
I will ALWAYS find you


After finishing up the garden I decided to get a job at the local café.

You decided to walk because the café was not that far from your new house. While walking you looking up towards the sky * I hope me running away did not scare my relatives* you thought, even if they beat you and blamed you for the death of your parents you still loved them because they were your family.

You were just walking enjoying the breeze when you heard someone yell “WATCH OUT” you look up and your eyes widen. There you were about to get rammed into by a tall guy on a skate board you froze you didn’t know what to do. As if in slow motion a body pushes you out of the way and, you land on the soft grass. “Are you okay?” the boy who saved you asked.

You nod and quickly get up to see if the skater boy or the guy who saved you was injured. You saw that the skater boy had a huge gash with blood dripping out on his right leg “OMO” you half scream as you run to him “lets get you to a hospital” you say as you help him up.

The boy who saved you comes up behind you and says “It’s Okay I’ll take him” “Yah Dongwoo hyung you standing there is not going to make the pain disappear” the tall boy states “Okay okay Sungyeol “ Dongwoo replies. Before they could disappear you quickly opened your wallet and gave them most of the money in your wallet, which wasn’t much, maybe about 35,000 won. “ No it’s fine but thank you” the skater boy said as he limped into a cab along with the other boy.

You looked back and saw that he did not take his skate board with him you picked it up and decided to keep it until you saw him again.


The walk to the café was normal no people on skate boards ready to hit you it was a really calm walk.   


When I arrived at Namu Café, I entered and heard “hello and welcome to NAMU CAFÉ ~~~.” “Oh thank you,” you said as you walk up to the counter,


“I saw the employees wanted sign on the door so, if I could get an application that would be nice” you said as he really looked shocked at me. “Uh….Uh… yes of course wait here so I can grab the application for you” he said as he walked off to the back room.

When he came back he handed you the application and said “Here you go” he says as he hands me the application and says “By the way my names Sunggyu” he extends his arm towards you. She shook his hand “San Min”

*I know* Sunggyu thought “I hope to see you in this uniform by next week Bye~~~” he said as you were exiting.


On the way home you were thinking about what Woohyun told you, that six other boys houses surrounded you.  “ hum~~ met Myungsoo he lives right next door, the skater boy’s name was Sungyeol so that was one. The boy who saved me his name was I think Dongwoo and the boy who worked at the café was Sunggyu so I have met five, two more to go” * I bet I will meet them soon.


When you reached your house you saw Woohyun and Myungsoo waiting outside your door. As you climbed the steps they turned around to see you. “ Hey San Min my mom just wanted to invite you over for dinner because we are having an Infinite gathering at my house so we wanted to invite you” Myungsoo just nodded as Woohyun spoke. “ Yea sure I’ll be over soon Just let me get ready but you can come in if you want” you said as they both walked into your house with you. You ran upstairs to get ready as they stayed in the living room. You decided to wear a simple white tee, jeans, and red sneakers. You ran down the stairs jumped the three last steps and almost tripped when someone caught you.

You look up only to see Woohyun looking down at you with a smile. You quickly get out of his arms and point to the door “lets go” you say as you skip to the door with a face that matched your sneakers, red a bright red.


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