My Angel - WooRong

[♥] A Pink and Infinite One Shot Collection


Chorong peeked in the gym, smiling brightly, she slowly walked into the gym, and she silently walked underneath the seating area. From there she had a clear view of her long time crush Nam Woohyun. He was practising his basketball skills, shooting hoops, most of the time managing to get it inside the hoop. Beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder as she was gazing out at the stadium. She swiftly turned around.

“AAH” Chorong screamed as she fell to the cold, hard floor.

There right in front of her stood Nam Woohyun. He gave her the what-are-you-doing-here look.

She avoided eye-contact as she quickly got up and ran to the exit.

Woohyung shook his head disapprovingly.

“Damn, I got caught” she muttered.


“Oh, there you are chorong, where have you been” chorongs best friend bomi asked.

“erm, well…” chorong started.

“You went to spy on Woohyun again, didn’t you?” Bomi said.

“I got caught” chorong silently muttered.

“MWOH?!” bomi yelled as she started laughing.

“Yah, stop laughing” chorong said as she crossed her arms.


“She was there again” woohyun told his friends infinite.

“woah, again?” dongwoo said as he started laughing.

“Stalker alert” myungsoo stated.

“someone has a crush on woohyun” dongwoo sang.


“Ow, that hurt” dongwoo pretended.

Woohyun rolled his eyes.


“WOOHOOO, GO INFINITE” the crowd cheered.

“GO TEENTOP, YOU CAN DO IT” another crowd cheered.

Teentops basketball team was versing against infinite.

The crowd cheered loudly and Chorong was in the amidst them.

“WOO, GO WOOHYUN OPPA” Chorong screamed.

Bomi covered her ears, she hated loud events like this, but Chorong had urged her to come.

“YEA, YOU GOT IT IN” Chorong screamed even louder.

“AISH” Bomi said as she stood up.

“Ani, you can’t go anywhere” Chorong said as she pulled her back down.

Bomi groaned as she slouched on the seat.

“YES, GO INFINITE, YOU”RE WINNING, KEEP IT UP” Chorong began yelling and screaming again.

With this Bomi slouched even more in her seat.

Before long the game was over.        

“finally” bomi said happily.

“WAHOOOOOOOOO, INFINITE WON” Chorong said jumping up and down as they exited the gym.



It was days after the game and infinite were busy perfecting their basketball skills.

The squeaks from their sneakers, the sound of the ball bouncing against the hard groundechoed through the gym.  Once again chorong was under the seating again spying on well Woohyun.

“WAHH, woohyuns so good” chorong whispered to herself as she watched his every move.


“dude, shes here again” dongwoo whispered to woohyun.

Woohyun glanced around and finally his eyes fell upon yours.

Chorong flinched and stepped back into the shadows, careful to not make a noise.

“Did he see me” chorong panicked as she bit her bottom lip.

Suddenly someone yet again tapped her on the shoulder, she fell on the hard ground once again.

“AAH” chorongs scream came out muffled.

“Hey there miss, what are you doing here?” dongwoo said as he gave her a curious glance even though he already knew why.

“um..” she stuttered.

Before long the whole group had come up to her including woohyun, she stepped back. To her dismay she bumped into the wall behind her.

“Why are you here again?” an irritated woohyun said.

Before he could talk anymore, she pushed past them and dashed to the exit.

Chorong raced down the hallways, she stopped by a bench and sat there catching her breathe.

“No more of that, never doing that again” chorong said to herself as she shook her head. “never again”


The next day, it was the usual school day. But by lunch time, to her dismay she found herself at the gym yet again gazing at Woohyun playing basketball.

“No Chorong, you shouldn’t be in here” chorong muttered to herself as she shook her head.

She started nearing the door, being as quiet as possible, but to her misfortune Woohyun shut the door with his foot.

He stood there, hands on his hips, his foot tapping the floor. Chorong gulped back fear.

“Um, I forgot something in here” chorong lied.

He raised his eye-brows, obviously not believing chorongs lie.

“Well it didn’t look like it” woohyun said.

“Ah, mian” chorong said as she bowed. “I won’t come here again”

“You better not” woohyun said as he opened the door letting chorong out before he slammed the door shut.

Chorong flinched as she glanced back at the door.


“BOMI” chorong said as she pouted.

“whats the matter?” Bomi asked concerned.

“I think I made woohyun mad” Chorong said as she played with her fingers.

“You got caught by him again?” Bomi asked amused.

“it’s the third time” chorong said as looked down at the floor.

“Aish chorong, isn’t it enough staring at him during class” bomi asked as she gently shook chorong.

“ah…” chorong started, but didn’t know what to say.


It was the day before Valentine’s Day. The day where people confess to their admirer, where singles becomes couples, well some.

“woohyun surely will get heaps of chocolates” chorong frowned as she sighed for the millionth time that day.

“yah, when are you going to stop sighing. You’ve been sighing all day” Bomi whined.

“I’m thinking whether I should get anything for woohyun oppa” chorong said as she did a blowfish face.

“Just get him something” Bomi suggested.

“But he never accepts it” chorong whined.

“AISH, just make up your mind” Bomi said as she threw her arms up in the air.

“ah, mian” Chorong apologized.

“After school, come over to my house and we’ll make chocolates” Bomi suggested.

 “Arasso” chorong said happily.


Chorong and Bomi were at the supermarket choosing some ingredients to make their chocolates.

“ani, woohyun oppa likes white chocolate” Chorong said as she put the dark chocolate back on the shelf.

Bomi rolled her eyes at her childishness.

“But Chorong, the dark chocolate is on sale, look how much cheaper it is to the white chocolate” Bomi reasoned.

“Ani, I still want white chocolate” Chorong said stubbornly.

“Arasso, arasso” Bomi said as she knew this conversation would never end if she kept reasoning.

“OOH, Bomi I want to make choc chipped cookies” Chorong said as she jumped up and down.

Bomi sighed as she nodded her head.


“AAH, you got flour on me” Chorong whined.                             

“Ah, mian. You see I’m kind of clumsy” Bomi said as another a batch of flour went flying in Chorongs direction.

“aish, who cares” Chorong said as she continued to help bomi make the choc chip cookies and the white chocolates.


“WAAH, they smell nice” Chorong said as she reached for a cookie.

Bomi slapped her hand away: “Don’t touch, wait til its cooled down”

“ow, that hurt” Chorong said as she pouted.

Before long, chorong went and put them into a bag.

“here” Bomi said as she handed Chorong a gold ribbon.

“ani, Woohyun oppa likes the colour red” Chorong said as she reached for the red ribbon.

“I’m starting to wonder where you get all this information from” Bomi said as she shook her head.

“wae? I heard it from Woohyun himself” Chorong beamed happily.


Chorong hid herself behind the lockers as she peeked at Woohyun.

“i wanted red” Woohyun said as he pouted playfully as he took the green folder from Sungjong.

“there was none left” sungjong said.

“ani, I was joking” woohyun said as he ruffled the maknaes hair.


“oh, no wonder, you’ve been eaves dropping on their conversations. Not to mention stalking them as well” Bomi said.

“ani, I just kinda saw them in the hallway” Chorong said as she waved her hands around.

“arasso, I believe you” Bomi said smiling.

“you haven’t told me who you’re giving your cookies and chocolate to” Chorong said as she eyed her suspiciously.

“ani, I’m not giving it to anymore” Bomi said as she shook her head.

“If you’re not giving them to anyone lets share and eat it now” Chorong said as she stood up and reached for Bomi’s cookies.

“its forJinyoung” Bomi said quickly.

Chorong blinked several time.

“OOH, someone has a crush on Jinyoung” Chorong chanted as she made kissing noises.

“YAH” Bomi said as she began chasing after Chorong.

the next morning, Chorong combed through her long hair, a smile plastered to her lips.

“woohyun oppa and me can finally be a couple, hopefully” she muttered.

Upon going to school she passed by a flower shop.

“Maybe I should get oppa a rose” Chorong said as she tapped her chin in thought.

She went inside the store and bought a rose for Woohyun.

“Hope he likes my gift” Chorong said as she smiled to herself, smelling the flower over and over again.


Once entering the school, everyone was either in pairs or was sitting by themselves. From each angle students were confessing to each other. Chorongs eyes darted from side to side, trying to find ‘her’ woohyun oppa.

“oh” she said as she spotted him down the hall.

She ran up to him, but stopped at a corner. Nervousness taking over her.

“AIsh, how do I even confess” Chorong muttered as she smacked her head.

She bravely went out from her hiding spot.

“WOOHYUN OPPA” Chorong shouted.

Woohyun stopped in his tracks. He merely glanced at her before turning away.

“Wait, I have something for you” Chorong said as she walked up to him.

Woohyun gave her the hurry-up look.

“Here” chorong said as she handed Woohyun the rose, cookies and the chocolates.

But to her dismay Woohyun stepped back.

“eh, oppa, you don’t like it” Chorong said as she frowned.

Chorong stepped forward, he stepped back a step.

“YAH, you, don’t you know Woohyun allergic to flowers” a girl from the growing crowd shouted.

“Woohyun oppa, I didn’t know” Chorong said as she shook her head, she threw the flower away and walked over to him holding out her gift again.

He smacked chorongs gift and it fell to the floor.

“Just to make things clear, I don’t accept you or your gift, so stay away from me” Woohyun said as he turned to leave.

Chorong stood there as shocked as ever, she built up her courage and managed to shout: “WAE?”

He turned around briefly before saying: “Because it’s you”

Furious, chorong stomped up to him.

“Is this how you treat a girl, you could’ve at least accepted the gift. I can’t believe I fell for someone like you, you’re just like everyone else, a JERK, INCONSIDERATE and SELFISH” Chorong spat angrily before storming off.

“Call me whatever you like, it won’t make me change my mind” Woohyun said as he waved it off as if it was nothing.


“Selfish, inconsiderate jerk” Chorong cursed under her breathe.

“yah, what are you muttering about” Bomi asked concerned.

“stupid woohyun” Chorong continued to curse.

“Yah, are you listening” Bomi said as she gently shook Chorong.

“ani, it’s nothing” Chorong said as she shook her head.

Chorong could feel tears, they were coming soon, but she couldn’t cry, if one tear came, then surely chorong would burst, it wouldn’t stop. What woohyun had said before really did hurt.

“its okay” bomi said as she gave Chorong a tight hug and patted her back encouragingly.

That’s when Chorong gave in. tears started spilling.

“tell me what happened” bomi said.


After school chorong went home, not having anything to do, she decided to go out for some fresh air and to clear her mind a bit. She walked along the sand of the nearby beach, the sand soft and cold against her feet.

Sighing she sat on a rock, and looked out in the horizon. The sun was just about setting, the colours of the sky changed, the colours of the rainbow were visible in the sky.

The wind blew her hair all over the place, but she didn’t care, she actually thought it was nice.


Woohyun walking along the beach spotted a figure sitting on a rock, he squinted his eyes a bit and noticed that it was no other than Chorong, he immediately turned around and started walking the opposite direction.

“Just when I thought I would be able to get alone time” Woohyun muttered.


Days flew by exceptionally slow for Chorong, her days were dull and boring, well that’s what she would have called it. She barely smiled, well, she never tried to.

“YAH, Chorong, when are you going to change back to your normal self?” Bomi asked.

“I don’t know” came Chorongs reply.

“YAH, you need to liven up a bit, forget about him, he wasn’t even worth it” Bomi said as.

“yeah you’re right, I shouldn’t dwell on the past” Chorong said as she smiled widely for the first time in days.

“Hwaiting” Bomi smiled.


Days past, months flew by. Before long Chorong had let loose all her feelings for Woohyun, he was nothing to her now. Passing along the hallway, she wouldn’t even glance his way, during class, she would actually concentrate, during breaks she would hang out with Bomi. He didn’t bother her anymore; she didn’t even acknowledge he was there. Chorong changed for the better.

It was break time and Chorong and Bomi was laughing at her ridiculous jokes, Chorong smiling widely, laughing continuously. What she didn’t know was that someone was eyeing her from afar.

She stopped laughing when she spotted a figure behind the lockers.

“eh, that looks like Woohyun, ani it cant be him” Chorong said as she denied it.

Bomi glanced at her as she had stopped laughing.

“ani, its nothing” Chorong said as she smiled brushing away the thought.


“ani, what am I doing” woohyun said as he shook his head and walked away.

“ Hyung, where were you?” sungjong asked.

“i was around” woohyun said as he followed sungjong to the gym.

“oh I heard your sister it transferring to our school” sungjong started.


“annyeonghaseyo, Nam miyeon imnida” a very pretty girl walked in with her long wavy brown hair.

“Please take a seat” the teacher instructed.

“WAAH, its Nam miyeon, the model” someone whispered loudly.\

“shes gorgeous” a guy said as he eyed her up and down.


From Chorongs position at her locker she could hear bits and pieces of Miyeon and Woohyuns conversation, but she chose not to listen to it until the word oppa made her turn around and glance at them.

“Ani chorong, why do you still care” Chorong said as she lightly shook her head.

“waah, miyeon-shi are you dating woohyun oppa?” a girl asked.

“ani, were brother and sister” Miyeon said as she gave them a smile.

“Ah, no wonder you look so much like Woohyun” a girl said happily.

For some peculiar reason chorong felt happy.


Heaving a sigh she climbed up the stairs to her next and last class of the day. Did she still have feelings for Woohyun? That she didn’t know anymore, did she actually let loose all her feelings for him weeks ago, or did she just bury her love for him deep within her heart.


Chorong was siting beside Bomi as she unconsciously started chanting.

“Ani, ani, ani, it cant be” Chorong said as she bit her bottom lip.

“Remember, his a selfish, inconsiderate jerk” Chorong muttered as she shook her head furiously.

On the other hand Bomi was staring at her, totally clueless on what Chorong was muttering about.

“um, Chorong, is something wrong?” Bomi asked concerned.

“ani” Chorong said as she shook her head and gave her a forced smile.

“oh, the teachers here” Chorong said as she quickly changed the subject.

Bomi watched her curiously, she knew something was wrong.


“AH, finally class ended” Chorong said as she walked out of the class room, only to bump into someone.

“EH, mian” Chorong said as she bowed several times. She looked up, only to be face to face with Nam miyeon.

“ani, its okay, I wasn’t looking where I was going” Miyeon said apologetically. “Have a nice day Park Chorong”

“ah….you too” Chorong said hesitantly.

“oh and also, what do you think of Woohyun?” Miyeon asked.

“h…” the answer was stuck in , she couldn’t answer, not now that is, she was still unsure herself and telling it to someone like her, she would for sure tell Woohyun.

“she thinks of him as a classmate” Bomi interrupted. “if you don’t mind, we kind of have a bisy schedule” Bomi said as she smiled and pulled you away.

“why couldn’t you answer? You could of simply told her a lie, she doesn’t need to know the truth” Bomi said.

Bomi was picky with personal stuff she doesn’t like telling other people about stuff she would like private; especially to someone you’ve just met.

“i…” again, chorongs words wouldn’t come out, she stood there with open.

“this is ridiculous, don’t tell me you still like him after what he did to you” Bomi said. “I thought you hated him now”

“I don’t know now, one moment I’m hating him bad, the next moment I just I want to be by his side” Chorong said as she covered her face.

“ah, mian chorong, don’t cry” Bomi said as she gave her a hug and gently patted her on the back.

“why is it so hard?” Chorong asked as she cried on her shoulder.


Chorongs crying by the lockers kept repeating in Woohyuns mind, he tried brushing away the thought, but it wouldn’t disappear.

“after that day when she was laughing whole heartedly, I couldn’t forgot how happy she looked” woohyun muttered. “Did I do the wrong thing, on that very day? Valentines day?” woohyun muttered and guiltiness was taking over him.

She shut his eyes and leaned against the railing at the school rooftop. This was the only place he could relax and let his mind wander.

“it wasn’t the right thing, was it?” woohyun asked himself.


Finally calmed down crying, chorong shooed bomi away, telling her to go home. She wanted some fresh air, right now, at this second. She wondered up to the school rooftop, swinging the doors open and letting the breeze blow onto her face.

On the other hand woohyun stopped what he was doing and looked Chorongs way. When she finally realized that someone else was already up there, she gasped and quickly shut the door behind her.

She leaned against the door placing her hands against her chest. The door was suddenly flung open, startled Chorong fell backwards falling into Woohyuns strong protective arms.

Chorong immediately pushed him away. She stepped back and started running down the stairs.

“WAIT Chorong” Woohyun shouted as he ran to chase her.

Chorong continued running, all she wanted to do was outrun him, but her heart was telling her different. Everything was just so confusing to her, she didn’t know what to do, he mind was stuffed up, but most of all her heart. She didn’t know if she liked him or hated him.

She could hear the heavy footsteps of Woohyun, she panicked as she slowed down. She halted to catch her breathe.

“Chorong, please stop” Woohyun pleaded.

She was about to run again, when woohyun grabbed chorongs hand stopping her from going anywhere.

“Let go” Chorong said sternly.

“listen first” woohyun started. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry for what I did on Valentines day, I regret it now, I really do”

“you’re lying” Chorong said as she tried to yank her arm away.

“I’m not lying, please believe me, let me make it up to you” Woohyun said as he impatiently waited for her answer.

“why should I believe you, after what you did to me” Chorong said as she finally yanked her arm away and began running.

“I’M SORRY, I LOVE YOU CHORONG” Woohyun shouted.

Tears began spilling, chorong clenched onto her heart while running.


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andin_1310 #1
Chapter 2: Cool! yaak i love this fanfic!<3
yuichan17 #2
love myungeun and woorong!!!! :)
they are my favorite couples.....
GyuJoo GyuJoo~ <3 <3 <3
Forever shipping Pinkfinite <3 <3 <3
You're really good~ <3
milkycouplesaranghae #4
i lov the likey long chapters^^ keep going and dont stop my nom nom friend
Woah~ you make yeolkyung fics.. aaahh thank you, , this so cool...
the teacher fall in love with his student... aaahh I love it ;D
Myungeun tho~ so sweet...
I wait another pairing c:
Wahh your story is good and your graphic is amazing!!
yuichan17 #7
this is so sweet and amazing!!!
thank you for an awesome yeolkyung story!!!! :)
I want yeolkyung oneshot please :D
about plot... euhm whatever your write I will like hehehe ;D
Myungeun plz!