The Angel From Hell

The Angle From Hell

I stood there on the ground like a statue, not believing the fact that fate had come to find me. My eye filled with fear and my body shook violently. I opened my mouth to say something back, but failed. The man in front of me chuckled, liking what he is seeing. Then, he stopped and hugged me like in my dream. He releases his arm and said," Hi. I'm the new student, Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you again, let's become good friends." "Good friends? You think I can be friend with the person who is going to take my life!!!" I shouted out my thought unconsciously. Kyuhyun smirked.

" Sungmin. Quiet down, you're interrupting the class. I'm taking one percent off your grade."

" I'm sorry, Mr. Hyuk. But......."

" No excuses, Sungmin. Now please quiet down. "

" But....."

" What I say is final!"

" Yes, Mr. Hyuk."

" And for you, Kyuhyun. You will be sitting next to Sungmin."

" Sure." Kyuhyun replied.

" Noooooo!!!!! He can't sit next to me. Please Mr. Hyuk, not him, " I said to my teacher.

" Why not? "

" He hates me and he wants my life." I explained.

" Is that true, Kyuhyun?"

" Yes, it's true that I want him but I don't hate him, Mr. Hyuk." Kyuhun replied back like nothing.

" Well then, Sungmin. He said he doesn't hate you, so everything is fine now. Right?"

" But...."

" No buts. Then Kyuhun, you sit next to Sungmin and Sungmin please take care of him. He is a new classmate."

" Yes..... Mr. Hyuk" I murmured. The man next to me chuckled again and sits down beside me.

" We need to talk after the class" I murmured loud enough, so that only Kyuhyun could hear me.

“Sure", he replied and smiled at me.

The rest of the period went by quietly.

As the bell ring, I walked out of the classroom and Kyuhyun just followed behind me. We went to my house into my room, making sure nobody was home. I took a deep breath and asked him " Are you the angel from hell?" I put my hands over my ears and shut my eyes tight, not ready for the response. He chuckled seeing my action and leaned over to my right ear, removed my hand and whispered, " Yes." softly. I shivered as I feel the hot breaths on my ear. He moved back to his original position and chuckled again at my reaction. I could feel my cheeks heating up, embarrassed.

" Stop laughing at me!" I shouted at him.

" Okay, Okay. So what do you want to talk about?" he looked at me seriously and asked.

" I want to ask you that can you really grant me any wish before I die?" I asked, accepting the truth that I'm going to in a month. Yeah, Lee Sungmin, you're going to die in a month. It's such great news. Isn't it?

" Yeah, but you only have 3 wishes. You have a wish now?"

" Yep, and you're going to grant it to me." I said cheerfully thinking that if I'm going to die, why don't I finish what I want to finish?

I picked up a blue bag that was sitting on the corner, and told Kyuhyun to get his school bag and we are going to grant my wish now. He obediently followed me. We walked up the hill behind my house, going off the trail into a tunnel covered with weeds and flowers. I swept away the flowers that hung down from the tunnel that is blocking our way. We walk through the tunnel and fresh air welcomed us. The other side of the tunnel is totally different. Flowers bloomed, no dead grasses nor weeds, different kinds of flowers, and a small shelter that is just big enough for two people to live in. Like a room but with beautiful flowers decorated and the front half undone.


Yeah…. The undone front…. How much I had miss this place…. With Yesung hyung…..


We walked into the room, and sat on the floor that was covered with grass. I took my bag off my shoulder and placed it on the grassy floor. I whistled loudly and cats hiding behind the trees came out. " Sit," I demanded them. They sat down obediently in front of me. From the corner of my eye, I could see that Kyuhyun was kind of surprised. I ped my bag and took out cans of cat food I had bought with my savings from my job. I opened it up and handed a can to Kyuhyun. He looked at me confused.

" Feed the cats." I said.

" Is this you're wish?" he asked.

"No, I'll tell you after you feed the cats".


He took the can, and observed it. He became confused again, looking for instructions on how to feed the cats but there isn't any on the can..

I watched him in amusement and asked, " Why do you looked confused?"

" There are no instructions on how to feed cats," he told me.


I chuckled. So a angel can be stupid too sometimes. So cute. I took the can in my hand and placed the food in the bowl showing him this is how you feed cats. He then followed what I did instantly. Cats rush up to my bowl, battling for food. I looked at the scene in amusement, wondering which one is going to win. I peeked to my side and the angel seemed nervous, waving his hands in front of the cats that were battling for the food in his bow, trying to calm them down and not to battle.
" So you have feelings too? Hmm. I thought you'd get used to seeing people die." I .

" It's none of your business. Now tell me your wish." he said coldly, returning back to his cold personlitality.


Obviously not liking the teasing.

" You see this wall?" I pointed to the half finished front of the unpainted shelter.

" Yeah." he continued with his cold tone.

" I want you to help me finish it with me." I pointed to the blocks, mud, the cans of paints, a pair of glass windows, a big piece of wood that is big enough to make a door and some tools to use that piled up in the corner.

" Why do you need to finish it?" Kyuhyun asked curiously.

" You don't need to know." I replied.

Kyuhyun suddenly stood up and snapped at his fingers, magically the shelter was done. I stared at the shelter and my blood boiled. " This isn't what I what. Turn it back now!!!!" How could he turn my precious shelter into this. THIS isn't what I wanted.

" What! You said you want my help to finish it," he shouted back. I sighed knowing that if I kept arguing, it would get us nowhere.

" Sorry, I didn't mean it. But this isn't what I want." I apologized and hand him the blocks and a bucket of mud.

" Wait. You don't expect me to do it by hand, by any chance?" He questioned me with a worried look on his face.

" Yep. " I answered him cheerfully. He just looked at me with his eyebrows sank into a deep worried look. I dragged him out of the shelter and shoved the slide in his hand, ordering him to get moving. He looked at the tools confused and I knew that look. It must meant that he doesn't know how to use it. I chuckled softly so he wouldn't hear me and get angry.

" Do you need me to teach you how to use it?" I again.

" No, I can manage. " he replied trying to hold on to his pride, but still looking at the slide confused, not knowing where to place the blocks.

I sighed at his cuteness and came up with a idea that wouldn't hurt his pride but instead helped him. I acted like I forgot how to use it and whispered loud enough so he can hear it


" Yeah, I remember.... place some mud on top of the block that was already stuck to the wall. Then I need to put the block on top of the mud and use the slide to smooth the mud out."


I think he heard it because he began moving, following my directions. I try to hold my laughter at how cute this angel is, but I couldn't and I busted into laughter. He looked at me, red in his cheeks, embarrassed, and yelled


" I'm sorry for not knowing these damn things. How should I know these things when I could just fu*king snaps my finger and I just got what I need!"

Cute. Seriously, so cute despite his appearance. Maybe knowing him may not be such a bad thing

A/N: Hope u like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD After this chapter I would be more focusing on my other fanfic... so I wouldn't update about this fanfic as much since it's a new fanfic..... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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rizzorin #1
cute!~ update sooon!~ hheheh!~
rayie_159 #2
i like this...update soon
kyumin so cute^^
Please Update~!