The Pianist - YeolKyung

[♥] A Pink and Infinite One Shot Collection


“Annyeong, sungyeol-shhi” Yookyung said as she politely bowed.

“Yookyung-ah, what did I say about just calling me Sungyeol, were only a few years apart” Sungyeol said as he held out his hand.

Yookyung smiled and appreciatively took his hand; he led her to the grand piano.

Sungyeol was known for his amazing piano, singing, dancing, and acting skills. He would be asked to go to concerts to make his talent world known.

She sat down and immediately began playing the piano, each tap of the black and white keys, each making a unique sound, joining together to make a masterpiece.

Sungyeol intently watched Yookyung play, in his opinion he believed she had a lot of potential, enough potential to be a professional.

The melodies rung through the room, until a simple mistake made her stop, and retry. She frowned and tried again, yet it still wasn’t right.

“Yookyung-ah” Sungyeol said as he leaned down pressing his chest firmly against Yookyungs back.

Her heart pounded slightly against her chest, a blush slowly creeping onto her face, she always loved moments like these, yet she hated them as well.

He gently placed his hands on top of hers as he showed her how to play it properly. Yookyung could feel his hot breathe against her neck.

A smile slowly crept onto her face, she blushed madly and her mind became blank, at that moment she didn’t acknowledge Sungyeol teaching her, her mind was filled with how close he was to her.

“Yookyung, earth to Yookyung” Sungyeol said as he slightly shook her.

She stopped her trance as she turned and met his gaze. Wrong move, with this sudden action, their lips were just centimetres apart.

Sungyeol stepped back; a little blush was starting to form.

“Try It again” Sungyeol instructed.


“Gamowa Sungyeol-shi” Yookyung said as she bowed.

“You don’t ever listen do you” Sungyeol said as he shook his head.

Yookyung smiled in return.

“Here, I’ll walk you out” Sungyeol said.

They walked side by side, their shoulders occasionally bumping into each other.

Yookyung continuously laughed at his random remarks.

“Look, your fiancé is here” Sungyeol said disappointedly, Yookyung took note that his happy aura had disappeared.

Yookyungs fiancé started waving fanatically. She rolled her eyes and trudged slowly to her so called ‘fiancé’

“I told you not to come pick me up” Yookyung said as she crossed her arms.

“Well I wanted to, you could get kidnaped or something at this time” her fiancé ‘L.joe’ said teasingly.

“It’s the afternoon jerk” Yookyung said as she flicked his forehead.

Yookyung is the daughter of a prestigious company of Hong company, her father got her a fiancé, just the usual life of a rich person, but she was forced to move in with him immediately, whether she liked it or not. She wasn’t even married to him yet.

Sungyeol stood there watching the couple; he slightly smiled and went back inside.         

“It won’t ever come true” Sungyeol muttered. “I’m just her piano teacher”


I slumped against the leather lining of the car. Sighing every once in a while.

“c’mon, smile, your hubby came to pick you up” L.joe said trying to lift up Yookyungs spirits.

“Don’t be silly, I’m going to call off this wedding” Yookyung glumly proposed.

‘Why isn’t it unni, she was the one who was meant to be getting married, not me’ Yookyung thought.


Rushing out of the house I got into a taxi that I had called earlier, I turned around to see L.joe standing there with keys in his hands.

Yookyung told the ahjusshi the address, he nodded his head.

“Gamowa ahjusshi” Yookyung said as she gave the taxi driver some money.

She walked over to the swings, only to see another figure already there.

“AH, Sungyeol-shi” Yookyung said as she ran up to him.

“Oh, annyeong Yookyung-ah” he said without enthusiasm.

“Oppa, is something the matter?” Yookyung asked but immediately covered .

‘Did I just call him oppa, aah, pabo’ Yookyung said as she smiled awkwardly.

“Aniyo, just a little tired” Sungyeol said as he let out a muffled yawn.

Yookyung went onto the swing beside Sungyeol.

“I like this girl” Sungyeol whispered.

“Eh” Yookyung gasped.

“But she already has a fiancé. Since day one, I’ve wanted to tell her this, but I started to get nervous and just make something up on the spot” Sungyeol started.


“Yookyung-ah, I l…” Sungyeol started.

“Hmm?” Yookyung said as she glanced his way.

“I like strawberry ice-cream, would you like to get ice-cream later” Sungyeol said as he rubbed the back of his neck.


‘aniyo, it can’t be me” Yookyung denied.

“She makes me smile, she makes me feel like she’s the missing piece in my puzzle, she has an incredible voice, and her piano skills are absolutely amazing” Sungyeol said as he gazed out in the distance.


“Yookyung-ah, you’re piano skills, they’re utterly astounding” Sungyeol praised.


“But she always denies her talent” Sungyeol continued.


“Aniyo it isn’t that good, I keep making mistakes” Yookyung said as she frowned.


“You know, I never have the courage to tell her that I like her, no, I never have the courage to tell her that I love her. I always leave her with hints, like playing a particular song and singing to it while facing her, but being the dense person she is, she never realizes anything” Sungyeol said as he look Yookyung way.


He gazed at Yookyung, starting to play the piano; he then started singing, to her Yookyung it felt like it was a live concert that was only for her.

As soon as the lyrics spilled out she knew immediately that it was a love song.

Sungyeol gazed at Yookyung, smiling in between the lyrics.

“Yookyung-ah, you’re so dense” Sungyeol muttered.

“Eh?!” Yookyung said.

“Never mind” Sungyeol said.


‘Then again he probably does that to all his student’ Yookyung said as she frowned.

“She amazing in every way, in personality and in looks” Sungyeol finished.

“She must be very pretty than” Yookyung said as she looked towards the ground.

‘I wish it was me’ Yookyung wished.

“She is” Sungyeol confirmed.

After a long silence: “she must be very lucky” Yookyung said out of the blue.

“She definitely is no doubt about that” Sungyeol said as he gazed at the sky.

“She gives me a reason to smile” Sungyeol said as he started smiling widely.

Sungyeol checked the time and grabbed onto her hand

“C’mon we still have time to play before your lesson starts” Sungyeol said as he led her to the slide.

“aah, I don’t want to go down, oppa, its wet” Yookyung exclaimed trying to stand up.

Sungyeol placed his hands on her shoulders and pretended to push her down.

“Aniyo, I was just joking” Sungyeol said as he ran away.

“YAH” Yookyung giggled.

Yookyung began chasing after him; she saw him beside the fountain and ran after him.

Sungyeol splashed water onto Yookyung.

“Now you’re wet” Sungyeol said as he laughed.

On the other hand Yookyung was standing there blinking over and over again.

“YAH, LEE SUNGYEOL” she screamed as she ran after him.

“OOH, I’m so scared” Sungyeol exclaimed.

Yookyung ran after him like a monster.

“kya, I got you” Yookyung screamed as she splashed water onto him.

“AAH, its cold” Sungyeol screamed.

“That’s what you get” Yookyung said as she smiled.

“Oh, you’re asking for it now” Sungyeol said as he began splashing water onto Yookyung.

“OPPA, stop please” Yookyung begged.

“Aniyo” Sungyeol said plainly.

A big splash came her way.

By the time they finished playing they were drenched in water.

“aish, see what you did” Yookyung said.

Sungyeol poked out his tongue at Yookyung.

She sat on the bench in the sun, feeling the warmth against her wet clothes.

I took out my phone to check the time.

“OMG, Sungyeol-shi, piano class” I screamed in a panic.

“Don’t worry, you won’t get into trouble” Sungyeol said calmly.

“Because your piano teacher is late too” Sungyeol laughed.

“Oh right” Yookyung awkwardly laughed.

“Let’s ditch this one lesson and have fun, how’s that?” Sungyeol asked.

“Won’t I get into trouble?” Yookyung asked.

“Remember who the teacher is” Sungyeol said.

“Arasso” Yookyung said as she stood up.

“Let’s get something to eat, I’m hungry” Yookyung suggested.

“Aniyo” Sungyeol said as he stayed seated on the bench.

“c’mon, let’s go” Yookyung said as she pulled his arm.

“Call me oppa first” Sungyeol said.

“Aniyo, Sungyeol-shi” Yookyung said,

Sungyeol turned his head.

“Okay fine, oppa, let’s go get something to eat” Yookyung said again.

Smiling, Sungyeol got up and grabbed her hand.

“Let’s get dukboki” Sungyeol suggested.

Yookyung eagerly nodded.

Walking side by side they started walking to the dukboki shop.

About halfway, Sungyeol grabbed hold of Yookyungs hand and held it.

She let out a little gasp, she glanced at their hands.

“Our hands fit perfectly” Sungyeol muttered.

“Pardon, I didn’t quite hear that” Yookyung asked slightly glancing at Sungyeol.

“Aniyo, I said nothing” Sungyeol replied with a smile.

‘I thought he said our hands fit perfectly” Yookyung thought.

Their hands swung back and forth.


“WAHH, it smells nice” Yookyung exclaimed as she thanked the ahjumma.

Yookyung immediately started digging in.

Sungyeol did the same.

Before long they were stuffed full.

“wahh, that was delicious” Yookyung grinned as she patted her full stomach.

“C’mon I’ll buy you ice-cream” Sungyeol said as they exited the shop.

“yay” Yookyung said.


“Strawberry, strawberry” Yookyung chanted.

“Strawberry it is” Sungyeol said.

“Um, 2 strawberry cones please” Sungyeol ordered.

“Right away” the ahjumma said.


Yookyung the ice-cream

They were back at the park.

Suddenly something cold was dabbed onto Yookyung cheek, she turned around to see a smiling Sungyeol.

“I didn’t do anything” Sungyeol said innocently.

Yookyung gave him a fierce gaze and lunged for him, only to have him get away,


He stuck out his tongue and began running away.

“aish, Sungyeol, I don’t want to play anymore” Yookyung said as she pouted.

Sungyeol immediately came back.

“Arasso” Sungyeol said.


Yookyung giggled as she ran away.

“YAH” Sungyeol said as he wiped away the ice-cream.


Smiling, Yookyung went home, dashing to her room.

She lay on her bed and thought back to today,

“She makes me smile, she makes me feel like she’s the missing piece in my puzzle, she has an amazing voice, and her piano skills are amazing”

Those words kept reminding her that he likes someone already and it’s not her.

“I wish it was me” Yookyung muttered as she sighed heavily. “I wish I didn’t have a fiancé”


 “Sungyeol, this is your newest student, Hong Yookyung, please teach her well” Yookyungs’ appa introduced.

“Of course” Sungyeol said as he bowed.

“Annyeong, I’m Lee Sungyeol, but you can call me just Sungyeol” Sungyeol introduced himself.

Yookyung smiled and she shook Sungyeols’ hand.

“Come sit here, I’ll teach you which key is which” Sungyeol said as he led Yookyung.

Yookyung shyly nodded her head eagerly.

Sungyeol sat next to her, smiling at her for the last time, before the lesson started.

A serious expression was plastered on his face; it was as if he was wearing a mask.

Yookyung occasionally glanced at Sungyeol, her heart started beating against her chest.

She placed her hand on her chest and frowned.

“Yookyung-ah are you okay” Sungyeol asked worriedly.

“Aniyo, I’m fine” Yookyung replied.

Her heart continued to quicken, from that moment on, she knew for sure that she had fallen for him, from the very beginning. You could call it love at first sight.


‘Why can’t I be average, I don’t want to be rich anymore, if it means it’s costing my happiness’ Yookyung thought.


Sungyeol arrived home, took a quick shower.

He started playing the piano, the tunes brought all his worries and problems away, and at that moment he knew that the only thing he should be focusing on was playing the piano.

Once he finished playing, he let out a smile as he felt refreshed. An image of Yookyung smiling popped into his mind, the events of the day replayed in his head. Before he knew it he was smiling and laughing.


The next morning, Yookyung woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating against her bedside table. She lazily stuck her hand out to get it. With one eye open she began reading the text.


To: Yookyung

Meet me at the park today at 5 sharp. Oh and good morning (:


Her eyes popped open.

‘Why would he want to see me?’ Yookyung thought.


To: Sungyeol

Eh?! Waeyo? Good morning to you too.


To: Yookyung

It’s a surprise <3


Smiling, Yookyung started the day off fresh.

“I’m going to go visit appa today” Yookyung said out loud.

She went out of the house and called for a taxi, the driver drove her to the destination.

Once she got there, she noticed a figure getting into a car and appa standing by the door.

She walked up to her appa.

“Annyeong appa, who was that?” Yookyung asked.

“Oh, just a guest, and you’ve come at the right time, I was going to call you to come” Mr. Hong said smiling. [I’m going call Yookyungs dad, Mr Hong]

“Eh?” Yookyung said,

“Come inside first, and we’ll talk about it” Mr Hong said.

Yookyung seated comfortably at the black couch.

“Yookyung, I’ve been thinking. I’ve decided that I want to call off this marriage with your fiancé” Mr Hong started.

“Eh, appa, really?” Yookyung exclaimed happily.

“Ne, you’re free to marry anyone you choose now” Mr Hongreplied.

“kamsamnida appa, kamsamnida” Yookyung said as she stood up and started bowing.

“aigoo, I should’ve done this long ago” Mr Hong replied.

Yookyung smiled widely and sat back on the couch.

“Oh, come on we need to find you an outfit for tonight” Mr Hong replied.

“eh, but appa, I’m meeting someone” Yookyung replied.

“Forget about that for now” Mr Hong said.


After trying on many dresses, Yookyung chose a simple cream coloured dress. The dress went down to just above her knees.

Yookyungs appa led her into the car.

“appa where are we going?” Yookyung asked for the millionth time.


As soon as Yookyung stepped out of the car, she immediately realized that she was at the park. The park where she was meant to meet Sungyeol.

 A soft peaceful melody was playing. Yookyung followed the sound and soon arrived at a well-lit area. A piano stood in the middle. The lights illuminated the area. Balloons were all over the place, making the park look colourful and bright.

There in the middle of all this was a table with candles and food already placed on it, the lovely aroma filled the air.

Yookyung gasped and covered as she realized it was Sungyeol playing the piano. The song went on for a while, when it finished Sungyeol turned to face the stunned Yookyung giving her a heart pounding smile.

“Yookyung-ah” Sungyeol said as he walked over to her.

“Don’t come any closer” Yookyung said with wide-eyes.

Sungyeol gasped: “you don’t like it”

“I love it, but I know this is a dream, a dream” Yookyung whispered. “I don’t want this dream to end”

“Silly, this isn’t a dream, its reality Yookyung-ah” Sungyeol confided.

“No, you’re lying” Yookyung said as she stepped back.

“When have I ever lied to you” Sungyeol replied.

“Never” Yookyung whispered.

“See” Sungyeol said as he took her hand.

From there Yookyung knew that this wasn’t a dream, but reality.

Sungyeol led her to the table. He pulled out the chair for Yookyung to sit.

“Since when have you become a gentleman” Yookyung asked curiously.

“I’m only a gentleman for tonight” Sungyeol stated.


After a yummy and delicious dinner, Sungyeol held Yookyungs hand and they got into a car.

“Eh? Sungyeol what about the piano, someone might steal it” Yookyung panicked as she glanced at the piano.

“No-one’s going to steal it. So there’s no need to panic” Sungyeol replied.


Sungyeol covered Yookyungs eyes with his hands.

“Eh, Sungyeol, where are we going” Yookyung said as she tried to pry Sungyeol hands off of her face.

“You have to wait and see” Sungyeol said and smiled.


Sungyeol took his hands off, Yookyung gasped.

“WAAH Sungyeol, such a pretty view” Yookyung exclaimed.

“I love coming here, especially at night” Sungyeol said as he leaned over the railing feeling the cold night breeze brush against his face.

“WAH, be careful Sungyeol” Yookyung called.

“I will, Yookyung you’re so caring” Sungyeol said.

“Aniyo” Yookyung said as she shook her head.

“Do you like me” Sungyeol blurted.

“Eh?!” Yookyung asked surprised.

“As a friend of course” Sungyeol quickly added.

‘aish, Sungyeol get a hold of yourself’ Sungyeol thought.

“Of course Sungyeol-shi” Yookyung said.

“Here we go with the formalities” Sungyeol said as he shook his head.


Yookyung gazed at the city. Sungyeol suddenly swivelled to face Yookyung.

“I like you, and not as a friend” Sungyeol said as he turned back around a blush creeping up to his face.

She blinked several times. ‘I like you, and not as a friend’ It repeated over and over again in Yookyungs head.

“Eh?!” Yookyung asked.

‘Did I hear wrong?’ Yookyung asked herself.

“Yookyung-ah, I’ve like you since the beginning, from the moment I saw you. I always thought we could be something, but after I found out that you were getting married, so I held back. I finally ran out of patience and went to your dads’ house this morning to ask him” Sungyeol said not meeting Yookyungs gaze.

“It was you this morning?” Yookyung asked surprised.

Sungyeol nodded his head. “I wanted to ask for permission, I asked if your marriage could be cancelled, I told him that you weren’t happy with him, that I knew for sure. It wasn’t a lie to get you. You absolutely didn’t look happy with him, your smiles weren’t natural at all”

“How did you know?” Yookyung asked quietly.

“Anyone could have easily worked that out. You see that star” Sungyeol asked pointing to the brightest star.

Yookyung nodded her head.

“That star is you, you see how much you stand out, that’s the same to me, I don’t see anyone else, I only see you and only you” Sungyeol said.

“What about your other students, they’re all much prettier and everything, why did you choose me over them?” Yookyung said.

“To me you’re the prettiest and the brightest out of all of them” Sungyeol said giving Yookyung a smile. “Remember those highlighted words on your music textbook?” Sungyeol asked.


“Eh? Sungyeol, how come some letters are highlighted” Yookyung asked as she casually flipped through the book.

Sungyeol chuckled lightly. “Aniyo it’s nothing”


“It spelt out I love you” Sungyeol said.

“Aniyo, I eventually found out at home as I was reading through it, but I always though you gave me the wrong book” Yookyung said.

“Didn’t you see your name clearly written on it” Sungyeol said.


“Omo, how come it spells I love you. Maybe Sungyeol-shi gave me the wrong book” Yookyung said as she shook her head.

She flipped to the first page.

  • Yookyung –

It said in big, clear letters.

“Aniyo, it can’t be my book” Yookyung said as she shook her head.


“I love you, do you love me?” Sungyeol asked, anticipating Yookyungs’ answer.

“I love you too oppa” Yookyung said as she gazed to the floor. “From the very beginning as well”

“Now you call me oppa” Sungyeol chuckled as he started to lean down, his eyes diverted to her lips.

In just a millisecond their lips touched. At that exact moment fireworks went up into the sky, spelling:

  • I love you, will you be mine?

It looks like the student and

                     The Pianist

Will have a happy ending after all.



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andin_1310 #1
Chapter 2: Cool! yaak i love this fanfic!<3
yuichan17 #2
love myungeun and woorong!!!! :)
they are my favorite couples.....
GyuJoo GyuJoo~ <3 <3 <3
Forever shipping Pinkfinite <3 <3 <3
You're really good~ <3
milkycouplesaranghae #4
i lov the likey long chapters^^ keep going and dont stop my nom nom friend
Woah~ you make yeolkyung fics.. aaahh thank you, , this so cool...
the teacher fall in love with his student... aaahh I love it ;D
Myungeun tho~ so sweet...
I wait another pairing c:
Wahh your story is good and your graphic is amazing!!
yuichan17 #7
this is so sweet and amazing!!!
thank you for an awesome yeolkyung story!!!! :)
I want yeolkyung oneshot please :D
about plot... euhm whatever your write I will like hehehe ;D
Myungeun plz!