
Chase Me If You Can

Narrator's POV

Baekhyun paced from left to right in the Park's living room. Mrs Park was in the verge of tears. she didn't blame Baekhyun though. She knew the boy was a big sissy to defend her daughter just defenseless. Baekhyun also almost cried but since he wanted to prove to his future mother-in-law that he is a man, he held it back in. 


Wu's House

"WHAT? SEO YOUNG IS GONE?!?"  Lina shrieked. Kris nodded sadly. "But, but but but..." Lina was lost for words. "NO NO NO NO NO this aint happening! I'm gonna wushu that kidnapper's but when I find him!" Lina exclaimed angrily as she headed downstairs. 

"Wait! Where  are you  going?"

"The store room." Kris was confused. 

"What for?"

"To get my wushu stik so I could whoop the of the good for nothing kidnapper." Lina said as she entered the dark store room. Kris sighed. Mrs Park informed them that Baekhyun lost Seo Young and she was taken. 

"Stupid guy. Can't even defend a girl..." Kris mumbled. 

"AYYO BRO ARE YOU DONE DAY DREAMING? Imma go outside first to find that bi-"

"No no no no no no I did not raise you to said bad words." Kris said and flailed his arms. "We are going to settle this at her house nicely." Kris said. Lina sighed. 

"Fine. but i'll still bring my wushu stick." she said. Kris said nothing, since it is impossible to change his little sister's mind after she made up. Kris quickly shoved his sister inside the car as they drove as quick as possible to Seo Young's house. 

Seo Young's POV

I laughed as Eli made a joke. We were at this ramen shop eating. Eli decided to treat me a bit after the long years I haven't seen him. He was an idiot, as always. 

"Wait, what time is it?" I suddenly asked. Eli glanced at his watch. 

"Hmmm 5.30. Why?" I chocked on the ramen. 

"WHAT? I gotta go home! My mom would be furious!" I said. Eli nodded as he led me back to his car. 

Oh mom, don't be mad at me. 

Don't ground me. 


I felt my stomach do flips as my insides churn inside me when I think of the punishment she will give me. Probably no more out for ice creams. 


Narrator's POV

Lina's ears perked up as she heard an engine rumble outside the house. She looked out the window, and saw Seo Young come out of the car with an unknown man. 

"Seo Young's back! She's back!" She exclaimed happily. Mrs Park yelped in joy as she rushed out, followed by Baekhyun and the others. 

"Seo Young!!" mrs Park immediately hugged her shocked and confused daughter. 

"Mom, mom? Why are you hugging me?" 


"OUCHHH!!!!" A wail of pain interrupted Mrs Park. They turned their head towards Lina, who was pointing her wushu stick on Eli's neck who was surprisingly on the ground. 

"HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP HER?!? IMMA WHOOP YOUR SO BAD THAT YOU CAN'T SIT FOR A YEAR!" Lina growled as she whipped her stick on one of Eli's thigh. 

"Ow ow ow nooo! I did not kidnap her! It was just a misunderstanding! I would never-" Eli didn't have the chance to finish as the stick was slapped on his arm. "OWWW!!" He howled. It left a pretty obvious mark. 

"Lina no! He's my friend!" Seo Young panicked. Lina, who was about to whip her stick again, froze. "he is Eli, my childhood friend.. You know, the one I talked about?" Lina looked confused. Seo Young was glancing pitifully at the now beaten up and whacked Eli. 

"Hey man, sorry about my sis. " kris apologized as he helped Eli up. 

"Wait a minute. So this guy is the guy who is your long  childhood friend in the US?" Lina asked for confirmation. Seo Young nodded. Lina looked at Eli and glared. "Well, he shouldv'e not kidnap you earlier." She mumbled. Eli awkwardly rubbed his sore arm. 

"Lina, say sorry." kris said. 

"What? Hell no i wont!"

"Lina! You hit a man who I think is older than you. So, say you are sorry." Kris said, now using his do-this-now-or-you-will-be-in-trouble voice. Lina sighed. 

"Okay FINE! Sorry i whooped your . I hope you get better.... soon." Lina said apolegiticly. Eli just smiled awkwardly.

"Seo Young? Are you okay?" Baekhyun asked, concern was in his voice. Seo Young smiled as a sign of okay. Lina walked over towards Seo Young and slapped her arm.

"Next time, tell me if you are going somewhere! Do you know how worried I was when Kris said you were missing? I could've wushu the heck of the guy over there." Lina said and frowned. Seo Young laughed.

"Okay, okay. Don't be mad. Shesh, it sounds like you are my second mom." She laughed. Lina smiled. Kris dusted the dirt off Eli. 

"Again, sorry for my sister. She was worried as hell." Kris apologized again. Eli shook his head.

"No, it's okay. I knew I should've called her mom first before taking her out. I guess I lost track of time when I saw her." Eli said. Kris noticed the dreamy look in Eli's eyes, but said nothing of it. 

"Aigoo Eli! It's been how long? 9? 10 years I have seen you. The last time when I saw you, you still had those chubby cheeks." Mrs Park said as she came over. Eli smiled at her.

"Hi Mrs Park. Sorry for uh.. um.. kidnapping Seo Young. We were just catching up." Eli said politely. Mrs Park smiled. 

"Of course. Now come in, I'll cook dinner." She said happily. "Everyone inside for dinner! Well, some people have to help.." She said. Everyone nodded as they came back in. 


"Eww! Hey! Stop it!" Seo Young squeeled as Eli and Lina started to pelt her with the peeling from the fruits. Lina laughed as Eli snickered. 

"Aww Seo Young, you still chop carrots poorly even after those years.." Eli said teasingly when he saw the big sized carrot bits that Seo Young chopped. Her cheeks turned red. 

"Hey! I haven't been cooking for a long time okay!" She snapped. Lina walked over to the bickering friends. 

"Its like this." She said as she guided Seo Young's hands. Eli just stared at the both of them. Well, mostly at Seo Young. A soft smile crept up his lips. He chuckled as Seo Young tried to copy the small and precise cutting that Lina had thought her. 

Lina, he thought. He guessed that she was a new friend, but acted like they known each other for years. Eli smiled. At least when he wasn't there, someone is looking after the clumsy Seo Young for him. He snapped out of his daze when Lina snapped her fingers in front of him. 

"Hey! Ayooo? Anyone there?" She asked as a playfull smiled decorated her face. Eli made a face.


"Go and smash these potatoes. Mrs Park needs them all mushy, she says." Lina said and handed a bowl full of potatoes. "And don't make a mess!"

"I don't know how your brother can put up with your bossy attitude..." Eli said as he sat down on a small table to smash the potatoes. Lina whipped her head back. 

"What?" She asked with a menacing look in her eyes. 

"Nothing..." Eli managed to stammer. "Creepy lady.." he mumbled. He felt a whack on his head. 

"I heard that!" Lina called as she went to the dining table to set the plates. Eli pouted as he continued to smash the potatoes. Seo Young chuckled as she pulled a chair infront of Eli. 

"You new friend is scaring me!" Eli said. 

"She is a little rough, but a caring person. So is her brother, Kris. They are both nice idiots." Seo Young said with a chuckle. Eli smiled when he saw her laugh. They continued to chat along without noticing a pair of eyes watching their every move. Baekhyun furrowed his eyesbrows in disgust as Seo Young wiped some potato smashings from Eli's forehead when he smashed it to hard and bits when flying over. 

"YAH!" A tap made him jump from his hiding place, which was behind the frame of the doorway to the kitchen. "What are you doing spying on my Seo Young?" Baekhyun raised as eyebrow. 

"Excuse me? 'Your Seo Young'?"

"Yeah pretty boy. My Seo Young." She said as she repeated. "Do you like her?" Baekhyun's heart stopped. 

"N-no! Of course not!" he stammered. Lina smirked. 

"oh. Suuuurreee you don't!" She said as she walked back into the kitchen. Baekhyun ran back to the sofa where Kris was watching the television. He held his chest in relief as he plopped down beside the taller man. Kris gave him a weird look. 

"What's with all the running?" He asked curiously. Baekhyun shook his head vigorously. 

"Nothing is wrong! Don't worry!" He said nervously. Kris just kept looking at the television. 





I wanted to beat up Eli with Lina's wushu stick....

But I didn;t know that I was too nice :P


And sorry for the late update!




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Haha oh my god lol, I can't believe some Of you voted that she'd be hit by a bus... LMAO


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littlewolfie #1
Chapter 22: kissme123, like seriously... please continue since we are already at home for our school holiday and we don't have any single homework for this holiday. lol. adios
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 22: This story is great so far ^_^ Can't wait for you to comeback!!
My dear kissme123 , share your secret with me . let's hang out with seo young . seo young said yes . you ?
Chapter 18: huh???? What the.... they are so weird.
Chapter 1: Wah chapter 1 is so like omygosh. rlly interesting. im not sure who Seunghyun is in the story yet. but i rlly like the story. I will keep reading :)
Chapter 13: Laughing @ the weirdest of this chapter. Too Funny.
Chapter 12: This is a weird chapter.....