
Fireworks [One Shot]


"Hey, I have an idea," Kris said one night.


Eleven pairs of eyes looked at him with interest. One of them, Kai, urged him to tell them what he was thinking. "What is it?" He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. All the boys were bored to death and were just waiting for something fun to happen. And Kris' ideas were always fun.


"We still have those fireworks from Leeteuk hyung's birthday party right?"


D.O nodded. "Yeah, after we lit most of them up we put the rest in SM's storage room. Don't tell me," he said, a wide smile forming on his face, "we're going to go light them, aren't we?"


Kris just smirked. "Hey, you said it, not me. And besides, we're here doing nothing and those fireworks will just rot away in the storage room, so why not?"


The rest of the boys cheered and were chattering excitedly, except for one worried leader. "Um, Kris, I don't think that's a good idea."


Everyone stopped and looked at Suho. "How come?" Kris asked.


Suho nervously fidgeted under everyone's stares. "Well," he started, "for one, we're not allowed out. And two, something could go wrong and we could get in trouble."


Kris just brushed off his concerns. "You worry too much. Just leave it all to me. And if we do get in trouble, which we won't," he added quickly to assure the other leader, "I'll personally take all the blame."


The excited boys didn't even wait for Suho's reply, nor did they care. They just wanted to light some fireworks.


Kris ushered everyone towards the door to leave EXO-K's dorm, where they were all currently in, but when they opened it they saw their manager standing there. Everyone backed up away from him except for Kris.


"Where do you guys think you're going?" their manager asked, eying the twelve boys suspiciously.


Kris stepped up to take care of this minor obstacle. "Well, we're really hungry, hyung."


Their manager sighed and said, "So am I, but I can't take all twelve of you out myself. We have to wait for the other managers to come back. Sorry guys," he said apologetically. 


The rest of the boys groaned, thinking that they're plan was already foiled, but Kris was one step ahead.


"You know me and Suho and can take care of the boys,” he pulled Suho next to him by the shoulders and looked at him with a smile, "right Suho?"


Suho looked around at the expectant boys and sighed, "Yeah. Me and Kris can take care of them."


Their manager looked conflicted, but eventually gave in. "I guess you can go. The other hyungs did just text me saying they won't be back for at least another hour, and if you're really that hungry-"


"We are!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun chimed in, just for good measure.


"Then I guess you can go... But- you have to promise me that you'll behave and won't cause any trouble. Just be fairly normal today, okay? I know that's basically impossible for you guys, but just try."


"Yes sir!" they all chorused.


Their manager nodded and moved aside to let the boys through, satisfied that he had gotten their word. Little did he know that Kris had his fingers crossed the whole time.


As soon as they got out of the building, Chanyeol ran into the street and yelled, "We're free!"


So much for staying normal.



"I still don't think this a good idea," Suho whispered. "What if we get caught?"

Kris just gave him a look that basically said to shut up. "Just follow my lead. You're a leader, start acting like one and give your boys a good example!" he said. "Now, let's just causally walk in there and get those fireworks. The faster we get them the faster we can leave."

"Oh yeah, because that's such a good example to the boys," Suho said sarcastically. 

"Shut up and follow me."

Kris stood up straight and casually walked into the SM building, he even went as far as to flash the security guards a smile. Suho saw how easy it was for Kris and hurried to catch up to him.

It actually wasn't even that hard for the two to get to the storage room. There were no guards or anything and no one even questioned them. The fireworks were also already boxed so they didn't have to look suspicious carrying a whole bunch of fireworks.

"Well that was much easier than I though," Suho said.

"See? I told you. Nothing to worry about at-" Kris stopped mid sentence when he noticed one of their managers chatting it up with the receptionist near the front entrances.


"Oh great. Now we'll have to go through the back door," Kris muttered, quickly turning around and pulling Suho with him.


Luckily, the back door wasn't guarded either. "Okay, I'm glad there aren't any guards," Suho said as they stepped out, "but I just realized how easy it is for anyone to get in and out of the building unnoticed. That kind of bothers me."

Kris just laughed and started to say something until he heard a bunch of high pitched squeals and laughter behind him. He closed his eyes and prayed that it was Chanyeol behind him, but he wasn't that lucky.

Suho knew it too and he also knew that of they didn't act soon, they were going to get trapped by the fan girls.


"Okay, on the count of three, run," he whispered to Kris. "One. Two - Hey! I said on the count of three!" Suho said as he sprinted after Kris who had ran ahead of him.


"Every man for himself!" Kris shouted back at him while running ahead, never once thinking to drop the box of fireworks, even though it would've been the smart choice.


The other boys were waiting for Kris and Suho on the sidewalk across the SM building.


"Where are they?" Luhan asked, craning his neck to see if there was any sign the two leaders.


"Isn't that them there?" Chen asked, pointing to two figures running out from behind the building. "Why are they running?"


Kris was shouting something to the boys but they couldn't here him so they just continues to stand there.


Then they saw them. Them as in the fangirls running after the two boys. That was when it clicked in their heads that Kris was telling them to run.


"Guys," Xiumin said, his voice sounded panicked, "he told us to run! Run!" he yelled before setting off in a sprint, the others not far behind him.




When the boys finally stopped running, they were all out of breath and panting.


"Well, at least we got out of there alive," Kris said happily. "Now let's light these fireworks!" 


Lay cleared his throat. "Ge, after all that running, I kind of am really hungry now."


Kris groaned and muttered a string of profanities under his breath before stalking off to find a place to eat. The others followed closely behind him.


Sehun muttered to Luhan, “Is he always like this?”


Yeah, pretty much. You'd think we'd get used to his mood swings by now, but nope.”




After they finished eating at a nearby dubokki stand, they set up the fireworks, starting with the biggest.


"Alright, now that we set up the fireworks," Kris clapped his hands together before holding it out, "someone give me a lighter."


The boys looked at each other before Tao spoke up, "Um, gege, we don't have a lighter.


And through the dead silence you could literally hear Kris face palm himself.




"We have everything now, right?" Kris asked, thoroughly exasperated.


"Yep!" Kai shouted happily. He was just as thrilled as Kris was.


Kris clapped his hands together in anticipation. "Alright! Get back everyone and I'll light it." They followed his orders without a word as they, too, we're excited to see something explode. Suho, though, was still very, very, worried.


Kris lit and sprinted away, a wide smile on his face as the firework crackled and popped behind him.


They started courting down. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"


And nothing.


"No! What happened? Why didn't it fly up and explode? Why, why, why?" Kris asked, panicked.


Chen and Suho cautiously walked up to it and checked what happened. 


Chen held something up. "The string that you lit up fell off!"


"It was probably too old and had been sitting there for too long," Suho concluded.


Kris mumbled a bunch of incoherent words and practically threw another fit as the others just looked him.


The EXO-M boys were embarrassed to call him their leader, while the EXO-K boys were just embarrassed.


"Um, is he okay?" D.O asked Tao, who surprisingly didn't show any signs of second hand embarrassment.


"I think so. He does stuff like this all the time, but usually he doesn't get on the ground and physically throw a tantrum. He must've really wanted to blow something up," Tao replied while shrugging.


After a few more minutes, Kris stood up. "Let's just play with the sparklers instead," he said as if he wasn't just on the ground practically crying a second before.


The boys gave him weird looks, but agreed with him anyway. They did not want to have to suffer through another one of Kris' tantrums.


Although they would've rather played with the big fireworks, chasing each other around with sparklers was just as much fun to them.


"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Suho asked worriedly again. "Maybe all the troubles we faced today were signs that we shouldn't be doing this.”


Kris, back to his semi normal self, rolled his eyes as he took out a lighter. "Suho, I think it's time you stop being such a worrywart and just have fun," he said, lighting a sparkler up. "Besides, it's not like anyone's going to get hu- OW!" he spun around and glared at Sehun who had accidentally poked him with a sparkler. An already lit sparkler.


Sehun squeaked in terror at the EXO-M's leader's cold glare before running away, Kris not far behind chasing after him.


Suho sighed, "And that is why this was a bad idea," he said out loud to no one in particular. He watched as Kris tackled Sehun to the ground and started tickling him. “That is also why we should never ever let Kris near fireworks again,” he muttered to himself before heading off to get Sehun away from the crazy leader of EXO-M.


Kris! Get off of our maknae!”

A/N: I think that writing this was pointless, but ehh. I was bored and had already written it, so why not post it, right? Haha, anyway, thanks for reading this and I hope you like it! You rock, whoever you are<333


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Just posted it! I hope you guys like it!


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ayrie08 #1
Chapter 1: This story is so cute. <3
Haha, this was funny! Oh Kris... >.< So cute! XD
bookworm58 #3
XD that was a cute story. Poor kris, he tries so hard
AWWW LOL KRIS'S MOOD SWINGS ^-^ Love the one shot hope u write another one soon
Cute <33 on the fourth I was mostly in the ER getting my burns checked. I shouldent light fireworks myself... :|
AWWWW!! Hope U update the first chapter soon i want to see them up to mischief soon ^o^
I was bored on the 4th to! Its illegal to have fireworks in Iowa to because of some fore that got started downtown because of fireworks!