Wishing On A Star

Its All Because of You (HIATUS)

Unfortunately, Jonghyun’s confession kept bugging you, you tossed and turn, kicked the pillows, yanked your hair, but nothing seems to calm you down,so you turned and looked at the clock stating 1:39, you facepalmed yourself as you mumble words that only you can hear.


“Ughh  ... why does Jonghyun have to do that, now I can’t forget everything he said.” You ended it with a sigh; you lazily stood up and walked towards your closet to get some jacket.

“I have to get some fresh air, Jonghyun this is your fault, so I’m gonna intrude your personal space” You stuck your tongue out in front of the mirror imagining it as if Jonghyun is actually standing there.


You puffed your cheeks, and went outside of your room, as you pass the guys room, you tiptoe to lessen the noise you make, as you tiptoe between the guy’s rooms, you can hear some of them snoring, some of them mumbling, while some of are just plain quiet, you chuckled at the cute sounds coming from the close doors.


You succeeded to exit the house without waking anyone up, as you walk on the lush green grass; you sway your hands happily, feeling the soothing cool breeze and the slight sounds that are made by the small crickets lurking on the shadows.


You went at the back side of the house, you saw the tree house which made your face form a smile, feeling like a little kid, you excitedly climb the ladder made from knots and ropes, luckily Jonghyun taught you a trick on how to climb the ladder without having any difficulties, so you managed to climb the tree house without any cramps.


But unfortunately the reason that you can’t sleep is sitting in the tree house watching the sky full of stars.

“... Jonghyun ..” You mumbled which made Jonghyun jumped from his position, he turned around to face you, he blink quickly, after that he rub his eyes as if he’s seeing a dream or illusion of you.

“Ai .. lee.?” He muttered, he stood up and helped you on your last step reaching the tree house.

“T-thanks.” you stuttered because Jonghyun’s confession crossed in your mind.

“Why are you here?” He asked, * I can’t sleep because of what you said PABO ... as if I can say that* you said to yourself.

“Uhhh I need some fresh air?” You wanted to give him an answer but it turned out as a question.

“Are you answering me or asking me?” He chuckled after his statement and reverted is gaze back to the stars.

You laughed awkwardly, after that you faked a cough to calm yourself down, “What are you doing here?” you asked him the same question.

He looked at you first, and then returned his vision on the dazzling stars in the dark night, “We have the same reason, I guess?” He laughed at his own words, you smiled and sat beside him.

“The stars are pretty today, right?” You focused all your attention into the stars, so you failed to realize that Jonghyun is staring at you, “Yes .. it’s ... pretty ..” he softly said, and then turned his eyes into the stars.

A falling star took your attention, you close your eyes and held your hands together, as if you’re praying, Jonghyun looked at you as you mumbled lightly, “What are you doing?” He asked, he didn’t get any response coming from you, but after a few seconds you opened your eyes and look at him with a smile on your face.

“There’s a falling star earlier, I wished something, ohhh I hope it comes true” you hid your face with your hands as you squeal.

“Hahaha what did you wished for?” He asked as he stare at your actions.

You put your finger on your lips, “Sorry, can’t tell” you tilt your head sideways and hugged your knees.

Jonghyun pouted and started to whine, “Waeee~” He flail his hands around causing you to let out a heart warming laughter.

“You’re silly” You said as you wipe the tears the formed earlier.

“Hahaha, thank you kiddo” He swipe his finger below his nose.

“Aww we’re back with the kiddo again?” You pouted your lips, you hugged your knees much tighter.

“You don’t like it?” He asked as if he didn’t knew the answer.

“Am I gonna act like this is I like it?” You raised your eyebrows, he laughed at your actions and started wiggling his eyebrows, “Hahaha that’s weird” You close your eyes and started shaking your head from left to right.

“Hahaha at least I made you laugh KIDDO” He emphasized the last word.

“You sure did, thanks” You stretched your arms above your head.

“Sleepy?” His lips formed a slight frown.

“Neh~, I’m gonna sleep peacefully right now, thanks... you?” You asked him, since you know he is restless.

“I’m gonna stay here for a while, go first it’s getting cold now.” He motioned his hands shooing you away.

“You’re gonna be okay here?” You rest your hand on your waist as you wait for him to answer.

“Yes, I’m gonna be a’right.” He smiled at you which put your heart at ease.

“Okay, thanks again ... bye” You waved at him as you go climb down from the tree house.


*Ai lee, what I said earlier is true ... and nothing but the truth, I am starting to love you, I don’t know if it’s a good idea, but the more I hide this feeling, the more I want to tell you and love you without thinking twice, I wish that someday ... I can confess to you without drinking any soju* He held both of his hands and closed his eyes, little did he know that as if on cue, a falling star once again appeared.




short update :))

Yonghwa : What happened? Jonghyun!

Jonghyun : Nothing happened hyung Hahaha



Jonghyun : Oh i heard from Author-ssi that someone called me?

Is that you? you?

Jonghyun : You said you love me? Hihihi thanks :)) <3

Yonghwa : -jealous- No one said that!, emm gonna hypnotize you, look look look

Jonghyun : Woooowww

Jonghyun : Uhhh what happened?

Yonghwa : -whistles- Nothing happened

Jonghyun : >3<

Jonghyun : At least i have a whole chapter again ! xD


Subscribe and Comment please we both love you! you

Jonghyun : Okay? :) <3 <3 <3 you


Extra Gif Random ><


I don't want to go to school tomorrow ><

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CNBLUE_Katielicious #1
Chapter 19: ~ CNBLUE ♥ Song Ai Lee ~

See how awkward are they without Ai Lee ssi.. Haha!
They fell for her!!! ^^ Nice & Inspiring Story Author-nim! ^^

Author-nim!! Fighting!! ;)
CNBLUE_Katielicious #2
Chapter 17: Waahh!! ♥ Suprising act from Uri Yoo~ng Choding!! xD
Hyukkie is so cute!!! I imagine how pitiful he looks when Yoo~ng tramped him in to the wall with his muscles.. xDD Hahaha!!

Author-nim! Fighting~ ;)
FiDelia #3
Chapter 7: nice story >... !
Chapter 18: I want to read more of this story so update soon!! :D
oishiitomo #5
P.S Love the longer chapters, but miss those awesome gifs haha
oishiitomo #6
I love this story so much <3 One of the few stories I followed/subscribed to on this site. Whooo update soon! keep up the good work.! Fighting~
piggyoink #7
Please update soon
Wow, somehow there's a big diference of a chapter with gifs and one without it...besides that, I'm looking foward for more yonglee/aihwa <3<3<3