted. Of course, he was happy because of that too, but the fact that Jonghyun was the one who gave him them was much more important.

'Do you think I will meet them again?' Key asked suddenly as he was still in Jonghyun's arms, his head on the demon's chest. He felt strangely content at the moment, even though he had many questions to Jonghyun.

'Well, you might. But I doubt that they would recognize you. You have changed a lot since you were a baby..' Jonghyun said. In reality, he didn't want Key to meet his parents. He was sure that the meeting wouldn't go well. Those people were worse, than heartless. If they hadn't found out that the woman was pregnant too late, Key would have been aborted. Jonghyun knew it, because he heard them talk. Demons only fell in love once. ​This once time, they would find their true soul mate. Of course, most of them were human, because demons rarely ever loved other demons. The moment Key was born, Jonghyun could feel it. He ran to where he could feel ​the boy was, and looked at him. His parents were arguing above the crying baby, saying very cruel things about him. And soon, he was up for adoption, but luckily, Jonghyun could bring him home before he had to go to the orphanage. At that time, even though the boy couldn't remember, Jonghyun was with him for every minute of the day. He protected the baby from anything and everything, but as he grew, he was sure that Key would hate him, so he his. And Key didn't seem to miss him. But, it was only on the outside. For years, Key's birthday wish wasn't to meet his parents, but to meet his caretaker. And Jonghyun didn't know it, but Key was really happy now.

'You know, I don't know why they hate me that much, but.. At least you are here for me..' Key mumbled suddenly. 'I mean, you said you won't leave and.. yeah, I just..' he ranted, blushing deeply. Jonghyun looked at him, and started laughing loudly. Key blushed even more, trying to hide his flaming cheeks. 

'Sorry, but you were just really cute..' Jonghyun said and he ruffled the boy's hair. 'But you are right, I won't leave you. Unless you tell me so.' he said, his facial expressions suddenly serious. Key nodded, and smiled softly.

'Well..thank you. But.. how come you are so young? I mean no offense, but, if you have been taking care of me since I was a baby, shouldn't you be older?' the boy asked suddenly.

'Well yeah, I should be, but I am not. Let's just say that I have a secret...' Jonghyun wanted to reassure the boy, but this only made Key much mroe restless than he was.

'Wait, so you ARE older? But this means that you will die before me..' he said his thoughts out loud, suddenly blushing again. Jonghyun sighed.

'No, I won't. But I won't tell you why yet.. I will tell you soon though. And now, it's time for dinner. You have school tomorrow..'Jonghyun changed the subject quickly. Key pouted, but nodded. Jonghyun smiled and stood up, picking Key up as well. 

'I..I can walk!' Key stuttered, once again blushing deeply.

'I know..' Jonghyun grinned and carried the boy to the dining room. 

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Hi People ^^ I just wanna tell you that I can't update this fic until the data from the weekend comes back, but when it does, I will, as soon as possible x3333


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Jesminda90 #1
It's really cute. Have you give up on this Story? I Hope you don't. I want to read more :D
Chapter 3: Omo, so cute! I love it!
BabyKey #3
Chapter 3: *squeal* sho cute! please update soooooooonnn <3
BabyKey #4
Chapter 3: *squeal* sho cute! please update soooooooonnn <3
Chapter 3: kyeopta!<3
ZoeChaomaniac #6
OMO! Update~~~ author-sshi~~~please? *puppy eyes. Jebal~~ Unnie (?0.o) Gomawo~~
Oh my gosh! You just have to update!
I love your stories!
Oh my gosh! You just have to update!
I love your stories!
Labradoodles10 #9
So cute! Can't wait for the next part!