Game of Trust

The Exo Trilogy: Island Stuck

[[Okkayyy so I might jump back to first person? I dunno. But this is a short update,I've been really busy and my friend keep jogging my computer =___= she's been here for a week so yeah. ish, I know. I'll try writing linger chapters. I'm not sure if I like the whole second person thing,so please don't mind if I jump back between perspectives! :) ]]


After long,tiring, annoying hours, the plane FINALLY landed in Jamaica. You sighed in relief and looked over at that stupid kingka, sound asleep. You grinned widely and glanced at the still-full-cup of ice water you had been holding since you got it before landing. 

"YAH! BABO WAKE UP!" You said loudly, dumbing the ice water onto Kai. He jumped up,yowling loudly. 

"THAT'S FREAKIN COLD! WHAT THE HELL?!" He shouted. You burst out into laughter as he frantically tried to get the ice cubes out of his hoodie and shirt. Jinah and Ah Ri looked at you quizzically, but you were too busy laughing. You even noticed Chanyeol holding back laughter. You could tell he was, he was grinning like an idiot and his lips were quivering.  He looked at you laughing, and finally just lost it. He burst into laughter a long side you, not bothering to pay attention to Kai glaring and telling him to shutup.

"YAH! Why are you laughing too!? It's not funny!" Kai spat. Only to be answered with more laughter. D.O and Sehun walked by at that time, looking at you and Chanyeol laughing,then they turned their gaze to Kai. His hair was wet, his shirt and hoodie was soaked, and he was flailing around still trying to get the ice cubes out. They grinned and began giggling like little kids, then finally started laughing. Kai's mini ice cube dance was probably the most entertaining and funny thing ever.

"Ohh you're so going to get it Ye Jin!" Kai threatened, giving you a dangerous I'm-to-cool-for-you look. You simply smirked and waited for them to finally get into the isle and get off the plane. Immediately you were welcomed with warm, tropical air. 

The airport was nothing compared to Incheon though, it was smaller,and warmer.  Everywhere around you,you could see tons of tourists, all from different countries. It made you feel so,foreign. Then again, everyone here was. Exept, of course, the Jamaicans. 

Your classes all surrounded the teachers as they handed in the landing cards you all had filled out before landing. You were bubbling with excitement, it was hard to contain. But you managed to remain calm and keep cool until you all got to the resort.  

"Hey, Ye Jin~" Kai's voice cooed into your ear. You had to admit, it gave you chills. "What?" You muttered through gritted teeth. He chuckled lowly when suddenly you felt something crawling from your lower back, up. "There is a huge spider on your back." Your eyes grew wide and you squealed loudly, jumping up and down frantically. "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF DAMMIT!" You shrieked. He laughed, laughed something evil. He grinned widely and held up his hand.  "There, it's off." 
You stared at in disbelief. Did he really? "I'm going to kill you!" You exclaimed as you smacked him upside the head with your small carry on bag. He yelped loudly and staggered back into Chanyeol. Chanyeol simply moved away and let the stupid kingka fall to the floor. Chanyeol smirked and looked up at you his smirk turning into a wide smile. 

"Yah! Chanyeol you're supposed to catch me!" Kai spat in fury. Chanyeol was clearly stifling his laughter, his lips were quivering again. 
"Sorry, I didn't know we were playing the game of trust." He simply stated before bursting out into laughter. 

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* nonexistent beard* ;) made my day
Thanks! I'll try updating tomorrow since I have nothing to do^^
This is actually a good chapter! Update soon :D
Yay you actually did write it!! Can't wait :D