Taking Chances

Taking Chances

The next day, Tiffany was awakened by the sound of a very familiar voice, calling her name. “Pst! Tiffany!” the voice called.

“Jessica?!” Tiffany’s eyes flew open. Her eyes wandered around for a few seconds before she convinced herself that Jessica’s voice was just a fragment from her deep sleep dreams.

White ceilings above her.

White walls on her either side.

The deep rumble of the air condition was the only sound that she could hear.

Taken aback by the eerie resemblance of the place to a hospital, Tiffany opted to sit up only to notice that she was, indeed, in a hospital what with the crisp-smelling hospital gown hugging her body.

Suddenly, a pain stabbed her head and only then did she notice a bandage rolled around her head.

Tiffany closed her eyes, trying hard to recall how in the world she ended up here. A gasp escaped her lips as she successfully recalled everything.



At half-past midnight, Tiffany tossed and turned in her bed.

After a lost battle with herself whether she should check up on the Lee’s residence again if Donghae had arrived, she reached for her phone on the bedside table and made the call.

After she hung up with Donghae’s mother, Tiffany flopped back to her bed with a hundred percent worry now.

Donghae was still not home.

“Seriously,” Tiffany grumbled to herself, switching the lights on to look for her car keys.

She has decided to go look for Donghae herself, not acknowledging the fact that she’s still clueless as to where she would start her probably fruitless search and that she has classes tomorrow, too.

She stepped on the gas and decided to head straight to Jessica’s grave—the obvious spot.

Tiffany gripped on the steering wheel tightly, angry with herself.

Why can’t I, for just one day, stop thinking and worrying about Donghae?

Lost in her own thoughts, Tiffany did not notice that the stoplight had turned red.



And then, it happened.

“Donghae!” she squeaked, remembering why she was here in the first place. Tiffany headed outside as a reflex of her heart—to go look for Donghae.

Ignoring the dizzying pain in her head again, Tiffany scrambled towards the hallway—barefoot.

With pure anxiety, she reached the hallway and stopped for a moment.

Then, reality hit her. It was useless to look for Donghae until she gets herself out from being admitted to this now-stupid hospital.

Her shoulders sank; head lowered and mumbled to herself, “I need to get out of here.” Tiffany lifted her head & turned around to head back to her room but something caught her attention from the corner of her eye.

Slowly, she turned to the direction of the room across hers.


“Oh!” Tiffany shrieked before charging at the door and completely stepping inside Donghae’s room.

Once she got in, her stomach flipped at the sight of a perfectly still Donghae. Her mind was filled with horrible thoughts immediately—she can’t afford to lose another friend now..not Donghae who is also the love of her life.

Unsteadily, Tiffany took quiet steps towards Donghae’s bed. Seeing how his chest went up and down rhythmically, Tiffany’s heart did one excited slam inside her chest. The girl also noticed no tubes, no machines and it only fueled her joy.

Donghae is alive.

“Donghae, you’re okay!” she squealed in happiness, throwing her hands around the sleeping figure in one quick movement. Feeling his heart beat against hers, she gaily tightened the hug.

Donghae grunted, clearly awakened by the action. He didn’t see who was this person hugging him but the scent and the sweet buttery voice indicated that it was none other than Tiffany. “Tiffany?”

In an instant, the girl wordlessly went from hugging him to being a few feet away from him. Lurching backwards in embarrassment, Tiffany stared at her bare feet, blushing away.

Surprisingly, Donghae jumped out of bed to surprise the girl by tackling her in a big warm bear hug. “Oh my gosh, Tiff! You’re fine!” he mumbled, sniffing Tiffany’s hair dearly.

The warmth rendered Tiffany speechless and motionless. If it wasn’t for the tear that had escaped the corner of her eye, she would’ve passed as a sculpture—never knowing that Donghae actually hugging her could be a part of her reality.

The man broke the hug & stared intently at Tiffany. With his hands still on her shoulders, he leaned in closer and asked, “What are you doing out of bed? Are you fine? Don’t you feel any pain anywhere?” Worry was written all over Donghae’s face.

Tiffany nodded slowly with wide eyes; her expressionless face contrary to the tears that are streaming down her cheeks.

Donghae cocked his head, “Why then are you crying?”

“I-I thought I l-lost you,” she wailed like a little girl whose doll was taken away from her. “And you’re h-here worrying about m-me..”

“Hey, you were the one who got in a vehicular accident,” Donghae whispered, letting his hands slide down the crying Tiffany’s arms.

The girl did not reply any more, only submerging herself in a fit of heart-wrenching sobs.

“Sssshhhh,” Donghae tried to comfort Tiffany, inching closer to hug her once more.

As Tiffany’s tiny body shook in his arms, Donghae secured her head against her chest, her tears wetting his hospital gown.

“W-Why are you h-here, Donghae?”

His mouth felt dry as Donghae searched his head for the safest answer, now knowing how he feels for Tiffany. “I was called last night as your emergency contact and.. what are friends for?” Donghae’s voice cracked in the word ‘friends’ as he rested his chin on top of Tiffany’s head.

Suddenly, Donghae felt Tiffany become heavy in his arms. If he had not caught her quickly, she would’ve fallen on the floor.

Tiffany fainted.

“Tiff?!” Donghae shook the girl’s tiny unconscious body lying in his arms. “Tiff?! What happened?! Tiffany?!”

Panicking, Donghae yelled for nurses at the top of her lungs, “NURSE! NURSE!”


Moments later..

Knock knock.

A knock came at Donghae’s door. He had already changed in his own clothes and he’s been discharged from the hospital but he refused to leave Tiffany. Even when no one is allowed to enter Tiffany’s room, he decided to stay.

A man in white lab gown—a doctor—stepped inside Donghae’s room. He was that middle-aged man who still beholds such graceful countenance, earning respect from Donghae at first sight.

“Mr. Lee?”

Donghae, who was looking out his window, shifted his gaze to the doctor. “Yes, doctor?”

“I have some few questions to ask you, if you may allow me,” the doctor said, pushing his glasses up his crooked nose.

The younger man nodded politely, walking towards the doctor.

They shook hands.

After clearing his throat, the doctor began, “May I ask how you are related to Ms. Hwang?”

“I’m her.. close friend,” Donghae said, doubting whether the term still applies to him and Tiffany since he sorted his feelings.

“Have you informed Ms. Hwang’s immediate family about her accident, Mr. Lee?”

Donghae slowly shook his head.

“I need to discuss Ms. Hwang’s condition with her family,” the doctor explained, giving Donghae the idea that he was not qualified to hear about Tiffany’s condition.

Donghae’s heart rose to his throat as he absorbed the doctor’s words—Ms. Hwang’s condition? “She.. has no more family left..” Donghae quietly explained, “I mean.. her family’s been.. dead.. They also died in a car accident.”

“My apologies,” the doctor quietly said, slightly lowering his head.

“So about Tiffany’s condition..?” Donghae prompted the doctor to spill the beans now since he now knows the truth that Donghae is the closest resemblance for a family to Tiffany.

“She’s still under observation and we were certainly not expecting her to wake up so soon.”

Donghae searched the doctor’s eyes for a clearer explanation, “What do you mean, doctor?”

“Ms. Hwang’s vitals had been stable last night but an imbalance showed and was recorded earlier today before she fainted here in your room. She was supposed to be in some sort of a slight comatose, Mr. Lee,” the doctor said nonchalantly as if he was talking about something that’s not much of a big deal.

“A slight comatose?!” Donghae hissed, questioningly demanding more explanation. “Do you mean she’s now in a state of comatose?!”

“Yes and no, Mr. Lee. Yes, she was supposed to; but something unexplainable awakened her thus, her activity with you earlier. A miracle, maybe. We have no clue; but no, she just needs a lot of rest now.”

It was Jessica.

Donghae laid a palm on his forehead in shock from hearing the news. “Can I see her now?”

“Yes, Mr. Lee but make it quick and please try your best to not wake her up.”


Quietly, Donghae pulled a chair so that he can sit beside Tiffany’s bed. He intertwined his fingers with Tiffany’s and pulled it up for a kiss. “Get well soon, Tiffany,” he whispered.

With his free hand, he Tiffany’s hair slowly, simultaneously letting his eyes feast on the beauty that rested before his eyes.  Donghae could not believe how different he sees Tiffany now and it hurts him inside to think that she got in this accident just because he was stubborn enough to fight with Jessica at first.

Highly knowledgeable that no one would believe that all of this had happened in relation to his illusion of a conversation with Jessica, Donghae had decided to keep everything to himself. Besides, all that mattered to him now was Tiffany, her health and his future with this girl.

“Donghae?” a faint voice pulled Donghae out of his trance—Tiffany’s.

“Are you okay?” Donghae slightly stood up in excitement over Tiffany’s consciousness.

Responding with a nod, Tiffany avoided her eyes to meet with Donghae’s. “What are you still doing here?” It was that type of question that demanded no answer. She slowly took back her hand, freeing it from Donghae’s tight grip. “Go home, Donghae. We still have classes.”

“No, it’s okay,” Donghae assured her, half-smiling.

“No! It’s not! Go home!” Tiffany scowled, pointing to the door.

Donghae’s stomach went in knots as this was not how Tiffany usually reacted to his presence. After uneasily shifting in his seat, he opened his mouth to insist in staying, “Tiffa--”

“Donghae,” Tiffany cut him off, “I want you to go, please.” She looked at him with an authoritative look on her face.

She loves you, Donghae. Why don’t you take a chance on her?

Why Tiffany wants him away from her, Donghae does not understand but one thing he’s sure is that he can’t lose Tiffany, too; especially now that he’s acknowledged her value in his life.

“Okay,” Donghae began, “I will go. Away from here. Away from you; after you answer my one question.” He was leaning forward towards Tiffany’s bed.

Tiffany who was looking away suddenly turned to look at Donghae in puzzlement. “Huh?!” She slowly sat up by supporting herself with her elbows.

“Just one question, Tiff.. Please..” the man begged. Yes, he was desperate—hungry for the truth.

After audibly drawing in a deep breath, Tiffany rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Hae? Ask away then go home!” Her eyebrows met at the center as she tried to drive away her conflicting emotions. Something inside her, usually, wanted Donghae to stay with her but no, she doesn’t need any more of her own expectations & false hopes.

“Do you still have feelings for me?”

“Why are you asking me all of a sudden, huh?!” Tiffany demanded an answer from her friend; searching Donghae’s eyes for clearer answers, “Are you really that stubborn to even ask me that question while I’m still in a hospital bed?! Why, Donghae?! Why are you asking me this now?!”

It hurt. Yes, it hurt alright. Tiffany sending him away came to him like a dagger to his very soul. Just earlier, Tiffany was crying her heart out to him—afraid that something bad might have happened to him during his absence but here was Tiffany now, desperately driving him away.

“Because..” Donghae began, avoiding Tiffany to see pain in his eyes, “Someone told me that you still love me.”

Smugly, Tiffany asked, “Who?”

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

“Who. Told. You. That,” Tiffany asked again, now with a tinge of a threatening tone in her voice. She cannot remember sharing to anyone about her real feelings for Donghae. Besides, who was there to lend a listening ear to Tiffany since Jessica died? After Jessica’s death, every single day of Tiffany’s life felt like trying to find her way in a desert—a barren land.

Donghae sighed, shaking his head—contemplating whether he should really tell Tiffany the truth. He nervously played with his thumbs as if doing so would help him decide wisely.


Tiffany impatiently waited for Donghae to answer her question. She opened to force the answer out of Donghae but it seemed unnecessary since Donghae had already answered her question.

“Jessica did,” Donghae answered, now looking straight at Tiffany.

In one quick movement, Tiffany’s hand flew to Donghae’s chest in an abrupt push. “What the heck, Donghae?!” She was starting to get pissed and she can’t help but tear up. How Donghae said Jessica’s name without any trace of remorse insulted her, thinking that the man was pulling some kind of a sick joke on her. Once more, Tiffany whacked Donghae’s chest, shoulders and arms with her fist.

Donghae received the blows from Tiffany without even moving a single muscle to stop the girl. He quietly said, “I told you—you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

The girl stopped her attacks as her shoulders dropped in utter frustration. “I don’t know what to say,” Tiffany said, amused while staring at her lap. The tone in her voice contradicted her face which did not display any kind of emotion despite the tears that escaped her eyes nonstop.

“Try the truth, Tiff,” Donghae suggested, which came across as sarcastic to Tiffany. He continued, “I swear to follow anything you say just—please, Tiffany. Tell me the truth.” He was starting to run out of words but he desperately wants to find the truth out straight from Tiffany.

Despite her knowledge of the possible consequences—losing Donghae—that may root from her decision, Tiffany still decided to tell Donghae the truth. Nothing but the whole truth. She knows that she can’t hide her feelings for long and if ever she can, in the end the only one who might get hurt was herself. She bit her lip, trying to find the right words.

“Tiff.. Please say something.”

“I swear, Hae. I swear I spend every minute of every day trying to forget & get rid of these feelings but,” Tiffany paused, staring at the ceiling, “But I always fail. Miserably.” She hated the fact that she can’t get herself to look at Donghae right now. Tiffany knows that in a few minutes or so, she’s bound to lose Donghae but what can she do? She continued, “That’s why I want you to go because waking up and seeing how worried you are over me makes it a lot harder. Confusing. I don’t wanna have my hopes up for something that will never happen—something that is obviously far-fetched. Impossible.”

Donghae stood up and started pacing back and forth. Yes, he had expected Tiffany to finally confess but what caught him off guard was the fact that he’s feeling the way he is right now—questionably relieved and.. happy. He stopped and looked at Tiffany to ask, “So since you first confessed to me until Jess and I got together, until Jessica died and until now that we became friends again.. you kept it all from me? From me and Jessica?”

“Why wouldn’t I?!” Tiffany defensively asked, her voice an octave higher. “If the only way that I can be with you is to be just a friend then tell me why, Donghae! Tell me why shouldn’t I keep it from you..” She took slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. “But you do not need to worry now because if you don’t go, I will,” she bitterly laughed, “If I’m bound to lose you, then I should go ahead of myself and let you go first. I don’t wanna be friends with you anymore, Lee Donghae.”

“Me, too,” the man said, rubbing his jaws. The tone in his voice was hard, decided and firm.

Once again, Tiffany let out an anguished and bitter chuckle, “I didn’t know it would hurt so much to hear that from you. But since now that I finished answering your might question, can you just go and end our friendship while I still haven’t started crying my eyes out here?” She wiped her tears with her knuckles and tried to force out a smile as Donghae stood at her bedside. “I love you, Donghae. Goodbye.” With that, her shoulders started moving up and down as she clutched a hand over her chest, trying her best to not produce any sound.

Donghae had to clench his fists to prevent himself from taking Tiffany in his arms. Seeing her so fragile and broken like this, he thought that maybe, just maybe, once he speaks out his true feelings, then Tiffany wouldn’t have to be so lonely & hurt anymore. “Yes let’s end our friendship here.. but no,” he said, looking down on the crying figure, “I won’t go until we take our chances.”

Tiffany looked up at him with her now puffy eyes and choked out in between her sobs, “W-What are you talking ab-bout?!”

Subtly flailing his hands in the air, Donghae began, “I don’t know about you, Tiff but at least, I am.” In one swift movement, he went from standing on her bedside to his hands being on Tiffany’s shoulders, their faces apart. He looked at Tiffany intently and said, “I’m taking a chance at love again, Tiffany.. A chance at love with you but it won’t happen unless we stop being just friends and you agree to take a chance on me, too.” He heaved out a sigh of stress and finally asked, “Will you?”

With tears continuously streaming down her cheeks, Tiffany did not make any attempt to break their gazes. Her lower lip protruded and her chin trembled as she prevented herself to wail. “I--” she tried to say something but Donghae interrupted her.

The man let his hands slide down Tiffany’s arms as he tried to blink away the tears that are starting to blur his vision. “Sssshhh,” he interrupted, “Answer me, Tiffany. Will you take a chance on me? Just--yes or no?”

This time, Tiffany couldn’t keep herself from crying out loud like a little girl. She buried her hands in her face as her body shook.

“Tiff?” Donghae quietly checked, lifting Tiffany’s chin to let their eyes meet once again.

“How could I refuse?” were the words that Tiffany responded with.


Before the girl could even say anything more, Donghae had tackled her in a hug, rocking back and forth as he secured Tiffany in his arms and her hair as if he had no plans to let go or whatsoever. “I love you so much, Tiff,” he mumbled against her hair.

Slowly, Tiffany brought her hands up, hesitantly hugging Donghae back but when he heard his words, the hug only tightened. “I love you more, Hae. More than you could ever imagine,” she said, smiling her tears away.

As the man felt Tiffany’s tiny body against his chest, he looked up and muttered inaudibly, “I love you, Jessica. Goodbye.”

What do you say to taking chances?
What do you say to jumping off the edge? 
Never knowing if there's solid ground below,
Or a hand to hold, or hell to pay, 
What do you say?*






Total  of 5,837 words

*Taking Chances by Celine Dion

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TAKING CHANCES:O_O i didn't expect that this would be a twoshot instead of a oneshot ^^v enjoy & leave your comments, neh?


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Chapter 2: finished reading this.. and I'm just speechless.
I love your writing style so much!
You don't drone with unimportant details, you focus on the main points of the story.
I love this bittersweet story!
Should be recommended~ <3
ILoveAnimeCouples #2
Chapter 2: This is sooooo sweet! I'm crying now ahhhhhhhhh
HaeFanyIsRealtippani #3
Chapter 2: weeeeeew~! i reaaaaally loved it! ^^
sooooo daebakk! XDD
this is amazing ((: taking chances is my favourite song :DD beautifully written plus full of emotions.
B2stywife #5
i love it!!!Make more Haefany fanfic please...^^
christinyweenie #7
This chapter is so good! Hope you update the next chapter soon!!!! <3
.,'oh my..update update UPDAAAAAAAAATE!! the first chapter was so good..please update soon ^^..i'll wait
Love the first chapter!!