
Let Me Be The One




Everybody knows I never liked twitter that much but for some reason, I opened my account and just stared at it. Nothing much is happening, wondering why Siwon is always so excited using it. I was about to log out when suddenly, this appeared on my timeline.



To my sweethearts. I will be back soon, please wait!pic.twitter.com/woTGeg9j


Where is this?  When will that time come?  Why did you tweet in plural form? Why didn't you call or at least sent me a direct message? But of course i knew one of the answers, I never dwell too long on twitter. 

I got all excited and sad at the same time. I never knew I'd feel this much longing for a man who can't hardly keep his distance from me. Me who used to get annoyed when, he'd call again after just talking a few hours before just to say how he misses me when he's away filming on location. I never knew I'd miss those times so badly.


Then there I was, alone in our room again after recording all day for another comeback performance. I was tired but I couldn’t sleep, weighing in my head the thing I want to do most and the things that kept me from doing it.


I got up. Paced back and forth the entire length of the room that suddenly seemed so empty and cold without Siwon’s presence. I hugged myself knowing fully well that only he can make my body feel warm again. I couldn’t take it anymore, at last I decided to make the call. After about an hour, walking about restlessly in the room while talking on the phone, I ended the call excited and giddy on the outcome. I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then headed straight to my closet and took out Siwon’s gym bag which I filled with a few clothing and other necessities and headed out of the room and knocking on everyone else’s door.


Amidst the ruckus that ensued after I interrupted their rest, I announced. “Hyungs! I’m going after Siwon! Bye!!” and rushed towards the door, unceremoniously colliding onto a wall. I crumbled to the floor and so did the wall. Wait. What wall? It..it’s Siwon. OMG! It’s Siwon! It’s Siwon alright, smiling stupidly at me.


          “I heard where you’re going.” He simply said, stretching his open arms towards me.


I couldn’t help myself from bursting into tears, crawling up to him and straddling him right at the doorway. I just missed this man so so terribly, my heart is bursting with so much joy in his reappearance. I couldn’t care less if we were jamming the dorm room door as we started making out.


사랑해 이 바보야.  I love you, you idiot. This pain from missing you too much almost killed me.




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evil_kyu27 #1
Chapter 3: ,although it's a good read .. but it's mOre like a poem to me !!
bebwonkyu #2
Chapter 3: Beautiful.. :')
Chapter 1: this is the second time i read this! lol...
This is beautiful...i love it. And a happy ending, too...more reason to love it..
alysakyu #5
lovinkyu #6
OMG ! This is so sad but beautiful ending. Love this
i miss wonkyu moment so badly >.<
siwon...we all miss u here
Wow! Please update! I really liked that!
markLcoco #9
I was crying in twitter talked about WK, now I'm more ..TTT__TTT I don't want to think they have bad problem, try to think positive, but still... I'm bit worry.. TTT___TTT please Sugar, let them back together, even maybe in fic only ..... TTT___TTT
evildamon_lea #10
Kyu is hurting!!!!! Where is siwon????? Aishhh.. i miss wk.. sobbing..:'(