Take Me Away

My Name Isn't Taemin

Your POV:

I quietly closed the front door to the house and slipped my shoes off. I peeked down the hallway: The coast was clear. I rushed past the living room and scurried to my bedroom, successfully making it into my room without anyone pestering me.

“Oh Serene~ Did you forget to greet your wonderful, amazing, k-pop idol worthy Oppa?” 

Speak of the devil. I cringed as the door cracked open.

“Stop ignoring me, you bum. Come outside and help me set up for dinner.”

I sighed and walked to the dining room, kicking my brother’s on the way.

“Hey JiHo Oppa, maybe you should start working out. Your ’s getting kind of squishy.”

“Oh shush, go do your chores. You know I’m y, y, y~!” JiHo started singing along to Super Junior’s new song, and I blocked my ears. Umma came to the rescue and set food down on the table, shutting JiHo up.

“Umma, I’m y right? Because I’m ready to bingo~” JiHo began to do weird “y” poses, and I facepalmed in secondhand embarrassment. 

“JiHo, just tell your father dinner’s ready.”

Once everyone was seated, the jokes and teasing came to a halt, and Appa placed his heavy gaze on me. I lowered my head and chewed quietly, waiting for the attack.

“Serene. Where were you after school today? Don’t lie and tell me you went to the library, because I went to pick you up and you weren’t there. You haven’t been answering our phone calls either.”

“Appa, I can explain I--”

“Your grades haven’t improved at all and you’ve just been lolling around? I’ve given you so many chances but you’ve disappointed me every time. Instead of hakwon, maybe I should send you to your uncle in Korea. The teachers there are far more strict.”

I clenched my teeth and balled my fists tight. As much as I loved my k-pop, I did not want to be sent to Korea for school. I lived in Korea for a few years back in middle school, and the education was already intense at such a young age. I even detested speaking Korean at home, but in Korea, the English language wasn’t exactly universally understood. I glanced at Umma and JiHo for support, but they said nothing to aid me.

“Appa, I’ve been trying. There’s just been so much happening lately. Please, just give me a little more time.”

“I’m afraid you don’t have much time left. You’ll be going to college soon, but what university would accept you with these grades?”

“I’m only a freshman! How could one year dictate how I live for the rest of my life?!” Before I could hear about how horrible my attitude was, I got up from the table and left the dining room, slamming my bedroom door in anger.

Wanting to distract myself from my family and my ex-boyfriend, I pulled my backpack onto my lap to do some homework. I rummaged through the bag for my pencil case, but instead, I find the banana milk my ex had handed to me. I turned it over in my hands, examining it. Was it expired? Did he poison it? Who the hell gives out banana milk to their ex-girlfriend anyway? My stomach growled, my body aware that I had only eaten a few bites during dinner. I harshly stab the straw through the milk and take a small sip. It tasted like any other banana milk. I set the bottle down and started on my homework. 

“What’s with the milk, Serene? Trying to make your s bigger?”

JiHo was leaning against my doorframe and gestured at the banana milk. I take another sip and give him a dirty look.

“No, you idiot. Strawberry milk makes s bigger.”

“Oh, so is banana milk for reductions? I think you should gimme that and go get yourself a strawberry milk instead. Maybe it’ll give me some muscley man-s.”

I glare at him in silence. Why couldn’t he have helped me and been this talkative during dinner?

“Nope.” I down the whole bottle and tell him to get out, making sure to lock the door this time. I return to my desk and stare at my textbook. A loud burp suddenly escapes my mouth, and a wave of fatigue washes over me.

“A nap wouldn’t hurt. Homework can wait, it’s only seven anyways.” I yawn and crawl under my soft blankets, waiting for sleep to take me somewhere far away. 


Taemin’s POV:

Sitting down at the dining room table, I towel dry my hair and listen to Onew and Minho bicker over the TV remote. Key pulls a chair up beside me and lowers himself slowly on the seat, lazily placing the banana milk on the table as he watches the argument taking place in the living room. He chuckles to himself and then faces me, showing me a warm expression.

“Here’s your precious banana milk, my love. Are you feeling a bit better after showering? Taming that puppysaurus was not easy, maybe we should move to a bigger dorm. He might try to pee on my bed next time.”

I smile and quietly sip the milk, sighing in sweet satisfaction.

“Yeesh. If you had it your way, banana milk would be flowing through your veins. That would make you a cow. With bananas dangling off of it. Oh my gosh, it’s like a gender-confused cow.” Key laughed at his own joke and left for his room, leaving me in peace with my milk. I pull my cellphone out of my pocket and call home. After calling three times, I gave up. Are they okay? Maybe they went on vacation or maybe they went shopping. I really miss Umma and her cooking though. I hurriedly gulped down the rest of the banana milk, worrying over the whereabouts of my family.

“Hey, slow it down, you might choke. Maybe I should get you a bowl so you can lap the milk slowly like a kitty. Ohoho, so you’d be so fluffy. I could buy you cat ears too.” Onew’s smile was contagious, and I couldn’t help but feel comforted by his presence. He had probably lost to Minho for the TV remote and left since he didn’t watch another soccer game. 

“Taemin-ah. Gwenchana? You’ve been distant lately. You even made some mistakes in today’s performance. You can talk to hyung about anything.”

“Aniyo, hyung. I’m just tired. We haven’t had a proper break in awhile.”

“That’s true. Maybe after promotions are over, we’ll have some vacation time. You should rest, we have a packed schedule tomorrow.”

I bid Onew goodnight and head to my bedroom. I lie down on my plush bed and stare at the pictures on my bedside table. My family looked so happy in the picture. Even I looked happy and energized, and I wished that some of that enthusiasm would return to me. I thought about what Onew had mentioned about an upcoming vacation.

“Aish, there’s no way. We’re heading to Japan right after we’re done promoting Sherlock.”

I burped dejectedly and felt my eyes drooping closed. I prayed for my dreams to relieve my worries and stress, to take me somewhere away from work. 


*⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* )  *⌒ヮ⌒*)  *⌒ヮ⌒* ) 


Second chapter is finally out~

I wrote this out in honor of Taemin ^^ Happy birthday~! -sigh-They grow up so fast ;A;

Although this chapter was long, it does help set up the next chapter. Something big is happening in the next chapter ;D 


minimimi: It wasn’t rude at all! It was a good push to get me back on track ^^ Thank you for the support :D

Rini6189: You’re right, the banana milk is important XD Their both still young, so this experience should give them strength to move forward. 

hottest_elf: Unni~ your Infinite fic omg >.

Crazyfangirls234: Hehe, body switching will be coming soon (^^

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first chapter is finally here~ i know it's not much, but more coming soon :3


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At least Taemin doesn't have to deal with such emotional stress where he is now and only has to focus on the work that he has as an idol and facing the pressures of fame. He is homesick to miss being with his family, a sacrifice made for his personal life to fulfill his dreams. Having such a caring leader like Onew is good since he knows that he has someone that he could count on to be there for support. It's not right to say that one is better off than the other because both are at different points in their lives where they have things (hardships) on their own plates to handle. Both would get a surprise when they wake up to see that their lives have been altered. It sounds like an interesting adventure that they'd have ahead of them.
Her older brother is a grandeur idealist to think that he himself is so great while others around him think otherwise. It's the attitude that he has to dream about becoming something big. Jiho seems to be too into himself to be concerned about Serene. If he is concerned about her at all, he sure has a funny way of showing it--making a joke out of her drinking banana milk to make light of the situation. It looked like a failed attempt at cheering her up if that is what he's trying to do. That's a lot of pressure she's facing: getting dumped and being criticized by her father about her academic progress. By putting her down, he's making her feel that her efforts won't amount to anything. Everything that she does will never be good enough for him is the feeling she gets from his words to make her feel worst about herself. Words without encouragement or motivation behind them are meaningless. It really isn't helping her at all. He must be too intimidating to her mother and her brother that they don't dare to speak against him to come to her defense. When he spoke to her in that tone, he did sound insensitive for not being considerate of his daughter's emotions. When one's in emotional turnoil, it's hard for him/her to fare well at things or have a good focus on something. It must be hard on Serene to not have anybody that she can lean on to share her troubles. She's got a point about having a long way to go in her high school education before enrolling into a university of her choice, which her father is exaggerating (pushing her to give it her 100%).
Time flies. Things seem to go by quickly when you get older. It's different when you're young where it feels that time is going slowly for you. Taemin has been showing a manly image lately because of his maturity.

That "something big" must be the body switching that's about to take place.

The love of banana milk is something that Serene and Taemin have in common. This is what I can see connecting the two together. Somehow, I get the feeling that it would play an important role later in the story. Since they're young, they still have much to learn about life. There are some things that they have yet to comprehend since their maturity levels aren't up to an adult's. It's something that everybody goes through while growing up--finding their way through confusion and acquiring the skills/abilities to deal with different situations and face obstacles.
Update soon! Looking forward to the next chapter!
You updateddddd XDDD
Haha Dububaby is so freakin adorable in this <3
And omg you added SF&S <3
Oh! I'm starting a new Hae fic too~~!
me_forever #6
I'm so happpppyyyyy! You updated! Sorry for being a little rude if you (considered it rude) in my previous comments *bows* I can't wait for another update. I understand it's hard to write out your ideas! Hwaiting!
It's good to finally see an update for this fic. Experiencing writer's block from time to time is normal for authors.

Prologue is the proper term to refer to this beginning chapter. Even though it's not much, it's a start to get the reders into the story. Both long for something that's curently lacking in their lives. When the two swap lives and experience it in each other's bodies, they would find that it's not as it's cracked up to be. No matter where one is at in life, there's bound to be some rough spots on the path. This life-altering occurrence could be a good learning experience for them. Banana milk seems to have a connection here.
Update soon!! Looking forward to the body switching!!