Flashbacks - MyungEun

[♥] A Pink and Infinite One Shot Collection


It was a usual day for Naeun. Her alarm clock went off and she whacked it off the small shelf beside her bed. She sloppily carried her toy rabbit and strolled to the bathroom. Roughly washed her face and stared at her reflection of herself. She sighed and mumbled to the toy rabbit, “I have another long day of work today.”

She walked back into her room and opened up her closet, she picked a cute white lace dress and white heels. She changed into her clothes and applied a layer of BB Cream onto her flawless face. She brushed her long silky hair down her chest. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the door.

Naeun worked as a model, she had to go photo shoots every now and then. Every morning she would greet people because she knew the neighbourhood well. Suddenly, her phone rang and she picked up.

“Hello, is this Naeun-sshi?” A male with a deep voice asked


“Please come here quickly, we need to get started, there’s a lot of shots to take today”

“I’m on my way” Naeun ran while putting her phone back into her bag, not suspecting what was going to happen next.

She soon arrived at the Studio and the stylists put on her makeup. She changed into suitable clothes that represented the concept.  

“Today’s concept is ‘Love at First Sight’, I have arranged a male partner for you, Naeun-sshi”

Naeun wore a casual look. A tight fitted cream top, floral shorts and cream pumps. She had a small waist and long legs which meant that the clothing showed her figure perfectly.

“Okay let’s get started” The photographer stated

A boy around Naeun’s age stood next to her. She looked at him in gaze. She was lost in his perfect features that stood out so well.

“Hi, Naeun-sshi, I’m Myungsoo, I’ll be your partner for today” Myungsoo bowed

“Hi~ It’s nice to meet you, hopefully we’ll get along” Naeun awkwardly replied

“Hug! 3, 2, 1” The photographer yelled

The flash was extremely strong.

“NG! NG! NG!” The photographer screamed

“I’m so sorry” Naeun bowed

“Is this what you call modelling? Is this your standard?” The photographer showed a picture and ripped it in pieces.

“You’ll be fired if you can’t do this! Go home and think about it!”

Naeun bowed and strolled out of the studio with her head down. She heard footsteps. Her vision became blurry but suddenly someone stopped her on her tracks.

“Naeun-sshi, are you okay? Do you want to talk about this?” Myungsoo said worriedly

Naeun couldn’t stop crying, she felt like she was a burden to the people who worked there and prepared everything. She felt like she could’ve done better, should have done better. She rubbed her eyes but the tears kept flowing. Myungsoo decided to take her to the nearest cafe, to calm down and relax.

“Here, please sit” Myungsoo directed her

“You can talk informally if you want, thanks for helping”

“Okay.. Um, I heard what the photographer said, I know you tried your best, don’t be so disappointed in yourself”

“But, I’m bad at everything, I can’t do what needs to be done, I need to become better”

“You are perfect the way you are, don’t ever change yourself, he just hasn’t realised that you’ve gone through a lot.”

“Thanks.. It’s getting kind of late, I’ll get going”

Naeun stood up and walked off.

“Naeun, wait, let me take you home”

“Are you an angel from heaven?” Naeun slightly smiled

“No, but you can be my angel” Myungsoo laughed


“I had my eyes set on you since I first saw you..”

“Wait, have I met you before? If so, how?”

“No, I just go to a coffee shop and a pretty girl works there, so how can I not notice? But she was too immersed in her job to even pay attention to customers faces” Myungsoo said

“No wonder” Naeun blushed to herself while covering her face

“Let me see that beautiful angelic face” Myungsoo touched her hand softly

“Is this fate? How did you end up becoming my partner?”

“Because I was a model and a photographer myself”

On the way home, they both talked and laughed. That night, everything changed, Naeun’s life became brighter. She had someone she could share it with.

“We’re here, this is my house”

“Okay, be careful” Myungsoo hurriedly put a note into his coat

“Keep this, you seem to be too cold and it’s a present” he passed his coat to her

“Thank you so much~ I’ll see you tomorrow” Naeun smiled

Myungsoo waved and turned back to see if she had already gone in. Naeun took off her shoes and wore her slippers. Then went to cook dinner.

“Ramyun, why?” She said in deep thought

A tear fell down her cheek into the ramen. She turned off the stove and took out her hello kitty bowl. She poured in the ramen and sat at the table.

“Mother, father, why did you leave me” She spoke to herself

Naeun ate the ramen in a rush and drank a bottle of water before she prepared for bed. She fell onto her bed and sighed. She grabbed her toy rabbit and hugged it to sleep.


The next morning, she woke up to the sound of her alarm. She did her daily routine and went to put on some comfortable clothes. She walked into the kitchen and made some ttukkbokki. She sat at the table consuming while observing the Korean news. She looked at the time and told herself it was time to leave. She turned the television off and grabbed the coat Myungsoo gifted to hear. She wore it and it smelled like lavender. It was so sweet and mesmerized her. She put her hands into her pockets and took out a note. She read it out loud.

- Meet me at the coffee shop; I want to take you somewhere. Myungsoo.

“What is this..?”

She walked to the coffee shop that she worked at part time and started taking orders.  A familiar voice caught her. Naeun looked up and smiled.


Myungsoo grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. They walked out of the shop and everyone stared in awe. It looked like a love story from fairy tales. They were made a matching couple.

“Myungsoo, where are we going?”

“If it’s more comfortable with you, call me oppa, we’re going to the amusement park, you need a break!”

Naeun pondered. She had this weird feeling inside of her. Her heart was beating at a fast pace. It didn’t seem to be normal at all. They took a taxi and arrived there in a flash. They were standing infront of the entrance. Myungsoo took out his camera and snapped a few shots of Naeun’s amazed face expression.

“What are you doing? OPPA! SHOW ME THOSE!” Naeun playfully whacked his arm

“No, I’m keeping these for myself”

“Wae? Buing Buing”

“You’re so cute”

Naeun started faking all these expressions.

“When you smile, it seems like you’re the only person I can see in my eyes”

“Why do you seem to be so greasy oppa?”

“Hyung taught me” (referring to mr. Namgrease LOL)

“Let’s go have some fun!” Naeun showed her playful personality

They went on all sorts of rides and got to know each other better. They passed each other numbers and took selcas. Myungsoo won a teddy bear for Naeun and she named it dork because it reminded her of his personality.

“It ended quite fast but it was a fun experience, thank you oppa” Naeun stated

“No worries, let me take you home, it’s dangerous nowadays”

“Oppa don’t act all cool” She playfully pushed him

“Ouch, you hurt oppa a lot, you need to get punished” Myungsoo fake sobbed

“What is it?”

“Give me a kiss”

“Bwo... what but this is my first time.. I.I..I have never kissed..anyone” She stuttered

Myungsoo planted a kiss on her nose before she even realised. Naeun put her hands on her face and giggled. Then they decided to skip home hand in hand. Naeun told him that she was going to the milk bar and that she would be quick. Myungsoo was waiting outisde and wanted to dance in the middle of the dark alley way. He put his earplugs into his ears and danced to the rhythm. She came out of the milk bar and her face had a strange expression. All of the sudden, Myungsoo out. Naeun yelped and instantly took her phone out. She tried to dial the ambulance number as quickly as she could but she was shaking, so she ran back into the milk bar to ask for help. The sirens began and it was noisy. The neighbourhood crowded around Myungsoo as he was taken away to the nearest hospital. Naeun couldn’t keep quiet because she couldn’t believe what had just happened. A few moments ago, they both shared love and happiness. Now something that seemed so unrealistic occurred. She put her hand onto his face and gently touched it.
“I’m so sorry.. this is all my fault.. I should have been the one” She cried. “Please don’t.. I don’t want you to go through the same thing my parents went through”

They got to the hospital and he was sent to the emergency room. Naeun was waiting outside impatiently. The doctors finally came out after analysing and doing tests.
“He will be fine, don’t worry, but he might have some side effects” The doctor announced and patted her shoulder.

“Thank you so much doctor, I can’t thank you more” Naeun bowed

“You can see him,”

Naeun knocked and walked in.  She ran to his arms.

“Myungsoo!” She screamed in tears

“You scared me to death, you’re all okay”

“Who are you? Why does it feel like I know you, but I can’t figure it out” Myungsoo rolled his eyes

“What? You don’t remember me? Oppa don’t play games with me” She said horrified while covering

One of the nurses walked in.

“He needs to regain his memory.. Maybe you could help him? Show him things you’ve both done before”

“I want to see my hyungs”

“They’re coming”

Naeun’s phone rang, she picked up.


“How did you know?”

“Manager oppas told us you haven’t been at the dorm at all”

“Okay, I’ll see you girls soon”

“I’ll help you remember me, Myungsoo.. Can I hold your hand?” Naeun smiled to him with motivation

“Sure” Myungsoo said arrogantly

“Why did your attitude change?” Naeun thought

She went to take his camera and showed him the photos they took previously.

“Oppa, this was yesterday, you wanted to take me to the amusement park” Naeun pointed

 “I’m handsome, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you’re the handsomest and the sweetest”

All of the sudden, Myungsoo had flashbacks; he could remember what happened yesterday.

“Naeun... I remember” Squeezing her hand showing a crooked smile

“Oppa do you remember me?”

“Yes I do, and what I wanted to say to you, is that I love you” Myungsoo kissed her passionately. 


[!!] Authors Note -

Sorry guys, this sounds so bad. Do you like the poster? ^^

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andin_1310 #1
Chapter 2: Cool! yaak i love this fanfic!<3
yuichan17 #2
love myungeun and woorong!!!! :)
they are my favorite couples.....
GyuJoo GyuJoo~ <3 <3 <3
Forever shipping Pinkfinite <3 <3 <3
You're really good~ <3
milkycouplesaranghae #4
i lov the fic...me likey long chapters^^ keep going and dont stop my nom nom friend
Woah~ you make yeolkyung fics.. aaahh thank you, , this so cool...
the teacher fall in love with his student... aaahh I love it ;D
Myungeun tho~ so sweet...
I wait another pairing c:
Wahh your story is good and your graphic is amazing!!
yuichan17 #7
this is so sweet and amazing!!!
thank you for an awesome yeolkyung story!!!! :)
I want yeolkyung oneshot please :D
about plot... euhm whatever your write I will like hehehe ;D
Myungeun plz!