chapter 3

Dance Performance


“How much longer obba?” I whined loudly out to Jay obba while dancing.

“Jeez Bora, you’ve only been wearing those things for thirty minutes. Only 2 and a half more to go!” Jay called out from the front of the studio. I sighed and looked down at my poor, 10cm-heel-clad feet. I was ok with dancing with heels, but I hadn’t done so in a long time and my poor feet were dying as consequence.

“Anybody else complaining about the heels??” Jay called out to the rest of the girls. There were quiet ‘me’s and agreements all around. Jay stopped the music.

“Alright then, since you girls are being girls and complaining about your heels I am going to make you a deal. You have to get used to wearing those heels ASAP, but you also want a break, so I will let one couple out at a time, girls must be wearing the heels, to go the convenience store up the hill to get yourselves something to eat. Is that cool with you girls?” Everyone nodded.

“Alright then, Bora since you complained first, you and Hoya are gonna head out last. Soyu and Sunggyu, go!” Jay smirked at us as he clapped his hands and cued the music once again.

I glared at him and got into position, muttering to myself, “stupid Jay obba doesn’t know the pain we go through when we get blisters on our feet. I’m going to sue him for this. Then I’ll make him buy himself a pair of heels with the little money he has left, and I’m going to make him dance like crazy. Let’s see how he feels when that happens to him. Hmph.”

I heard a chuckle and looked at Hoya who was smiling at me. I pinked a little, embarrassed at my mini outrage and looked away.




I saw ChangJo and his partner walk in through the door, looking refreshed and happy.

“Bora, Hoya! Time for your break~” Jay called out to us. We stopped dancing and Bora heaved a sigh of relief as she got her thin cardigan and grabbed her purse. “Oh hey! By the way, since you guys are last, and I’ve been such a great mentor and teacher to you, could you please please please buy me a drink as well?” Jay pleaded, his lips slowly turning into a pout. I turned around before I had to see the rest of Jay hyung’s aegyo.

“Yeah hyung, no worries about it. See you later.” I replied back, gently gripping Bora’s wrist and pulling her out into the street.

“You don’t like his aegyo pout do you? I mean, not that I don’t blame you. It’s…disturbingly cute.” Bora chuckled. I smiled along with her,

“He’s great, he’s charismatic, he’s y, but he shouldn’t be cute. It just...doesn’t work.” I grinned at her. Chuckling at the thought of y, charismatic Jay hyung doing ‘bbuing bbuing’ aegyo, I stopped short when I realised I was still holding onto Bora. Swiftly, I let go, and lifted my head to see a surprised Bora looking at me curiously. I blinked at her, unable to say anything; I could feel my face going red. 

“Why did you just…never mind.” Bora muttered and turned forward and walked slowly ahead of me. She was dragging her feet, and I knew it wasn’t just because she was offended or troubled by what I had just done. She seemed to have really outdone herself during practice and seemed tired. As whingey and whiney as she was, she worked hard to perfect all the dance moves. She was constantly pushing herself to do better, and that was why she was such a skilled dancer.

We reached the convenience store and entered. She seemed to have gotten over the incident earlier as her eyes lightened up at the sight of the delicious drinks and snacks lined up on the shelves.

“Which one do you think we should get Jay obba? Do you think he’d like milkis? Or 2%? But what should I get? What are you going to get Hoya obba??” She smiled at me, the way she was excited reminded me of a child.

“Get anything for me and hyung, and choose something delicious for yourself.” I smiled at her as she widely smiled back. I paid for the snacks and we slowly started to move back to the studio. I could see that Bora’s walking had gotten slower so I took her bag of snacks from her and looked at her face. “Bora, are you ok? Do you want to stop and sit for a minute?” I asked her, slightly concerned as she shook her head in a listless manner.


“Are you sure you’re ok Bora? You seem dead, no offence, and your feet must kill from those shoes. Do you want me to carry you?” Hoya looked so concerned and worried. But I knew he was tired as well from the dancing.

“No, but can I please just lean on you for a moment before we have to start walking again. I’ll feel better again, I promise.” He nodded as I leaned towards his shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his arms wrap around me gently to help me balance.

“Earlier…I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, I just slightly surprised myself,” I heard him murmur softly; “I’m really usually not so forward. I’m more of the quiet type of guy that isn’t used to dancing with girls. I’m sorry if I did offend you though.” I shook my head slightly and lifted my head. “It’s nothing, so no need to apologise. I just hope we can get closer and get to know each other more.” He nodded back at me, and I pushed myself off him and we resumed walking again.



SORRY it took me awhile to update. i.. got slack :P

enjoy.. ^^

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I like this :3
Chapter 4: Please continue your story....I really like it~
And I like hoya and bora as a couple..
I think this is the most beautiful story that I read so please continue it...PLEASE~
Chapter 4: hwaaaa.... it's will be first date hoya and bora... or just grow the chemistry of them?
Chapter 3: update please T.T
pharadivahany #5
Chapter 3: update soon, please:)
hai_young #6
Oh hohohoho~ thanks ill try to update a few times before exams start:)
Borateuk #7
WoW thanks for the update ,.. Waiting for your next .. Fighting <3
kiana0509 #8
yeah~ i like hoya couple sooo much~
update soon plz~
cant wait for your next update~