The First Wife.

"What hurts the most, was being so close and having so much to say but watching you walk away." 



Kris knew Eun Hee and the others were sneaking around and left early. He stared at the open window as the cold breeze blew lightly blew past him, biting his skin. His eyes were blood shot and his head was still throbbing. He rubbed his hands over his face and blew out a large breath; alcohol from the night before still evident. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to face Eun Hee. He wanted to do every unpleasant thing to Tiffany. He wanted to give up. 

His phone suddenly vibrated inside his pocket, indicating he had a text message. Thinking it could be Eun Hee, he shifted and fished his phone out, even though he wasn't ready to talk to her. He unlocked his phone and pressed a button. 

To: Kris

FR: Tiffany


Kris, We need to talk. Please.


Kris groaned and threw his phone lightly on the bed and lay down. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now. but the phone vibrated again. And again, he ignored it.  'Avoiding her won't help anything. Just make it clear that you don't want her anymore.' Kris' inner self thought as he heard the phone vibrate for the third time. He groaned as he sat up; grabbed the phone and opened the messages, But as he read each message, anger was slowly building up inside him and he was as pissed as .

To: Kris

FR: Tiffany


Kris, please it's important. 


To: Kris

FR: Tiffany

If you won't answer  me, I'm going to tell Eun Hee.  


At this message Kris rolled his eyes. ' Like Eun Hee would waste her time on you.' He thought.The wind blew stronger. Kris glanced at the window and saw the clouds darken as thunder strike. It was about to rain. He got up to close the window but stopped short when he read the next message.


To: Kris

FR: Tiffany


I'm pregnant and you're the father.

Kris breathed out and read the message again and again. He frowned. He wasn't even nervous. He knew it wasn't his. He closed the window and dialed Tiffany's number. She answered on the first ring as he sat on the window sill.

"Kris." Tiffany deadpanned.

"You lying b*tch." He retorted, feeling everything inside grow cold. He crossed his left arm over his chest and leaned on the window, closing his eyes when his head ache grew stronger.

"Kris, listen. You're the only guy I've ever had-"

"Cut the crap Tiff. I know you're lying. I knew all this time you've cheated on me again and again. Even my friends know but I chose to remain silent and ignore it because I loved you." Kris rebuked, getting straight to the point. 

"Kris, we did it last night." Tiffany replied smartly, smirking silently.

"Tiffany please, I know you aren't the brightest crayon in the box but goodness! Who knew you were this stupid!? A girl can't get pregnant right after the encounter." Kris replied, ending coldly. Tiffany bit her lip and stopped the urge to hit her head. 'Damn it Tiff! Why didn't you think of that!?' She thought.


"Stop with the games Tiffany. I will not allow you to ruin my relationship with Eun Hee and if you talk to her or even look at her, I swear to my grave that you will  pay a big big price." Kris warned and smiled smugly when he heard Tiffany in a breath. Then he continued.

"Go ruin your own life Tiffany. This is the last conversation I'm expecting to have with you." With that, Kris pressed end and breathed out, happy that he kind of settled things. 'Now for the hard part.' He thought. But before he could do anything, his phone rang and thinking it was Tiffany he answered it, ready to blow out angrily but stopped short when he heard his wife's voice.


"E-Eun Hee." He stuttered, sinking on the carpeted floor due to guilt.

"Kris I-" Eun Hee sighed before she continued. "Do you have something to say to me?" She inquired, smiling when Tao gave her and encouraging look. Kris laughed a dry laugh and leaned placed his elbow on his knee while shaking his head.

"Yes. I have a lot to say." Kris started.

"Well?" Eun Hee asked in a small voice.

"Wait, can we- I want to talk to you in person Eun Hee. I don't want to do this over the phone. Where are you?" He asked, getting up from his pitying position and started walking towards their room.

"I'm with Tao and Xiu Min Oppa." She replied, adding Oppa at the end when Xiu Min glared at her. "We're at the Element cafe in a private room." She continued and swatted Xiu Min's hand when he attempted to pinch her cheeks.

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour." 

"An hour?" Eun Hee asked surprised. it wouldn't take her husband an hour to be ready.

"Eun Hee, I look like a mess right now." He answered, feeling the tension from earlier dissolve. Eun Hee laughed making his heart race. 

"Arasso." Eun Hee answered, making things go awkward.

"Eun Hee?" Kris asked after a few seconds.

"Yeah?" She answered, her heart beating fast. She didn't want to call him but Tao insisted and said she shouldn't jump into conclusions.

"I did something unforgivable and I honestly want to beat the sh*t out of myself for letting it happen but please before you react to anything, listen to me alright?" Kris asked, close to pleading.

"Okay." She answered, as the photo of Kris and Tiffany flashed in her mind.

"Saranghae." Kris stated, breathing out. He pulled out some clothes and sat on the marble top of their bathroom sink, waiting for Eun Hee's reply nervously.

"Okay. See you in an hour." She replied, not quite ready to open up her heart to him again. Yes, she loved him but what Kris did or what she think he did was too much that she can't find it in herself to say I Nado, saranghae.

"Okay." Kris put the phone down and stared at his reflection in the mirror. 'I have to gain her trust back.' He thought as he grabbed the bottle of shaving cream.



Kris, exited the bathroom newly shaved and looking handsome. He wore a black muscle shirt with a V-neck and dark skinny jeans paired with sneakers, making him look like a model who stepped out of a magazine. He got the keys to his car and hurriedly made his way down and nodded his head when he passed by G.Na and Ailee who greeted him with a curt nod. 'They probably know what happened.' He thought. 'Maids know everything.' He added as an after thought. 

When he got out the mansion to get to his car, he frowned. It was still raining and it actually got stronger. The wind blew cold against his exposed skin but he ignored it, wanting to explain and patch things up with his wife. He ran towards the car shielding himself from the rain and made it with only a few droplets on him. He started the engine and drove as fast as he  could to the cafe. It was 45 minutes. away from their mansion and he was eager. 

As he exited a rode and entered the high-way, a big sign that said DETOUR blocked the path. "What the hell!?" He cursed, frowning, and opened his window so he could talk to the man holding an umbrella, urging every one to go the opposite way. 

"Why can't I get through?" Kris asked, the scowl still in his face.

"There's a construction going on sir, Mianhe." The man apologized, shifting so the rain wouldn't fall on Kris.

"Arasso, but do you know how I could get to the element with out it involving me in a 2 hour drive?" Kris inquired.

"That small cafe? You just go through that dirt road." The man said, pointing to an abandoned looking road. "And turn left once you reach the embankment. It would lead you straight to the other side of this highway." The man smiled, his yellow teeth showing. Kris nodded and took a mental note to remember everything the man said.

"Kamsahabnida!" Kris thanked and shifted the car to reverse.

Kris entered the road, and the rain poured harder, making it almost impossible for him to see through the windshields even with the wipers on. The rain was just too strong. He knew it was dangerous but he had to get to Eun Hee. He wanted to say sorry he acted like a coward and a bastard.His phone rang pulling him out of his dilemma and he answered it with out looking at the caller.


"Kris? Are you still coming?" Eun Hee asked nervously.

"Yeah, sorry the rain kind of slowed me down but I'm on my way." Kris answered and smiled when he spotted the embankment. But his smiled quickly faded when he realized he was a meter away and his breaks wouldn't budge. He stomped his foot harder but still, the car continued to move. His threw his phone and tried to steer away but nothing happened. If anything it made the car move faster. With his heart beating fast, he heard Eun Hee call for his name sounding panicked from his phone. He picked it up from the passenger seat.He opened the door and was about to jump out but the seat belt pulled him back in place. He closed his eyes and leaned back murmuring an 'I love you, Eun Hee.' when he felt the car fall. His stomach dropped and everything turned black as a huge stone broke through his window and hit him on the head.



Eun Hee's POV

"Kris? Kris? Kris!" I screamed getting up from my position as Tao, Xiu Min, Lu Han, Chen and Lay all stared at me with curiosity. Something was wrong.Kris sounded panicked.

"Kris!" I screamed again, my heart rate beating faster every time I called his name. No reply came. I  started pacing. i shouldn't jump into conclusions but Kris all of a sudden dropping the phone didn't sound safe at all.

"What's happening Eun Hee?" Tao asked, getting up from his seat to approach me. I opened my mouth to answer but stopped when Kris spoke.

"I love you, Eun Hee." My heart slammed into my chest as I heard a loud crashing noise. M chest tightened and I felt rooted to the ground but he needed me. Something bad was happening to Kris.

"Kris!?" I yelled frantically, running out of the private room, not caring if people looked at me like I was crazy. Tears sprung out from my eyes as i looked around, not knowing what to do. 

"Kris! Answer me!" I screamed into the phone but the line went dead. 


HEY! okay, yes you can kill me. I don't think you like how i ended this chapter. TEEHEE but yeah I've been busy and yeah.... dun dun dun. don't worry from now on.. ish Tiffany won't be involved,,,, that much... 

i love you!

please don't forget to comment and subscribe! 


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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!