New Students and a sleep-over?!

I cannot believe this !

"Wake up!" I was awoken by someone yelling in my ear and shaking . "Wake up! Or you'll be late to school!" I was suddenly pushed off the bed and my face hit the floor . Ouch . That really hurt . 

"What do you want , Unnie?" I rolled over and groaned . I can't believe Unnie would do this to me! Uwaahh ! Abuse! 

"For you to wake up and get ready for school!" She shoved me into the restroom and threw the uniform in. I brushed my teeth and then showered . Once I finished showering and clothing myself ..-_-.. I headed downstairs to eat some breakfast that Unnie made . Oh ~ Her cooking is fantasticly fantastic ! 

"What time is it?" I asked as I shoved the food she made in my mouth  .

"7:50." I spit out my food and then quickly ate the rest . Once I finished , I washed the dishes and then headed out the door with Unnie . 

When we got to class , halfway we met up with NU'EST , Izaya , and Shizuo , there were many whispers , unlike any other day , where it was quiet as hell . 

"What're they all whispering about , Unnie?"

"Oh , remember BEAST? They told me they were going to transfer here."

"Oh , right!!" I whispered .

"Everyone ! Sit down!" Mrs. Yong came into the room yelling ."Today , we have 6 new students!" Once she said that , BEAST walked in the room , and almost immediately , people recognized them .

"It's BEAST!" I heard someone whisper excitedly .

"Introduce yourselves!" Mrs. Young ordered .

"Annyeong . Je ireum-eun Jang HyunSeung Imnida !" Seunggie Oppa bowed .

"Annyeong. Je ireum-eun Yong JunHyung Imnida." Junnie Oppa introduced monotonously , and bowed . The others introduced themselves . "Mrs. Young." Junnie called . "Can we all sit near Jang JaeHwa?" He smiled . Mrs Young , captivated by his smile , nodded . Hehe , That's my Oppa!~ .

"CL , Bom , Dara , Minzy , HyunA , and Hara . Please find a different seat ." Mrs Young ordered . They all scrambled about , trying to find different seats . Once everyone was seated , I started feeling like I was being glared at . I looked all around me , only to see girls glaring at me . Apparently , Unnie noticed too and glared back at them with a death glare , and they all looked away . The lesson was quite boring , since we had all already learned about this stuff . So I just lay my head down and drifted off to dream land .


The bell rang but sadly , I didn't hear it , because I was still asleep .

"YAH! Jae-ah! Get up ! Its Lunch break already !" Junnie Oppa shook me awake while the rest of BEAST Oppas sighed .

"Uwah?!?! I'm up!" I shot straight up , and the back of my head collided with Junnie Oppa's Forehead . "OWW!" I Held the back of my head . "Sorry Oppa!" I apologized .

"It's okay . "

"YAH! JaeHwa-yah! Wanna eat lunch with NU'EST and I ?" Ren yelled from afar .

"Uhm . Sure !" I replied .

"Dongsaeng , Who's that ?" Kikwang Oppa asked .

"Oh! They're my friends . NU'EST will debut as an Idol group like you guys after they graduate!" I smiled .

"Ren-ah! Can BEAST and the rest come along too ?"

"Of course! The more the merrier!" He said . "We'll be at the rooftop! See ya! " He headed towards to rooftop while I just literally dragged everyone there . They were all so heavy! -pouts-. On the way there , Hara , HyunA , and 2NE1 stopped us .

"Where do you think you're going?" Hara Spat , then noticed my oppas . "Oh! Oppas!" She tried to hug them but they avoided her .

"Who are you ?" Junnie Oppa asked , then put me behind him .

"We're the Queenkas of this school of course !" HyunA scoffed .

"Oh really ? Well Bye now . " Junnie Oppa dragged me and the rest of us to the rooftop quickly . 

"Yah!" Hara shouted after us , but we all ignored her and kept going . 

"Ren-ah!" I shouted , once we arrived at the rooftop . We all sat down asnd started to chat . We droned on and on and on about useless things . Finally , the bell rang , signalling Lunch break was over . I stood up and so did the others . 

"Well , we should really get to class now . I'll see you guys that aren't in my class later . " I waved then headed to class first. 

While I was walking in the hallways , I heard footsteps behind me , but , whenever I turned to look behind me , the foot steps stopped and I saw no one , so I continued walking . The foot steps continued , stopping everytime I stopped . That's weird . 

"Oof!" All of a sudden , I was pushed and stepped on . I looked up to see Hara , HyunA , and 2NE1 . "What do you want?!" I sighed , exasperated .

"Stay away from our Oppas!" HyunA spat .

"YOUR Oppas?" I scoffed . "Last time I checked , they didn't belong to anyone ."

"Shut up!" Hara kicked me , resulting in me getting a bruised leg .

"Stay away from them unless you have a death wish . " CL said , then walked away . The rest of them just either hit me , or gave me a disgusted look before trailing behind CL , trying to catch up . They can't make me stay away from my Oppas ! No one can .

I arrived to class extra early and took out a manhwa and started reading . This is interesting . 

Suddenly , my manhwa was snatched out of my hands and held up into the air .

"YAH!" I shouted , jumping , trying to get my manhwa back . I gave up soon though , I was too short . T^T . "Give me my manhwa back!" I sat back down and pouted , crossing my arms .

"Here~" Izaya sat down in front of me and set my manhwa down . Unfortunately , when he sat down , he saw my bruised leg . "How'd you get that?!" He pointed at my leg angrily .

"I-i-i just tripped .." I lied .

"You're lieing . You at lieing ." He pointed out . "Now tell me how you really got it ."

"Fine . While I was walking to class , the Queenkas pushed me , then told me to stay away from the Oppas . When I talked back , Hara kicked me , then my leg got bruised ." I said all in one breath . Luckily I shortened the story down .

"WHAT?!" He stood up , pissed .

"No! Don't ! They didn't do anything too bad ." I reasoned , then made him sit back down .

"Too bad?! They gave you a bruise , threatened you , and did other horrible stuff to you !"

"Don't! Just leave it! And don't tell them! I don't anyone to worry about me anymore!" I pouted childishly .

"Aish! Fine . You're really stubborn , You know?" He sighed .

"I know!" I jumped happily , forgetting about my bruised leg , and when I landed , I sort of winced from the pain . I hope Izaya didn't see that . I took out some make up and put some concealer on the bruise , hopefully I put enough to hide it .

BEAST , NU'EST Unnie , and Shizuo walked into the classroom right when I finished putting the concealer on .

"Ren-ah!" I poked his head softly .

"Aish! What do you want JaeHwa-ah?"

"Do you and NU'EST want to go to my house tonight at 7:00 pm ? There's going to be a party . A small one !" I invited .

"Sure! I'll tell NU'EST later ."

"Okay!~ I'll see you tonight , neh? I'm skipping class with the rest of them to set it up~!" I said , then skipped off .

When I got to my house , the rest of them arrived soon after . 

"Alright! BEAST oppas! Go find all the blankets you can! Shizuo , Izaya , Unnie! Come with me to get the pillows and Movies!" I ordered , then we all set off to find the stuff.

Once we had everything gathered , we made the living room all cozy-looking , pillows were strewn everywhere while the blankets were neatly placed .

(One part of the room looked like this VVVVV )

(The other part VVVVVV)

"Uwaah! We're finally done ! Now for shopping !" I looked at the time . 5:30. Still an hour and 30 minutes left !

We all headed to the grocery store . 

"We'll all split into 2 groups of 5 since there are 10 of us ! Junnie , Seunggie , Izaya , and Joonie Oppas are with me . Kwangie , Seobbie , Shizuo , and Woonie Oppa are with Kyunggie Unnie!" We all split up to look for food .

"Jae-Jae!" Izaya called . I turned to look at him. "Can we get cotton candy ?!" 

"Of course!! I love Cotton Candy!"  I jumped up and down and threw about 10 bags of it in the cart . we could all share right ? "Junnie Oppa! Can you go get those chips over there?" I pointed to a bag of Lays original wavy chips .

"Sure" He headed over to that section and got 2 giant bags of it .

We got a lot of food after an hour had passed . We headed over to the counter to pay . 

After paying a ton of won , we had to wait for Unnie's group . Then we headed home . 

By the time we got to my house , it was 6:45 . We quickly set out all the food and viola!~ It was all done! Now to wait for NU'EST .

Ding Dong~ Ding Dong~

The door bell rang .

"Coming!~" I shouted as I ran to open the door . 

"ANNYEONG!" NU'EST stood there wearing their pajamas . :P

"Annyeong! Come in~" I stepped aside to let them in .

"Whoa! Your house is nice!" Aron exclaimed , looking around .

"Hehe~! Thanks!" I giggled .

Alright . Next chapter will be the sleepover . I was working on this chapter for 2 days . :x . sorry for the slow update . I tried not to rush it atleast! :P . Thanks Yann for checking the other chapter for any errors . o: xP I'll let you check this one later . o:

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Lol. I love this.
Harmonious #2
OwO. interesting. ;o
cookiemage #3
LOL . xD . Aiish!~ :D Thanks for commenting !~ :3 . And yes , yes they should LOLOL . xD
aaaaaaa everything is so cute~
:P evil queenkas should go to therapy and learn the humans can't belong to anyone XD
aaa I really enjoy this story ^.^
cookiemage #5
haha , you'll improve . xD . I used to be like that . :) .
XD lucky I could never write like that I'm so bad at finishing my ideas ^.^
cookiemage #7
Yup . xD I'll try to update daily . I really don't know what'll happen next , the scenes just rush through my head when I'm writing o:
XD is ok over all I'm still enjoying it ^.^ ooh~ BEAST? XD I wonder how the next part will turn out~
cookiemage #9
Yup . :c .. I couldn't think of any other girl group .. >< .. My brain was fried that day ..
QAQ I'm abit sad over 2ne1 being evil queenkas, buuuuuttt overall this fic is turning out to be amusing