After Class

Math Class [Sequel]



Myungsoo exited his math class content with the events that occurred. The cooling air hit his face when he stepped out of the building and made his way through campus to meet up with some friends at the gates. A smile graced his features at his thoughts of today. The first day of class really hit off well! He looked around his surroundings, hoping to spot his friends to get home quick. He grinned as he saw them approaching with a third person in haul. Hoya grinned with his canine teeth showing and Dongwoo’s grin lifted Myungsoo’s mood up higher(if that was possible).

“Myung! How was class? Was it boring? Did you die? Did you make friends? Doesn’t matter! Meet an old pal of mine!” Myungsoo was used to Dongwoo ‘s speed talking by now. Getting through high school with him was tough at first but 4 years of each other, they learn how to deal. Dongwoo pulled the figure hiding behind him up front and slung an arm around his shoulder and shook him giving them a blinding smile. The young man chuckled at Dongwoo’s antics and smile at Myungsoo revealing his face.

“Sunggyu right?” asked Myngsoo. Course he would remembered him. How could he? He almost took his Sungyeol’s seat in class. (But he was forgiven, kinda) He proceeded to ask anyways to avoid Dongwoo’s method of introduction: humiliation. Dongwoo liked to pluck out ‘hilarious’ stories of the person’s locked file cabinet of life memories. Anyways, Sunggyu grinned at stuck his arm out toward Myungsoo who shook it.

“Yeah! Myungsoo, correct? Didn’t think we’d become friends this quick right?” Myungsoo decided to forgive him completely because, well, he was adorable and seemed straight forward with his thoughts unlike the other who wore confusion on their faces well. One rarely spoke and the other spoke in circles, even if he was a hidden genius.

“Have him for math.” Myungsoo simply said, answering the question Dongwoo and Hoya might have floating in their minds. Dongwoo clapped Sunggyu on his back, laughing hysterically.

“We’re all good friends now! Awesome! Now off to our humble abode we go! We really need to talk and catch up Sunggyu. Thought you had left me forever! You have much to answer! And Myung! Explain that ing smile you had before you even saw us! I feel like having pizza. I’ll pay! Let’s go my dear Hoya!” Dongwoo rushed through the gates laughing to himself as the others followed in suit but laughing at their hyper friend.


They got to an apartment complex around 6pm, just half an hour away from campus. As soon as they entered their apartment, Myungsoo went into his room to drop his items into his neat room unlike Dongwoo and Hoya who dropped theirs by the entrance. Myungsoo watched as Dongwoo pulled Hoya into the couch giving him a back hug and Sunggyu invited himself onto the bean bag beside it and place his bag at the foot.  The doorbell rung promptly and Myungsoo let the aroma of pizza into the home after he paid with Dongwoo’s money. They ate in the living room, pizza placed on the center table. They talked amongst themselves, mostly about Sunggyu. He turned out to be one of Dongwoo’s old friend from high school whom he was never able to introduce to Hoya and Myungsoo because he moved away. Sunggyu was a music major, like the others, but with a minor on sociology. He said he likes to make connections and see how things like the, media and family and culture, affect others and how they communicate and planned on incorporating that into music somehow. Myungsoo decided that Sunggyu would be a good friend after this and offered him another slice which he took. It was a metaphorical gesture that told Sunggyu that Myungsoo liked his company and the feeling is mutual. (BROMANCE appears in large red letters in Myung’s head as he mentally snapped a shot of the moment.) After eating both large pizzas, they laid around in the living room, tv to make background noise. Myungsoo and Sunggyu continued their talk of music and society, while Dongwoo played with Hoya’s hand on the sofa, whispering words to each other and joking as well.  Suddenly Sunggyu’s phone rang. He pulled it out with a small frown. After he glanced at the name on the screen, however, he smiled widely making his eyes into crescents as he answered.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” Myungsoo turned to the tv giving some sort of privacy to Sunggyu.

“I’m just with a couple of friends. Why, what happened?” Myungsoo could hear someone talking loudly and exaggeratedly and then louder background noises. Sunggyu suddenly laughed loudly into the phone surprising Myungsoo.

“Haha! Yeah I’ll meet them. I was wondering when I would too since you spoke so much about them. Were you hiding me from them? They sound upset.” Sunggyu was clearly amused by the other person response, a smile twitching on his lips. Myungsoo wondered who he was talking about. He said babe so I was his partner, which he couldn’t tell the gender of from where he was. Sunggyu looked straight but he thought that about Hoya at first too. Then again, it didn’t matter. Love was love. No one ever really judged him for his uality so he wouldn’t either.

“Yeah just go to the gates, I’ll wait for you guys there. We can go home after; I need to do some reading for my upcoming soc class.”

Anyways, Sunggyu ended his phone call with an ‘I love you too’ still smiling.

“I need to get going guys. I’m gotta meet up with my boyfriend at the campus gates or he’ll act like a kicked puppy for the next days and, yeah, I don’t want that bother haha.” Sunggyu smiled sheepishly at Myungsoo and Dongwoo, Hoya was fast asleep his back on Dongwoo. It was dark outside already, the clock pointed its arms at 8:49. Myungsoo thought momentarily, ‘We need some ramen for the month, Dongwoo said we’re running low on water, Hoya wanted some onion ring chips...

“I’ll walk with you. I kinda need to pass by the store to get some stuff.” Myungsoo figured it be best to get some shopping done since it was ‘late’ to people at the time and the stores would be emptying out.  Myungsoo could shop peacefully without children screaming, women talking, long lines and, well, people all together. Sunggyu nodded with a smile and began to collect his bag. Myungsoo decided to get a sweater to be more comfortable and got his wallet from his nightstand.  Sunggyu bid good bye to Dongwoo, who was nodding off but still managed to grunt in response, and Myungsoo closed the door behind him.

The city was still awake, but inside homes. The streets were lit by the yellow glow overhead Sunggyu and Myungsoo as they strolled along talking about themselves. Sunggyu informed Myungsoo that he was indeed gay and he did have a boyfriend. He described him as a greasy, overly jealous, self-loving, person with an amazing voice (and body, but that Myungsoo wasn’t suppose to hear that.) When he asked Myungsoo why he didn’t have a boyfriend, Myungsoo shrugged and simply said it was his fault. Sunggyu shot him a questioning look.

“I guess it’s because I’m kind of picky. Well, ugh. I mean, if they aren’t interesting, I’m not interested and I mean that to the widest definition. I know I sound shallow, which is another reason I’m alone, but really I can’t be anchored if there’s nothing worth staying for or, metaphorically speaking, a hook.”

Sunggyu gave him an understanding smile. They walked in silence for a while, getting close to the main gates. It wasn’t awkward or anything, it was a kind of silence that seemed to diminish a barrier that made them acquaintances and now made them friends. It was a nice silence.

“SUNGGYU!! My beautiful baby!” 

Was.  Myungsoo and Sunggyu turned to see a lean, muscular young man waving at their direction. There were two other persons with him but Myungsoo looked away quick, he felt the need to say good bye to Sunggyu right then and go to the supermarket that was beside them. After all, that was the purpose of going out late.

“Well I guess I’ll see you in class next? Or if Dongwoo calls you up.”

“Yeah for sure. Take care Myungsoo, it was really great that I met you! See ya!” Myungsoo watched as Sunggyu walked to his lover and turned away walking toward the store.  

The store wasn’t completely deserted but it was quiet to his liking. He picked up a basket at the entrance so he wouldn’t have a lot to take home. He walked through the long aisles picking things placing them either back on the shelves or in his basket. He decided on getting the necessities then what he wanted. He strolled at a slow pace, nodding along to the song playing in the store. It was one of his favorites. When the basket began weigh down on his finger, he headed toward the cashier registers. Myungsoo placed his items on the black conveyor belt one at a time. He didn’t like cluttering them up.

After he paid, he walked home humming to himself. Once home, he dumped the continents in the plastic bag separating his from Dongwoo’s and Hoya’s before putting them away where they belong. Dongwoo and Hoya were already in their room so it was silent. When he was done, he changed into some sweats and got under his covers and stared at his ceiling through the dark. The first days of classes were always exhausting and usually a nightmare, but he concluded that it went well. He thought back of every event, images flashing, through his mind, when he remembered Sungyeol. . He threw a quick glance to the alarm clock on his nightstand. 11:16 pm. ‘Ugh, I don’t wanna look at my phone…but maybe he’s waiting…?’ He debated whether to text him then or in the morning.

“Arg, fine.” He pulled out his phone, blinking rapidly when it lit up trying to adjust his eyes. He hung over the edge of his bed looking blindly for his jeans, and then searching in the pockets for a piece of paper. When he found it, he got comfortable in his mattress again before opening a new text message and tapping his message out on the screen. He shined the light on the paper, squinting at the numbers before he typed them in. Reread text, press send, now waiting. He reached over placing the paper on beside the alarm clock. 11:18 pm.

He sighed. Wonder what he’s doing? Maybe he’s asleep. Then he’ll answer tomorrow. I’ll just go to sleep.’ Myungsoo began to close his eyes when his phone buzzed in his hand. He shot his eyes open reading the text.

That would be lovely.

Myungsoo smiled as he sent another message. When it was sent he crossed his arms under his head. Tomorrow awaited him. He soon drifted into the world of dreams.

[Good night. Dream of me<3]



yay i posted it! 

so i had been working on this for a week or so just that things came up and yeah, it took me a while to finish since i kind of wanted it to be long.

So I might as well tell you guys that this will be long updates but long time to write okay? I like my detailed fics lol.

Anyways comment on what you think, if you see an error or to rant. 

Much love to you guys! <3

have some Namgrease.

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first time writing u guys


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 6: Wowww
Chapter 6: I was waiting for this. Thank you for that , it maybe short but I love it. ^^
Chapter 5: cliffy :(((((((
they seriously looks so hot. holy god Gyu's collarbone
Chapter 5: damn, it update soon. or tables will be flipped. i usually leave a decent comment. but how can i when i'm left hanging like that?
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 5: Definitely !
Chapter 5: Well you def' laid out the way to , so stopping here would be a little weird? You can always not go into much detail if you aren't comfortable with writing . ^-^
Woah this chapter was great! y Myung, y Yeol, can't-keep-their-hands-of-each-other WooGyu and YaDong, jup it's all great. =D
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 4: Myungsoo and his friends will meet sungyeol at the Party!!! Update soon~
ehhh sorry! it wasn't supposed to be rated I don't know why it did that ^^;;
Chapter 4: M? *huff*