Chapter 19 | Aftermath

It Lead Me To You

Chapter 19 | Aftermath


          Seunghyun was on his knees. He didn't believe what he had just heard. My father? He thought in disbelief. His father had always been a warm-hearted guy, he didn't believe his father would have the will to do something that cruel. He needed to confirm. Bom walked closer to Seunghyun, crouched down, and wrapped her arms around him. "Bom.." He started to speak. "I'm so sorry."
          "For what?" She spoke with a calm voice, holding in the shock of what she had just seen earlier.
          "That you had to witness that." He freed her hands and turned to look at her. "You're probably scared of me now." His lowered his head, and she picked it right up with her hand.
          Looking into his eyes, she said, "I'm not scared of you." He looked at her, and didn't believe what she said. "Really, I'm not afraid of you Seunghyun." She placed her lips on his, kissing him softly. She pulled away, but he held her face in his hands and pulled her back in. The kiss was different from before, it was now slow, but more passionate, like he had found comfort in her. He slowly pulled away from her and held her in a hug.

          Seunghyun walked to his car, ready to confront his father. He didn't even know what he was going to say, he just needed to know the truth. He got in his car, and started driving towards his father's office.
          Bom went to go look for Min Woo, so she closed down her shop for the day. She called him twice, but he didn't pick up. She kept looking around, running so hard she could hardly breathe. She stopped at the corner of a street, and called him once again. This time he picked up. "Hello?" He answered, his voice was rougher than usual.
          "Where.." Bom said breathlessly, she was too tired to speak.
          "Where are you?!" She screamed into the phone.
          "Look across the street." He said simply. She quickly turned her head and saw Min Woo, drinking soju at a street vendor. He waved to her and she hung up the phone, running to him. She sat next to him at the street vendor's mini restaurant. "Why are you here?" He said, taking a shot of soju. 
          "I was worried." 
          "Shouldn't you be worried about Seunghyun instead of me?"
          "Seunghyun went to see his father. Min Woo...did you tell the truth back there?" She asked, looking at him nervously. She looked at the bruises that Seunghyun left of Min Woo's face, caressing them softly. "Shouldn't you go to a hospital?"
          "Why? I have all the medicine I need right here." He said looking at his bottle of soju. "And what I said back there, yeah I wasn't lying. Seunghyun's dad forced me to lie to Hye Yoon. If I didn't, he said he would have done things to my family. My family was already in a bad place, I couldn't let him hurt them." He poured himself another glass. "Why do you think I flinched when I saw Seunghyun for the first time? It wasn't because of his glare, It was because he was Hye Yoon's brother." He sighed. "I hate thinking about this. I hate talking about this. I wasn't good enough for her."
          "Everyone has a past they aren't proud of." Bom tried to comfort Min Woo, but she had no idea on how.

          Seunghyun drove at a crazy speed, trying to get to his father as soon as possible. He couldn't think straight so he the radio, but turned it off a few seconds later because he got annoyed. He finally arrived at his father's law firm, entering with a mind full of questions. He burst open the doors of his father's office. He was a middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt and a loosened black tie. "Son, what brings you here?" He smiled as he saw Seunghyun but his smile immediately disappeared as soon as he saw the anger on Seunghyun's face. "What's wrong?"
          "Father..." Seunghyun closed his eyes as he began speaking, praying that his father would tell him that he didn't do what Min Woo told him. "Did you threaten a boy to lie to Hye Yoon, to tell her that he only used her for money?" 
          "Seunghyun, what are you-" 
          His father began speaking but he cut him off, "Did you or did you not?!" He screamed. He opened his eyes to see the scared look on his father's face.
          "I did." 
          I. did. The words kept echoing in Seunghyun's head. His father did do it. "You killed her. You killed her." He fell to the ground, breaking down in tears. "You killed her!" 
          "Seunghyun. I didn't kill her. She killed herself." 
          Seunghyun had enough. He got up and walked closer to his father, held him up by his collar, and put his fist in the air to punch him, but pulled back as soon as he saw the cowardly face on his father. He left the room in anger, slamming the doors shut as he walked out. He got back in his car and started driving. He still had anger in him, and so he accelerated the car, driving faster than the speed limit. He reached an intersection, but realized that he was heading right into another car. His eyes widened and he tried to switch lanes, but his car suddenly stumbled forward violently. He heard the sound of breaking glass as the airbag exploded in his face.          

I am so sorry that this story has gotten so sad! D: 

And I am also sorry for not updating in a while, I was spending the last of my summer break with my family.

I promise this story will go back to being happy, and I will update more frequently! :)

Leave comments, I love reading your feedback! x


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will update tomorrow~


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kratepow #1
Chapter 23: update please!!!
65384084 #2
Chapter 23: Please continue this story,.......
I'm so happy you updated^^...etteoke seunghyun still having trouble without his father's ok, I'm ok with this update as along as you come back and finish the fic, whenever you're ready^^...
Chapter 18: Good one. :)
Chapter 16: I could almost imagine, once again sweet..
Chapter 14: Oh. Min Woo looks so handsome. Is he bestfriend of Seunghyun's late sister? Hmm..
Chapter 13: Who could be the new character?
Chapter 12: Ohmy. Sweetest thing ever. <3<3<3