The First Wife.

Sad Reality: People won't acknwoledge your personality if you don't look good physically.


5 minutes into the game, Eun Hee's phone vibrated from the pool table. She struggled out of Kris' hold and ran to get answer it.

"Yoboseyo? Tiffany? Are you alright?" She asked when she saw the caller I.D. And heard soft muffles on the other line. This made Tao tense and Kris freeze. Even though he broke it off with Tiffany he still loved her as a friend.

"I- Eun Hee my dad c-came a-and..." Tiffany broke into a fake sob remembering the details of the lie she once told Kris and Eun Hee, that her father abused her and came to her house to get money from her. 

"Omo! What did he do? That bastard!" Eun Hee cussed, shocking everyone. 

She never cussed.

"H-he told me I- i had to pay for his debt- T-the loan sharks came h-here with him and demanded I pay 7,000,000 won..." Tiffany stuttered once again breaking out into a fake sob when she was really secretly smiling, knowing Eun Hee would give in.

"I..." Eun Hee was speechless. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't offer money anymore since her account was joined with Kris, She turned her head and locked gazes with Kris who had his eye brows creased in worry and concern. Eun Hee already had tears streaming down her face. Feeling the pain of Tiffany. 

Lu Han, Chen, Xiu Min, Lay and Tao clenched their fists and held their mouths and knew what the call was about. It frustrated them how they can't do anything about it. 

Well Tao had a plan. 

"Tiffany, we'll be in your apartment 30 minutes from now, let's talk about this." Eun Hee suggested as Tiffany frowned. There was something wrong, Eun Hee usually offered money right away but now - "She wants to talk?" -Tiffany thought.

"Okay." Tiffany sniffed for effect and dropped the call secretly smirking.

Eun Hee turned to her trusted friends and husband and explained Tiffany's situation. Kris' fist clenched remembering Tiffany's bruises -which were fake - and breathed in trying to control his emotions.

As they were planning what to do, Tao exited surreptitiously and got his phone out and dialed Hana's number.

"Yoboseyo?" Hana answered wondering what Tao would need with her.

"Omma." This shocked her. The last time Tao called her that was when they were kids.

"Tao! What a pleasant surprise! What can I do for you?" Tao them proceeded to enlighten Hana about some things. Not knowing it may possibly backfire.



"I'll go get ready." Eun Hee said and exited the game room, running into Tao as she did.

"Eh. Were you here the whole time?" She asked.

Tao nodded and gave her a soft smile when Kris followed Eun Hee and just stared blankly at Tao, ignoring the jealousy rising with in him.

"Okay then, I'll go ahead and change." She said running up the stairs, eager to get to her best friend.

Kris gave Tao one last lingering look he caught up with his wife. 

"Yah! Where did you go?" Lu Han asked when he spotted Tao's frame entering the game room.

"I had some business to tend to." Was Tao's vague answer. Lu Han gave him a suspicious look while the others shrugged it off. 

"KRIS IS AN IDIOT!" Xiu Min suddenly bolted up with his fists clenched.

"Yah! What are you yelling about?" Chen asked pulling Xiu Min back on the couch.

"Why can't he just break it off with that money hoarder!?" Xiu Min continued, feeling his emiotions stir. He didn't like that Eun Hee was kept in the dark about all this. 

"Hyung! Calm down! Kris broke it off with her this morning, there's nothing to worry about." Lay says calmly, earning looks from his friends and leaving them to wonder how the heck he knew that.


In their room, Eun Hee ran straight towards the huge walk in closet he shared with Kris while he was leisurely walking right behind her. 

This went unnoticed to Eun Hee who immediately stripped herself off from her pajamas the night before. Kris stopped and froze in his tracks. He wanted to turn around and give her privacy but couldn't find it in himself to move. He felt a sudden surge of want for her rush through his body. Fortunately, he found his voice. Unfortunately, it was gone this minute Eun Hee took her bra off leaving Kris to stare at her .

Eun Hee who finally noticed a presence behind her, turned her head and spotted Kris by the door staring at her wide eyes, his eyes on her back. Eun Hee gasped as she turned to him, bringing her shirt close to her chest to cover herself with as Kris' eyes trailed up from her crossed arms to her face which was burning a bright red color. 

"Y-you -" Before Eun Hee could continue, Kris blinked his eyes rapidly and got his composure back. He slowly turned around and took a deep breath.

"Mianhe." He sad in a very low husky voice Eun Hee found y. And if it wasn't for the silence that enveloped them- She wouldn't have heard him.

She stared at his retreating figure before she shook her head and continued changing, but not before she locked the closet door. As she put on her clothes, she couldn't help but replay everything that happened and feel embarrassed about it.

'It's okay- i mean he's my husband after all right?' She thought to herself.


Kris went straight to their bed and dived straight down his face slamming on the soft mattress. He felt like he had a total brain melt down. He couldn't think straight. He didn't expect Eun Hee to be that - ' Stop it Kris!' - He scolded himself raising his head and dropping it back on the mattress, willing himself to stop thinking about what he saw and how much he wanted more.



After the whole ordeal, Eun Hee burst out of the closet and ran straight out and down the stairs to where Lu han, Lay, Tao, Chen and Xiu Min were waiting patiently.

"Gwenchana?" Tao asked noticing Eun Hee's still flustered face as Kris came into view, looking the same.

Tao placed a hand on her neck to feel her pressure and held her hand so she'd stay put.

"i think I know what you did~" Lay sang out suddenly and was thumped on the head by Chen, who secretly glanced out Tao to see him take a deep breath and close his eyes for a second. 

"Mianhe." Lay apologized, scratching the back of his neck- a sign he was nervous- and glanced at Tao.

"Eun Hee! Do we really have to go? Wait no let me rephrase that, Do you really have to go?" Xiu Min spoke out deciding to break the awkward silence that fell over them.

"Of course! She's my best friend!" Eun Hee answered as Kris reached the bottom of the curved stairs and placed his hand around Eun Hee, effectively pulling her away from Tao's grasp. Tao ignored the cold feeling the swept through him when Eun Hee didn't bother to push Kris away from her. He took another breath and gave Xiu Min a cold stare.

"Hyung, it's their business. Let's go, I haven't been in a club in months." Tao said ignoring the stare Eun Hee gave him. 

"We'll see you in school." Tao stated, leaving no room for anyone to argue as he lifted his hand and saluted to Kris and Eun Hee as a goodbye wave and walked away, feeling Eun Hee's stare shooting lasers on his back. The others followed Tao's gesture and Chen was the first to catch up.

"Yah, you were acting cold." 

"Hyung, don't state the obvious." Was all Tao said before he got in his car and drove off leaving the other four to stare at him before they too got into their own cars.



Eun Hee and Kris walked hand in hand as they entered Tiffany's apartment. 

Everything was a mess.

The tables were flipped over, the appliances were everywhere, the drawers were out of their shelves - hanging like people had searched through them-, papers were scattered everywhere. Eun Hee gasped as she spotted Tiffany in the corner of the room; her head buried in her knees which were crossed in front of her chest. 

Tiffany looked up with tears falling down from her face. - ' Let the acting begin.' She thought and mentally smirked.- Eun Hee immediately ran to her side, tucking the stray hair behind her ear. 

"H-he- I- I- don't - I-" Tiffany started, making sure that she couldn't make a coherent sentence to get both Kris' and Eun Hee's sympathy. 

'"Let it all out." Eun Hee says, glancing at Kris and told him to get water. 

Kris followed her and it didn't go unnoticed to Eun Hee that Kris seemed to familiar with the apartment. He seemed to know where everything went and as she recalled he's only been here once. 

'Eun Hee you're being paranoid!' She thought, and mentally slapped herself for being selfish. Here was her best friend in need of comfort and she thinks about something totally impossible. 

"Here." Kris knelt before them and offered Tiffany water but he quickly stood up, not wanting to stay too close. He felt guilty and he didn't like it. 

"What can I do to help?" Eun Hee asked. But  before Tiffany could answer. Kris' phone rang. 

"It's your mom." Kris said with a scowl. 

"What?" Eun hee glanced at Tiffany then stood up wondering what her mom would need from Kris.

"Yoboseyo?" Eun Hee answered.

"Oh hello daughter dear." Hana said her voice full of caress.

"Omma, did you need anything?" 

"Oh yes, the reason I called. I called the bank and the Wu family. We decided it would be best to have a joint account for both of you. So from now on everything you buy will be monitored." Eun Hee opened to speak but instead, put it to speaker phone so Kris would hear. 

"Omma, you're on speaker phone." 

"Goodie! Okay, let me continue, As I said, everything you buy, deposit and withdraw will be monitored from now on. It's part of Kris' training for the business. and every month you would have a 5,000,000 won limit. We expect there to be 1,000,000 won left though. So basically all you can spend is 4,000,000 and that 4,000,000 is for everything including electricity, toiletries, groceries, car maintenance, gasoline and of course whatever you need." Eun Hee then thought about Tiffany.

"Omma!I don't think that's enough." Eun Hee reasoned. Kris remained silent, knowing there was nothing either he or Eun Hee could do to change their parents minds.

"Of course it is! If it's not we'll pay for it! and don't worry this will only be for a year or two. i have to go now bye." Eun Hee placed the phone down and glanced helplessly at Tiffany who 'broke down crying'. 






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The same thing applies to Suzy. If you want her Suzy (MissA) or Suzy


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Chapter 33: This story was great! I was not expecting that twist after chapter 24 hahaha
Chapter 26: I don't understand people who can just forgive and forget and live on with them like they hasn't caused you any harm...
I hope Kris's situation will be solved without much drama. I hope Suzy will not be like Tiffany
Chapter 24: What the heck just happened?!!
Chapter 23: No no no!! It can't be his! She cheated on him earlier!
Chapter 20: I hope her plan backfires!
Chapter 15: Kris is no better... He needs to make up his mind soon!
Chapter 14: Aargh!! I hope karma wil take a huge chunk of Tiffany's ! She so... Aargh!
Chapter 9: They're digging a deeper grave for themselves now for lying and covering up for Kris.. And made her have high hope for Kris.
Chapter 8: I hope she'll won't forgive them easily when she finds out the truth.. Especially Tiffany and Kris!
Chapter 4: Wake up Kris!