Just the Beginning

Be Ma Prince

"Uwah, spring~ My favourite season!~" You sang while waking up in your pigsty room. Getting off your small bed and finding your way through the little messy bedroom of yours, you found your way out the front door dressed in your school uniform and with a backpack on.

{School before the bell for first period}
"Hey guys~ It's finally spring yay~" You waved at your friends as you entered the visual arts classroom. "Hey Chubasaur, yeah its spring~ have you finished your assignment though?" Maknae Jaena asked. "W-What?! We had an assignment?" You and Nana yelled as Minhyo cocked her head up from checking herself out in her little pink mirror. "Yeah, the painting assignment that Mrs. Oh gave us earlier the other week." Jaena replied boredly as she was always the one that did all the assignments and homework. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" You and Nana shrieked as you rushed over to the table of paints and paintbrushes.

"Aish, why do they even come to our school? Shouldn't they be at some rich royalty college rather then being at this school?" Nana just annoyingly asked as she looked at the million of student fangirls surrounding Teen Top especially L.Joe and Chunji. "Bleh." Jaena shrugged as she bit a peice out of the ham sandwich she was eating. "I'm thirsty. I'm going to grab a drink at the school canteen." You said as you walked over to the canteen.

Paying for your drink, you realised that Chunji was standing behind you with fangirls. He winked at you as you just pouted slightly smiling. The student fangirls thought the wink was for them and one by one was about to faint.

{Visual Arts Class}
"Jihyeeee, can you go spill out this bucket and fill it with clean fresher water please thanks!" Minhyo yelled across the classroom as she fixed her hair and left you a bucket of dirty paint-used water. You sighed and grip hold of the bucket handle and went downstairs to where the toilets were to refill the bucket.

You walked by some lockers and accidently bumped into someone who was grabbing his sports shoes out of his locker.

"Omo. Mianhe, mianhe! Let me clean your shoes!" You bowed many times without looking at him and kneeled down to the ground. You started to clean the new white converses that had dirty paint water spilled all over with your apron that you were wearing until. "Chuck it." He said in a low voice and kicked the shoes out of his way. You looked with wide eyes as you notice it was Crown Prince L.Joe's converses that you have had just ruined. He walked away with a smirk to god knows where leaving you sitting on the floor cluelessly blinking on your knees with spilled paint water and some dirty shoes.

Just as that was happening, your friends came downstairs to find out why you took so long just to refill a bucket of water. Minhyo ran towards the shoes and hugged it. "I'm going to get so much money out of this when I put it on ebay." Minhyo started blabbering about L.Joe's shoes. Nana just shook her head in amusement. Jaena lended you a hand to pull you up.

*Bang, bang* Two formal looking men dressed in suits formerly knocked on the fence gateway of your house. Your appa opened the door. "Ah ye." He bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo, we are sent from the goong to talk about a marriage." The two men slightly bowed at appa. "Ah ye annyeonghaseyo." Your appa bowed as he was gesturing his hands as in telling them to come in.

"So your telling me that my baby princess Jihye is going to get married?" Your appa tried asking the two men in a formal way as possible. One of the men nodded while slightly bowing. "Ye. From what we know is that, the promise once before from your father's words that Jihye-ssi would marry the current Crown Prince. Lee Byunghun who is the prince is also attending Jihye-ssi's high school, Mr.Park." The other men explained. "Ah ye." Appa nodded. "To proceed the marriage or to complete the promise, you should have the ring of your father and the other half of this stone." The men continued and showed a ring and half of an old stone on an expensive plate. "Ah ye." Your appa repeated as he nodded again. With that the men leaved bowing once more.

*Loving U~ U~* Your phone started ringing during class time. "Mianhe Mrs. Oh." You sheepishly smiled at the teacher as you turned your phone off.

"Aish, why isin't she picking up?!" Your omma called you unpatiently as she just heard the news of the arranged promise made for your marriage as she didn't care that you were at school in class at the moment. "Aish this girl, why did she turn her phone off!" Your omma angrilly stalked off to your room which she knew was a mess.

"What kind of girl is she?!" Omma yelled as she picked up one of your pants and stockings lying in the middle of your bedroom. "Just the baby princess Jihye, my daughter." Your appa chuckled as he started to clean your room for the gazillionth time.

Annyeonggg~ just wanted to get the fic started hehe
Just incase if you guys are confused then, the two men 

arrived at your house while you were at school and your
mother is the one that works and your father is the one
that cooks, clean etc. basically your father is like a house
wife of the family. An outgoing one too. lmfao. o/

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☆Be Ma Prince; Sorry guys but from chapter 4 onwards i will use 'Jihye' instead of 'you'. You is everywhere in my text, so mianhe ! ;__;


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Daragonlove99 #1
Chapter 7: YESHYESHYESH. Please don't delete this story. It's special and refreshing.
Chapter 7: Use your brick phoneplz
Chapter 7: Update soon!! :D
Chapter 6: it's been like what, 22 days.
Goldie #5
Chapter 6: Update soon please!
Chapter 6: LOLOLOL good job jeanie. 4 month /claps/ time to wait another 4 months
o n o b
Chapter 5: SHIN WONHO ><
luvUU-_- #9
Chapter 4: it not boring author-nim
it very interesting so plzz update soon!!!!!