









10 years later


        “U-Know Yunho!” Yunho scowled and opened his eyes only to jerk back and yelp at the sudden visual shock of having his best friend’s face being only inches from his.

“Chun! I told you not to do that!” Yunho sat up when Yoochun sat beside him. He was laughing loudly attracting the attention of the few people around them.

“I couldn’t help it. You just look so vulnerable when you’re unaware of everything around you.” Yoochun smiled mischievously.

“So you just had to mess with me?” Yunho stated no question in his voice.

“Oh Yunho, you do get me.” Yoochun said placing his hands on his cheeks and batting his eyelashes. Yunho laughed. At that moment Yunho spotted the school’s beauty walking hand in hand with his boyfriend. Yunho’s heart constricted for a moment before he got control of himself and tore his eyes away.

“Let’s get to class.” Yunho clapped Yoochun on the back standing quickly just as the bell rang.

“You gotta tell me how you do that!” Yoochun followed Yunho “It’s like you got some sixth sense and know exactly when the bell will ring!” Yunho shrugged and smiled slightly heading to class.


“Alright settle down, today we have a new student! He just moved here so let’s all be on our best behavior.”

“Why, he’s just going to get to know what a bunch of delinquents we are anyway.” Yoochun said causing the class to laugh.

“Yoochun…” The teacher shook her head amused. “Let’s all welcome Kim Junsu!”


Kim Junsu was a bubbly boy, all his life he had always been an optimist. He knew that if you did nothing you would gain nothing. For this reason alone he always tried his best at everything he did, and it really paid off, by the age of 15 he was the youngest Soccer captain in his school winning the championships for his school. He studied dance and sang in his school choir. His team loved him and the teachers adored him. No, he wasn’t the best of students but he got decent grades. Junsu was the type of happy-go-lucky kid you couldn’t bring yourself to dislike. His smile was always warm, open and friendly, and you felt special whenever it was directed at you. His laugh was infectious and lovely, in short he was the perfect boy next door.

            So when Kim Junsu entered the class you can imagine what every female (and some male) minds were thinking. His uniform was clean cut and fitted him perfectly his hair was styled in a honey brown color, and his smile melted the hearts of everyone instantly.

“Hello everyone, my name is Kim Junsu, please take care of me.” He said his husky voice breaking everyone from the momentary trance.

“Junsu, we sit in alphabetical order so you will sit in between Yunho and Jaejoong, tomorrow. For today you can sit next to… Mister Park put your feet down, and separate those desks!” Yoochun smiled but obeyed and sat at his desk, hands clasped firmly on top an innocent expression on his face. The class laughed and the teacher directed Junsu to the desk next to Yoochun.

“Hi, I’m Junsu.”

“Yoochun, damn, you’re hot!” Yoochun said causing Junsu to blush.

“… I… T-thank you?” Junsu stuttered bowing his head in embarrassment.

“You are so cute! You’re my new best friend, sorry Yunho.” Yoochun said loud enough for the whole class to hear.

“Thanks Chun, I love you too.” Yunho rolled his eyes.

“Yes, thank you Mr. Park for interrupting the class. Now do be quiet and leave poor Mr. Kim alone.”  The teacher said cocking an eyebrow.

“Yes, ma’am.” Yoochun said, once again adopted his innocent expression.


True to his word Yoochun dragged Kim Junsu around the school with him and by default Yunho. He clung to the poor boy whenever he could and on multiple occasions hugged him for no reason. Yunho truthfully found all of this very amusing, and was impressed with how well Junsu handled Yoochun. He was engrossed with watching the two he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and suddenly found himself on the floor pain flaring up his spine.

“Watch where you’re going, loser.” The self declared cool guy sneered. Yunho looked up dreading the site that assaulted him.

“Calm down it was an accident.” Jaejoong’s soft voice said placing his arms around his boyfriend.

“Jaejoong, you’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am see, I’m right next to you.” Jaejoong said giving a cheeky smile. If Yunho wasn’t so repulsed by the sight of the two together he would have laughed at Jaejoong’s remark.

“Yunho, what are you doing on the ground?” A tall model like figure squatted down to Yunho’s level.

“Nothing Chanming, just an accident,” Yunho said letting the younger male help him up.

“You don’t come over anymore, Yunho.” Changmin pouted.

“Sorry, Min, I’ve been kind of busy.” He said dusting himself off so as not to meet Changmin’s eyes.

“Don’t lie to me Jung Yunho, you know very well I’m smarter than that!”

“Min, leave him alone, he doesn’t care.” Jaejoong said his voice cold.

“Sorry Min, we can hang out whenever you want okay.” Yunho smiled pointedly ignoring Jaejoong.

“I’m really getting tired of this you know. I hate being stuck in the middle of this stupid fight. It’s been two years can we just get it over it?”

“Min, they hate each other, it’s simple.”

“Shut up Minki, nobody was talking to you. And don’t call me Min, we are no where near that close!” Changmin snapped at Jaejoong’s boyfriend.

“Feisty as always,” Minki smirked.

“Yunho, why don’t you come over tonight?” Chanmin asked eagerly.

“I’d love to Min but…” Yunho looked to Jaejoong. “I’m busy.”

“The mighty U-know Yunho too busy to hang out with us, what a surprise.” Jaejoong said bitterly.

“I think you have that backwards.” Yunho bit out. Jaejoong looked away.

“Yunho, what are you doing noraebang awaits!” Yoochun came up ignoring the tense atmosphere.

“Chun, where’s Junsu?” Yunho said noting the absence of the boy.

“He went to the office being new and all. He’ll meet us up front. Hey Minnie,”

“Don’t call me that!”

“JJ what is up?” He winked at Jaejoong. “Jaejoong’s boyfriend” Yoochun nodded to Minki.

“Well as awkward as this has been we have to be off! And I even got you a date with the hottie Donghae.” Yoochun said linking arms with Yunho and heading off, making Yunho bump into Minki.

“Don’t.” Jaejoong said grabbing Minki just as he was about to make a grab for Yunho.

“I’m leaving too see ya Jae! Yunho wait, I’ll come with you!” Changmin ran after Yunho and Yoochun.








            “You always take his side!” Minki exclaimed ripping his arm out of Jaejoong’s grasp.

“Minki, it was an accident and it wasn’t his fault!”

“It doesn’t matter you always defend him! To me to everyone! You aren’t even friends and you still do it!”

“Minki, just drop it.” Jaejoong said exasperated.

“No, Jaejoong, tell me why?”
“Minki, I’m really getting sick of this.”

“So am I Jaejoong. So why don’t you tell me why?”

“It’s nothing!”

“It’s obviously something!” By now everyone around them was staring.

“You know what just forget it! We’re through!” Jaejoong almost shouted.

“What?” Minki asked incredulous.
“I’m sick of you always accusing me! You’re jealously is out of hand and I can’t take it anymore. We’re over.” Jaejoong looked straight at Minki and frowned. Minki, was looking at him as if he finally saw everything clearly and seemed resigned to it.

“You just answered my question.” He said quietly and walked away from Jaejoong.

“Damn it!” Jaejoong kicked the locker closest to him.

“Abusing school property Mr. Kim? That will be detention. Tomorrow, after school, classes 209, 4 o clock, do not be late.” Jaejoong took the slip of paper handed to him and walked away agitated.

Today was not going well. It had started off bad when he decided to walk in to school through the front. First he saw Yunho, then he had been run into by a freshmen, he had a coffee spilled on him all before class! During class Chanmin kept on nagging him about Yunho, and then Kim Junsu comes in and… damn. Today had just been horrible and now he didn’t even have Minki. He was alone and had nothing to look forward to except detention.




            Yunho walked through the school happily; his ‘date’ had gone off without a hitch. Donghae was sweet and funny as all hell. He sighed contentedly life was finally starting to move forward for him. He stretched wanting nothing more than to share his good mood with people. Unfortunately a hall way isn’t really a good place to stretch…
“Jung Yunho…” The principal tapped his foot on the now spilled coffee. Yuhno had knocked the coffee out of the principal’s hand and covered him in lukewarm sticky liquid. Yunho’s eyes widened “Sir—“

“Detention, afterschool, do not be late.”

“Yes, sir.” Yunho said watching the portly man walk away.

So much for his good mood, now he would have to cancel his plans.









            It wasn’t really all bad being in detention, Jaejoong decided. He could do his homework in silence without having Changmin bothering him to make snacks. Just then the door opened, letting in none other than the teacher. It seemed like he would be alone in detention today. Two minutes in the door burst open, revealing a panting Jung Yunho. Jaejoong changed his mind; detention was the worst thing ever.

“Sorry I’m late! I…” Yunho spotted Jaejoong.

“Yunho you forgot your tie!” Donghae came in through the open door instantly blushing when he noticed the teacher was already there.

“Uh… here.” Donghae said placing the tie around Yunho’s neck. “I’ll see you later.” Donghae scurried away closing the door.

 “Yes, you were quite busy, were you not Mr. Jung?” The teacher smirked. “Take a seat unless you want another detention.” Yunho blushed, walking to a chair. Jaejoong scowled he wasn’t fond of Donghae either now that he thought about it. He glared at the windows.

“Since both delinquents are here. You can do a few chores. Sweep up and dust of the desks before I get back or you’ll find yourselves back here tomorrow as well.” And with that she was gone.


“I’ll dust off the desks and you can sweep up.” Yunho said, Getting up.

“Oh yeah by all means take the easy job.”

“Fine you can dust off the desks, and I’ll sweep up.” He scowled.

“Don’t bother on my account. You don’t have to be a gentleman with me like you are with Donghae.” Jaejoong said sarcasm evident in his voice.

“Leave Donghae out of whatever the hell is wrong with you.”

“Oh sure protect your little boyfriend.” Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“What is your problem?”

“Nothing.” Jaejoong said standing up and knocking his chair to the floor in the process.


It wasn’t long before Jaejoong was coughing from the dust on the tables. Yunho took the rag from Jaejoong. “This is why I wanted to do the dusting. Go sit by the window and let me finish up.”

“Don’t act like you care.” Jaejoong coughed.

“I do care!” Yunho said, surprising Jaejoong. “God, why is that so hard to believe?” Yunho exclaimed when he saw Jaejoong’s surprised face.

“Forget it.”

“You left me. You have no right to care now.” Jaejoong said angry.

“I left because you kept pushing me away!” Yunho retorted.

“I did not! You kept pulling away from me Yunho!”
“You kept breaking our plans with no explanation! ”

“You could have tried harder!”
“It’s not like we were dating! We were only ever friends, you made that perfectly clear!” Yunho yellesd. Jaejoong looked away at this.

“You left me Jaejoong; you were so awkward when I confessed… I told you I was in love with you and you couldn’t handle it. Maybe I didn’t take the rejection too well but at least I tried to fix it. Instead I have to hear from the school gossip you’re dating Minki.”

“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship” Jaejoong whispered.

“Yeah, how did that work out?” The room was silent.

“I’m sorry Yunho.” Jaejoong said.
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Because you have Donghae now?” Jaejoong choked out.

“No, because you and me we’re not even friends anymore.” Yunho Whispered.

“I want to be.” Jaejoong’s voice cracked.

“I don’t know Jaejoong.” Yunho sighed. He cared about Jaejoong but what happened had hurt him. Jaejoong couldn’t handle his feelings that much was clear and it put Yunho in a vulnerable position where he would gain nothing. Except maybe Jaejoong… Yunho swallowed hard. God knew he still loved Jaejoong but he didn’t want to be hurt again.

“Well, gentlemen it looks like I’ll see tomorrow as well.” The teacher said coming into the classroom.

Yunho grabbed his bag and quickly left the class not looking at anyone. He was suddenly jerked back and slammed into the wall.

“Yunho, please, I broke up with Minki today.” Jaejoong said.
“Why?” Yunho asked genuinely puzzled.

“We had a stupid fight after you left. He was being jealous and petty and I couldn’t take it. But some of the things he kept saying they nagged at me.” Jaejoong took a deep breath. This was it this was the time that he would have to risk himself.

“He said I always defended you. Even if we weren’t best friends anymore if someone talked badly about you I would always defend you. I always denied it but I realized he was right. I kept thinking why would I? We weren’t close, we weren’t even friends, so why would I?”

“You’re rambling Jaejoong.” Yunho said.

“I know, I’m just trying to gather my courage.”

“For what?”

“To tell you, to tell you I’m in love with you.” Jaejoong said his voice steady and bringing his gaze to Yunho’s.

“What I said before was true. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship; I was insecure about my feeling toward you. I didn’t know if they were real. We’ve always been together I had nothing to compare them to. Everyone around me was talking about how they liked certain girls but I kept looking at you. I thought something was wrong with me. Then you confessed and it didn’t seem real. I was afraid of what we were, of what we could be and I ran. I’m sorry.” Jaejoong let go of Yunho and reached to loosen his tie.

“What are you doing?” Yunho asked wide eyed.

“Calm down ert. We’re not at that stage of our relationship yet.” Jaejoong pulled on a familiar looking chain and tugged out that simple silver ring Yunho had given him in their childhood.

“You kept that?”

“I never took it off.” Jaejoong blushed.

“I… Jae… I don’t know” Yunho said uncertain. He didn’t want to get hurt again. He wasn’t sure he could survive this time.

“I know. Just think about it please.” Jaejoong backed away slowly.

Yunho, watched Jaejoong walk away and it hurt. It was like losing him again. He could stop it this time. He could …

“Jaejoong.” Yunho called out. Jaejoong looked back tears threatening to over flow from his eyes.

“I’m going to have to take back that chain….”













“My mother still wants it back.” Yunho walked up to Jaejoong who was taking off the chain with fumbling fingers. He didn’t blink not wanting to cry, at least not yet.

He finally managed the clasp and handed it over to Yunho. Yunho slipped the ring off and pocketed the chain.

“Besides the ring should fit you know.” Yunho gently took Jaejoong’s hand and slipped the ring onto his left ring finger. Jaejoong couldn’t take it and broke down sobbing in relief. Yunho wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist preventing him from collapsing to the floor. “If it means that much to you I could always buy my mother another chain.” Jaejoong hiccupped. “I don’t care as long as I have you I can live without it.”

“You have me Jae, just like I promised forever, we just went through a brief separation but it’s over now.”









The End


Author's Note: Well I was feeling kinda sentimental when I wrote this. I find the idea of little YunJae so adorable. Anyway, I like the way it turned out. so leave a comment tell me what you think~ Yuki

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Chapter 1: awww such a sweet story, love love it ^-^
Kanpop #2
Chapter 1: That made me tear up. He kept the ring all along! *gir voice.* that was so adorable. Please write more. I loved it!
awwwww~~~ high school love.... *sigh dreamily ^^
ainfatiha #4
purpleangel #5
Well it was Jaejoong's fault they separated anyway so its only proper that Jaejoong make the first move. I wish Yunho didnt give in immediately though. Jaejoong could have suffered a bit more since he hurt Yunho on purpose and even went out with someone else when he knows Yunho was in love with him. I want to know what happens to Donghae, it seems like he was good for Yunho too.
eyunnese #6
*pout*pout*..u made it so sweet...^^
seriously awesome.. I've been really down recently and this kind of lifted my spirit. Gomawo Author-shi :)
Iguessitwasme #8
Yay!YunJae fix!!!Thank You!