What Did Curiousity Do To The Cat


"You ready? " Ljoe says

Uhmm, how did you find my-" Jiyeon gets cut off by Ljoe. " I saw you come out of your apartment last night before i followed you around" he answers.

"ohh, ok. let's go" Jiyeon says. The two of them start walking and they see Jinyoung w/ IU walking towards

"Ohh Jinyoung , IU hey" 

Jinyoung puts on a fake smile once he saw Ljoe. "Ohh, hey. We came to pickup Jiyeon, " he looks at the two of them. "but it seems you beat me to it" his smile is getting faker and faker. 

"Ohh, hi oppa, hello IU" 

" Oh, jiyeon-ah you're look so pretty, i love your makeup" IU says. 

"Of course she is" he says making her blush again. "ka-ja" he grabs Jiyeons hand and start walking. IU and Ljoe are in shock by actions but continue walking behind. Jinyoung finally got a hold of her and can't help but he was too happy to realize they were holding eachothers hand swinging them back and forth. 

"Are they dating" IU whispers to Ljoe. He doesn't answer. Everyones silent.

-Ljoe's POV

"Damnit, Jinyoung you er."  he thinks. He noticed that they really do look like a couple holding hands like that" They just met yesterday , they can't be dating, aishh. Why do i feel like this. Did i really fall for her? I never fall for girls like this" Ljoe thinks to himself. He's getting pissed

-Jiyeon's POV

" holy thank you Jinyoung. I thought i told Ljoe i didnt like him . Ughh. But it was really sweet of Jinyoung to come. He's so sweet" Jiyeon says in her head

-Jinyoungs POV

"What the hell is Ljoe doing here. Is he already starting to hit on her. I've what he's done to girls, I won't let him have Jiyeon. How does he even know where she lives? If I ask him , he'll ask me the same. Aishh. " Jinyoungs thinks to himself. While Jiyeon and Jinyoung are swinging their hand, he notices a bracelet Jiyeon is wearing . He reads it says "Myungyeon" he thinks for a second , then he realizes it could mean Myungsoo and Jiyeon, since both of them used were childhood friend.

~end of POV

"Jiyeon-ah, what does your bracelet mean?" he asks calmly.

"Ohh nothing, one of my old friends just made it for me when I used to live in America" she lies.

 "ahh, ok" Jinyoung says, he knows Jiyeon is lying and he starts to get more curious.

"So she's from America also. She sounds like a florida girl" Ljoe thinks to himself

~They arrive at school~

everyone's staring at Jinyoung and Jiyeon,. including Myungsoo. Myungsoo eyes widen , he's speechless. 

-Myungsoo's POV

"What is he doing w/ Jiyeon? How do they know eachother already? Did Jiyeon fall for him already? Why are they with Ljoe? Aishh why am I so curious, I shouldn't even care. " Myungsoo he says in his head.  He hears everyone whispering " are they dating?" "they're so cute. " "isn't that the new girl? she's so pretty" "that girl is so lucky" . "OMFG SHUT UP" He yells in english in his head. He's getting annoyed and leaves his kingka group and just goes to class.

~end of POV

Jiyeon can sense everyone talking about them and feels shy , she doesn't  what to do . But suddenly she sees Myungsoo , he looks pretty angry he starts walking away. She lets go of Jinyoungs hand and turns to him

"I'm gonna go to class" she says

" oh do you want me to walk you?" Jinyoung say's hoping she'd say yes

"No need to , we have class together, so we'll be off now. Go hangout w/ your 4th year friends" Ljoe says coldly (A/N: they're all in highschool Jinyoung is in his 4th year, Jiyeon , Ljoe, and Myungsoo are in they're 3rd. IU , Wooyoung, and Yoseob are in they're 2nd year)

Ljoe takes Jiyeon away w/o even letting her say goodbye. He puts his arm around Jiyeon, but Jiyeon pushes his arm off. Jinyoung saw it , and laughed. Wooyoung and Yoseob apear after Ji&Joe left. 

"Oh , IU let's go we're gonna be late" they said.

"Oh yeah. Ok, Byee Oppa" IU says and waves bye to Jinyoung

The three left. "and now i'm alone. Good job Halbae Jung , good job" Jinyoung says walking off all by himself ignoring all the fangirling queenka's. 

~In Class~

Jiyeon feels awkward after walking with Ljoe,  she sees Myungsoo infront of her.

"Ohh, hi" she says. Her hair is in her face so she fixes it, while she fixed it Myungsoo noticed the bracelet. 

"You opened the box huh? he says. Jiyeon was confused for a second then looked at her bracelet and knew what was going on. 

"Oh, yeah. I just did yesterday , i thought it was cute" she says looking down

"I'm assuming you read the letter. I wrote all that 10 years ago, I don't mean any of it anymore" he says

Those words killed Jiyeon on inside. "If you don't mean it , then here, take this" she throws the bracelet to Myungsoo. Myungsoo caught it, but before he could say anything , Mr. Choi comes in.

"Alright everybody to your seats class will be starting" he says. Class start and Ljoe started thinking about everything that just happened?

-Ljoe's POV

"Wait what the hell just happened? Do Myungsoo and Jiyeon really know eachother? From their conversation , they seemed kinda close? What box is he talking about? What letter did she read? What happened 10 years ago. Am I loosing Jiyeon to Jinyoung AND Myungsoo. I want her to be mine" he thinks to himself 

Stay tuned for Chapter 4~

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Posted chapter 2 hooopa


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Chapter 8: Jinyoung? Did Jiyeonie like Jinyoung???
Jinith23 #2
Chapter 8: Hey make it more longer pls! I like ur story anyway! Update soon ;)
Chapter 8: PLease update soon :)
chikorquotes #4
next update can u make it longer hehe update soon :D
Chapter 8: Aaa your story is so amazing!!! Continue to write!!! I love all your characters in this fanfic!!! Update soon!!! DAEBAK!!! XD
NatashaL1234 #7
Chapter 8: shut it byungJoe LOL
NatashaL1234 #8
Chapter 7: New reader here!!! I like your story so much!!! I'm glad you decided to continue writing~ cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 7: update soon
Chapter 7: yea ^^ u updated :) :D happy~ awesome jiyeon fanfic :) update soon! FIGHTING!!! XD