
Chase Me If You Can

(A/N: Okay So I forgot Baekhyun existed in this story o.O sooo sorry, Baekkie! Well, to make it up, here's a scene for you ^^)

Narrator's POV

"Despair talking..." Baekhyun said as he held the phone to his ears. He could hear Luhan sigh at the other end. 

"Then why is despair didn't call me or answer my calls for the past 2 days?"

"Because I am wallowing in my shame and pitifullness." Baekhyun said as he rolled on the soft mattress. 

"Dude, snap out of it! Just cause Seo Young hugged another male doesnt mean it's the end of the world-"

"It is! Luhan, what you said has became a reality! She will marry a guy five times more good looking that me and I will left in the dust! What to do, Luhan? What to do?!?!?" Baekhyun wailed on the cordless phone. 

"Okay, despair, what till I get there. And I'll bring my Stitch plushie. Maybe that will cheer you up."

"But Lulu, that won't do any good!" Baekhyun protested, but the line was dead. He groaned as he slammed the phone beside his alarm clock. He took one of his pillows and stuffed it in his face. 

"Seo Young!!" That shriek escaped his throat. But, it was muffled by the pillow, so what came out wasn't a scream, but a small 'sgh youghtd!' squeak. He felt helpless. Not only that, he felt like he was dumped by a girl who didn't even know that he likes her. 

Now that, is ish. 

Baekhyun didn't leave his room for 2 days, no joke. He will eat if only his mother slid the food at the small gap beneath his door. Water? Baekhyun's got tons of giant energy drinks and mineral bottles in his room so that wouldn't be a bother. He just showered 2 hours ago, and now his pillow was a bit soggy because he was too darn lazy to dry his hair and just jumped on bed. 

"Seo Young..." He mumbled before closing his eyes. He was about to go to sleep when the door pounded. 

"AYO YO YO YO YO BAEKKIE BOYYY! OPEN UP!" He heard Luhan's voice outside the room. Baekhyun lazily got up and opened the door, letting his hyperactive friend in. Luhan bounced in, smiling while waving the Stitch plushie in his hands. 

"Luhan, that Stitch plushie won't give a freaking affect on me." Baekhyun said lazily while jumping on the bed after locking the door. Luhan pouted. 

"Just squeeze and punch it. I gurantee you perfect satisfaction." Luhan convinced him and shoved the plushie into his hands. Baekhyun stared at the plushie. He imagined Eli's face and punched it real hard. He squeezed, punched, threw, kicked and any other sort of violent stunt on the poor Stitch plushie. 

"You are right." Baekhyun finally said after he had whacked the poor toy with a baseball bat. "100% satisfaction." Luhan grinned. He sat on the mattress next to Baekhyun. 

"So, tell me, dear 'Despair', what have you saw actually?"

"Well, I climbed up a tree after Lina talked to me. I mean, you know I like to climb up things. Anyways, I climbed up the tree, and looked at the really pretty moon, thinking about the universe, my life-"

"Dude." Luhan snapped. "Cut the crap and get to the point." Baekhyun made a face. 

"Okay okay. Shesh. Who's being impatient." He grumbled. "Anyways, I heard Kris and Lina left with Kris's car. I looked down and saw Seo Young on the doorframe with Eli behind him. She suddenly turned back and hugged the guy." Baekhyun ended the tragic story with a sniff. 

"Then, what did you do? Did you like, put up a whole drama fit or something?"

"No, I climbed down quickly and ran off." Baekhyun admitted. Luhan slapped his thigh, hard. 

"Dude! You are suppose to get her back from Eli! Who  the heck leaves his girl with someone else?! Man, you are HOPELESS." Luhan emphasized the last word. Baekhyun sniffed again, making him look rather pityful and pathetic. "I do not wanna see you wallow in the 'pit of shame' or whatever you call it. Go change and follow me!" Luhan instructed. Baekhyun blinked. 


"Do you not hear me? Go change!" Luhan barked. Baekhyun sat there, motionless. Luhan raised an eyebrow. "Or you want me to strip you , take a picture and post it on the school web?"

"You can't do that!" Baekhyun shrieked in horror. 

"You bet I can. And you do realize I am technically stronger than you?" Luhan asked. Baekhyun shook his head. Luhan lifted his shirt, exposing his perfect six pack. "Darling, these abs are not on my body for nothing. Now go and change into a shirt or something!" Luhan said as he barked out orders again. Baekhyun quickly scrambled out of the bed, change into a a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. 

"I'm done." he squeaked. Luhan smiled and dragged his hand out of the room and went downstairs. 

"Bye Mrs. Byun! We'll be back!" Luhan screamed towards the kitchen. Baekhyun's mother's head popped out. 

"Bye Luhan! Bye Baekkie! Be back before 7, okay?" She said and disspeared. Luhan dragged Baekhyun outside and dumped the boy at the passenger seat of his car. 

"Wait wait, you have a car?" Baekhyun asked. Luhan rolled his eyes. 

"Duh, that is why I keep calling you. I passed the driver's test and now I can legally drive. But nooo, you wouldn't answer. You just missed the whole day of fun. Me and Seunghyun with a couple of his friends hit the arcade, go out for some movies and-"

"Okay, stop making me freaking jealous and tell me where we are going?" Luhan snickered. 

"We, my friend, are going to the gym."


Luhan wasn't kidding when he said he'll bring Bakehyun to the gym. Baekhyun was now staring at buff guys who were working out and a couple of girls who has bulging muscles. He hung his mouth in shock. Luhan had also changed into his working out outfit. 

"Here, let me introduce you to Wooyoung. He is my instructer, and also a friend." Luhan said as he shoved Baekhyun in front of a really handsome and buff guy. The guy looked down at Baekhyun. 

"So Luhan, is this the guy that I need to help?" Wooyoung asked Luhan. 

"Yes, hyung! He is really puny. Just looking at the arms explains everything." Luhan said and rolled his eyes. Wooyoung inspected Baekhyun's body, and nodded. 

"Hi there. My name is Wooyoung. I am here to train you." Wooyoung introduce himself. Baekhyun just nodded. He didn't say a word. "Luhan, does this boy even speaks?"

"Yes, he does. He is a bit..." Luhan bit his lips from trying to laugh. "...shy." He finished. "Very not manly, Baekhyun. Guys can't be shy. That is just lame." Luhan said and nudged his shoulder on Baekhyun. Baekhun made a face.

"Okay fine. My name is Baekhyun, and please train me well." Baekhun said and bowed a little. Wooyoung laughed as slapped his back, much to Baekhyun's displeasure. 

"Oh don't worry kid. Luhan was as puny as you when he came to me 3 months ago. Now look at him. He has freaking abs. Now I am going to train you how get abs like him as well." Wooyoung said as he led the boys to a part of the gym which has treadmills lined up. 

"Oohh! I pick this one!" Luhan said excitedly as he jumped on a treadmill. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. 

"Luhan, they are just the same-"

"Not in my eyes!" Luhan chirped. Wooyoung slapped himself mentally, reminding that the boy he trained is a bit childish. His attention than focused on the fidgeting Baekhyun. 

"Well boy. Get on one of the treadmills and start our training." Wooyoung instructed. Baekhyun nervously got on the treadmill next to the already running Luhan. Wooyoung pressed a few buttons and Baekhyun instantly ran. 

"Uhh.. Wooyoung hyung, I think it is too fast!" Baekhyun panted as he tried to catch up with the speed. 

"Puh-leese, boy! Luhan did this on his first day, and he did fine! Why not you?" Wooyoung said and raised an eyebrow."Well, you do wanna impress the girl of your dreams right?"

"Wait, who told you that?"

"Luhan did." Wooyoung said and pointed at the sweating and running Luhan. Luhan could just smile sheepishly while Baekhyun shot daggers at him. Apparently, Baekhyun didn't notice Wooyoung increased the speed. Baekhyun wasn't ready yet, so he tripped on his own foot, and stumbled backwards and landed on his back on the soft work out carpet. 

"Ouch.." He whinned as he rubbed his sore back. He saw Wooyoung and Luhan walking towards him. Luhan offered him a hand. 

"We have so much to do." Wooyoung sighed as he patted Baekhyun's shoulders in assurance. 


So now, every day after school, Baekhyun was forced by Luhan to go to the gym to train with Wooyoung. After 3 weeks of intense treadmill running, push ups, sit ups, crouches and weight lifting, a few muscles started to form on Baekhyun's petite arms. 

Seunghyun, the next day of school, was impressed. 

"Wahh Baekhyun... you have arm muscles now. And I thought you are weak and puny.." Seunghyun said in amazemnt. Baekhyun smiled proudly. 

"See? A little work out won't do much harm, did it, Luhan?" Luhan rolled his eyes. 

"Have you seen him? He like, trips on the treadmill so many times and almost crushed his chest on the weight lifting station." Luhan said. Seunghyun tried not to laugh as Baekhyun made a face.

"Hey, at leats it paid off." Baekhyun said as he closed the doors of his locker, and found Taeyon twirling her hair at the other side. 

"Hi oppa~" She purred. Baekhyun mentally groaned. 


"Nothing. It's just that I rarely see oppa after school nowadays. Where have you gone?" Taeyon asked. Baekhyun ignored her. He also saw Luhan and Seunghyun retreated off, running somewhere else. 

'Traitors,' he thought. 

"None of your buisness, Taeyon." Baekhyun said as he weasled through the crowd, but much of a difficult task, since he was the kingka and a queenka was walking beside him, making everyone made way. 

"I see you have muscles now." Taeyon said as she changed the subject. She instantly grabbed his arm and felt it. "Wah, they are really hard!" Baekhyun roughly pulled his hands back. 

"Thank you, but please, just go." Baekhyun said. 

"Oh oppa, you are just so funny at times!" Taeyon said and giggled. Baekhyun didn't know what was wrong with the girl's head. He told her to scram off, and she giggled? Baekhyun had a thought of if Taeyon was mentally unstable. 

"Oh, Seo Young!" Baekhun saw Seo Young and ran towards her, surprising Taeyon. 

"Baekhyun? What are you doing here? Aren't you with your.. um, Taeyon?" Seo Young asked. Baekhyun grinned. 

"Nah, she was just annoying."

"Ayyo Baek! Wah, I see you have arm muscles now." Lina said and raised her eyebrows. 


"I see..." Lina smirked as she turned back towards the confused Seo Young. 

"Baekhyun has muscles? Really?" She asked, completely surprised. Lina nodded enthusiastictly. 

"Yep. You could feel them if you want." Lina said, as if she was Baekhyun. 

"You don't have to if you want too." Baekhyun cut in quickly. Seo Young smiled. She walked ahead a little, leaving Lina and Baekhyun at the back. Lina nudged her. 

"Yah, you have muscles? Really? Is this a part of 'I want to impress Seo Young' plan in your head?" Lina whispered to Baekhyun. 

"Look, just support me and make me look good. Please?" Baekhyun whispered back, making sure that Seo Young wasn't paying attention to them. Lina made a face.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you are my only hope right now. My friends are pretty much a bust, and I really need your help." Baekhyun stated. Lina sighed. 

"Fine . I'll see what I can do." 

"Hey guys, let's go out to the fields. I mean, class doesn't start in 20 minutes. Let's go." Seo Young suddenly suggested. Lina smiled as her hands laced with Seo Young;s hands. Beakhyun felt really jealous right now. And as if Lina could hear his thoughts, she looked back and stuck her tounge out playfully. 

"Whatever." Baekhyun muttered as he speed up to catch up with the duo. 



Okay so like, I forgot Baekkie existed in this story LOOOOL

Maybe I became so distracted with Kris and Seo Young, I forgot the poor boy. 






But vote anyways ^^




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Haha oh my god lol, I can't believe some Of you voted that she'd be hit by a bus... LMAO


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littlewolfie #1
Chapter 22: kissme123, like seriously... please continue since we are already at home for our school holiday and we don't have any single homework for this holiday. lol. adios
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 22: This story is great so far ^_^ Can't wait for you to comeback!!
My dear kissme123 , share your secret with me . let's hang out with seo young . seo young said yes . you ?
Chapter 18: huh???? What the.... they are so weird.
Chapter 1: Wah chapter 1 is so like omygosh. rlly interesting. im not sure who Seunghyun is in the story yet. but i rlly like the story. I will keep reading :)
Chapter 13: Laughing @ the weirdest of this chapter. Too Funny.
Chapter 12: This is a weird chapter.....