Bommie in a Nutshell


"Bommie, I'm here!"I shouted as I entered the small bustling cafe.

"ahh, right on time as usual, go get your uniform on!"greeted Bommie as she carried a large tray filled with drinks to a nearby table.

"ok!"I replied as I headed into the back grabbing my uniform that was hanging on a hanger in my cubby. The uniform was a pink knee length dress that had short puffy sleeves and was fitted at the bust and flared out at the bottom with a white apron that also went to the knees. I didn't enjoy the outfit, but I didn't hate it either. I had to leave my precious frames in my cubby as Bommie had deemed them "loser frames" and that I wasn't allowed to where them when I worked. I picked up my nametag that said "Mimi" on it because Bommie went through a phase where she wanted to be a secret agent and changing all her staff members nametags seemed like a good idea to her. So I was now Mimi the waitress, no longer Eunmi the highschool student.

So I left the staff room and headed into the cafe to find Bom swamped with people.

"Mimi! can you get table 4 for me!"She hollered as she skillfully balanced plates and cups on her arms and head,

"sure!"I replied as I made my way to the table in the far back corner of the cafe.

"Hello, my names Mimi and I will be your waitress today, may I take your orders?"I said absentmindedly as they gave me their orders and I made my way to the back to give their order to Youngie.

Youngie was a cheerful girl who pretty much ran the kitchen. her real name was Dayoung, and tried her hardest to stop Bommie from changing her nametag, but as usual what Bommie wants Bommie gets.

"ok, I'll let you know when the orders ready!:replied Dayoung with a smile as she took it from my hands and I headed to the next table.

------------------------------3 hours later---------------------------

Things began to slow down as it got later and soon there was no one in the cafe so Bommie sent Dayoung on break and took over for her as I began to clean some tables.

I heard the door chime as Bommie rushed out of the kitchen to seat them as I headed to the back to put my cleaning supplies away and grab my order pad. I began to leave the back when I saw who was sitting at the table and quickly hid behind the kitchen counter.

"Bommie could you get the order for me"I asked in a strained voice as I shot her a pleading look.

"why? is there a boy you like here?"she asked mischeviously.

"nuuuuuuu, it's an annoying new kid who won't leave me alone!"I whined as she crossed her arms over her chest and began to grin evilly at me.

"no, Mimi it's your job you go take their orders!"she demanded as she pushed me into the restaurant making me look like a fool.

"Hello!"Bom greeted pushed me in front of the table. "this is Mimi and she will be your waitress for today!"

"hi"I added lamely as I avoided eye contact with the nuisance."may I take your orders."

"sure, I'll have a black coffee"said one with silver hair that stood straight up on end, defying gravity.

"does the hot chocolate have those little marshmellows in it? I love those!"asked one with a beiber cut.

"uh yeah"I replied.

"YAY! I'll have it!"he stated excitedly.

"I'll have a coffee with two creams, and 2 sugars"said another with a tiny mohawk as he flashed me a innocent smile.

"I'll have an expresso with a shot of you"smirked one with short black hair as he tried to hit on me.

"uh, what?"I stammered as my face grew red.

"he'll just have an expresso"said the one with the mohawk as he shot the other guy a glare.

"Eunmi, I didn't know you worked here"smirked the nuisance as I turned towards him to take his order, earning a few confused looks from his friends.

"I'm sorry sir, but as you can see from my nametag my name is Mimi and I have no clue who you are"I replied nonchalantly as I waited for him to tell me his order.

"hmm, maybe, but I'll have a frappucino"he said as he shot me a look that said "your not fooling me".

"ok, I'll be right back with your orders" I quickly said as I practically ran back to the kitchen and hid behind the counter once again.

Bommie, you are so dead"I muttered through gritted teeth as she sat there laughing at me.

"hahahaha, you should see your face, hahahahaha"she laughed as she grabbed my order slip from my hand.

"you know I hate you right"I muttered as I looked at her darkly.

"Love ya too, hun" she replied still laughing her head off as I went to serve some more tables

"Mimi, order up!"she shouted as I slowly made my way towards the kitchen trying to put off my torture for as long as I could. "and hurry up!"

."aishh, I'm coming be patient, I say"muttered under my breathe as I grabbed the order and made my way to their table.

"here's your orders, 1 black coffee for the silver haired one, 1 coffee, two creams, two sugars for the one with the mohawk, a expresso for the with the cheesy pick-up lines, a frappucino for the guy who thinks he knows me, and a hot chocolate with tiny marshmellows for the sweetie with the beiber cut."I said as I placed each of their orders in front of them and left. leaving them sitting there akwardly until I heard beiber say.

"she called me a sweetie"

"aisshh"said another as he hit him on the head. "don't let it go to your head"

-------------------------------------3 hours later------------------------------------

"Eunmi, you can go home, I'll finish up here"said Bom as she began to do the cash flow.

"ok, see you later"


I changed out of my uniform and back into my school uniform, donning the loser frames once again, and left the cafe hearing the familar sound of chimes as the door closed. I began to walk down the street when I heard a nauseating voice from behind me.

"oh hi, Eunmi, fancy  meeting you here!"greeted HyunA as she walked up to me.

"uh, yeah hi"I mumbled confused as she threw her arm over my shoulder.

"what are you doing here?"

"uh, I work in this area"I said queitly as we walked down the street akwardly."what about you?"

"I just came to warn you to stay away from GD, he's mine and you will regret it if you don't"she replied cheerfully as she smiled creepily at me.

"HyunA, I do not want anything to do with GD, trust me"I said.

"oh goodie!"she grinned,"but just as a warning..."

She trailed before I felt impat on my right eye and the world turn black.


"Eunmi, Eunmi wake up"I heard someone say as my eyes fluttered open to reveal my favorite red head standing over me worried.

"B-bommie"I stuttered as I tried to lift my head.

"aishh, don't move"replied Bommie as she picked me up with ease."how come your so light? have you been eating properly?"

"Unnie, where am I?"

"right now, your in the middle of a sidewalk a block away from the apartment, care to tell me what happened?"

"I don't remember"I lied as she let out a large sigh.

"aigooo, what am I going to do with you, your eye has such a dark ring around it" she replied cringing as she assessed my injury. "your lucky I left when I did"

Still carrying me, we entered the apartment where she carefully placed me on the couch and headed to the bathroom for the first aid kit. Quickly returning with it, and began to try and stop the welling.

"ok, just swallow this pain killer and go to bed, your most definitely not going to school tomorrow so forget about waking up early"she replied sternly as she looked at my eye worriedly.

"but bommie, I have to go to school, I'm on a scholarship and if I miss class I could get expelled!"I replied in shock."I'm fine. really!"

"aishh, fine, but no work afterschool got it?"she replied giving in frustratedly.

"yes!"I replied as I hugged her.

"hurry up and go to bed before I change my mind!"she said as she got up and left leaving me on the couch to fall asleep.


I woke up at the usual time and started my daily routine of showering, getting dressed, doing my hair, and putting on the minimal amount of makeup I wear except today I had the task of covering up the black ring around my eye. It was no easy task, but I managed to get it to not stand out as much.

"Bommie, I'm off to school!"I shouted as I grabbed my backpack and left the apartment before she could change her mind.

I walked the short distance from the apartment to the school, getting there early as usual and kept my head down to hide the bruise. I made it to homeroom without anybody noticing and decided to sit next to another quiet student to avoid sitting with GD. She just nodded as I asked to sit next to her as she stuck her face into a book, and I quickly sat down, beginning to do some homework.

"GD! sit with me!"I heard HyunA say flirtaticiously as I completed another problem.

"sure"he replied and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he went to the back of the room to sit next to her.

Class ended quickly and I was soon off to my next one. I actually made it to lunch without any trouble or acknowledgement from GD, which was good. I headed up to the roof as usual for lunch and leaned up against the wall. I took out a tiny compact and checked my eye wincing as I attempted to retouch the make-up. Soon I gave up and closed my eyes as I waited for the warning bell to ring. I heard the door to the roof open and close, but thought nothing of it and continued to sit there peacefully.

"what happened to your eye?"asked a deep voice from in front of me, I cracked open my good eye to find Lee Joon sitting in front of me, looking at me curiously.

"nothing"I replied annoyed that he appeared.

"oh don't give me that, I can see through the make-up that you have a black eye that wasn't there yesterday"he replied annoyed with my answer.

"and why would you care that I have a black eye?"I said.

"hmm, tough question, I just do ok? you have to quality about you that makes me like you"he replied as he looked at me concerned.

"fine, I got punched in the eye and hit my head against a brick wall causing me to be unconscious for a bit last night"I replied as I looked at my feet barely believing I had just told him that.

"and you still came to school? you should've stayed home!"he said as he looked at me worriedly.

"I'm a scholarship student, I can't risk expulsion"I replied as I continued to stare at my feet.

I felt a hand grab my chin and force me to look up.

"your not leaving my side until I make sure you get home safely, and if I'm not in your class, I'll make sure one of my friends is"he replied sternly.

"fine" I muttered as he let go of my chin and we headed to my locker to get my stuff for art class."don't tell me you have art aswell?"

"I don't, but Cheondoong does!"he replied as we entered the art room, where a boy with medium length black hair sat working on a sketch.

"Thunder! meet Eunmi, she's going to be your best friend for this period, please take care of her!"he said to his friend as I akwardly stood next to him.

"nice to meet you!"he replied as he smiled at me cutely.

"ok, you two become friends, I'm going to Dance"said Joon as he left and I took a seat next to Thunder.

"So my new best friend, what shall we be drawing first?"he asked as he showed me his drawing.

"uhh, I don't know"I replied sheepishly smiling a little.

 "then we shall draw PENGUINS WEARING HATS!"he exclaimed as he held his pencil in the air as I giggled at him.

"ok then"I giggled as we set to work on our masterpieces.

"ah look it's my favorite seat partner!"I heard an annoying voice behind me as I inwardly groaned causing Cheondoong to stop what he was doing at look at me and the devil.

"I'm sorry, but me and my best friend are busy and we would not like to be disturbed."he replied bluntly as he turned back to his picture and continued drawing.

"I thought you had no friends"replied the annoyance in confusion.

"She does otherwise I would not be her best friend! now away with you, in the words of the great lord of the squid YOU ARE BANISHED!"Cheondoong said dramatically as he shooed the annoyance away successfully.

"thank you Cheondoong"I wispered as we got back to work.

"your welcome~ now let's see our pictures~"he replied as the bell for class to end rang and we showed eachother our pictures.

"ahh, yours is sooo good!"he I handed him it.

"keep it, it's yours"I said as we walked to my next class.

"REALLY???I can have it??"he replied his eyes wide.


"omo! then you can have mine!"he said as we walked into the math room and sat down at desks next to eachother.

"ah! looks like you guys are getting along great!"said Joon as he and 3 others guys sat down around us.

"YES! ME AND EUNMI ARE BFFL'S!"cheered Cheondoong as he turned to face his friends as I pulled out a book and began to read as class began.

Class went by rather quickly, I read my book and did the homework the teacher gave us while Cheondoong and the others talked amongst themselves about girls and sports, I noticed GD was at the back with HyunA with his tongue down . Once class ended I slowly gathered all my things seeing as I wasn't supposed to go to work today. Joon was waiting at the door as I headed out.

"hey"he said as I passed him at the door as he followed me down the hall.

"hi"I mumbled back as I tried to figure out what to do to pass the time until Bommie would be home."why are you following me?"

"I'm making sure you get home safely remember?"

"can you not, I complied with the whole class thing, but the walking me home is too much, you gotta compromise here"I said as I stopped and gave him a pleading look.

"ok, fine, but you, me and the guys are hanging out tomorrow wether you like it or not"he said sternly.

"I can't I have work"

"then we shall visit you at work"he replied stubbornly.

"aishh, fine"I said rubbing my temples and we went our separate ways.

 I made my way to my locker slowly. Attempting to take up as much time as possible and to avoid as many people as possible aswell. Once I arrived at my locker I put my books away and tidied it up a bit. Feeling satisfied I brushed the dust off of myself and looked at myself in the small magnetic mirror I had on my locker door. I was immeadiately drawn towards the black circle slowly re-appearing on my face, I lightly touched it wincing a little in pain and closed my locker door to find a smirking GD behind it.

"so what's up with you and Joon?"he asked curiously as I grabbed my backpack.

"none of your buisness"I said as I my heel and began to walk down the hall with him following. He grabbed my wrist and made me face him.

"tell m-"he started as he looked at my face."what happened? where did you get that?"he said confused as he pointed at my black eye.

"it's none of your buisness!"I said as I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and ran away to the old abandoned park behind the school.

No one ever went there, even if they knew where it was. It was like a sanctuary for me. A very rusty, but peaceful sanctuary hidden away from civilization. They apparently put it in, in hopes of opening an elementary school nearby, but it never happened, so it was pretty much abandoned and everyone forgot about it's existance, kinda like myself. I always found came here when I had some free time or just needed to escape. After sitting in the playground for awhile I decided it was time to go home and wait for Bommie, because her shift would be over soon.

 I made it the apartment safely and removed what was left of the make-up that had been doing it's best to cover the giant black ring around my eye. I heard the front door open as Bom came in and collapsed on the couch.

"Long day?" I asked as I sat down on a nearby chair.

"yea, those guys from the other night came back, did you know that one was smoking hot? why didn't you tell me"she began to whine as she droned on and on about one of them.

"I'm going to bed"I said as I waved to her before disappearing into my room where I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.



Hi guise~ this chapter is REALLY long I know......It's just that....I don't know...didn't know when to stop it?...anyways I hope you guise like it! it was alot of work and I think I'll have a GD POV in the next chapter, and that's where you guise all go "oooooooooooo GD POV" because that's what I'm imagining your reactions kekeke. So I'm going go start writing a new chapter right now!


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