Chapter one.

Sunshine Above The Clear Water.


It was a strange morning. The newspaper got thrown earlier then expected in front of our door while I looked out of the window. The weather was cold while the rain was falling down like no end. The television was softly zooming through the room while my cafe latte was slowly steaming in the cold air. 

The house was empty and I was left behind. My family went onto vacation while I was sitting at home, making my summer homework since I failed my exam and had to redo it after a month. It felt lonely but I knew that I needed that, in order to get good grades. 

How I failed my exam is still a mystery to me. I'd like studied for almost every night and then when I got my paper, everything out. So frustrating. And of course if that idiot kept streaming onto the television. 

I wasn't the one who had a bad time. He looked worser than me with his red eyes. It looked like he had been through a lot of nights without sleeping or even resting. I felt sympathy for a moment but then I remembered the pain he had done to me. 

His image came into my head again and that made me realize that I was staring at the television instead of making my homework. I groaned and grabbed my hair and forced me to look at my book. From the corner of my eyes, I slowly peeked at the screen. There he was again. He still looked the same as the last time I have spoken him, which was like ages ago. Still as handsome as ever, I had to give him that or else I might lie to myself. 

'Pabo, pabo, pabooo!!' I said to myself while I hit my head with my knuckles. It hurt but that helped me to get his image away. I yawned and turned off the television. That was atleast what I can do. 

I stretched myself and decided to go and check the newspaper. I stood up from my wooden chair and walked over to the door. I slowly unlocked it and opened it in a slight opening. I slipped through it and stood with my woollen shoes outside while I folded my arms, to protect me from the icy cold. I shivered and breathed the fresh air in. I smiled and bent down, to pick up my newspaper. Surprisingly, the frontpage was filled with scandals but the most biggest scandal of them all was that of my ex-boyfriend, Jinyoung. 

He has been accused for plagiriazing his songs for almost 2 years, which wasn't really my problem, but the way how the reporters wrote about him, interested me. I lifted my eyebrows up while I flipped the pages. I went my house back in and settled myself in the sofa. It felt comfortable but my fingers kept itching to turn over the page.

There, the page with the scandal with a big picture of Jinyoung, hiding his eyes with his cap. He looked like back then, when we were dating. I would always steal his cap and hide it behind my back and would always grab me and twist me around until I gave it back. Those were really good memories.

The reporters were talking really bad about him and somewhere, I knew that Jinyoung wouldn't do something like that. He's too good for this. I knew he had a talent for composing and that he wouldn't steal something what wasn't his.

I sighed and folded the paper back in his original state. I threw it onto the table and took my mug to sip my coffee. Until my phone vibrated in my pocket. I almost choked from the sudden vibration and put my mug rapidly away. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen. I've got one message. 

It was from an unknown number. I frowned my forehead and opened the message. 

'Please hold the door open for me. I'm on my way.' I read out loud. 

I looked confused at the message. 'Who in the world would sent me such a message?' I thought loud out but then a knock on my window occurred. I stood up and looked cautiously at the person with a hoodie in front of my window. It was soaked wet while he shivered. 

I stood in front of the window and looked at him. He looked up and undid his hoodie a little. He flashed his smile and my mouth dropped. He motioned with his finger that I should open the window. I was speechless and rapidly opened the window to let him in as the rain was still dropping like no end. 

'Wh..wha..' I stuttered as Jinyoung climbed in my house. 

'Ha~.. Thank you, Juniel.' Jinyoung smiled while he took off his hoodie. Him saying my name felt like a blast in to the past. 

'Wh-what are you doing here, I thought that you were in Seoul working on something?" I asked him. 

Jinyoung looked up and shook his head. 'I was framed for plagiriazing things.' Jinyoung said. 

I looked at him with that I-know-that-look and grabbed his arm. 'But why are you here at my house?' I asked him. 

Jinyoung pouted and took his arm from my hand. 'Ahh... I didn't know where to go. The reporters were everywhere.' he pouted while he ruffled his hair, making me wet. 

I backed behind and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the bathroom. I took a towel for him and rubbed his hair with it dry. Jinyoung smiled and thanked me. 

'Don't think I'm being nice on you.' I warned him as he was flashing me that look of awe. I walked away and took some clothes that I still had from him and gave it to him. 'Change, pali~.' I said while I handed him the clothes. 

Jinyoung looked at it for a second and then smiled. 'I didn't know you still had clothes from me?' he smiled. 

I slit my eyes and bit my eyes. 'I spit a lot onto it. I let my cat pee, I let my brother eat above it with a dripping hamburger and had let it soak in the rain outside for a week.' I summed it up with was all a lie but I didn't want him to catch me that I had harbored for such a long time. 

Jinyoung nodded and pulled off his shirt which made me blushed. I turned myself around and closed the door behind me. 'Yah! Jinyoung, I'm a girl!' I warned him while I leant my back against the door. 

'Ah, right, I forgot. But we dated, you have seen everything already.' Jinyoung said. I giggled softly and thought back about that time and then that pain came again. I shook my head and folded my arms. 

'Yes, but that was ages ago.' I told him. Jinyoung made an 'hmmh' and I heard him unbulk his pants. 'It's not that long ago. Why did we break up again?" he asked me. 

I rolled with my eyes and put my hand against the door. 'You know it as good as I do.' I sneered. Then the door opened and I fell back from the sudden opening. 

'Aaaaah!!' I screamed but Jinyoung caught me and smiled. I felt safe and warm in his embrace but I rapidly shook the feelings away. I stood up and ruffled my hair with my hand. 

'Good, now, what's your plan?' I asked him. Jinyoung looked up and scratched his head awkwardly. 'Well, I.... Euh... Can I stay a little longer?' he asked me. 

I widened my eyes and looked at him confused. 'You are a millionaire. You can just rent a hotel.' I said. 

Jinyoung sighed and walked closer. 'Everything.... Are you really that mad? Can't you let a old friend stay?' he asked me while he stood only a inch from me away. I looked up at him and drowned in his eyes for a minute but snapped myself from my trance. 

'Good, you can sleep on the couch then.' I said while I held my hands up. 'But don't disturb me. I have a lot to do for my upcoming exam.' I said while I walked away. Jinyoung chuckled and back hugged me. He pecked a kiss on my cheek while he held tightly onto me. My stomach rumbled for a second. I flinched and when his lips touched me. His lips still had that soft touch. 

'What do you have in the fridge? I'm starving.' Jinyoung exclaimed while he rubbed his stomach after he let go of me. I looked at him astonished and then pointed at the kitchen. 'Y-You can.. eat ramyun..' I stuttered. Jinyoung laughed and ran to my kitchen like a little kid. I giggled from his childishness and went back to my books. 


During my study, I couldn't concentrate as Jinyoung was constantly rumbling in the kitchen with pans and plates. I stood irritated from my chair as I had enough of it. It had been going on for almost the whole day and it's time to say something about it. 

'How hard can making ramyun be?" I thought while I slowly walked to the kitchen. I opened the door and saw Jinyoung standing there with a pink apron. I walked over to him and supported my arm on his shoulder while I leant my chin onto it. 'What are you doing?' I asked him. Jinyoung flinched and smiled. 

'Oh, you shocked me. I'm making dinner.' Jinyoung simply said. I put my nose up and smelled the air. Indeed, he was making something else instead of ramyun. 

I looked up at the clock and didn't notice that it had been so late already. My stomach rumbled and Jinyoung snickered. 

'You can eat. Dinner's ready.' he told me. I smiled and placed myself on the table. Jinyoung put a pot onto the table and removed the lid, letting a lot of steam escape. 

'What did you make?" I asked him. I knew he was a very good cook and honestly, I missed his home-made dishes. 

'My favourite one, kimchi.' Jinyoung smiled while he placed himself on a chair. He took some sticks and put some of his dishes on a spoon. He put a hand under the spoon and went into my direction. 'Say, aaah.' JInyoung said. 

I looked at him and grabbed his arm lightly. 'Jinyoung, we broke up. We don't do these things anymore.' I calmly told him. Jinyoung pouted and looked at me with those puppy-eyes. 

'Also not between friends? Come on.' Jinyoung pouted. I smiled and had to chuckle. I opened my mouth and he put the spoon in my mouth. I nicely ate it up while Jinyoung pinched my cheek. 

'You're cute, as a friend.' Jinyoung added at the end. I smiled and ate the dishes. They were very delicious and Jinyoung was proud of it. 


After eating the dishes and cleaning up, it was time to sleep. I was just ready with preparing the couch for him to sleep but when I called him, he didn't answer. I frowned my forehead as I searched for him. 

'He better not run away.' I growled while I went the stairs up to my room. I opened the door and the lights. There. Hugging my pillow while he sloppily laid on my bed, sleeping. 

I slowly walked over to him, making sure I don't make a noise and took my blanket. I carefully put it over him and his hair. 'If only we didn't break up..' I sighed to myself. 

When I was about to turn around, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me down. 

'Don't leave me. I miss you for being my wifey.' he muttered at me sleepdrunken. 'Juniel.' 



Next chapter coming soon *


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Omo! The ending was really cute! Excellent job authornim!
I absolutely LOVED this fic! It was funny, cute, romantic, and sad all at once. Not just that but my bias, Jinyoung, was involved it<3! So I honestly couldn't had ask for more^^ I'm not just saying this, I REALLY mean it!
Thank you author for creating such a wonderful fic!^^
Love it!
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #4
I loved this story!!! >w< I laughed, I cried, I squealed like a little girl...your stories always know how to squeeze every last drop of emotion out of me...that's how you know it's a good story :)
>w< I can't wait for the next chapter! poor jinyoung framed
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #6
awwww.....wae Jinyoungie? If only they hadn't broken up....actually, I'm glad they did...otherwise we wouldn't be getting a story about what happens next~ :3
FML~ I love your fics so much~ T_T
Update soon. I want to know what coming next.
Sounds seriously cute <3 please update soon!
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #10
:D Yaaaay! Sounds like a funny story~ ^_^ can't wait!