Calm Before the Storm

Math Class [Sequel]



It’s safe to say that their first tutoring sessions left Sungyeol with bruises all over his arms and legs. Sadly, it wasn’t because Myungsoo had his kinks or that Sungyeol enjoyed abuse. Not at all, actually. It was because ‘needs to get his straight’ according to Myungsoo.

                When Sungyeol left Myungsoo’s place after one of their tutoring sessions in late October, he stomped home frowning at the thought of their meetings. Sungyeol had used all the tricks in his book to distract Myungsoo including a flirtatious self. Consequently, Myungsoo punched his arm, slapped his leg or put him in an uncomfortable situation where Sungyeol squawked when Myungsoo shifted closer to him and studied again. Sungyeol rubbed his arm where a bruise was beginning to peek. He supposed he learned some things considering his higher scores in class lately. But it came with a painful warning before them. Myungsoo was dedicated to teaching Sungyeol and would not fall for distractions. After using all his tricks, Sungyeol got bored and decided to pay some attention. However, after seeing Myungsoo’s proud smile given to him for answering something correctly he began to focus more. He really liked Myungsoo’s smile and he wanted to see it again.

                Sungyeol got home late and stretched his long body across the sofa yawning exaggeratedly ignoring his backpack by the door. Sungjong soon walked out of from his room and dropped his body onto Sungyeol. Sungyeol hissed at the pain that bloomed across his legs and arms while Sungjong laughed into the cushions. Sungyeol wiggles around until Sungjong was lying beside him facing the telly across them. Sungyeol hugged his smaller frame and closed his eyes. Sungjong burrowed himself closer into Sungyeol’s chest for warmth.

“How was tutoring hyung?” Sungjong asked as he played with Sungyeol’s long fingers. Sungyeol grunted in response. Sungjong waited for him to continue as Sungyeol yawned and stretched again.

“Augh!...It was terrible! I got beat up again! Look!” Sungyeol stretched his arm showing the light purple spots. Sungjong jabbed one then Sungyeol squawked and began pushing the younger away from him as he laughed loudly.

“I think I might like this tutor of yours! Maybe you’ll learn something.” Sungyeol, who went back to hugging Sugjong’s waist, nudged him forward threatening him to the floor. Soon he’s pulled back from the edge and silence settles again. Sungyeol’s soft snores began to tickle Sungjong’s ear but it doesn’t bother him. He pulls Sungyeol’s arm from around his waist and traces the light purple spots with light fingers. ‘Maybe you’ll learn many things and do better hyung,’ he thinks.

                He enjoys quiet moments like these with ‘Quiet’ Sungyeol. His older ‘bro,’ best friends, ‘protector’ from bullies. Actually that’s how they met. He goes back to day when he shrinking against the bathroom wall waiting for the blows of the approaching students. Back to when Sungyeol stood blocking the door with Woohyun standing beside him arms folded challenging the other two students to hit Sungjong. Sungyeol was popular, sort of. It wasn’t that everyone knew, just that whoever did liked him. So those two other wads begrudgingly walked past them and out of the loo. Sungyeol pulled Sungjong up with the brightest and pinkest gummy smile. Sungjong smiled back and the following days, he was pulled along with the duo.


Sunjong was pushed out of the memory and into the floor when Sungyeol yelped at the sound of the slamming front door. Woohyun grinned at the sight of a pouting Sungjong rubbing his and a disoriented Sungyeol on the couch.

“Oww…what are you doing here?” Sungjong groaned pressing his hand on his lower back.

“Pshhh, you should be happy I am here because I have come to rescue you both from a boring Saturday night of holing up to watch movies.” Woohyun plopped himself Sungyeol who was sitting correctly now and pulling Sungjong from the ground.

“What is it now? Is it another adventure to the neighboring campus because if it is, I am out of it. I don’t have a death wish.” Sungyeol grumbled glaring at Woohyun who laughed at the memory.

“No idiot! Plus that wasn’t entirely my fault…but no. Hear me out. Sunggyu is having a party and since I am his boyfriend and you guys are my friends, it automatically means you’re going.”

“But mid-terms are here!” protested Sungjong.

“Quiet, kitty cat! This party will be the night that they end okay? So you have no excuse but to attend!” He wiggled his finger at Sungjong who leaned forward to snap at it.

Sungjong stuck his tongue out at him as he leaned back while Sungyeol nodded sleepily beside him. Woohyun sunk into the couch further as Sungyeol rested his head on his lap. Woohyun began to play with Sungyeol’s hair.

“Especially you! All you do is study now and go to tutoring. Maybe you should bring your tutor along since we have yet to meet him!” he chirped happily.

“Absolutly not!” Sungyeol screeched from under Woohyun’s petting. He didn’t want to move because he liked being petted. Mostly when people played with his hair. Myungsoo did it when they would work on his homework and it was felt even better but Woohyun would do for now.

“Okay, okay, I was just saying. I mean, I’ll introduce you to people since you haven’t dated in while. Do you think you’ve moved on?” he ended softly. Sungjong glared at him but then shared a nervous look when Sungyeol continue to keep quiet.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” Sungyeol sighed. “I mean, it wasn’t that long and it wasn’t a terrible ending so I am happy. Plus we both knew though we never brought it up. I am glad I met Soohyun hyung. He was a good first boyfriend.” Sungyeol ended with an evident smile in his face.

The other two sighed quietly in relief. They continued to joke around in the dorm until Woohyun had to go back to his place with Sunggyu and both Sungjong and Sungyeol retreated to their room and into their beds. The party was not something that concerned Sungyeol right now when mid-terms were here. For now, at least.



“Gyu-geegee’s having a party!! And you’re invited!” shouted at Myungsoo as he entered their small kitchen. Myungsoo nodded as he reached for a box of cereal while Dongwoo wiggled around in excitement in Hoya’s lap in the living room.

“Who’s going?” he asked before stuffing a handful of Kix into his mouth.

“Everyone we know! And our goal is to find you boyfriend! All you do is tutor people who we don’t know and stare at walls or play guitar in your room. Are you in love or something? It scares me!” Dongwoo questioned with wide eyes.

“Pfft, no. I’m just tired a lot okay? I can’t sleep at night.” Hoya snorted at the comment and Dongwoo giggled into his hand.

“More like you’re distracted! We can hear you sniggering when we go to the bathroom late at night or to the kitchen! Who are you texting? Huh?” Dongwoo wiggled his eyebrow at him with a mischievous smile.

Myungsoo turned away toward the cabinets stuffing the box away. “No one you need to know about.” He bit his lip to hide his smile. He wondered if Sungyeol would be there but then shook his head at the thought. Sunggyu and Sungyeol had never spoken during class since Sunggyu would fall asleep within the first ten minutes and Sungyeol was always focused on taking pointless notes during class rarely talking to him(and completely oblivious of Myungsoo’s gaze on him the entire class). He wouldn’t need to worry about his friends meeting Sungyeol.  Not that he didn’t want them to meet, just that…no. Sungyeol was his object and he really didn’t feel like sharing. Ugh. ‘I think too much weird . How am I still alive?’ thought Myungsoo. He was in his room avoiding Dongwoo’s teasing about how he smiles like an idiot when he’s texting. It’s not his fault Sungyeol has an insane humor! He his lips of Sungyeol in those grey jeans he wore they day they had brunch. ‘His long legs and long hair and all those piercings, and that mole…NO.’ Myungsoo blinked continuously in the dark trying to get the image out of his head before he dot uncomfortable. He sighed as he got into his bed. He had mid terms to worry about tomorrow. He really needed to sleep. He wondered if Sungyeol would do okay in his tests before he fell asleep. 



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first of all...I want to thank all of you for continuing to read and comment. Thanks to my old and new subscribers for reading

my troubles of pleasing you. I know maybe I should be posting this at the end or something but if anyone is a writer and has had

writer's block, they know that it must be torturous for readers and it's really amazing when people continue to wait and motivate you and try to inspire you to write.

Thanks :)

Well now! I wrote this while i was in my english class haha. I guess being in class inspires me to write (sorry to my professor! ^^;;)

Yes a party is coming up! MWAHHAHA Ima need to party to pull this one off since I don't party myself har har :P

On better news I am going to KCON :D I AM SO EXCITED! JASJKSDF.

If any of you guys are going or something, let me know! I like making new friends.

Anyways, thanks for waiting, reading, commenting, and subscribing! I really puts me a happy mood :)













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first time writing u guys


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 6: Wowww
Chapter 6: I was waiting for this. Thank you for that , it maybe short but I love it. ^^
Chapter 5: cliffy :(((((((
they seriously looks so hot. holy god Gyu's collarbone
Chapter 5: damn, it update soon. or tables will be flipped. i usually leave a decent comment. but how can i when i'm left hanging like that?
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 5: Definitely !
Chapter 5: Well you def' laid out the way to , so stopping here would be a little weird? You can always not go into much detail if you aren't comfortable with writing . ^-^
Woah this chapter was great! y Myung, y Yeol, can't-keep-their-hands-of-each-other WooGyu and YaDong, jup it's all great. =D
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 4: Myungsoo and his friends will meet sungyeol at the Party!!! Update soon~
ehhh sorry! it wasn't supposed to be rated I don't know why it did that ^^;;
Chapter 4: M? *huff*