chapter 2

Dance Performance


We’re dancing as couples? The thought of doing a couple dance actually excited me a little. I thought about all the possible dance partners there were. There was Jay obba, but he’d probably choose Jessica unni for himself. Then there’s Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Yukwon, Minhyuk and Wooyoung obbas. They were really good at dancing. And there was Changjo who, as young as he is, dances so crazily well.

But there was one guy who had really caught my eye. Hoya. He has style, the body and the moves. I started noticing him about a year ago when I saw him at the dance studio by himself once. He was practicing alone and I was shocked at the talent and skill he displayed. I started to respect him so much more, and maybe even started to develop a bit of a crush on him.

But he probably doesn’t realise that, despite the effort I’ve been putting into trying to impress him a little.


-the next week-

I walked in the studio door, only for my name to be called out.

“BORA!” I turned around to see Jay obba standing with Hoya, motioning for me to come to them.

“You and Hoya will be pairing up for the class couple dance. You two are two of the best dancers in my class, so you guys better be prepared for some extra moves I’ll throw at you along the way. Ok?” Jay obba informed us. I nodded in reply, as did Hoya.

“Alright. Now go do your thing while I go round the rest of the couples up.” He shooed us off and I made my way to the corner of the room to put my stuff away.

I smiled to myself at the prospect of dancing with Hoya. I knew we’d make a good couple and I was eager to show how much I had improved.



“OKAY GUYS! NOW 5, 6, 7, 8!” Jay yelled out before joining in with the rest of us at dancing and moving along to his choreography.

I put my hand on Hoya’s shoulder and swayed my hips and I walked forward, and he walked backwards. I ran my hand across his chest and his shoulder as I walked my way around to stand behind him. I felt him tense a little as I wound my arms around him and leaned in until he dramatically threw my hands off him and turned around. He grabbed my waist uncertainly and lifted me and spun around slowly.

The music cut off and Hoya put me down.

“Woohyun good, but keep your arms straight when you lift your partner. Sunggyu, you gotta relax more and tense less when Soyu goes to embrace you. Hoya, hold Bora closer when you reach for her waist.” Jay was giving out pointers to everyone else as I pinked a little at his comment. Hoya nodded and got into position again.



“Right, from the top again!” Jay yelled out and cued the music.

We were doing alright until I reached for Bora’s waist. I was uncertain about holding her so intimately and I wasn’t used to dancing with a female dance partner. The music stopped again.

“HOYA! You’ve got to hold her closer than that! She’s your partner for Pete’s sake, not some cootie filled girl that you crush on in primary school!” Jay hyung yelled at me. I blushed and pulled her in closer by the waist.

We started the routine again and this time, I could feel her presence beside me the whole time. In one way or another, we were in contact with each other, and honestly, I enjoyed it.

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I like this :3
Chapter 4: Please continue your story....I really like it~
And I like hoya and bora as a couple..
I think this is the most beautiful story that I read so please continue it...PLEASE~
Chapter 4: hwaaaa.... it's will be first date hoya and bora... or just grow the chemistry of them?
Chapter 3: update please T.T
pharadivahany #5
Chapter 3: update soon, please:)
hai_young #6
Oh hohohoho~ thanks ill try to update a few times before exams start:)
Borateuk #7
WoW thanks for the update ,.. Waiting for your next .. Fighting <3
kiana0509 #8
yeah~ i like hoya couple sooo much~
update soon plz~
cant wait for your next update~