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i don't know honestly lol. i'm not completely loosing my respect for them, i just don't know what to believe. CCM was obviously lying about something. I know some people are going insane w/ it and jumping to conclusions. This whole disbandment petition is rather pathetic aswell. 

it just feels awkward writing this bc of this whole scandal. I'm thinking about continue writing. i will be slow , because my school starts soon. 

and skldjlkjads have you guys watched b1a4's hello baby, omg my babies taking care of babies

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Posted chapter 2 hooopa


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Chapter 8: Jinyoung? Did Jiyeonie like Jinyoung???
Jinith23 #2
Chapter 8: Hey make it more longer pls! I like ur story anyway! Update soon ;)
Chapter 8: PLease update soon :)
chikorquotes #4
next update can u make it longer hehe update soon :D
Chapter 8: Aaa your story is so amazing!!! Continue to write!!! I love all your characters in this fanfic!!! Update soon!!! DAEBAK!!! XD
NatashaL1234 #7
Chapter 8: shut it byungJoe LOL
NatashaL1234 #8
Chapter 7: New reader here!!! I like your story so much!!! I'm glad you decided to continue writing~ cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 7: update soon
Chapter 7: yea ^^ u updated :) :D happy~ awesome jiyeon fanfic :) update soon! FIGHTING!!! XD