Chapter 4

Dance Performance


“Hey Hoya, Bora,” Jay nodded in acknowledgement at the two dancers that arrived at his dance studio, “I called you two here for extra practice because you two will have some extra parts to go through during the routine. I asked everyone if they minded if you guys received more spotlight, and they were all fine with it. So you guys have no choice really.” Jay shrugged his shoulders and grinned at the two in front of him. Hoya and Bora looked at each other and smiled in amusement.

“I hope you guys are prepared to see each other’s worst, and to do an all-nighter because seeing what I’ve prepared for you two, you’re definitely going to need it, and hate me for making you do this.” Jay looked at Hoya and Bora sternly. “But then you’ll love me again, because I’m me, your awesome hyung and obba.” He grinned and laughed as the other two joined in with him.

“Oh almighty hyungnim, what dreadful routine have you got prepared for us?” Hoya sarcastically asked, smirking.

“I think… this is definitely perfect for you two based on your dance style and movements. We’ll need to tweak it a bit along the way, but you should probably see it first.” Jay pulled out his ipad and showed them the routine he had recorded previously.

Bora’s eyes widened as she saw the dance moves. “Y-You expect us to do this?? I don’t know about Hoya, but me; I can’t do this! It looks so difficult!” She exclaimed loudly looking worried all the while.

“Bora, really? We’ve all seen how you dance and you dance like crazy. Everyone, including me, acknowledges how good you are. You really should consider getting into dance professionally. But we’ll discuss that another time. And yes, like Bora said, Hoya, you’re perfectly capable of doing this, and you know it,” Jay looked at Hoya pointedly, “So I want you two to give it your best shot, make the most of it and most of all, make me proud.” Jay grinned widely. Bora smiled, having gained more confidence about the dance routine.

“Okay then. What do we do first?” Bora asked, anxious to start practicing.

“Go put down your things and I’ll teach you.”


Bora panted heavily as she lay down on the floor as soon as the music stopped .To the left of her, Hoya also flopped, his chest heaving as he started to catch his breath.

“I..CANT..DO..THIS..ANYMOREEEEE,” Bora whined as she stretched and massaged her legs. Hoya sat up, chuckling at Bora.

“You always say you can’t do it anymore or that you just don’t have the potential to do a certain move, and yet you always push yourself and make yourself the best among the girls. Have you realised?” hOya asked Bora, who chuckled and scratched her chin, pretending to think hard.

“No.. I guess I didn’t realise but now that you say it like that.. I think I do.” She chuckled along with Hoya, “But.. I’m surprised YOU noticed me, when we’re surrounded by so many other talented dancers.” Bora looked up at Hoya, raising her eyebrows in suspicion.

Hoya looked away, chuckling, “yeah well… you ARE the prettiest and most talented, in my opinion and obviously Jay hyung’s.” Bora’s cheeks pinked at the compliment and looked around the room, trying to think of a way to avoid becoming awkward. Noticing this, Hoya abruptly stood up, held out his hand to Bora and pulled her up once she grabbed his hand. Unconsciously, he had pulled her hard enough that she landed right in front of him, with only their hands between their bodies for distance. Hoya and Bora both started to turn pink from the close proximity of their faces, and didn’t know what to do; not wanting to offend the other by letting go, but not wanting to stay there, for concern of the health of their hearts. (XP LOL)

“T-Thanks..” Bora quietly said first, prompting Hoya to let go of their hands. They broke apart, looking awkward and quiet until Hoya walked over to the stereo and played their song from the start, filling the empty room with loud music, getting rid of the previous awkwardness.


-the next day-

“BORAAA~ A FRIEND CALLED HOYA IS CALLING! DO YOU WANT ME TO ANSWER IT??” Hyorin shouted through the door to the bathroom which Bora was washing in.

*Huh? Why is Hoya calling? Maybe its urgent…* “YES PLEAAASEE THANK YOU!”

“Hello. This is Bora’s phone. Hyorin speaking.”

“Oh… Hi Hyorin, this is Hoya from dance class.. Is Bora available?”

“Oh~ Hoya~ I thought your name sounded familiar!” Hyorin chuckled at herself, “She’s actually washing up at the moment. I can give the phone to her if it’s something urgent?”

“S-she’s washing? Right now? ..oh no its ok~ nothing urgent! I’ll call again later! Thanks Hyorin! Bye!” Hoya hung up the phone quickly. *Bad Hoya! Get those thoughts out of your head!*

Bora came out of the bathroom, drying her hair. “What did Hoya say?”

“Huh? Oh.. he said it was nothing urgent and that he’d call again later, and then hung up really quickly…” Hyorin replied, shrugging her shoulders as to why he hung up so quickly.

“Oh... okay thanks, I’ll be in my room then.” “Okay unni.”


I was settled into my seat and was surfing the web when my phone rang. I was getting a call from Hoya and I don’t even know why but I was nervous. We had always just texted each other, never talked on the phone though.

“H-hello. Hoya?”

“Yeah, hey Bora~ you…finished washing up?”

“Hahahaha yeahh I have,” I chuckled, finding his awkwardness cute, “Why’d you call?”

“I just wanted to see if you were free tomorrow. For lunch.”

“Oh. You mean before dance practice tomorrow??” I quickly scanned through my mental calendar, making sure I was free.

“Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch and then go to practice together.”

“Mmm, okay that sounds good! Where should I meet you?”

“Meet at the station near the dance studio? At 12 sound good?

“Yup! It’s a date then! See you..tomorrow…” *CRAAAAAPPPP I JUST CALLED IT A DATEE!!* I fanned myself, trying to make my face return to its normal colour as I waited for Hoya to reply.

“Hahah it’s a date then. See you tomorrow.” Hoya’s deep voice chuckled into my ear even after we hung up. 



bugger! i missed it by 20 minutes! I logged into aff for the first time in aaages and saw that the last time I updated this fic was 25/08/2012 so I wanted to update it yesterday, when it was also the 25th of August..just a year after my last update.


I'm sorry I've been so crap and have been neglecting this. I have ideas along the way, but I dont know how to connect it all in writing..

I also graduated from highschool and entered uni between today and one year ago so things have been hectic..

I reaaally wanted to update yesterday but I watched secretly, greatly (the movie) and had to work on my law assignment and got sidetracked.. not that thats a good enough excuse.. xP

Half of this chapter I wrote last year, and the second half I just wrote.. LOL


anyway.. I hope people are still keen on reading this since I DO plan on finishing it.. hopefully this year XP hahaha


thanks for readinnggggg x)



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I like this :3
Chapter 4: Please continue your story....I really like it~
And I like hoya and bora as a couple..
I think this is the most beautiful story that I read so please continue it...PLEASE~
Chapter 4: hwaaaa.... it's will be first date hoya and bora... or just grow the chemistry of them?
Chapter 3: update please T.T
pharadivahany #5
Chapter 3: update soon, please:)
hai_young #6
Oh hohohoho~ thanks ill try to update a few times before exams start:)
Borateuk #7
WoW thanks for the update ,.. Waiting for your next .. Fighting <3
kiana0509 #8
yeah~ i like hoya couple sooo much~
update soon plz~
cant wait for your next update~