
Chase Me If You Can

Before that, Kris image spam first xD

^^I love this picture! He looks so cute! KYAAAH *dies*^^


Okay, that is enough. Now for the story <3 



Narrator's POV

"Hey Seo Young?" Lina said as she poked Seo Young. Seo Young who was reading a magazine looked at her.


"Let's visit Kris." Seo Young glanced at the wall clock. 8 A.M.

"Do you think he's even awake yet?" Lina rolls her eyes. 

"He usualy wakes up at the crack of dawn. I'm sure he'll be awake." She said. Seo Young nodded. 

"Okay, let's get ready."


Actually, Kris was far from asleep. Apparently all the guys at the drom decided to camp out at his room, and the morning was a total chaos. Thank god Kris was entertained than irritated. He was watching a funny argument between Yixing and Kai. 

"Yixing, look, unicorns does not freaking exist." Kai said as he pointed at his shirt. Yixing gasped. 

"No, they do!"

"Look, man. I don't know how the hell you are older than me, but I am pretty sure that horses doesn't grow silver and glowing horns on their body."

"One, the horns are white, idiot! Second, its on their head, not on their body! And three, they do freaking exist." Kai rolled his eyes. 

"Okay, prove it." Kai challenged. Yixing took out his laptop from his bag and surfed the internet and looked up Youtube and opened a video. He proudly shoved the laptop on Kai who watch attentively. 

He saw that the horse was grazing on the field at night. A shooting star landed on the poor horse. Kai though there would be blood everywhere like one of them Happy Tree Friends, but it doesn't. In fact, the brown horse transformed into white as it stepped out of the star, and there was a white horn on it's forehead. 

The video ended as Kai glanced at Yixing who proudly smiled. 

"So? Does unicorns exists?" Yixing asked teasingly. Kai blinked at Yixing. 

"Dude, that was like the most iest animation attempted ever, had I saw in my 19 year old life." Kai admitted. Kris chuckled at Yixing was enraged and started to argue again. 

"Gege, are you feeling okay?" Tao asked worriedly as he popped next to Kris's bed. Kris smiled. 

"I'm okay, Tao."

"Kris! You have to eat this! Breakfast cannot be skipped!" Kyungsoo said as he unfolded the table on the side of the bed and placed three plates. 

Eggs and bacons



Kris's eyes widened. 

"Wait, you made this?" He asked in disbelief. 

"Dude, even I never knew the hospital's cafetreria let me use their kitchen easily too. Like, I asked for a decent breakfast and then they said I could use the kitchen." Kyungsoo said as he shrugged. Kris nodded as he picked up a fork. 

"AYYOO KRIS MY BROOODAAHHH!" The bacon made halfway to Kris's mouth when Lina slammed the door open. Like, both of them. She then ran inside and pounced on her brother. 

"Hi Lina." He said in between chews.

"Hi. How are you doing?" Lina asked. As they began to chatter, Seo Young looked at the Delux VIP hospital room. 

It was thrashed. The boy's stuff was all over the place. 

"Noona!" Sehun said happily as he jumped on Seo Young. Seo Young chuckled as she hugged the boy. "Noona! I mith you tho bad! Altho, I made Kai hyung promith that he won't hog you up all alone thith time!" Sehun exclaimed happily. Seo Young rubbed the younger boy's back before Sehun jumped off and smiled brightly. 

"Seo Young! Hi!" Chen and Yixing said as they waved. Seo Young smiled back. She then felt arms around her shoulders. 

"Hi Seo Young!"  Kai said and smirked. Seo Young sighed as she smiled back and pushed away the arm. 

"AYYY SEO YOUNG!" Chanyeol's hyper active greeting. 

"Noona!" Tao said as he smiled at Seo Young. She walked towards Kris. 

"Hi Kris. Are you feeling okay?" She asked with a warm smile. 

"Hm, I'm fine." He said and smiled back. Both of them kept smiling and staring at each other's eyes. Lina chuckled a little before clearing . 

"Ehm ehm. Cough Cough!" She said as she faked coughed. Both of them looked away as they blushed. "Oh My gosh, you guys are like, SOOOOO cute!" Lina said as she smiled and her eyes went into cresent shaped. She jumped up and down. "Oh my goshhh!! That was like.." She said as she dramaticly fanned herself. 

"Yah, stop daydreaming!" Kris said as he lightly slapped Lina's head. Lina grinned. 

"Yeahh says the person who likes to staree." Lina said as she snickered. "Hmm, I'm going to take the boys out to eat. Seo Young, you stay here and take care of Kris. BYE!" Before any of the two could answer, Lina had screamed for the boys to get out, saying that she'll treat them breakfast, took Kris's credit card and winked at the two before closing the doors. 

"Oh wow... it really is a mess here." Seo Young exclaimed when the room is empty. 

"Yeah, the guys said that they'll camp here until I'm better."

"Aren't they loud?"

"I don't mind. At least I'm not bored here." Kris said as he shrugged. "Um, Seo Young.."

"Yeah?" She turned around. 

"Can you like.. help me up? I need to wash my face." Kris said. His left leg was broken, so he needs help. 

"Oh, of course." Seo Young said kindly. She slung one of Kris's arms over her shoulders as she gently lifted Kris off his bed. He wobbled at first. He tried to walk, but alwasy ends up almost slipping. Seo Young giggled at his failed attempts and Kris groaned. 

"Argh.. I feel so disabled right now!" He said, clearly frustrated. Seo Young chuckled as she led him to the bathroom. 

"Do you need me to leave or something?" She asked as she left Kris leaning on the sink. 

"No, I just wanted to wash my face and brush my teeth." He said and smiled. 

Seo Young swore her heart skipped a beat when he smiled. She waited as Kris slowly washed his face and brushed his teeth. He cringed in pain when he accidently presses on his chest too hard. Seo Young panicked as she quickly made her way towards him and tried to steady the wobbly Kris. 

"Are you okay? Do I need to call the nurse?" 

"No need to. I'm okay. I just pressed a bit hard on my chest. Just that. Nothing serious. Doctor said my ribs are a bit broken and cracked, and I need to be careful." Kris explained. Seo Young held his shoulders and his back to support him from falling. 

"Are you done?" She asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, I am." Seo Young slowly guided him back outside the bathroom and they were walking back to the bed. "Wait, I want to practise walking. You'll walk at the front while I walk at the back."

"Are you sure about this?" She asked worriedly. Kris flashed her a grin. 

"Positive. I mean, you could look back if you want."


So Seo Young walked backwards so she could watch Kris as he wobbled behind her. 

"Careful, you might trip on.. A steamed bun plushie?" Seo Young silently chuckled. 

"Oh, that's Xiumin's. I wonder where Tao puts his trains, though.." He mumbled. 

"Kris, be careful!" 

Too late. Kris accidently tripped on, yes, Tao's little blue Thomas And Friends train. He fell fowards and onto Seo Young. Seo Young tried to stable him back, but Kris was too heavy for her small frame to push. 

They ended up Seo Young at the bottom, and Kris topping her. He managed to support his upper body by using his hands that landed right beside Seo Young's head. His face was just inches apart from Seo Young. Most importantly, his lips were almost touching Seo Young's if he hadn't used his hands to support himself. So um.. It wasn't a really comfortable position. Kris's eyes widened in shock as Seo Young breathed in relief as Kris wasn't badly hurt. 

"Hey guys- Oh, my gosh..." Tao froze when he saw the intimate position that his gege and noona are in. The donut in his hands dropped in shock. 

"Tao, what the he- Oh my gosh.." Lina said as the coffee in her hands almost slipped. She managed to balance herself on the ward's door. 

"Noona, we bought you..." Sehun's voice trailed off when he saw his noona in that position with his Kris hyung. Kai and Chanyeol peeked as they whistled in aproval. 

"My eyes must be deceiving me..." Yixing murmured as he rubbed his eyes. 

"Oh, my.." Xiumin gasped.

"Troll." Chen finished. 

"Hey Kris, I bought-" Kyungsoo's voice was cut off abruptly at seeing the situation. 

"Kids! Kyungsoo.." Suho was lost for words when he saw what he thinks the still innocent kids were doing. Much more precise at what position they are in. Seo Young turned her head at the people who's mouth hung in shock.

"Hey, um guys... Could you please help Kris off me?" She stuttered. Tao and Lina came rushing in. Lina helped her brother up and dusted his clothes as Tao help Seo Young up and still his mouth is hung in shock. 

"Noona, are you..." he swallowed his saliva. "..okay?"

"Y-yeah. Kris tripped on your train..." She mumbled. Lina patted her still shocked brother's shoulders.

"Nice move, bro. Never thought you were the one who would make the first step."

"Yeah, that was really daring, Kris." Kai chirped in. Chanyeol howled in agreement. Kris looked otherways as Seo Young looked at her feet and blushed. Suho was the first to step foward.

"So, what happened here?" He asked as he crossed his arms on his chest. "Are you guys, like, making out or something?"

"N-no! I accidently tripped on one of Tao's trains and I fell on Seo Young," Kris argued. Suho raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh really?" He smirked. "So you weren't like, making out on the hospital's floor?"

"No!" Seo Young and Kris said in unision. Suho raised his hands. 

"Okay, okay, just asking." Yixing came inside and patted Kris's back. 

"Man, I salute you for making the first move. You know, I was like waiting forever for you to make the move." he said and nodded. Kyungsoo pretended to wipe a tear. 

"Oh my, my kids are growing up so fast.." He said dramaticly. 


"It felt like it was just yesterday that I saw you and Lina met us." He continued, completely ignoring Kris's argues. "You were so young-"

"Young as in, what? 19?" Lina said and snickered. 

"Hey! Listen okay?" He huffed. "You were still young and don't know a heck about women and girlfriends. But now," he sniffed as Chen handed him a handkerchief and he blew his nose on it. "now, you are the one who initiated the first move. You've grown up so fast!" Kyungsoo couldn't hold it anymore as he cried out on Sehun's shoulders as the younger patted his head. 

"Kyungsoo, what the heck are you talking about?" Kris asked, completely confused. Kyungsoo sniffed again as he continued to speech. 

"You've grown so fast, I  can't contain my tears of joy. I'm so proud of you, Kris! Kai, hold me!" He said as Kai hugged him and patted his back and Kyungsoo let out tears of joy. Kris looks so confused. 

"Kyungsoo means, that he is proud that you made the first move of Seo Young." Chanyeol explained. 

"But, I only fell on her!" Kris argued. Kyungsoo sniffed his nose and Kai drew invisible circles on his back to comfort him. 

"I know, Kyungsoo hyung. He grew up so fast, no? It's okay." Kai assured the bawling Kyungsoo. Sehun looked up at Kris in amazement. 

"Wow, Krith hyung! You are my idol!" He gasped. Kris groaned. 

"Guys! I just freaking fell on her! It was an accident!"





I love Kyungsoo omma. OH MY GEE KAISOO!!! xD

I just wanted a moment for Seo Young and Kris. I mean, like, no Lina or anyone. Just BOTH OF THEM



Anyways, vote >.^


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Haha oh my god lol, I can't believe some Of you voted that she'd be hit by a bus... LMAO


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littlewolfie #1
Chapter 22: kissme123, like seriously... please continue since we are already at home for our school holiday and we don't have any single homework for this holiday. lol. adios
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 22: This story is great so far ^_^ Can't wait for you to comeback!!
My dear kissme123 , share your secret with me . let's hang out with seo young . seo young said yes . you ?
Chapter 18: huh???? What the.... they are so weird.
Chapter 1: Wah chapter 1 is so like omygosh. rlly interesting. im not sure who Seunghyun is in the story yet. but i rlly like the story. I will keep reading :)
Chapter 13: Laughing @ the weirdest of this chapter. Too Funny.
Chapter 12: This is a weird chapter.....