Chapter 4

Chasing Hearts

It was the second week of Infinite's comeback and they already topped the song charts. The members had a performance at M!Countdown. Yumi straighten Sungjong's hair as the others chatted among themselves.

"Noona do you think we can win today?" Sungjong's voice was soft as though he had no confidence at all.

"Yeah why not, be confident! I will be cheering for you all."


"Infinite get ready, you guys are up in 5." The director came in to check if everything was done.

The members all stood up looking like dead people and headed for the door.

"Wait!" Infinite all turned and furrowed their eyebrows as Yumi stopped them in their tracks.

"I believe in you! Woolim will be watching over you, Inspirits will be with you. So for all these people who love you... FIGHTING!" She shouted holding her hand in a fist.

The members' expression all changed into a determined smile. "Infinite Fighting!" They shouted before leaving for the stage.

Yumi snuck out of the staff backstage and attempted to join the audience. One of the security guards spotted her and approached. Yumi stood still waiting to be kicked out.

As the security got closer Yumi realised that he was smiling.

"Yumi aren't you suppose to be in the backstage?" The man asked.

"Ah, Ryomin ssi!?" She replied greeting the older with a hug.

Because of her connection with the other staff at M!Countdown she managed to get into the huge crowd of audience and luckily the very front row right before the stage.


The stage lights faded to black as the audience grew wild. A familiar tune started playing as the members all appeared coolly. Yumi cheered along with the Inspirits not sure whether the members have spotted her. In the last minute when Woohyun had his solo part he pointed into the audience as he sang the high note of their title song. Yumi blushed as she exchanged a smile with Woohyun. Suddenly the fan girl beside her started screaming nonstop.

"Omg!? Did you just see that Woohyun oppa pointed at me!?!?" The girl spazzed at her friend who disagreed and argued that Woohyun was pointing at her.

Yumi just chuckled secretly happy that Woohyun paid special attention to her.

Yumi stayed in the crowd even after Infinite's performance was over. Before she knew it, it was time to announce the winners.

All the bands and artists stood nervously on the stage. The crowd instantly fell silent as the MC's talked and waited anxiously for the results.

"And the winner of this week's M!Countdown is..."

The members closed their eyes too nervous to hear the result. Yumi clenched her fists.


The crowd all screamed and the expression on Infinite's face brightened.

They looked around as though it was a dream. One of the MCs handed Sunggyu the trophy. The leader then gave it to Woohyun who started crying instantly. L began to tear up as well as Sungyeol and the maknae. Dongwoo stood behind trying to hide his happiness. Hoya laughed as though he was dreaming.

"Ah... It's been a long time since we came back, thank you for all waiting for us." Woohyun said as his tears dripped. "Thanks CEO, managers, music producers, and our beautiful new makeup artist! Inspirit saranghaeyo!"

"Thank you Inspirits! We'll keep working hard! Thank you CEO and manager hyungs and Yumi noona who snuck into the audience!" Sungjong added.

The crowd all looked around for the so called "Yumi noona".

The members took a group photo with the trophy. Their efforts were worth it all.


After the M!Countdown performance that night the won in all the other music shows as well. Infinite performed perfectly on Show Champion which wrapped up their schedules for the week. As a celebration the managers shouted them beef.

Yumi sat in the restaurant in between Woohyun and Hoya. A few of the fans were loitering outside admiring her eating dinner with Infinite. The members stuffed themselves since they don't eat proper food really often, it's usually fast food or takeaways. Yumi realised that Woohyun wasn't really eating.

"Woohyun? Are you okay?" She asked noticing his bright red face.

"Yeah..." He mumbled.

Yumi wasn't satisfied with the answer, she put the back of her hand on his forehand.

"Yah if you're sick you're suppose to say something!" Yumi complained, everyone else looked over.

"Ugh... I'll take you back to the dorm" She said getting up.

"Noo I'll do it." Goenam interrupted.

"It's fine I'm full anyways."

Yumi lifted Woohyun and started dragging him out to her car as she waved to the others at the table.

Woohyun sat in the passenger seat and closed his eyes. Yumi started driving, the trip was silent as hell. She parked her car outside a chemist and left Woohyun in the car as she went to get some medicine. He slightly opened one of his eyes and peeked at Yumi talking to the reception.

"Thank you..." He mumbled and felt a little dizzy.

Soon Yumi came back and drove Woohyun to their dorm.

"So... Why didn't you say anything?" She asked somehow knowing Woohyun was still awake.

"I didn't want to ruin their fun" Woohyun replied weakly spotting that they were already in the car park under their apartment.

Suddenly he felt a hand lightly place themselves on his face. Yumi turned Woohyun's face to face her and slowly pulled him closer.

Woohyun's body started heating up as he heart began beating wildly. He had to take his eyes off Yumi's peach coloured lips before his heart explodes.

She lightly placed her forehead on his to see how hot it was. Surprisingly he was a lot worse than before. Woohyun sighed feeling himself calm down a bit. She took him back to their dorm and laid Woohyun down on the bottom bed.

"But this is Sunggyu hyung's bed" Woohyun complained even though he was already laying in it.

"It's okay, he won't complain." Yumi replied reading the back of the box of medicine.

She soon went off and got some water and a cold wet towel. Somehow he felt so much better already under her care.

"Sleep well Woohyun" She said before getting up and leaving.

But before she could Woohyun grabbed onto her wrist.

"I... I'm afraid to sleep alone..." Woohyun mumbled. It was a lame excuse but it just felt better having her around.

Yumi chuckled but didn't say anything and sat down by the bed, as Woohyun closed his eyes and stop fidgeting. She admired the features on Woohyun's face.

His high bridge nose, bright red cheeks and his slightly puffy lips.

"Woohyun oppa..." Yumi whispered talking to herself. "You know what, you're my second favourite..."

Her cheeks blushed lightly as she slowly got up and gently kissed Woohyun's cheek and left him sleeping.

As soon as Yumi closed the bedroom door Woohyun opened his eyes with a grin implanted on his face. "Woohyun oppa aye... I like it~"



weeeeeeee :D I just want to share a bit of my happiness

well there is this new transfer kid at my school and from what he told me he hanged out with the bad group in his previous school. so today I asked him what kind of bad does he mean, and he told me he bashed people up in some occasions. I know this sounds strange but, OMGG he is like the my semi ideal type XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD fdahgjkahgkah byes!

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ailisu #1
ailisu #2
aww!! i totally ship her with woohyun;))
Wow! New storyline!! Honestly, i got bored with aff this lately, bcos i always found many stories with same storyline but thank god i found yours!! Keep on updating! *throw hearts*
Woaaah~ Daebakkkk ~ Update soon! >_<
Wow! Update more, author-nim *_*
:OOO im so curious! Please update soon :3