Suzy's POV

By Chance

I was on my way to Ricky's house and I had no clue what we're gonna do there.
Is he gonna ask me to play video games again? Ugh. Wh don't he just text me. *sighs* 

As I was about to ring the doorbell of is house, the door opened and Ricky's little brother jumped out and gave me a small scented paper saying,
"Go to the pizza parlor where we first had lunch together."
After reading, I was about to ask Ricky's little brother what it was about but instead he cut it off by saying goodble and waved at me so cutely and then closed the door.
 *Puffs cheeks*
"I'm so dumbfounded right now."
When I arrived at the pizza parlor, i sat at the table where we first had lunch together. I thought he would arrive but as I kept on waiting, my sister arrived and I was shocked.

 "What are you doing here big sis?" I asked. 
She just giggled and gave me a picture of Ricky and I during our second date at the pizza parlor.
 "What's this?"
 "Turn the picture around" She said smiling at me.
"Uhhh. Okay." So, I did what she said. And again, there was a message there saying "Go St.Ives flowershop. I'm sure Ms. Nana will be happy to see you there." St.Ives flower shop is where we sometimes go and han out with our friend Ms. Nana :) 
 and when I raised my head up, my sister was gone.
 I raised an eyebrow and was again, puzzled.
So I stood up, and was abou to exit but before that, Jessica the owner of the pizza parlor who is our good friend, gave me a box of pizza.
 My eyes wide open, how much shall I pay for this? O.o
She laughed, "someone special asked me to give this to you. He said it's your favorite." Jessica said as she ruffled my hair. "Silly girl" 

I chuckled , "oh okay then. well, he, or she ain't wrong about that. Well, I gotta go now. Thanks Jess! See yah"
I was satisfied leaving the place with my favorite food. :D So there, I went to Ms. Nana's flower shop and I could see her sweet face, she was waving at me and smiled widely. I approached her, waving and smiling too.

"Hey Nana! how are you?" I asked her.
"I'm okay sweetie! As always." she responded.
"That's good. hey uhm, is Ricky here? because I was instructed to come here and I have no idea at all whaat is up with this whole charade." I sighed.
Nana giggled. "Oh sweetie, just wait and see. okay?" She then handed me a paper rose

and there was a sticky note attached to it. It said:
"This will be the last. I swear. Go to our favorite park in the city and you'll meet there. And make sure the pizza is still complete. ok? haha! jk."

After reading the message, nana again gave chocolates.


  "Uhh.. Did all these come from Rickie?"
   Nana nodded. 
And at the back of my mind~ *Did I forget something? Is it our annivesary as friends or something? Is it my birthday?!* 
 I just smiled at Nana "Okaay. Thanks Nana." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Gotta go. Byeee!" I waved good bye as I walked toward Wondeland Park (our fave park in the city) 
 *puffs cheeks* What could all these be? Is he gonna propose to e or something? I smiled at the thought.
Naaa~ he musn't be. I don't want to expect~

And when I arrived there, I was surprised because there weren't so many people...


I went through the gates.. "Hello?" I strted to freak out. 
But from out of the corner, my close friend Kris approached me and handed me a piece of paper that said:
"The first time I saw you, I admit you TOOK MY BREATH AWAY.

My heart melted but questioned who could be behind this. Could this be Kai? Kai is someone who's asking me to be his girl for almost a year now.Ricky must be helping him with all this. Ugh. I hate that guy .

And not far, Sunny popped out and waved at me and called me. 
I smiled at Kris before leaving and Sunny skipped to me. 
"Hey bunny boo!" She cutely said to me.
 chuckled "hey! what's up?
"Oh nothing, A cute wabbit asked me to hand this to a pretty wabbit."
She handed me a paper and hopped away. 
"This is getting weirder and weirder." I rolled my eyes.
I read what was wrtitten:

"You have the most beatiful sparkling eyes and a smile that  could light up a wole town." I couldn't help but smile.

and then again, I saw Fei my Bestfriend from a distance ~ I ran to her and then she hugged me. 
 "Hey y." She laughed
 "Hey." I playfully winked. "So what's all this about? Because if it's Kai, I'd be going home without turning back. Like right this instant. Ugh" I complained.
 She just laughed at me and said "Nooo. Just wait, you'll see." Then she winked at me and handed me a blue(Rickys fave color) paper.

  "I just can't thank God enough for letting someone like you walk into my life, not only that but he made you my BEST FRIEND. How lucky am I."

My eyes widen as I thought that Ricky was my only Best friend who's a boy. Could this really be?! My heart pounded but I didn't want to expect. So I just went on to Cap, who was near the Merry-go-round..

 "Hey shorty! How you've been?" Cap gave me a hug and handed me a pink(my fave color!) paper.  "Someone special asked me to give this to you." He gave me a smirk then he left. 
 It said..
 "Close your eyes for about 10 seconds and then open them. Ok? :)"


So I did, again what the instuction said ...
 I closed my eyes and counted 1-10.
and when I opened my eyes. She merry-go-round lit up like it
was the 4th of July :3 My eyes glistened as I stared at it in awe.

and then.. Ricky came out. wearing a polo shirt, blue sneakers and jeans.
He always took my breath away. I was nervous, I don't know what to feel.
My heart pounded faster as he came closer..
He held my hands and said..
"Suzy,  have loved you for a long while now. Ever since the first time we met, the day I bumped on a wall." He laughed a little,
"I thought love at first sight wasn't true at all, till you came and made me believe. You erased the scars here in my heart. And it has never been this happy ever since. No one can ever compareto the happiness you give me Bae Suzy" He stared at me deeply.
I was deeply touched by everything he said and I was starting to tear up..
"So Suzy, could you answer me just one question?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, what is it?"
He gave me a marker,then turned around, and started to take of his polo shirt, and  printed on the shirt was..

and my heart just exploded into little pieces of happiness! I started to cry and dropped the box of pizza and the rose and chocolates. I marked a check on the box that said YES.
Ricky then turned around and hugged me tight. 
He whispered into my ear and said  "Thank You. I love you so much." Then he pulled away and kssed me on the cheek. I could feel myself blush and so I kissed  him back and shouted "I LOVE YOU TOO RICKY!!!!"
all our friends came to us, including my sister and. and I just couldn't explain how happy I was. Te day I have been praying for, has arrived.  

"Finally!" Ricky and I both shouted.:D


♬  You and I could be like Sonny and Cher, Honey and Bears.
and you and I could be like Aladdin and Jazmine, Let's make it happen...♬ 


Long chapter huh? Hey, sorry for the spellings if there are any.  I just type without looking at the screen. So yeah, that's probably why there are s many mispelled words. ^__^" Don't worry, when I have the time I will edit :)))
Hope you like this chapter ! :) xoxoxo










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Lee_HR #1
Chapter 8: nice story! ^^
Chapter 6: SO SWEET!!!! :')
update soon :)
update soon x)