A new family is formed

Its All Because of You (HIATUS)


The sun kissed you good morning, you started to stretch your arms as you move your nose from left to right, bright colors welcomed you, and bright smiling Min hyuk peeking from the door.

“Annyeong noona!” He beamed, his face made you smile instantly, “Annyeong”
 you muttered before a big yawn which made him chuckle, “Wash up noona let’s play!” He exclaimed, he waved again for the last time before closing the door.


After a few minutes, you went downstairs for breakfast; you saw the guys are already in their seats, the only empty seat is the one besides Min hyuk, He saw you and pat the seat right next to him, “Noona seat here” he said energetically, you gave him a nod and walk towards the chair, as you walk to it, you can see Jung shin staring at you, you looked at him and your eyes met, you saw Jung shin’s cheeks reddened and he immediately looked away, which made you raise your eyebrows out of curiosity, things felt really awkward but you shook your head and sat on the unoccupied chair.


“Our CEO wants to hear you sing Ai lee” Yonghwa said as he took a sip from his cup.

“chincha?” you choked from the bread that you’re eating, Min hyuk playfully rub your back.

“Neh~” Jonghyun sang as he smile in front of you, Jung shin kept on eating his food but he can’t resist to smile , he can’t hide the happiness he felt when he heard his hyung say that.

“Yes, he said that he’s expecting you this weekend, since he’s so busy these days promoting other idols.” Yonghwa calmly said, but Jonghyun and Min hyuk kept on smiling at you.

“Yah ! stop smiling both of you, it creeps me out” you act like you’re really shivering, which made Jonghyun and Min hyuk laugh, “Congrats kiddo!” Jonghyun raised his hand expecting a high five from you, but you just ignored it, and plainly said, “It’s too early to celebrate.” You sighed.

Jonghyun and Min hyuk stopped from laughing and a very serious atmosphere emerged from the room.

“Well I already heard you sing, so I’m sure you’ll pass” Yonghwa said as he write something on a music sheet.

“Whoa!!! Hyung already heard you sing? Sing for us Kiddo!!” Jonghyun started to tap the table hard, hard enough to make irritating noises.

“Hyung stop that” Jung shin finally talked, “Yah!” Jonghyun retorted and suddenly pouted, “Yuck! Hyung don’t pout!” Min hyuk shouted and pointed at Jonghyun’s lips, “ughh!” Jonghyun burrowed his face on the table with his arms.


The sight in front of you really made you remember the days you spent in the orphanage, little kids act so cute while the older ones fails on doing aegyos, the warm sight where you really felt what having a family means, a family which you don’t have, parents you don’t know, and memories that are forgotten.


You started to shed some tears without even realizing it, “A-ai lee?” Jung shin said, the other guys looked at you, Min hyuk started to panick and shake you, “Noona why are you crying?” he said, Jonghyun ran towards you and wipe your tears, Yonghwa alse ran to your side and pat your head.


“Huh?” you finally talked, you felt your cheeks wet, “Oh Mianhe mianhe ..” you quickly wipe your tears with your bare hands, the feeling of having a family overwhelmed you and your feelings turned into tears.

“What’s wrong?” Yonghwa asked after you calmed down, “Ani .. I just remembered something”

“Are you sure you’re not hurt somewhere?” Jonghyun said with a tone of concern, “Yes Jonghyun-ssi” you replied.

“Noona !! What’s wrong” Min hyuk’s bright smile disappeared and Is replaced by a worried and serious face, “Yes I am hahaha” You chuckled at Min hyuk’s face, you don’t see him like that, so it was a real shock for you.


Jung shin just stared at you, even though he don’t say anything you can feel the concern he has for you, a smile formed from your face, “I’m fine Jung shin don’t worry” You flashed out your biggest smile, he blushed and looked away.


The four guys sighed in unison which made you smile, “Thanks for accepting me here guys “  you said out of the blue, they looked at each other first then to you,


 “It’s okay I’m sorry for dragging you here” Yonghwa apologized,  “No need to apologize, I don’t have a place to stay, so I should thank you for your offer” you simply stated.

“I like noona so it’s okay” Min hyuk said, you don’t know if he’s serious or not so you just smiled at him,

“It’s okay since you’re nice and beautiful” The romanticist Jonghyun appeared beside you, “Yah!” You blushed from his words,

“It’s okay ..” Jung shin muttered, it made you chuckle since Jung shin is now talking to you, “Thanjs Jung shin” you smiled at him, which made him blush AGAIN.




Thanks for continuing to support my fic readers :)))


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I did this tonight so i don't have the time to back read >< mianhe for the confusion on one of the chapter, i already edited it so i think it's okay now, if you don't know it i think it's in chapter 4 i changed the Jung shin there with Jonghyun, well it's really jonghyun but i don't know why i did put jungshin's name >< xD hahaha anyways i'm talking too much :)


i have to go to sleep i'll update once again tomorrow :)


saranghaeyo my beloved readers :)))

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CNBLUE_Katielicious #1
Chapter 19: ~ CNBLUE ♥ Song Ai Lee ~

See how awkward are they without Ai Lee ssi.. Haha!
They fell for her!!! ^^ Nice & Inspiring Story Author-nim! ^^

Author-nim!! Fighting!! ;)
CNBLUE_Katielicious #2
Chapter 17: Waahh!! ♥ Suprising act from Uri Yoo~ng Choding!! xD
Hyukkie is so cute!!! I imagine how pitiful he looks when Yoo~ng tramped him in to the wall with his muscles.. xDD Hahaha!!

Author-nim! Fighting~ ;)
FiDelia #3
Chapter 7: nice story >... !
Chapter 18: I want to read more of this story so update soon!! :D
oishiitomo #5
P.S Love the longer chapters, but miss those awesome gifs haha
oishiitomo #6
I love this story so much <3 One of the few stories I followed/subscribed to on this site. Whooo update soon! keep up the good work.! Fighting~
piggyoink #7
Please update soon
Wow, somehow there's a big diference of a chapter with gifs and one without it...besides that, I'm looking foward for more yonglee/aihwa <3<3<3