The First Wife.

"I know right now you're thinking of someone else & I know right now, you're loving someone else. I just want you to know that right not, you are my someone else."


That night, another dinner was planned by Eun Hee and Kris's parents. Only this time, it is going to be in the Choi's mansion. Eun Hee who is ignorant about this little arrangement, invited Tiffany over for dinner. 

"Eun Hee- oh your friend is here." Hana said when she entered her daughters room and gave Tiffany a disgusted look. 

"Annyeong haseyo." Tiffany greeted standing up to bow formally but was ignored, making Tiffany want to choke her.

"Omma, my friend's name is Tiffany and you needed something?" Eun Hee asks politely.

"Well, I was going to tell you that the Wu family will be having dinner here tonight, I guess your friend can join too." Her mother replied, glancing at tiffany with disapproval.

"Kamsahabnida." Tiffany said bowing. Normally, she'd say no to dinners like this but sine Kris's family is coming oer, she wants to make an impression that would waver their minds. She wants to leave the perfect daughter-in-law image. 

"Oh and this dinner is going to be formal so make sure you borrow one of my daughter's old dresses. Eun Hee, I'll have your new dress brought up here, make sure you're ready at 7:00 sharp." Hana said then turned around with out sparing each of the girls a single glance.

"Sorry about that." Eun Hee apologized, glaring at the spot where her mother once stood.

"It's okay, at least I don't have to deal with her everyday of my life. How do you live with her around Eun Hee?" Tiffany fake sympathizes.

"If you've lived with her all your life, you learn to ignore her ways. After all, she is still my mother." Eun Hee answered, standing up just as the maid knocked on her bedroom door.

"Miss, I have your dress for tonight." The maid entered and placed the dress which is still in it's box, on her bed. 

"Thank you unnie." Eun Hee said smiling at her favorite unnie.

"Can I see your dress?" Tiffany asked, inching closer to the box. She just wants to see what Eun Hee's dress would look like so she could choose a better one and out shine her.

"Yeah, later. Let's get your dress first." Eun Hee said, silently hoping she'd look good on her dress.

"Okay, sorry, I'm just really excited to see you in it and see Kris's face when he sees you in it!" Tiffany exclaimed.

"You are weird Tiff. Do you know that?" Eun Hee stated, chuckling and turned to open her walk- in closet. while Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"So which one do you want?" Eun Hee asked, opening another door that leads to all the dresses in the closet. Tiffany's eyes widened then composed herself.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be in this dinner?" Tiffany asks sure of Eun Hee's answer.

"Of course! at least this would avoid me from being alone with that idiot!" Eun Hee said as Tiffany smirked in victory.

"So you're using me?" Tiffany asked playfully.

"Of course I'm not! You're my best friend and even if Kris and his family won't be here you're still going to stay anyway." Eun Hee answered, pulling out a blue dress that stops two inches above the knees and was tight fitting. It was a beautiful dress and Tiffany would look beautiful in it. 

"Wow, that's a really pretty dress." Tiffany commented. The first genuine thing she's said to Eun Hee for a while.

"You like it?" Eun Hee asked, smiling.

"Of course I do!" Tiffany answered frowning, remembering how she doesn't own the dress.

"That's great! You can have it! now let's look for shoes!" Eun Hee suggested, pulling Tiffany out the dress section and through another door which was filled to the brim with shoes and heels and sandals of different varieties.

"Wow." Was all Tiffany said as she turned her head from one side to the other. 

"So I think black pumps would be best." Eun Hee noticed, picking thousand dollar pumps.

"Can I have these too?" Tiffany asked.

"Yep!" Eun Hee answered enthusiastically.

"Wait, I have a question." Tiffany said, putting the dress and the shoes on the couch that was in the center of the room.

"What is it?" 

"Do you still like Kris?" 

"YAH! That was when we were kids!" Eun Hee said.

"You didn't deny Eun Hee. Just tell me the truth." Tiffany asked seriously. 

"Honestly?" Eun Hee asked.

"Duh." Tiffany snapped, her patience wearing out.

"Yeah. I do. I still like him. I mean he never noticed me but I always noticed him." Eun Hee remembered, her heart tightening at the memory. 

"And how did you hate him exactly?" Tiffany asked truly curious.

"We were in a party and at that time I didn't meet you yet, Tao was my best friend. All of a sudden Kris passed by me and I told Tao I liked Kris. Tao started teasing me but I didn't care. There was another party and I asked Tao if he could talk to Kris and try to make friends but then I heard Kris tell Tao that girls had cooties and Tao shouldn't hang out with me." Eun Hee explained, pouting at the childish reason.

"So you hate him because he got your best friend?" Eun Hee nodded.

"So you still like Kris." Tiffany repeated.


"So that means you're okay with this marriage?" 

"No! I still like Kris but that doesn't mean I'm in love with him! Tiff, I'm still going to marry the man who stole me childhood best friend and I hate him for that." Eun Hee said, frowning.

"So, there's a chance that you'd fall in love with him?" Tiffany asked.

"Sadly yes." Eun Hee confessed as Tiffany smiled because she is now confident that Kris's plan would work. While Eun Hee pushed Tiffany playfully thinking Tiffany was teasing her. 

Apparently not.  

"Eun Hee! It's 6:30! we still need to put on hair and make up!" Tiffany gushed.

"Okay okay." 

They got out of the closet; Eun Hee headed towards her bed and opened the box only to reveal a tan colored short sleeved dress, that was fitting on the torso, tied with a ribbon on the mid section and flows down two inches above her knees. Eun Hee smiled knowing she'd look pretty with the dress and placed it on the bed to run cause she had the perfect shoes. 

After she was in the dress, Eun Hee was right. she looked absolutely perfect in the dress. Tiffany who was feeling jealous automatically formed another plan.

"Eun Hee can you put my make up first?" She asked, glancing at the wall clock that said 6:55. Five minutes to 7:00 and it takes five minutes to do her hair and make-up. 

Eun Hee who was oblivious about the time said yes.

"Finished!" Eun Hee cheered, looking at who she thought is her best friend. Tiffany looked in the mirror impressed.  She looked almost perfect.

"Miss, the Wu family is here." 

"They are?" Eun Hee asked and glanced at the wall clock which says 7:02

"Oh my goodness! Eun Hee hurry sit on the chair! I'll do your make-up fast!" Tiffany gushed but Eun Hee just smiled and shook her head.

"It's okay, I'd rather not be late. Let's go! balli!" Eun Hee said making her way out of her room and giving the maid a smile. 



"Eun Hee has a friend over, I hope you wouldn't mind to much." Hana apologized, leading them into the dinning area.

"Oh non- sense! any friend of Eun Hee is a friend of Kris!" Hae Jung said giggling while Pyo and Jae Hwan went to another room to start talking about business.

"Wow, really mom?" Kris commented unable to hold his mouth. Before anyone could answer Kris, They heard foot steps coming towards them.

"Oh, they must be here." Hana noted, making Kris roll his eyes.

"Sorry, we're late." Eun Hee apologized bowing. Kris's eyes widened when he saw Tiffany. His girlfriend looks hot and he can't even touch her tonight. His eyes trailed from Tiffany to Eun Hee and he literally felt a strain in his pants.

"Annyeong haseyo, Tiffany imnida." Tiffany introduced, bowing and giving Hae Jung a big smile. Hae Jung returned the smile and commented on how beautiful Tiffany and Eun Hee looked especially because she had no make- up on. While Kris just stared at Eun Hee the whole time.

', when the hell did she looks so attractive?' 

"Don't you think so Kris?" Hae Jung asked.

"Huh?" He asked absentmindedly.

"I said the girls look very beautiful tonight. Don't you agree?" Kris nodded before answering.

"Y-yes I - uh - yeah, Eun Hee looks beautiful." Kris stuttered, feeling his throat dry, not noticing how his mother asked about both the girls being beautiful, making Tiffany smile.

'Dude, get yourself together. Make her fall for you then break her heart so she's going to file for divorce.' He reminded himself.

Eun Hee rolled her eyes, trying to control her blush but failed, while Tiffany scrunched the hem of her dress and 'accidentally' kicks Kris under the table.

"OW!" Kris yelped, waking up from his stupor.

"Are you okay?" Hana asked.

"Oh, yeah, mianhe." He apologized, glancing at Tiffany who glared at him. 

All through out dinner, Kris kept staring at Eun Hee but also kept stealing glances at Tiffany just to make sure she wouldn't see him staring at Eun Hee. Pyo and Jae Hwan arrived in the middle of dinner and announced that their engagement party will be held in two weeks.

"Wait, before you continue." Hana interrupted.

"Eun Hee I think it's time for your friend to go. Since we will be discussing important family matters." Hana said, whispering to Eun Hee loud enough for only Tiffany to hear. 

"But-" Eun Hee started to protest.

"Oh, excuse me, but I have to go, it seems like it's getting really late." Tiffany said, standing up.

"Oh Of course, we'll have our chauffeur drive you home." Hana said immediately leading Tiffany out. 

"I can send her home." Kris said automatically standing up making everyone stare at him including Eun Hee.

"I mean, since she's my fiance's best friend-" Kris started but was cut off by Pyo.

"No need for that son, that's why there's a chauffeur and I'm sure he can be trusted." 

"Okay." Was all Kris said before giving a guilty glance to Tiffany who was furious.



"Okay, we are going to be announcing this to the media next week so to be safe starting next week, both of you will be home schooled." Jae Hwan started, glancing at is daughter and his soon to be in- law. Eun Hee nodded in understanding while Pyo gave Kris a hard look silently telling Kris to challenge him, luckily Kris stayed silent.

"Your wedding will two months from now, so that means one month from now, you will e living in the same house." Jae Hwan said, stopping to make sure both of them understands.

"I suggest both of you start to get to know each other and treat each other like real lovers." Pyo commented, while Hana and Hae Jung nodded their heads in agreement.

"Kris, after your wedding you will be learning the ropes of both our companies since we are merging and you will be heir; make sure you'd know what to do."  Jae Hwan continued. Kris nodded already excited with the thought of finally handling a company.

"Eun Hee you are expected to be by your husband's side every time there is a company event, Even though he's not yet the president, appearances by the future ruling couple of our companies and important is that understood?" Pyo asked. Eun Hee nodded and glanced at Kris who smiled at her. 

"So that would be it, and for your engagement party, Both of you invite friends who fit our circle understood?" Both of them nodded and is once again sent to another room.


"So, I guess you really will be my wife." Kris stated, staring intently at Eun Hee.

"Yup, I guess I will." She answered trying to ignore her beating heart.

'Eun Hee remember he has cooties.' 

"Hey, can we just try this?" Kris asks suddenly.

"Try what?

"You know. try to be a couple? I mean we're spending our forever together. might as well et used to this." Kris said smiling at her. For the first time since they met, Eun Hee returned the smile which made Kris feel a lot of things physically and emotionally.

"Okay, I think that would be helpful." instead of a reply, Kris stood up from his chair and leaned on Eun Hee's. He lightly placed his lips on top of hers. It wasn't a kiss just a peck but it sparked liked fireworks.

"What was that?" Eun Hee asked shocked and tingly everywhere.

"That." Kris said only one inch away from her and pecked her on the lips again.

"A seal to our deal." He continued, finding himself closing the distance between them for the third time. 




Hey! so here's the third chapter! Tiffany is kinda y ain't she?

i love you!

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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!