I Really Like This

Math Class [Sequel]



Sungyeol awoke to the sound of birds chirping by his window and the sun shining brightly. NOT. Sungjong had come into his room and shouted ‘WHERE DID YOU LEAVE THE COOKIES?’ to which Sungyeol grunted three times and then Sungjong slammed the door closed in delight. They had their code okey? Anyways, that was ten minutes ago. Sungyeol was lying in his bed, awake but not getting out soon because he was still warm and cuddly in his blanket with his bear. Plus he was barely remembering all that happened yesterday and did not want to be disrupted by Sungjong and his life narration.

So yesterday, what happened after his sudden burst of confidence? He had to hide and wait for Myungsoo to leave because he forgot he had to get his add code for the class then listen to Sungjong’s ing on how he found out Woohyun had a boyfriend for the last two month that they didn’t know about. Well, Sungyeol ed too. What kind of best friend does that? Is he that terrible? Sungjong and Yeol couldn’t be the terrible ones for sure. After that they went back to their dorms and confronted Woohyun and made him call this boyfriend of him. And also made him buy take out of course.

Then they met him. Well bashed Woohyun first for about two hours or so.  They waited for him by campus entrance. It was late by then so the streets were pretty empty. They saw two figures coming from the opposite side. Woohyun started hopping up and down like a bunny before he began to wave at two males. They could see one with a tan jacket and white v-neck with his back pack over his shoulder. If Sungyeol wanted to color his hair in a drawing, he would choose the crayon called ‘Tiger’s Eye’ from his Crayolas because it was just so fitting. He also had small eyes so he would just draw lines for those, no offense. He thought of it as a compliment. The other guy had a grey hoodie and left to the store. It didn’t matter though; he had to interrogate this guy. Who also turned out to be in his math class.

Math class. Sungyeol smiled into his blanket as he remembered that he had a brunch date at 11 am. He began to fish around his sheets in search of his phone to read over the brief conversation because he liked to relive little moments like that. His hand bumps against the metal object and he pulls out hand against his neck and goes to his inbox to read last night’s small conversation.


>>11:19PM: It’s  Myungsoo from math. Tutor. How about some brunch tomorrow at the café by the Univ? 10:30am? On me.


>>11:20PM: That would be lovely.


>>11:20PM: Good night. Dream of me<3


Sungyeol smiled widely before he began kicking and jerking his legs everywhere leaving his covers halfway on his bed and floor. He sat up breathing heavily and looked around for his towel.  It was now 8:48 am and though he didn’t take long to get ready, he still needed to get his things for his theatre class later that day, which was like one book, that he put ….somewhere… Whatever, he’d had time to look for it.

Sungyeol abandoned his bed and picked up the towel hanging near his door and exited to the living room. It was empty which meant that Sungjong was probably in his room watching a movie and eating cookies. He walk past his door and entered the bathroom. He undressed and started the water adjusting it to the perfect temperature before entering. Ten minutes later, he was looking through his closet trying to decide what to wear. Obviously he wanted to impress Myungsoo, even just a little but wanted to be subtle about it too. He decided to go with some washed grey skinny jeans and a white and blue button up shirt.  He brushed his hair back loosely and put it into a half pony tail, though some strands rebelled from the hair tie. He gave himself an overlook on the mirror in his room and praised himself. He looked good!

“Where are you going?”

Sungyeol turned to see Sungjong leaning against the doorway. He eyed Sungyeol suspiciously, arms crossed on his chest. Sungyeol sighed and sat on his bed pushing his blankets against the headboard.

“Sungjong, we need to talk.” He patted the bed beside him, where Sungjong soon sat confused.

“Remember high school, how you used to tutor me? And I would still fail?” he smiled slightly.

“Yeah because you always get me distracted with candy and those random stories of yours!” Sungjong poked Sungyeol’s chest repeatedly before Sungyeol slapped his had away rubbing his chest groaning.

“Yes okay, so I know most of the time it was my fault but when we did, you always yelled at me!” He stuck his tongue out at Sungjong who also stuck his tongue out.

Sungjong huffed. “Anyways, what about it? I’ll try better this time I promise though.”

Sungyeol rubbed his neck and looked away, “Yeah about that…”

“What.” Sungjong pulled on Sungyeol’s hand roughly making Sungyeol look at him. Sungyeol looked down and mumbled. Sungjong asked Sungyeol to talk louder.

“I said I have a new tutor! Don’t hurt me!” Sungyeol rushed his words before crossing his hands in front of him forming an ‘X’ preparing himself from Sungjong. But the impacts never arrived. He uncrossed his arms to see a uninterested expression on the younger male’s face.

“Honestly hyung, I’m relieved but I hope that they can keep your focus especially with your attention span.” Sungjong said with a smirk. Sungyeol gave him an offended look and pressed his hand against his chest.

“I am a VERY focused person for your information Lee Sungjong,” scoffed Sungyeol, “and my new tutor is smarter and handsomer than you!” Sungjong gawked at him before slapping Sungyeol’s leg harshly. Sungyeol yelped and began to fake sob. Sungjong smile triumphantly before speaking again.

“No one can be smarter nor handsomer than me hyung. I demand to meet this so-called new tutor.”

“No.” Sungyeol said quietly. It wasn’t that Sungyeol didn’t want Sungjong to meet Myungsoo. He just felt the need to keep Myungsoo to himself at the time and for him to enjoy his company first before he got to share. He wanted to be closer to him first before anyone got a chance. People had to be selfish very now and then right?

“You ! I’ll find out who he is eventually and show you both I am best.” Sungjong stood dignified before stomping away into his room and slamming the door shut. Sungyeol sighed in relief as he found a way to distract Sungjong from his question. He quickly grabbed his things and looked for his lost book that was under his bed then dashed out of the dorm before Sungjong remembered to interrogate him of his morning date. He scampered down the stairs and burst into the streets inhaling deeply. He was free! He pulled his cell phone from his pocket to check the time. 9:25 am. ‘Right on time’ he thought as he began strolling down the pathway toward the entrance of campus. It wasn’t a long distance. The most he would take would probably be twenty minutes and that was a snail’s pace, which was his favorite speed.

As we walked with his back pack slung over his should, he debated whether he should text Myungsoo or not. He bit his lip hesitantly as he stared at the ‘create new message’ under Myungsoo’s name. Right when he was about to press it a message popped up.


>>9:39AM: Good morning. Did you sleep well? Remember our date today~   ;x

Sungyeol squealed and began to jump around in a circle. He was lucky that it was still early so students wouldn’t see him since they would still be tucked in their warm, snuggly beds. He smiled widely as he responded but then he thought ‘if I reply fast, it’ll mean that I was waiting. I’ll just wait a few minutes.’ He shrugged as he continued to stroll stuffing his phone into his pockets trying to enjoy himself but, my god, he wanted to reply. He gave a silent shout as he took out his phone and pushed the ‘send’ button dramatically. He watched with wide eyes as the ‘Sent!’ box popped up. He sighed and continued his walking waiting for the phone to buzz in his hand. He started to think about what he should order. He wanted a whole meal and a warm drink. Americano made everything better so he’ll go with that. As he began to salivate at the thought of an iced Americano, the vibration in his hand snapped him out of his coffee fantasy. He smiled at the words in the small screen.


>>9:45AM: /Scoff. Why would I forget? I figured you would. I bet the reason you slept well was because I told you to dream of me and you followed instructions ;) I’m on my way to the shop. Hope you are too.

How exactly am I supposed to reply to this?’ Sungyeol pouted slightly. He was only two or three street away from the renowned coffee shop but he didn’t want to be there early.  He began to type quickly sticking his tongue out to concentrate.


>> 9:49AM: You’re so full of yourself. /Eyeroll. I’m also on my way. So I guess, see you soon?

After sending the message, he looked around and noticed he was one block away. He was there early. Ugh. He spotted a small store filled with cute things at the corner of that block. He skipped inside to hole himself for the next half hour. The shop was small but stuffed with different tinkers and cute things. He was greeted by an orange haired boy who was talking to another one with wavy brown hair. He gave them a small smile before wandering to the charms. He needed a new charm for his phone and wanted one for Sungjong since he felt guilty about earlier. Sungjong was one of his best friends and choosing Myungsoo, someone whom he’d just met, over him did seem kind of harsh. After some time, he held one charm for himself, a plush cat with an eye-patch, and one for Sungjong, a yellow cat with a fish in its mouth. He checked for the time on his cell, 10:09. He also had a message from Myungsoo.


>>9:57: Am not. Just stating the truth. Yes indeed.

He decided not to reply since he had let some much time pass by and went up to the counter. He recognized the orange haired boy from the univ, probably walking around but not the other one who stared at the other with something warm in his eyes. Once he had paid, he recognized there was love in his eyes and blushed at the view of the couple smiling at each other loving and he could not get out of the shop quick enough shoving the charms into his backpack. He looked at the sky; it was completely clear and blue.

“Ah, how I miss the feeling of being in love,” he hummed to himself. He closed his eyes as a breeze swept by, “or at least thinking I am.” He stood there for a while before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who was disrupting this very personal moment to see a smiling Myungsoo standing beside him. He looked stunning as the breeze played with his bangs. ‘He’s beautiful…’ Sungyeol began to blush when Myungsoo waved his hand in front of his face. Oh god, he was staring.

“What are you doing here?” Sungyeol said flatly. Dammit. He wished he hadn’t though when Myungsoo feigned hurt and pout.

“Ouch, I was hoping something nice you know? Maybe I shouldn’t treat you to brunch…”

“No no! I’m sorry!” Sungyeol frantically clung to Myungsoo’s oversized blue sweater exposing his already exposed collarbones much more. ‘What are you doing Sungyeol?’ His mind questioned his actions. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep Myungsoo with him, it was just he…wanted a whole meal. Being a university student is hard you know? At least, that’s what he reasoned with himself.

Myungsoo chuckled as he patted Sungyeol’s head to reassure him he wasn’t leaving. He was having so much fun already. Sungyeol stood up straight just a few inches over Myungsoo. Sungyeol sneaked a peek at his phone, 10:30.

“Right on time then?” he said, glancing at Myungsoo who was still smiling from his small tantrum.

“Yeah, didn’t want to be late on our first date.” He smile turned into a smirk as he saw Sungyeol turn away. He was pretty sure he was blushing. ‘Checkmate.’ They walked into the café. It was a rather cozy place when it wasn’t bustling with students getting black coffee after all-nighters or cramming students. They sat at the table furthest from the entrance. The waitress came by asking to take the order to which Sungyeol responded brightly. Myungsoo watched amused as Sungyeol beamed at the waitress who reread his order. He asked to have the same except he wanted a cup of hot chocolate. They were left alone and it was silent. Sungyeol’s eyes flickered left and right causing Myungsoo to chuckle lightly. He watched as Sungyeol looked at the table between them, cheeks tinting. He cleared his throat before finally looking Myungsoo in the eyes.

“So…,”Sungyeol started,” not to be rude but why are we having brunch?”

Myungsoo exhaled loudly,” Well if I am going to be your tutor, I at least want to get to know you so we won’t be awkward around each other. It would be better, don’t you think?” he tilted his head to try and charm Sungyeol with cuteness.

, , he’s so cute. Oh I could just die,’ Sungyeol’s thought as he tried to keep a straight face. He began to talk slowly to keep his voice steady and hoping it wouldn’t crack like it usually did when he was nervous or excited.

“Well, I guess so. And I guess we should talk about pa-”

“Let’s not talk about that yet,” Myungsoo cut him off. “Actually, I have a deal about that.” He crossed his arms on the table leaning toward Sungyeol whose eyes widened unconsciously.

“I’ll tutor you for class and homework or whatever you need. Of course, it’ll cost but here’s the catch which is beneficial to you in a way. You won’t have to pay me if you don’t get good marks. I also want to be the one to name the way of payment. It’s a win-win situation. You get good grades while I get a payment…at the end.” He smiled at his genius plan. He had thought about it as he walked on his way here. He tapped his heel to the toe of black boots underneath the table waiting for Sungyeol’s response who seemed to be processing his deal.

Sungyeol, who was staring at Myungsoo’s face the whole time he listened to his deal, was replaying what Myungsoo said. It wasn’t that he understood, okay he did in a way but it was because he was really dazed with Myungsoo’s features that his words jumbled up in his head. So he was having trouble piecing the whole thing to get the main point.  He had to agree, it was a good plan! But he was nervous about what ‘payment’ Myungsoo would ask for. Sure, he had insinuated something more the first time he spoke to him, not that he would of mind since Myungsoo was really, REALLY, attractive, but still, what if he wanted something else? He hoped he wasn’t some sadist though it did kinda sound hot…NO! ‘Sungyeol, what the ? Snap out of it!’ he frowned at himself in chaste unaware of the eyes that bore into his face, observing him. He sighed after a while.

“Okay that sounds like a good deal.” He smiled at Myungsoo who was still staring at him. Myungsoo smiled and leaned back as he saw the waitress approaching them with their plates and drinks. Once they were placed in front of them and the waitress was gone, Myungsoo spoke again with an elated feeling fluttering in his stomach.

“Well, let us enjoy this warm meal to celebrate the beginning of our deal.” He smiled brightly at Sungyeol who returned the smile with his famous gummy smile. Myungsoo suddenly felt something in his stomach. He shrugged it off thinking it was the desire of the food and not the oh-so-ing-cute smile Sungyeol had. They ate and talked every now and then, commenting the food and Sungyeol’s love for coffee.

The day was barely beginning for university students and this was also the beginning of a humorous adventure that Myungsoo and Sungyeol never planned on enrolling to…



Okay so I was suppose to update last week. I know, I'm sorry. >>gets shot<<

But my best friend is moving away to college and I'm getting some thing ready before she leaves and it's so devasating and difficult and ugh. I'm so sad. I wrote extra in hope to make up for the missing time. I'll probably take long again since she's leaving in two weeks and she's planning activities that i can bawl over after she's gone.

UGh.  Sorry if it has various mistakes. I really wanted to post this as quick as possible. 

Anyways, comment and omfg 40+ subscribers!!!1!! you guys are amazing :') Thank you so much and your comments lift my mood up a lot.


ADD A/N: I did incorporate a cameo of characters of a previous ff. ^^; it's L.Joe and Niel. 

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first time writing u guys


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 6: Wowww
Chapter 6: I was waiting for this. Thank you for that , it maybe short but I love it. ^^
Chapter 5: cliffy :(((((((
they seriously looks so hot. holy god Gyu's collarbone
Chapter 5: damn, it update soon. or tables will be flipped. i usually leave a decent comment. but how can i when i'm left hanging like that?
deliciousyou #5
Chapter 5: Definitely !
Chapter 5: Well you def' laid out the way to , so stopping here would be a little weird? You can always not go into much detail if you aren't comfortable with writing . ^-^
Woah this chapter was great! y Myung, y Yeol, can't-keep-their-hands-of-each-other WooGyu and YaDong, jup it's all great. =D
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 4: Myungsoo and his friends will meet sungyeol at the Party!!! Update soon~
ehhh sorry! it wasn't supposed to be rated I don't know why it did that ^^;;
Chapter 4: M? *huff*