Just An Evening

Demon In The Attic


 AN:What do we have here? The lost chapter~ Yaaay~


Old AN: Hi~ I really hope you enjoyed the last chapter^^ Actually I was planning to upload this yesterday, but I accidentally deleted everything twice T.T So I'm not happy.. Buut whatever, my computer is working well finally :3 (I had it reinstalled because it seems like I forgot to do some pretty basic things with it  so it just wanted to dieT.T) And yeah, it's pretty late here, but I can't go to sleep before finally writing this xD 

Dinner went much better than Jonghyun had expected. Key was pretty talkative, he seemed to have a lot of questions towards the demon. Of course he had. But Jonghyun was glad that the boy seemed happier than he had been. Even if Key had to to fall down the stairs for them to finally they met. And the young boy couldn't help, but be curious about many things.
Like why Jonghyun had raised him with so much care, when he could have just put him into an orphanage, like his parents wanted to. While he asked this question, his eyes became glossy with pains. He had always blamed himself, he felt like if he had been a better child (or a baby) his parents wouldn't have abandoned him. Of course it wasn't true, and deep, deep down he knew it, but he couldn't help feeling sad. 
Jonghyun could see the sadness in the boy's eyes. Sighing softly, he patted Key's shoulder gently. 'I couldn't. Even as a baby, you were special to me. Even if your parents couldn't see how ​special and beautiful you were, I could. I couldn't leave you there, I just couldn't..' he admitted. Key felt his cheeks heat up and he quickly looked away.
'I.. I see. And.. I am thankful for that. Really..' he said as he was still looking away, trying to hide his blush. Jonghyun chuckled lightly, than suddenly stood up, seeing that Key had already finished. He picked the boy up gently and carried him to the living room once again. Key blushed once again as he was set on the couch gently. 
'I'll clean up and then I'll take you to bed..' Jonghyun said. Key just nodded as he stifled a yawn. He had an exhausting day. Last night he had a nightmare, and after that he had to go to school, and study hard. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he still fooled around with his friends at lunch. And still, since He wanted to get a good job, he had to study hard, so he couldn't rest even in the most boring classes either . Of course, Jonghyun would give him anything even if the future, since he was quite rich (and even before meeting him, Key knew it, because he had everything he ever wanted, or just thought of, and they were pretty expensive things sometimes), but he wanted to earn money by himself as well. He didn't want to rely on someone, he wanted to be independent. Though, he didn't want to leave either. Even though he felt lonely, he knew that someone was always there with him, and it made him happy. 
He soon fell into a peaceful sleep on the couch. 
Jonghyun finished everything soon, and he went back to check on Key. He smiled at the adorable sight in front of him. Key was lying on the couch, slightly curled up, hugging one of the cushions tightly to his chest. He picked the boy up and chuckled as Key moved to snuggle into his shirt. To him, the boy who was already light enough, felt like a feather in his arms (since he was an oh-so strong demon.) As he put Key down on his bed, covering him with his blanket, he quickly kissed the boy's forehead, whispering the same words he always did when the boy was asleep. 'I love you..' he smiled affectionately as Key smiled in his dream, like he had heard him. 
Jonghyun knew that Key wanted to study hard, to be successful but he knew that they boy was working too ​hard. So he decided that if the boy didn't wake up to his alarm clock at the first time it rang, he would let him sleep, and call the school that he fell, and he couldn't exactly walk. Well, most of this was true and he knew that worse things could happen to Key if he didn't rest enough. And of course, he knew that even if the boy didn't get a good job at first try, he would be there with him, and support him. Actually, he just wanted to spoil Key with even more gifts than he was getting, but it was practically impossible. Every week, Jonghyun would find an excise to buy something extremely expensive for the boy. Sometimes he wouldn't even give it to him, just wait for a better excuse (if the gift was really expensive). But it was worth it. He loved seeing the look on Key's face when he was given something he had wanted, but never told anyone that he wanted it.  
As he went back to his room in the attic, he was thinking of Key. He knew that the boy accepted him, and he didn't throw a fuss or anything that would have been expected of his diva-ish nature (either for a stranger to be in his house without asking, or because he had 'left' him 'alone'. Fortunately, the boy was just happy. Jonghyun decided to take a quick shower and go to bed. He was tired as well, he had to work, as well as do the chores, though his job wasn't dead stressful. If it was, he would have just left it, he was already really rich, because of his parents giving him a huge amount of money, so he could take care of Key. 
As he went to sleep, he was once again thinking about the boy who he had been taking care of for many years. He remembered the happy smile on Key's face when they were fooling around a bit. Soon, he fell asleep, dreaming of the boy who had captured his heart when he was still small. But he was a demon, he couldn't help it. And he was glad that his soul mate was Key. He really loved the boy, more than anyone could imagine. 
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Hi People ^^ I just wanna tell you that I can't update this fic until the data from the weekend comes back, but when it does, I will, as soon as possible x3333


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Jesminda90 #1
It's really cute. Have you give up on this Story? I Hope you don't. I want to read more :D
Chapter 3: Omo, so cute! I love it!
BabyKey #3
Chapter 3: *squeal* sho cute! please update soooooooonnn <3
BabyKey #4
Chapter 3: *squeal* sho cute! please update soooooooonnn <3
Chapter 3: kyeopta!<3
ZoeChaomaniac #6
OMO! Update~~~ author-sshi~~~please? *puppy eyes. Jebal~~ Unnie (?0.o) Gomawo~~
Oh my gosh! You just have to update!
I love your stories!
Oh my gosh! You just have to update!
I love your stories!
Labradoodles10 #9
So cute! Can't wait for the next part!