Chapter 05

Just... one more time


One month…

Without see him, nor feeling him, after that night when he fell asleep, at the next day; Kyuhyun were gone.

It broke the Hyukjae’s hearth at first by the thoughts.

Maybe I was used

Maybe he just made fun of me

But when he remembered the eyes and the sea of emotions on their, he shook his head and smile.

That was love, I know.

And his smile grew more.

“Hey! Something funny?” asked a voice and Hyukjae jumped on his seat of the grass under that green tree.

“Who?” but when he saw the person, his smile was so dazzling. He get up quickly and run to hug the other.

“Kyu!!!” and they smile to each other and melt in an embrace.

“I miss you” said the angel, inhaling the scent in the hairs of the other.

“Me too” then they kissed, a short one.

“Hyuk… I need to tell you something, it’s important” but then the human started to cough again, he almost fell if it weren’t for the sad angel carrying the human on his arms.

When Hyukjae was so weak; after his coughing attack, he said caressing Kyuhyun cheek.

“Oh, Kyuhyun. I know I’m being selfish, but… when you were gone. I wanted to live a little more, so I could see you, just… one more time” his voice was frail, like now his body, and the only thing left for the angel was tightening the embrace and left a single tear fell slowly until reach the red hairs of his beloved one.

“Hyuk…” I’m sorry; I do not know what to do? 

He kissed Hyuk’s lips and caressed his cheek, than he murmured to the sleep one.

“I don’t know if you´re willing to accept it, but I’ll give my everything to you” so please, let me hear one time that you love like I do, and accept my heart; my forever.

The night feel and with that; destiny.

While in the heavens, one of the dominions; the second after Kyuhyun, Jaejoong found that the ace of the heavens were on earth for some unauthorized issue, he search the cause, and when he found it, his eyes were widen.

“What are you doing” it was late when he tried to hide the document on his hands, and he couldn’t lie.

“I was…” he avert his gaze “searching for something” but the elder, suspicious like always, took the paper from Jaejoong hands and started to read it, he frowned and throw the paper away.

“Call all the dominions, we have a serious issue in our hands” the face and eyes were deadly serious “Kyuhyun must be exiled of heavens before he could make that foolish act that he pretend to do” and Jaejoong were frozen.

“Now!” shouted angry the main dominion, making the other run.

While at the earth, Changmin were watching the cottage of the prince, he sighed not once but tree times.

Should I tell him?

Yeah, he was there since days ago, waiting for corage to tell the human the true, but he couldn’t, not until some light break the sky in two and he rushed into the small house, opening the gate in the rudest way he could have done.

“They’re coming” he shouted, confusing Hyukjae and making Kyuhyun wided his eyes and shake his head in negation.

“It’s too soon, how…?” asked the raven one with no response.

“What is happening” the human were dying, so gradually that his voice was a wishper, Kyuhyun caressed his hairs.

“Nothing, just some people we know are searching for me, that’s all” smiled Kyuhyun in a try to relax his lover, but Hyukjae lift himself from the bed.

“I want to know the true” he demanded in a plea, and the dominion couldn’t deny it.

“I…” this is the only option, the only…

“I love you, I love you…” and the tears start to fall from Kyuhyun eyes while saying these words.

I’m sorry

“I…” before Hyukjae could reply, Changmin shouted “Don’t say it!” and the smiling face of the human turned confuse while Kyuhyun’s face turned pale.

“Why?” questioned Hyukjae.

“Because…” Changmin bit his lip, turning his gaze from the dominion to the human.


“Shut up! Changmin” ordered the angel, but the fallen did not obey. He aspirated air and started to talk.

“If you said that you love him, then…” and Kyuhyun pleaded with his eyes to Changmin.

Please, don’t say it.

“He will die…”

Hyukjae’s eyes were big opened in horror and he shook his head.

“No, that’s not true. You’re lying!” but when he turned to see Kyuhyun’s eyes, they were only sorrow and he started to sobbed and then cry silently.

Kyuhyun embrace Hyukjae, at first was difficult but then the human were the one hugging him so thigh, with the fear of losing him.

“Shh…I’m still here” murmured the angel, patting the others back in a reassuring way.

“I just want for you to live and because I did not want to lose the one I fell in love, I’m willing to gave my life in order to see you smile, just… one more time, please...” but contrary at the smile than Kyuhyun expected, Hyukjae slap him hard, startling the other two.

“You’re an idiot!!! I hate you!!” shouted angrily and hurt Hyukjae.

How can I smile if I took your live away, I just couldn’t bear with it, I don’t want to live if that means to lose you!!

I love you so much!!

Cried the heart of the human, sadly the words were unheard for the angel.

“I hate you!!”

I love you!

And Hyukjae started to cry while the other tried to reach him in vain.

“No, you don’t” said tenderly Kyuhyun.

“I… can’t say it” the human started to cry more, covering his face with his hands.

“Yes, you can”. Kyuhyun kissed the tears away after pulling away the hand of Hyukjae from his face.

“I love you, so say that you love me” pleaded the angel.

“I just… can’t” Hipped the human.

“I love you, with all my heart” and when the human watched the other’s eyes, he could see all the longing and sincerity that were holding that words, so he replied.

“I love you too” and when the dominions arrived at the cottage, a white blinding light received them, it were a second, but enough time for the angel to turn in a single white platinum feather on the human hands.

Hyukjae were crying, oblivious of the world but his pain.

Life wasn’t happy anymore, love wasn’t beautiful now, and all that were left for him were a beautiful feather with the wish of life and the sorrow from lost a love.

And the memories…

Hyukjae embrace the feather and put it on his chest.

“I love you…” he whispered.

Then he stood, and walk towards Changmin, he extended his arms, showing the feather.

“I love him, but this isn’t for me” and the dominions widened his eyes, no human has ever negated a gift like that.

“This is his heart, this belongs to heaven” and Changmin widened his eyes.

“Did you knew?” he asked and Hyukjae nodded.

“When?” and then he lowered his gaze.

“When he come to me the second time, I once saw him hiding his wings but I never knew that loving him could bring his death” and he bit his lip in order to prevent the crying.

“I really didn’t knew, I just wanted to be with him, but once again my selfishness bring pain and death to the one I love, so I don’t deserve to live or his heart” then the eldest of the domains took the feather away of the humans hands and into his ones.

“Such a pity, he was the best” then he turned to the human.

“But… just this time, I let you met you one more time” and the feather turned into light, and the glow into flesh and blood; a human being were now in front of the angels and humans.

“Kyu!!” Hyukjae ran towards his loved one and the latter still confuse hugged the other.

“Hyukkie” he said like if he was savoring the most exquisite delicacy.

“I love you!” and Kyuhyun smile, and kissed the other lips.

“I love you too”

A coughing sound was heard and they turned towards the owner.

“Just one time you have” and the now human and the prince were expecting the explanation of the angel.

“When the night falls again, the two of you will leave this earth, so better start loving each other now, because I just give you, one more chance”

And the angels turned into thin air, letting three humans there.

“Then, I’m going now. I just wanted to prevent everything, but I guess that this is maybe better” and he left like he arrived.

Then Kyuhyun watched with worried his beloved one’s face.

“Are you sure? You could have life healthy and forever” he asked.

“Forever is something that I don’t want to live without you” he replied, surprising the other.

"But it was the only one that I'm willing to live with you" Kyuhyun replied, kissing Hyukjae’s lips “I love you”.

They talk, they laugh, they smiled to each other, and they were lost into the other’s eyes.

Saying I love with the steal of a kiss.

Saying how they care for the other by caressing the other’s features.

Saying I will die for you with every passionate kiss that they shared.

Saying so many thing that they feel by every second they time shortened and yet so few for them, because their love were so immense that the gentle touch and the sweetest words weren’t enough to show how much they love each other and even then, it was just one glance or one smile the one that told everything that they feel.

The night arrive and they hold hands, entwined his fingers with the other hands.

The dark orbs watching with longing the brown ones.

“I love you” Kyuhyun said, embracing tightly Hyukjae.

“I love you too, forever” and while Hyukjae felt his body weak and little by little being numb and lifeless, Kyuhyun keep holding him tighter, until he started to lose his strength and he too closed his eyes slowly.

“Happiness doesn’t last long,

But because is brief.

I am going to treasure this moment with you”



Happy Birthday Unnie!!! ^^

I hope you like it :D (all of you too)

And everyone that read this; Thank you so much.

And everyone that subscribe, thank you a lot too.

I really tried hard into writing this one, though the end I feel it a bit rushed, but still; I really hope you enjoy this and like it ^^

So, let a comment please, and thank you ;)

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leehyosonn #1
Chapter 6: I didn't remember reading this..but i found this story in my subscription sad yet so beautiful and stupid me reading this in the i'm going to have headache for holding from crying
hyukish #2
actually i didn't find this sad at all. uhm okay it's kinda sad about how people treated hyukjae. but i found this fluffy and romantic, kinda cheesy but perfect :) thanks for sharing ^^
MiyuLisis #3
This almost make me cry all the time, it was beautiful I'm speechless
Thanks for this wonderful fic it make my... Day-night? XD
i hate chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >____<
this is too beautiful..u describe their precious moments beautifully...they are longing together but fate play trick with them huhuuuu...
once again wanna say THANKKKKKKKKKKYUUUUUUUU...
michikokasiumi #5
Gotta prepare tissue b4 ur update :p
YAY! Can't wait for update ~~~!!
Sobs sobs not gonna hate chuuuuu
tissues pleaseeeeee >_____<
thank kyuuuuuuu for this
i know im gonna love it