Rooms and Teams

A Crazy Week - Anime Camp

AN: Well.. Thanks for the subs and comment^^ I really hope this chap will be liked more than the first one. There are some things here that have really happened, though most of it how it should have happened T.T Buut you'll see. 

Oh, and some advertisement ^^ 

Sooo check out my other fanfics please :3

Just Another Fairytale is a bit more serious, but mostly fluffy with some quite angsty chapters. (main pairing is JongKey, but there is some fluffy 2Min,  there^^)

Mistakes is pretty serious, but quite fluffy, a bit like the first one ^^ 

Our Diary is my only finished fanfic, a JongKey-based fluffy, but quite angsty fic.. 

Comments are loved~ 

 After about an hour, the rooms (or houses) were assigned to the small groups. Nina and Hana pouted as they would have preferred to be with the boys, but of course, it was forbidden. Hana, Nina, and three other girls were sharing a house.

One of the girls was quite short and a bit chubby with long, black hair. She only told the girls her nickname, Mia. Nina scoffed silently. Even though Mia looked like a sweet girl, Nina disliked her. She never understood why, but there were some people she just didn't like at first sight, even without talking to them. She hated that characteristic of her, but she couldn't do anything against it.  

The other girl was tall, with long, blonde hair. She practically looked like a princess, a very pretty at that. She was wearing a simple white skirt with a grey blouse. Her sparkly blue eyes looked at Nina and Hana as they were still waiting to be told which room they would have to sleep in. Her nickname was Hime, which was quite fitting.

The third girl was the strangest, maybe. She was quite small with long red-brown hair and lively eyes. She looked like a chipmunk, as Nina whispered into Hana's ears. She seemed to be quite hyper at the moment, practically bouncing as she spoke. She told the girls to call him Yuki-chan. 

After the introduction, the camp leader finally showed the girl's their room. From the outside, it was the same as the other small houses, with 7 beds (3 bunk beds and one single bed, but it was broken) as Nina stepped inside, she screamed instantly. There were a few, tiny spiders in the 'wardrobe'. She quickly stepped outside, scoffing. 'I am not sleeping there.' she stated, and watched as her brother, and their teammates entered their room. She motioned for Hana to follow her, and peeked inside. Contrary to the girl's room, not only was the boy's room much bigger and cleaner, there weren't any spiders, bugs or anything. Nina sighed and walked to her twin who was putting his stuff on one of the beds. 

'Hey Key, the other boy rooms are closer to our room then to yours, and this one is surrounded by girl rooms..'she rambled quickly, her lips curling into a foxy grin. 'SO, why don't we change rooms until you are not settled in? It would be better for us..' she said as innocently as possible. Her brother looked at her, then asked his roommates (Minho, a young looking kid Yoseob, Onew and Jonghyun^^)  if they would switch the rooms. The boys looked at the (fake) innocent expression on the girl's face, and nodded. Nina grinned and quickly ran back to tell her roommates about the room-switch. The girls giggled and quickly took their suitcases to the other room. As they settled in (Nina, Mia on the lower beds, while the others on the top of them) Nina plugged in her tablet's charger. Suddenly they heard a loud yell, coming from their previous room.

'KIM NINA!' Key yelled as he was now running to where his sister was. 'How dare you fool me again? You said it was because you wanted to be close to the other girl, not because there were SPIDERS!' he said as he placed his hands on his hip. His twin mirrored his movements, and smirked.

'Well, that was a reason too.. Poor you for having to sleep there..' the girl chuckled evilly. Key rolled his eyes, knowing that now they had to sleep in the spidery-dirty-smelly AND small room. Nina giggled when her brother left.

'You are really evil, Ni..' Hana said, high-fiving the girl. She just nodded as she lay on her bed, quickly getting her stuffed lion, Edward out of her bag. ( AN: sadly I left him home T.T He's called Edward so people will ask if I looove Twilight and look at me weirdly (I am not an anti, but I am not a biig fan, his real name is Simba.)

As all girls were sitting now, the camp-leader knocked on their door. She wasn't exactly surprised by the girls , because she HAD heard Key's yelling. It was time for the teams to be created.
After 15 minutes later, the teams were now created, and sitting at their tables. Nina was the only one out of her friends who wasn't with them. She pouted, but smiled slightly at the grinning Onew-her teammate.
Key blushed lightly when he noticed that he and Jonghyun were in team 1. The older boy grinned at him as he sit next to him, and they started discussing the teams's name. Minutes later, they were drawing the flag. As both Key and Jonghyun were drawing, sometimes they would touch, making them blush deeply. They knew that something was drawing them to the other, though they weren't sure what it was yet. Oh, silly boys, it was love at first sight..
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I'm seriously stuck with this story.. So yeah, don't be surprised if I won't update for a long time.. I just..can't.


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Everyone's so cute here~~~~~~~
LeTurtle #2
Uwahh, this looks really cute so far. ^^ Can't wait for the next chapter, update soon please! :D *subscribes keke~*
BlingForLocket #3
:O Anime Camp...There is actually such an amazing thing in this world? Where has that been all my life? :D

This story sounds adorable. I see that Jong has already taken a liking to Key ~.^ <3