They've Officially Become More of A Family Than I've Ever Had.

Moving In With Jonghyun? Alright.

-Taemin's POV-
I was sitting in the van with Ki-Cha sitting next to me. I put my arm around her and she snuggled into my chest. I was trying to fall asleep, with the massive Hangover that I had, trying to get at least a few more minutes of sleep because, belive me, I needed it.

Well, I coudn't do that now, could I?

Jonghyun and Key were sitting next to me, cuddling and laughing and giggling. "Yah, will you two be quiet? I have a headache," I said, pouting. Key looked at me, laughed, and then continued talking. "I swear to god they're SO getting it when we get home," I said to myself. "Hmm? What's going on?" Ki-Cha said, waking up. She had fallen asleep about 10 minutes ago. "It's nothing, love. Go back to sleep," I said and kissed her forehead. She just smiled and put her head on my shoulder, while Onew handed me a bottle of water and some advil. "Thanks, Onew hyung," he nodded and just sat in the back, talking to Minho and HaTae softly.

Atleast he cared that I had a major headache.

-Ki-Cha's POV-

We got out of the van and went to the photoshoot. I can't remember at the moment what it was for, but it was too early in the morning for me to care, honestly.
"Ki-Cha! HaTae! Can you two come over here?" I heard the photographer say. HaTae and I linked arms and walked over to the photographer, who was smiling at us. The Cordinoona was standing behind him, smiling as well. "You two seem to be just as much a part of SHINee as the other members. Do you guys want to take part in this photoshoot?" HaTae and I looked at eachother, smiled, and agreed. The Cordinoona smiled and grabbed our hands, pulling us into the dressing rooms. "Wait, do the guys know about this?" I asked. She just simply shook her head. "Good, it'll be a nice surprise for them," I giggled.

She handed HaTae and I our outfits, which happened to match. "Hey look. We match!" HaTae pointed out. We did. The Cordinoona gave us both striped shirts. Mine was red and HaTae's was black, and pink Polka-Dot shorts. I was wearing Red Polka-Dot Converse and HaTae's were black with white Polka-Dots. We really did match, haha.

We waited for awhile for the boys to come out. They took a few pictures, and then we heard the photographer say "Girls, you can come on out now!" I put my arm around HaTae and we walked out onto the set, the boys obviously confused at to who the two "girls" were. When they saw us, Taemin and Minho's eyes first of all, got so big (and I mean really big. Minho looked more like a frog than ever) and their jaws dropped. Jonghyun, Key, and Onew noticed their reactions and simply smiled, complimenting us. It was the guys' turn to take a break while HaTae and I took pictures.

After a little while, they brought the boys back and we all took pictures together. Taemin lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I squeaked and noticed that Minho had picked up HaTae bridal style and she was laughing as well. After Taemin set me down, I look over and before I know it, they had all tackled HaTae and I. The photographer (and everyone else on staff) were laughing and the photographer was still taking pictures.

The magazine had finally came out and we looked at the pictures. Alot of them were of the boys (obviously) but there we a few of HaTae and I as well. The one of the giant dog pile and Minho and Taemin lifting HaTae and I up, and then the last one was of all of us, just smiling. Taemin and Jonghyun had their arms around me, and HaTae was standing next to Minho and Onew. Onew's arms were wrapped around her waist and Minho was kissing her forehead. Next to Jonghyun, I noticed, was Key biting his shoulder. We all smiled at that, and cut it out of the magazine, hanging it up in the living room.

They've officially became more of a family than I've ever had.

And I like it that way.

A/N: HI GUYS!(: I know I took forever but I had terrible, terrible writers block with this story. Haha. Ohyeah, btw, this is what Ki-Cha and HaTae were wearing during the shoot:

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elaineyysenpai #1
Chapter 10: Sequel!! OMO PLEASE!?:) <3
TaeminOppa16 #3
Chapter 10: SEQUEL PLEASE!! LOVE THIS FIC! n(^.^)n
OMG this was a good fanfic <33
elaineyysenpai #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ The ending was perfect <3 I love it but do sad that it's over ;3; Oh well <3
good update!
yozent #8
Haha Taemin XD ..I wonder would Taemin act like this if he were ever drunk?
kaokao421 #9
oh my gahhd i literally died laughing from 'supermin' it was sooo funny! like oh may gahhhh my favorite part was the "NANANANANANANANA SUPERMIN!"
lol cute!