Chapter 03

Just... one more time


At the next day, Kyuhyun were opening his eyes, founding himself on the floor, lying next to a beautiful being, with plump lips, white skin, every feature was angelical at his eyes and then he frown, he is the angel, not that… and when he glance again the face of that human, he lost himself in that relaxing face, oh….god, he was so beautiful, even his dark red hair seemed soft.

And the extended his hand, touching the face of the human just with his fingertips and slowly he caressed the jaw, the cheeks, the lips, the nose, the forehead until he reach the hair and like his skin, it was soft, so silky, the he frown again touching his own hair.

If his hair was soft why the other’s one seemed so much better?

He sighed, being human for a day and he was crazy.

Then he heard some sniffs and when he turned to his side, he saw a graceful tear falling slowly on the cheek of that creature, and somehow that flinch his heart, so he clean it and then he lift himself, he doesn’t love humans, he hates them because they’re bad, they always lie and trick, yeah, he hates them, then… why he feels sorrow watching this young man?

He doesn’t have feelings, angels has no feelings, then, why…?

Then something hit his mind.

“Why are you watching this?”

“Why is she is crying?”

“Her first-son is dying and there’s no cure…”

He slapped himself and smirked.

I feel pity, yeah, that’s it. Because I’m an angel, I can feel something like pity. And he walked outside the house and his eyes widened again.

He is the son of that king, the one at fault of Yunho’s fall and the son of the queen, the one that made Changmin human, and he is the one that cause Junsu’s death.

Kyuhyun frown deeper and hissed, that human family were the cause of many angels falls and maybe he too has fault for ask that selfish wish to heaven, he didn’t know that asking for forgive and wealth mean to sacrificed his own angel, so he has all the fault for that.

I knew it, humans are the worst.

Hyukjae opened his eyes slowly, his body ached for sleep on the floor, in addition that he must rest because his body is weak, so he raise up in order to make some breakfast, he was hungry and since he didn’t had dinner, his stomach was starving.

He made a soup of mushrooms and some vegetables that he found yesterday, so the smell was nice for him, and maybe not just him, because the men he knew a few hours ago was standing on the door, glaring him, Hyukjae could perceive some mixed feelings on the other’s eyes; hate, empathy, coldness, and frustration. He sighed and smiled slightly.

“You want some?” Kyuhyun took a sit but said nothing, so Hyukjae served the soup and the other just eat it. He has never eat before so he wasn’t sure if the taste was fine, but for him it as edible.

The afternoon arrives and with that, three persons on that place, while Hyukjae was cleaning the house, Kyuhyun was outside, thinking on a way to punish the other for Junsu’s death.

 “How’s my boy, ne?” asked Heechul watching all the place but no hint of the intruder were found, just the prince.

“Fine” and then Hyukjae felt a big hug, and he showed a gummy smile.

“Hyung!” and a giggle were heard, the latter just part a little.

“Hyukkie!! I miss you so much, why you don’t take the offer of my parent’s?” and then he pouted.

“I just don’t want to be a nuisance; furthermore, I’m fine here” and the latter let go the other.

“Fine, but I’m still coming even if you don’t want, also I need to introduce my boyfriend to you” and Hyukjae showed an expression of sadness.

A lover, I will die having no one.

“I’ll love to meet him, more if he caught Sunming’s hyung heart” said with a sad smile.

“Oh, Hyukkie, I’m sorry, I made you sad” pouted Sungmin hugging the other, while Hyukjae struggle for being out of the embrace.

“Why?” whined Sungmin.

“Because I can transmit my disease to you” and Sungmin stare him with a frown.

“I’m not like your family, I’m not afraid of any illness or any grudge, so I can hug you always” and Hukjae shook his head.

“No, since you have a lover” and he giggled when his hyung widened his eyes in realization.

“Yah!! Don’t ignore me” he walked towards Hyukjae and he frowned “Where is that spoiled brat?”

“Outside” then Heechul grabbed Sungmin’s hand with an evil smile.

“You´re going to teach him a lesson”

“Why” asked the latter confused.

“Because he let Hyuk sleep outside” and the cute boy turned into an angry one.


Leeteuk stood there with his smile and turned to Hyukjae, showing a basket.

“I brought some meals, there is loaft, meat, vegetables, fruits, and everything you need for a week” Hyukjae said a thank you.

“I do not know what I’ll do without you” and the elder restrain himself to hug the prince.

“You can do everything even without me, or Heechul or Sungmin, because you are a kind boy that I’m sure everybody loves” and Hyukjae started to cry at those words.

“Not my family, not my people, not my kingdom” and he fell down on his knees.

When Heechul returned with a happy-creepy smile next to a happy Sungmin, the joyful faces turned worried when they saw the boy crying, they were going to run towards the boy, but Leeteuk said no.

“He need this, let him release his pain” and they turned, letting him for a while.

At the outside, Leeteuk gaze the whole place.

A land forgotten by any human, even the heaven has forgot this place.

And his look stopped at the strange men, then he walk to him.

“What, do you want to hit me too?” asked with bitterness.

“I want to talk to you about Hyukjae” and the other just keep walking with no interest.

“I don’t mind him” and Leeteuk sighed.

“I just want to say; don’t hurt him, he is very precious to us, so don’t making suffer in any way, please” and Kyuhyun watched how the other were gone with no more words said.

“He seems fine, I bet that his illness already gone, Junsu couldn’t die letting his human sick, at least that the human never asked for himself in first place, just for others, but that is… impossible” he murmured to himself, watching Hyukjae waving farewell to the three visitors with a smile.

The third day arrive and Kyuhyun had now his plans about what to do with the human that sleep again on the floor, but this time Kyuhyun wait for him to sleep so he could go out of bed and lay beside the human.

I’m doing this only because I don’t want that he’ll do anything to me, so I need to keep him close.

And he dozed off, walking early to return to the bed before the dawn.

After breakfast, Kyuhyun ask Hyukjae to go for wood, and to bring more meals because any of that were of his like, even when he didn’t even know what his likes were, and then he asked for water of the river and for a hot bath on the night, and dinner, and everything that cross his mind, since pick something on the floor to load heavy things.

It wasn’t until the five day of that routine for Kyuhyun; they were on the forest, Hyukjae was cutting down the wood, his face was sweaty, his face flushed and he was panting.

“Yah! Don’t be so weakly!” shouted angry the Kyuhyun, obtaining a faint smile from the human.

“Sorry…” after that word, Hyukjae fell to the ground, patting more hard and coughing, cuddling himself because the pain was too much for him to deal with.

Kyuhyun widened his eyes at the sight, he hurried to the man.

“Hey! Hey!” but the other was coughing more.

“Go away!!” shouted Hyukjae when he could talk, startling the other, still coughing, covering his mouth with his sleeve.

“Wha-?” but Kyuhyun stopped when he saw the man trying to get up, failing miserably.

When Kyuhyun took the shoulder of the other, he could see the sleeve covered in dark blood, he was astonished.

“Don’t tell me, you…” but before he could finished, Hyukjae pull himself out of the grab.

“Let me alone, please” and he started to walk towards the cottage, a slow pace, grabbing his chest, and watching his hand and sleeve in blood, tears threatening to fall.

I knew it…

Kyuhyun was so shocked that he didn’t follow the human; he just stood there, speechless.

 It can’t be…

Junsu’s duty must have had to cure him.

At least that…

He ran to the small house, entering in a rush, watching the man laying down on the blankets.

“What do you wish when you left the kingdom?” he asked raw, ignoring the other’s face or pain, he just wants to know, he needed to know.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Hykjae asked devastatingly “I know I’m cursed, that my only existence is a burden to my family, my people, my kingdom, so please don’t torture me more, just… please, let me die alone”

And Kyuhyun for the first time knew what guilt and sorrow were, and what having a heart was.

 “One day you’ll know that being one of the dominions doesn’t make you heartless”

“Because I’m a dominion I don’t have useless feelings”

Kyuhyun touched his heart at the place where the heart is supposed to be, and he squeeze the fabric there.

“I…” he couldn’t talk for some reason.

“I’m… sorry” and he left the place, Hyukjae just did get up slowly and turned to the entrance, his eyes were red and his face pale, he felt bad for saying that mean words towards the man of raven hair, so he walked gradually to the exit, following the younger.

Kyuhyun felt that something inside of him were burdening, but he didn’t know how to stopped it, to tell the true, being with the human was fun, he was always smiling even when he just noticed that fact.

In heaven he never smile, just smirked but now he was on a twister of emotions that culd barely afford, he need to be in heaven, now!!

He watched towards the clouds.

Please… help me, cut of my being all this feelings.

But his prayers were not heard, because an angel cannot pray just fulfill prayers of humans.

“Oh, what I have here” said a voice, very well knew for him.

“Changmin…” and when he glance to the side of the men, he saw and winged being with dark feathers “Yunho…” and he retrieve his composure, a one full of pride.

“What do you want, beg for mercy?” he smirked; the pain and sorrow still on his eyes but everything else like the angel he was.

Changmin saw him with with mixed raged and sorrow.

“I told you before” he whispered, more to himself, because he knew that gaze, that lost look on the eyes of the dominion, because one he portrayed that same look.

“We don’t want any forgive, we just were searching for someone” replied Yunho, gaining a frown from the angel.

“Who are you searching here?” asked a little worried, the only human there were him.

Yunho smirked.

“The king receives announced a days ago that his first-son was dead” and Kyuhyun opened his eyes so much.

“We are here to fulfill the others dead in order to protect the wealth and peace of the kingdom” Changmin just nodded.

“Why? What happened to you? You hate once the king for the wish of his son, so why can you fulfill that selfish wish?” asked Kyuhyun a little off of guard, Yunho glared him.

“I’m a fallen now, a corrupt one, but my feelings of protection towards the king never faded away” ha watched intense the dominion “I just realized that the one at full fault of Junsu’s dead was the prince, so is better for him to doesn’t exist” and the angel was shocked, he turn his stare to Changmin.

“And you, you fall, but as a human not a demon” and the latter just shrugged.

“I still love the queen, and it’s her wish too” pronounce slowly. 

“But, you saw one how she was crying for her son, so why?” Kyuhyun was still thunderstruck.

“When the kingdom start to recovered after the cleaning of any evilness, everything was well, until someday the sorcerer corrupt the hearts of the persons there. Maybe some days have passed in heaven, but several weeks, maybe months on the earth” concluded Changmin.

“I… he is dead, the prince is dead” said Kyuhyun.

“I don’t believe you” Yunho comment but Changmin hold his arm, and signaled a ‘let’s go’.

The two intruders left or at least that was what the dominion thought.

A few meters away, Changmin heard something, he said to Yunho to keep walking, because he forgot something, and the latter just nodded, after all, Changmin never once made a wrong choice, so he believed in the other.

There, between the trees of the forest, a young man was walking with heavy steps, panting hard, with his vision blurred, he was falling when a hand grabbed him.

“Be careful” and the latter agreed with his head.


“Don’t sorry, just be careful, but why you seems in a hurry even in your state?” the youngster left his body fell slowly on the ground.

“I’m searching for someone” and Changmin gasped at that and at the fact that Yunho were behind the human.

“Who? Maybe I saw him” comment with interest the fallen.

“A younger man than me with dark hair and taller than me” and Yunho smirked, oh, this young man were so pure and honest.

Maybe the command of the king to him was to kill the prince but even when he was a fallen, there was something more funnily and that was to make the heavens suffer.

“Oh, I didn’t see him, but I can sense by sight that you are very sick” said with feigned worry.

“Just a little” answered the youngster.

“I have a cure” smiled mystically and Changmin widened his eyes.

“Don’t say it!!” shout Changmin alarmed and Yunho smirk just grew bigger.

“A cure?” It really was a cure for him? That noticed made him feel hope, so he asked, but why f that was a lie? He was a not loved person and a bad one that made suffer people, so maybe there wasn’t, but… hope is the last thing that dies.

“Did you know… that the feather of an angel can cure any illness?” the mischievous smile still there and the innocent boy’s eyes full of hope.

“How can I obtain one?” questioned, coughing a little.

“Making him fall for you” and Changmin face was pale, while Yunho’s was evilly happy and the human’s face were confused and sad.

“No angel can set his eyes in some bad person like me, so… I have no cure” then he smiled “Thank you anyway, sorcerer” and Yunho expanded his eyes.

“Why thank me?”

“Because you wanted to help me, I hope that heavens blessed you” Hyukjae start to walk again, while the evilness on Yunho’s heart were falling slowly, making his wings turned into ashes, he was now like Changmin, a mere mortal, so he blinked when the human where no one to be seen.

“What happened?” asked confused to his friend.

“You made the worst mistake ever” hissed the other “You cursed him in a love that can’t be and he blessed you, letting you out of the evil on your heart, because he is a pure being” with that they left, confused and guilty.

When they arrive at the kingdom the noticed was that the prince was already dead.

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leehyosonn #1
Chapter 6: I didn't remember reading this..but i found this story in my subscription sad yet so beautiful and stupid me reading this in the i'm going to have headache for holding from crying
hyukish #2
actually i didn't find this sad at all. uhm okay it's kinda sad about how people treated hyukjae. but i found this fluffy and romantic, kinda cheesy but perfect :) thanks for sharing ^^
MiyuLisis #3
This almost make me cry all the time, it was beautiful I'm speechless
Thanks for this wonderful fic it make my... Day-night? XD
i hate chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >____<
this is too beautiful..u describe their precious moments beautifully...they are longing together but fate play trick with them huhuuuu...
once again wanna say THANKKKKKKKKKKYUUUUUUUU...
michikokasiumi #5
Gotta prepare tissue b4 ur update :p
YAY! Can't wait for update ~~~!!
Sobs sobs not gonna hate chuuuuu
tissues pleaseeeeee >_____<
thank kyuuuuuuu for this
i know im gonna love it