The awesome professor

Something Strange

Dara was walking along the hallway. The school has an event. Plenty of seniors are seen on the hallway. Some are playing drums, people are  throwing garbages here and there. Juice spilled on the ground. "What's up here?" She thought as she made her way on her classroom to the 4th floor. It was quite muddy on the school field but people are having fun. "What's this for?" She continued on walking as she reached on the 2nd floor. The students are bumping to each other, noise covered the whole hallway. She had a hard time walking fast. "Oh... I'm really late." She snapped as she forced herself to run. She reached the 3rd floor. It was quite quiet there. All the seniors are on the lower ground. "What's the celebrating all about?" But she brushed all her toughts, realizing that she'll be cleaning the whole campus. "Oh crap. So this is what my professor has been telling us?" She ran as fast as she could. When she reached the 4th floor, she stood infront of their classroom's door trying to fix herself and trying to catch her breath. 


She saw that her chair has the only vacant one. "Howcome I'm the only one? Didn't they had a hard time a while ago?" She thought as she hit her forehead with her palm. "Aigoo.~" She took a deep breath as she opened the door and stepped inside the class. The lecturing professor and all the students turned to her. It was silent. "Ugh..."  Dara remained quiet. She stood still. "Please take your sit." Her professor told her and smiled. "Sir?" Dara couldn't believe what she heard. "I understand. It rained a while ago. Don't worry." Dara's heart beated fast, liking her professor more. Since he has a good looks he's nice. "T-thank you, sir." She replied as she proceeded on her seat. The students were looking at her. "But Ms. Park, I hope you still didn't forget the agreement..." Her professor continued. "Yes sir, I know. I'll be cleaning the whole campus." She sighed with a smile then the professor continued on his lectures. "Okay, class. Look infront."  


"Omo.~ Thank you, thank you. PROFESSOR!!! You're so nice..." She said to herself as she pulled out her book and pen but she almost forgot that it got all wet. Luckily, before she reached the school, she had dried herself already but she can't wear that 'til the end of the day. She turned to Bom, she's a girl scout, well, actually not. She just call her that because she bring all of her stuffs like make-up for retouch, extra shirt. She's oozy. When Bom looked at her, she raised her eyebrow as if asking her what does she want. "I need an extra shirt, let me borrow yours. Please!" She whispered. "Okay, okay." Bom replied and turned infront. 



Classes are about to end. I think I'm not the only person that would be cleaning the mess on the entire area... That would be too cruel, well not really... They warned us already. BUT WAS I THE ONLY ONE LATE? 


Didn't they had a hard time this morning? 


Author's POV

Dara brushed her thoughts away as she heard the bell rang. She looked at Bom and tried to tell her to wait but Bom isn't in the mood today. No one could force her to do somthing she doesn't like. Like what I told you... Stay away from her to prevent experiencing the Bominator and the Corn attack. Dara sighed. "I'll be going home late." She was in her seat, shaking her head sidewards as the students are starting to leave.


"Ms. Park, are you okay?" Dara heard her professor who was smiling at her. He must've seen the weird things that she had been doing. Dara froze and panicked for a moment. She was staring at him and he does the same. He was ready to leave because he was holding the book just waiting for her answer. "Y-yes sir, of course." Dara forcedly chuckled as she rubbed the back of her neck.


"Don't worry, you're not the only one who would be cleaning the campus." He smiled again and this time, Dara was a little calmed already even though her heart's still thumping. "O...oh... Really sir? We're plenty?" Dara's face lighten up. Having the courage and hope that someone would be helping her. "I'm not sure. But good luck." He cheered her up which made Dara's smile go weird... Smile like a...  Forget it. "T...thank you sir..." She whispered as her professor left.


It was still early. She looked at her watch and smiled. We can do it. Very confident and blithe that they would finish the task early. She went on the CR and grabbed the mop. Luckily, the seniors were not that plenty now and the students went home early, preparing for test. She smiled as she went downstairs. 


She never expected that this would be harder. "Where are they? Where?! WHERE?!" She continued on cleaning as she tried to search for 'them.' She looked at her watch and it was already 7PM. There are just few students left in the campus. Band Club. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" Suddenly, she heard her phone rang. She took it out from her pocket. "Oh, I forgot." She answered her phone. It was her grandmother.


"Where are you?" 


"Sorry, I forgot to inform you grandma. I was late a while ago and I have to clean the campus." She replied.


"Oh... What time are you going home?" 


"I'm not sure. I'll just call you if I'm done. I'm the only one cleaning here."


"Why? Why wouldn't they help you?" Her grandmother replied with a worried voice.


"I can manage this, I could finish this by 9:30PM."


"Okay. Be careful there, okay? And eat dinner first. Just call me when you're done."


"Okay. Thank you, grandma. Bye."


Dara continued. And grabbed the broom this time. "Argh... I still have to clean the other part of the campus." She wiped off her sweat as she sweep off the floor. 


"Whew. Well done." She cheered herself up as she looked at her watch. "8:17." She went on the opposite side. The students and the band club left already. The only hope was the other employees who do the overtime and the guard. She took the mop and went on the opposite side. dropped. It was clean. CLEAN. "H-huh..." 


"Excuse me, dear." She heard a voice behind her. She was suprised and turned to see who it was. The guy was holding a mop. TOO. "You're late also?" Dara asked. "Exactly." Dara sighed with relief. "I should've known this earlier!" 



"I think it would be rude if I leave him here. ALONE." Dara thought as she helped him out. "I'm okay. I can manage this. You could go home." The guy offered. 


Aww... This guy's so nice. But I couldn't. I'll wait for him. And besides, he was a big help!



The guy took his bag and looked at Dara. "You're staying her 'til tomorrow?" He asked seriously. "Oh..." Dara stood up and took her bag. "I'm Dara, Sandara Park." She smiled as she stretched her arms. He looked at Dara and smiled. "Ji Yong."


"Do you want to eat?" Dara offered since she know they both haven't eaten yet and they're both tired. Ji Yong stopped walking and looked at her as if deciding.



Author's note: Oh... Ji Yong! Say yes, say yes!

Go and eat together.~ Trololol.~

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daragon yo.
xxxibkwnsjn #2
@g-topftw: Yeah, I changed the title and the Foreword. But please don't stop on reading. :D. It's still the same story. ;D.

@sandaragon: Yeah. Ji Yong! Go and eat with her or else I'll eat you alive. LOLs joke.
Go jiyong eat with her(^-^)/
Authornim please make daragon sweeeeeeeeeet moment please please please please please please (⌒‐⌒)

Authornim please update soon (^^)
Did you change the title?
Hello, hello. :D.

sandaragon: Thanks. LOL. XDD. I might be weird at updating. I sometimes/often update late but I'll try. ;D.

may_cassie: Yeah, I just found myself making a fic like this. XD. And how they look like... Dara is still cute while Ji Yong and TOP are even hotter here. Okay, that information is enough for now. XDD. :D.

Thanks for reading! Chu.~
Please update the next chaper please (^-^)v
mayonizee #8
1930..? whoaa.. I wonder Dara, Jiyong, and Top look like..
update soon please.. ^^
Please update soon (^-^)v

I already like it (^-^)
It's very interesting (⌒‐⌒)