Are you kidding me?!

The Exo Trilogy: Island Stuck

"Focus YeJin...focus!" You mentally scolded your self. Why? Instead of concentrating on your homework, you were focusing on how to prank Kai. Many plans were printed in bold in your mind, but what should be bolded is your name on the math assignment. 
"Aish! Why did they give us homework the day before we leave!" You muttered out loud, slouching in your chair and distracting yourself with the desk-side window. To bad this homework assignment was mandatory in order to go on the could've pretended to have forgotten it or something it turn it in when you got back.

'But shouldn't I wait to plan until I know what he's planning?'  You thought. That would be smart, but not at the same time. Oh well...forget it. 

"And x equals...."


You glanced at your phone in slight confusion, who would be calling you now at 12 am? Jinah already went to sleep, your other friends


Unknown number

Cautiously, you answered the phone. "Y..yeobaseyo?" you patiently awaited for a response.

"YeJin-ah! It's Chanyeol!"

"B..Bwoh?! How did you get my number?!" You burst out almost as soon as he said his name. You could hear a laugh over the phone, panting, a sigh and then a small chuckle.

"Junior Class facebook, they have a list of all the Juniors and their numbers." He responded, smiling over the other line. He really confused you, so he wanted your number?

"So...what? You're stalking me now?" You asked sarcastically, smirking as you scribbled down the answer you were about to write down.

"Yeah,totally." He responded, matching your sarcasm. You laughed, he's cute. You can see why people love him.

"So um...why did you call?" You queried as you continued solving your math questions.  He chuckled yet again and said, "To say hi, and to tell you that Kai is returning tomorrow for the trip, so be alert."  You rolled her eyes and let out a soft sigh. This Kim Jong In seems frustrating, and you've only talked to him once.  What on earth could he be planning? 


The next day,earlier then usual, you lugged your big suitcase and back pack out of your house and headed towards the train station, where your class would be meeting to go to Incheon National Airport. It was stormy and dark outside, so you wore your light blue rain jacket over your tanktop blouse, you were also wearing denim shorts and unintentionally wore shoes that matched your jacket.

outfit: (minus cardigan)



Remembering that you didn't have to walk, you took a bus. 
It was really crowded,people took every seat and almost every pole, you just sat on your suitcase and let out a heavy sigh. 

'4:30 I going to be too early? I don't need to be there until 5:15'  You thought, you didn't want to be before the teachers. It would be incredibly awkward for you to just be siting there alone awaiting the arrival of the other students and teachers. 

Meanwhile, when you were lost in thought, the bus made a stop and D.O got on, dragging his suitcase along with him like you had.He was exhausted from doing homework all night, to he was like the walking dead or something. He groaned once he noticed the cramped bus, but he perked up shortly after once he noticed the half asleep YeJin sitting on a suitcase. He dragged his bags over to you and set his stuff beside yours, taking a seat on his suitcase as well. 
"Goodmorning Yejin,you're going to be early." His voice startled you from your mini nap. You looked at him in utter surprise and smiled. 
"Y..Yeah my clocks are off, they are ahead of time so I thought I was going to be late. And you?"  He nodded his head and sighed.
You couldn't help but observe him...he was wearing a royal blue raincoat and dark skinny (but baggy) jeans with a simple pair of hightop converse. His hair was messy and his eyes are tired, but he was still flawless and hansom. You looked away quickly, trying to hide your slowly,heating up face. 

The bus ride there was somewhat awkward, you two were the first ones to arrive at the station. After waiting patiently for the teachers to show up, you and D.O decided to go to the small coffee shop they had there. 

"One latte please!" You ordered, you looked at D.O,waiting to see what he would get. "Same please." He looked at you and smiled. 
You two eventually wandered back to the meeting area, Baekhyun,Chanyeol, and Sehun were there now,they greeted you two with warm smiles.
"Morning!" Chanyeol sang,patting you on the back playfully. You giggled quietly and noticed a small group of girls enter the waiting area. They eyed you oddly,why were you standing with Exo? They were whispering amongst themselves, glancing at you,then exo, then back to their small circle. You were beginning to feel slightly paranoid by it, and you decided that right now was not a good time to hang around Exo. Luckily for you, Jinah and your other friend Kim Ah Ri entered to save you. You smiled brighyly and snuck away from Exo without them noticing. Well, you thought you were unnoticed but Chanyeol saw you. 

"Jinah! Ah Ri! Thankyou! I was beginning to get really paranoid.." They looked at you confused at first, then understood. 
You three are best friends, you have lots of other friends but Jinah and Ah Ri are the true, best friends. You three would always laugh and you would always be together for shopping,lunch or breaktime. Any chance you got.
"Ugh I was up till like, one doing my homework. I'm so tried! I only got 3 hours of sleep la-" you were interrupted by your phone vibrating in your pocket, you pulled and out and stared at the screen.

New text message from: Chanyeol

Watch your back, Kai has arrived. :]

You looked every direction until your eyes landed on Exo, and surely enough he was there. He paid no attention to you though, he just stood there chatting amongst Exo. Apparently he had entered with Suho.  
"I'm going to make Jinah and Ah Ri let me sit by Ye Jin. I'll take the seat next to her, anyone wanna join?" Kai smirked, double glancing at you once he noticed you weren't even looking, (anymore that is) He frowned and looked back at the other five. "Chanyeol? How about you?" He offered. Chanyeol looked at you, then Kai,and let out a heavy sigh. "Sure." Chanyeol honestly didn't to see Kai picking on you, but he'd rather be there managing Kai then having him be too mean. Kai grinned widely and nodded, plan A, in action!


Boarding the airport, you were to caught up in your own thoughts to notice Kai sitting next to you. You had window seat,he had middle,and Chanyeol took the outside. Frustrated, you ignored them, well him. He kept trying to talk to you to annoy you,but you easily tuned him out by using your headphones and ipod. Later on into the flight, something very cold and wet hit your lap. You yelped and stared at Kai in disbelief. 
"What the heck!" You hissed, "It's cold! What the hell do you want?!" He grinned deviously and shrugged.
"You're voice raised an octive."  You wanted to slap this guy, but what if you ruined his pretty face? Oh well. 
"Mature." You muttered and looked out the window.
"Unlike you."
He stared at you in shock, his jaw agape and his cheek turning a soft shate of red from were it met your hand. 
"What was that for?!" He growled, narrowing his eyes at you.
No response.
No response.
"Yah! Babo!" 
You were looking away,ignoring him.
"YAH!" He nudged you roughly with his arm. 
"Ow! Gah your so freaking annoying!" You spat, sending him an infinite amount of daggers.
"You started it!" He shot at you. You rolled your eyes, how chidlish.
"Actually you started it." You replied calmly (though your temper was beginning to fray)
"Well if you hadn't gotten in my way-"
"Are you kidding me? Shutup!"


Okay so another update...yay! Well it's raining outside,just felt like I had to point that out. And I dont know why, but I feel the need to make a (crappy) poster for every chapter...if you haven't noticed. These are made the day of the update..haha..

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* nonexistent beard* ;) made my day
Thanks! I'll try updating tomorrow since I have nothing to do^^
This is actually a good chapter! Update soon :D
Yay you actually did write it!! Can't wait :D