Raincoat 1

Raincoat : The Story of Us

This is what it all started...



EXO-K's last special fanmeeting this Sunday. I marked my calendar on that day. Finally, I could meet them personally, since I am too busy and such. But what disappoints me is that, IT will be my first and probably my last.




I sighed and rested my head on my palms. 


What should I do on that day? What should I give to my bias, Suho to make it memorable? Since he is the leader, I might want to give him ... DISCIPLINE? No ... psh >< That won't work. And I will look stupid with that. And besides, how should I give him discipline? Moral lessons? LOL ame and embarassing...


I lied on my bed this time and roll like a buffalo. And then it rained outside. I stared on my windowsill. Hmm... What about something that relates to water? Since his element is WATER!


I considered my thoughts, and think hard on what thing that relates to water, will I give. I remembered his picture. I forgot where it was but he's wearing a hat.


Oh yea! A hat will do!


I fistpumped and get ready to go out and decided to buy a hat for him. Running downstairs, I forgot my mom is out also. Bringing the ONLY umbrella in our house. Jeez, Now what should I do? I can't postponed it! Tommorow is SUNDAY already, how could I forget that! OTL!


I racked my head on things, ideas and ways what to do. And I came up with something. I am now standing at our porch ready to run to our gates. I breathed sharpy. "It's now or never! Kyaa~" I shrieked as soon as I ran under the rain.


I am slowly soaked but I think positively. I love walking under his love...  I blushed and cupped my cheeks. My raincoat's of no use. I am now wet and I still spazzed in the middle of the rain. I felt this sudden feeling of 'hoity-toity' thingy stung me.


"a.lkdsjhlkasdjfhlasdfhkasjdfh" I mumbled.


Peopl who happened to pass by me threw some suspicious look. I bowed and smiled at them politely showing them that I'm not yet insane. I went inside the shop after removing my 'not-so-help' raincoat and hanged it on a hanger.


I started looking around and found the "HATS" section. When I walked through them I made derp faces. Why do these hats seem to not look good on him? I thought as I imagined Suho, MY BIAS~, wearing straw hats.


"Yew ..." I mutter as I put the hat back on the rack.


I sighed for how many times I can't count anymore today.  I guess, hats won't work for him. I decided to give up and planned to do something instead. I slowly walked towards the exit when something caught my eye.




My eyes flashed in a wide smile. (a/n: is it even possible? LOL) I approached the salesgirl standing behind it. "Uh, excuse me... UHm, how much does this cost?"


The sales girl brightened up. "Oh? Yes? Ah, this is 10,000 KW for you, Miss." she beamed. My face fell. How on earth can i get that money?! It's not that expensive, but I don't have enough, for all time, NOW!


The saleslady seemed to notice my expression and decided to offer me something. "Uh, Miss.Since you're the first one to approach and I see you are really interested to buy, I'l give you a discount." she said and this time I beamed. "Really?"


"You've got 50% for this one, Miss!" she said and handled me the couple raincoat. MY eyes widened and I smiled widely.


"a.lfkahsdflkjsahdfldjsk..." I mutter. The lady stared at me confusely. "Thank you soooo much!" I said and then hugged the raincoat tightly.


When I go out, the rain had calmed down. Tiny droplets fall on me and I couldn't care less. I am happy, that's all! I feel this ''hoity-toity' thingy again and this time, I liked it! (a/n: OTL, me spazzing~)


And then I went home, after that, I take some beauty rest to be atleast, I'm beautiful to look at in Suho's eyes. Teehee~ x3 I gigged on my thought and then prepared myself.




how was it? sorry for the WAIT~ hope you like FIRST chap!


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Chapter 6: Beautiful story ^^
Chapter 2: wiiiiiieeeee~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kept giggling in every scene that happens next~! :))
DaeFaanyYong #3
Thank you ~ Saranghae~ I love this story like I fell in love ~ <3
HAHAHA the end! ~! TT^TT
ooohh chuuuppss! I fell for Suho! it's all your fault. HAHA sehun will be mad at me .
shoooottt drag me along! HAHHAHAHA boom!
off to reading... XD
Out of sudden I want to buy a raincoat T-T
amanda13 #9
Uah !!! So cute!!!!
But maybe it's little bit too fast for falling in love ? Ahahah it's just my opinion ~
It's so cute!
Keep doing stories cute like this.
Thumbs up, author-nim!