
Reality Phones (On Hiatus)

When Zico awoke to an empty bed, a sense of unease came over him. "Kyung?" He yelled out, not exactly knowing why. When no answer came, he got out of bed, taking the sheet with him to cover his body, and walked into the living room. "Kyung, where are you?" With no answer and no sign of him, he went to the kitchen to find a note on the counter. 

"Didn't want to wake you. Going to work. There's kimbap in the fridge. See you when I get home.

Love you, Kyung."

Zico couldn't believe himself. Where else would Kyung have gone? Kyung worked five out of the six work days to pay for the apartment. The store he worked at wasn't open on Sundays since the owners were mega religious and believed that you shouldn't work on God's day. They also think gays are the devil's spans sent to earth to derail good God loving Christians but as long as Kyung doesn't tell them they'll never know. 

After getting dressed Zico walked into the living room to watch TV when the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Zico."

"Hello Jiho."

"Mom?" Zico couldn't believe it. Ever since he came out to his parents his mother always called him Zico.

"You don't have to worry honey. Mommies here."

"Mom? What are you talking about?"

"Everything's going to be ok. You don't have to worry. Mommy will fix everything."

"Mom, I don't understand, what are you talking about? Is this about dad? Did something happen to dad?" Zico's father had not taken the outing very well. When Zico told his parents he was gay his father walked out of the room only to come back ten minutes later with a suitcase in his hand. They haven't talked  since. 

"Don't worry. Just do what you're told and everything will be fine." With that the line goes dead. Zico stands there staring at the phone, utterly confused. He places the phone back in it's cradle only to pick it back up and dial his mother. 


"Mom? Hey, what was that all about?"

"What do you mean, Zico?"

"You just called me. Is something wrong with dad?"

"I didn't call you. And nothings wrong with your father. In fact he's sitting on the couch watching Star King at the moment. Not that it's the same without Kong Ho Dong but-"

"Are you sure you didn't call?"

"Yes, Zico I'm sure."

"Wait, you called me Zico."

"Of course I did. I always call you Zico." There was a pause on both sides. "Honey, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Ok, well, call me if you need me. It's getting close to dinner and you know your dad doesn't like to wait."

"Yeah, ok. Bye." 

Zico couldn't be anymore confused. Why would his mother deny calling? And why had she called him by his real name? He sat down on the couch and just stared at the opposite wall. What is going on he wondered. He kept thinking about it until the front door opened.

"Zico, I'm home!" Zico looked at the clock to find it was only four o'clock and on Thursdays Kyung usually worked until nine.

"Kyung? What are you doing home?"

"Oh, Mrs. Kim accidentally swore when she dropped a can of tomato sauce on her foot so they closed to shop and went to pray. If it wasn't for the fact that they pay well I would so quit. They are some crazy people." When he walked in and saw Zico he knew something was wrong. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Seriously, what's wrong. And you know I know something's wrong so don't lie to me." Kyung was right, he could always tell when something was bothering Zico. 

"Oh, I think we got prank called." He said to try and brush it off but it didn't work.

"If it was just a mere prank call you wouldn't look so freaked out." He said as he sat down next to Zico, putting his hand on top of the others. 

"Well, I got a call from my mother say stuff like 'It's ok. Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Mommies here.' And she called me Jiho. Kyung, she hasn't called me that since I came out. 

"Ok, well what else."

"She wouldn't answer my questions and then she hung up. So I called her back and asked her about it but she acted like I was crazy. She denied calling and she called me Zico." Finished he looked at Kyung, who was just as puzzled as he was.

"I don't know what to tell you. It probably was just a prank call. If they do it again call the cops. It might be one of those scam callers."


"Have you eaten?"

"Oh, no. Once I got that call it freaked me out so much I forgot."

"Ok, well, how about bulgogi?"

"Sure." While Kyung went to the kitchen to begin preparing Zico couldn't help but wonder.

And the calls being. This story is obviously going to be fast pace and probably not very long. 

So, there you go. It may seem kind of boring right now and the only things they do is have and eat but I promise you it will stay that way. No, I'm kidding I have other stuff that I will be getting to as the story goes so I hope you stay for the ride.]

Until next time.

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So I was chair challenged today for orchestra so in order to practice Im going to have even less time to update. I will update when I can. Sorry!!


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This story seems very interesting, and I can't wait for the next update! I wonder how it's all going to unfold.
aw this story is interesting! can't wait to read more from you~ i know it's a stupid question but.. who's topping? cause kyung carrying zico is just.. idk it felt weird lol

oh and you should add the zikyung tag, more people will read it (i accidentally opened your fic), have a good day c: